Finally found a way to Get the Infernal Robe even without killing Karlach in Baldurs Gate 3

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in one of my previous videos I've shown you the consequences of killing Colac you get this extremely gorgeous and very rare robe as a reward in that process so I was kind of upset that most of us are going to sacrifice this robe as we love karlak so much so in that video I asked my audiences to comment if they know a way to get this robe without killing color to be honest I tried to find a solution myself and at a time I started to believe it is kind of impossible but you know what yesterday I got a comment from this gentleman who just discovered a way to do this he showed me the process and I'm going to share this with you guys big thanks to him once again now without any further delay let's do this I'm starting from the camp while I have no one in my party now I'll recruit will that's the spirit I need to ungroup myself from the party to make sure that I go to collects plus alone now let's visit kalak do not go too close to kalak we need to avoid the introductory Cuts in by enemies now attack and kill Carlock the journal is updated and we have to talk to will now let's get to Will and see his response about the kill Minds there is one will seize you attack his infernal Target in his Mind's Eye colax defeated karlak is Fallen Hells I should be celebrating making toasts roaring in Victory so why am I Frozen in doubt tell me it was right to strike her down not exactly the words of Solace I'd hoped for damn it all I vow to hunt vicious monsters not join their ranks no kalak blazed with the fire of earnest you saw it you smelled it infernal Essence tip to toe I've slayed Myriad Devils each one a threat to faeru I've torn the horns from their heads without a second thought why should this time be any different my prey has fallen hail the blade hail again and may our strikes always find their marks everything happened like before right the journal says we need a long rest now but before the long rest I will be visiting dead car like once again any guess what I am going to do I'm going to revive her but remember to keep a minimal distance between you and Carla [Music] well she is alive now how is the change going to affect everything else as garlic is alive now will we still get the reward let's find out it's long rest time she's coming in foreign I thought it was time I'd drop by the doghouse mizora the one and introduce me to your friend where are your manners kept me a secret time to let the Hellcat out of the bag call me mizora I'm Will's Patron the fount of his power your warlock friend is my puppy and he's been a very good boy I say fetch and he'll fetch I say killer fugitive tiefling and well I don't need to tell you you said Devils only she was a tiefling not a monster Clause G section 9 Target shall be limited to The Infernal the Demonic the heartless and the soulless cheer up buttercup karlak had no heart you did the world of favor more to the point you obeyed is the blade of Frontiers Devil's plaything just doesn't have the same ring speaking of [Music] thank you always a pleasure Shane that tadpole's gone and pissed on your party but I'll be damned if it goes pissing on mine I've got some errands to do but don't you fret much pop I'll be back in three shapes of your tail keep an eye on him will you I'll be keeping mine on you oh and well don't forget our pack still stands it is amusing I have tricked them and it feels pretty successful so far but can I recruit Khalid now I killed her before the long rest remember one horn the stink of a furnace advocates diaboli well I'll be God's Damned the blade of Frontiers thought I'd shaken you for good that'll teach me to underestimate you bloody right an honor to be chased by the blade of Frontiers but I great he draws through you her heat fiery as the hells then your last envisions of demonic armies as you tear through a landscape the Fire and Blood the blood sword from above as the nautiloid pass through awareness this woman was on the front line what was that evident proof that you're a devil a gladiator in the archdevil zariel's army I can explain but it's a whole situation if you just hear me out another Vision collects Blade Raid slicing through Devils zarya's servants as her eyes Dart around seeking Escape her rage and Desperation seep into you she's a victim of the blood War it's an agent of it we're trying to trick us don't believe her lies he saw the truth I never wanted to serve Zario I was enlisted in her Army against my will forced to fight a fight I did when I saw an opportunity to get away I took it finally home near It Anyway You served her that's enough to damn you oh my God will are you serious or what's going on is that the same man who was feeling very upset about kalak few hours ago you don't know what you're saying you're asking me to trust the devil foreign I don't want this to end badly for either of us you know monsters right better than anyone look into my eyes can't you see I'm not what you think really are no devil are you I've I've been deceived oh thank the gods thought I was gonna have to take your head you've died in the attempt but there have been enough threats today truth then eh I truce and you are well met Soldier nice to meet you friendly around here it's been tough going so far I may not be a devil but I can put the Blade's reputation to work everything remained exactly the same like beforehand it is hilarious at the same time well well well now Colac is our party member and we have the spatial robot the same time so guys that was all for today if you have like this video please consider subscribing have a nice day goodbye [Music] thank you
Views: 716,451
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 review, Baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 guide, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldur's gate, baldur’s gate 3, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, BARBARIAN, BARD, CLERIC, FIGHTER, MONK, PALADIN, RANGER, ROGUE, WARLOCK, WIZARD, SHADOWHEART, WYLL, MINSC & MINSC, bg3 ending
Id: P-rDMxFTw8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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