Baldur's Gate 3: Is it Even Worth it to be Evil? | Choosing Your Alignment

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Vader Ursula Thanos Gollum that one guy from Die Hard everybody loves a good villain and there's a reason why players are always so drawn to playing them because being bad is just so much fun you already know what's about to happen to this [ __ ] guy but it's certainly not for everybody in a game like Baldur's Gate 3 if you're gonna attempt to Unleash Your villain Arc you better be ready for everything that comes packaged with it this game will test the limits of even the most diabolical players Phil responds by grabbing the tongues and yanking the nail from the prisoner's thumb you have to do that part I'm here to examine whether this evil juice is even worth the squeeze hopefully by the time this video ends you'll have an idea of whether you want to go into Baldur's Gate as a triumphant hero or reduce it to scorched Earth as its newest baddie ever since the concept of playing a good guy or a bad guy was introduced in the early days with Classics like Knights of the Old Republic and Fable most Gamers have given the chance will be tempted to tap into that darker side even if sometimes that dark side isn't all that glamorous do you chase chickens chicken Chasers for an addict like me I take the opportunity of being able to play both good and evil characters it's just another excuse to play through this game multiple times I might be a little bit biased here since I enjoy this game so much but I think everybody should try to play through Baldur's Gate 3 at least once as every single alignment to get that full experience in an attempt to complete this challenge myself I've had to do my fair share of evil runs and I've gotta say I don't think this is going to be for everyone here's a few reasons why you might want to reconsider going that chaotic evil crowd and we Ed it's like this speech is either like super rousing and awesome or really sad yes it really is it almost brings a tear to my eye you may try to avoid it but you either die a hero or live long enough to become a murder hobo if you decide one day that you want to slay literally every NPC in the game there isn't really anything stopping you except for Withers do not try to hurt Withers no by accuracy will be Lord have you done almost every dialogue in the game has the option to just attack in the event that you can board with the conversation put your swords away before you get too excited holy [ __ ] you need to understand that this game will punish you if you decide to wipe out the entire population and rightly so what kind of bad guy just kills everyone you'd have no one left to torment if you kill all the vendors in this game because you think it's easier to loot their treasure than it is to haggle for it my God look at all this [ __ ] you're gonna quickly realize that there is now no one willing to buy all the shiny gear that you just paid the iron price for in fact this game will start to feel extremely empty once you start offing everyone that blinks in your general direction worry not you'll be able to scratch that murderous itch the developers were kind enough to sprinkle in plenty of unbearable NPCs that are just begging for you to cut them down screams real good too Larry has also just announced An Origin option specifically tailored for all you Psychopaths out there choosing the dark urge origin at the beginning of the game will unlock a special extra evil extra gruesome storyline in which you try to fight off or embrace your dark urges to make the whole world bleed when I say bleed I do mean that in a literal sense your character will have a very particular kind of obsession blood blood blood let's not kid ourselves we're all gonna try hyper evil mode at least once just keep in mind these words of warnings from The Game's creators Dark Side of Baldur's Gate 3 is as many dark sides on it not for the meek of heart just warning you uh it goes very brutal it can go very very brutal when you play darkers but it's just a game living up to the choice and consequences of your choices you can always resist so whenever you go somewhere it was your choice to go there being evil is all about balance and showing restraint when necessary you can do that right Coors it's College is she okay let's say instead that you're more drawn to a neutral evil kind of villain Arc the kind of villain that only commits light genocide and only because they got caught stealing from the wrong Goblin choose your next step grow wisely hear a Goblin Raider why are you stopping me who are you shoe you don't have to be a mass murderer to justify putting evil on your resume there are plenty of dialogue options in this game that won't end an immediate Bloodshed just be prepared to be a dick sometimes even a scoundrel like me found it hard to select some of these dialogue options come on will torture the fellow you can be so rude in this game which is mostly fine since a lot of the NPCs are rude right back to you friend near Coast ers it's kind of fun when you find someone who's down for some back and forth [ __ ] talking just people [ __ ] around just be careful you get a good read on them before you say something that could turn the entire Camp against you if you plan on being the kind of evil person that verbally abuses everyone that you cross paths with this is a great chance to spend some quality bonding time with the little illithid tadpole growing inside your brain a lot of mean yet undeniably fun dialogue in this game lets you use your little worm buddy for a 99.9 chance of success now tell us the chick to kill ourselves are you serious certainly yes there is a non-zero chance that you'll probably become a mind player if you Embrace this power too much but don't cry I'd still love you if you were a worm okay okay so you don't want to be a murder hobo and you're not too keen on being a dick to everybody just because you can sound like you might be steering towards a more lawful evil path though one of my favorite types of evil this one is certainly the hardest to role-play in game paladins clerics and Druids get a lot of really awesome dialogue options when the time is right but to pull this type of evil play style off as a non-divine class could be a little tricky when creating a character rather than just selecting a race in a class that combo nicely with each other I recommend sparing some thought into what kind of character you want to play traitor now comes for you so that's Will's breaking points against your own people you're also the team dude what laws and codes are you going to uphold do you wait until someone crosses a line before turning Lilith are you loyal to your people and your people only tell him true soul I would say nothing it's kind of evil that requires you to avoid getting bad guy tunnel vision and saving your dark Deeds for the appropriate time but come on are they really considered dark Deeds if your actions are Justified Baldur's Gate 3 is the furthest thing from two-dimensional so to label your character a single shade of good or evil would be almost impossible I'm certain that the dialogue and characters in this game will continue to challenge the morals of every player a good RPG has you questioning what side you're really on at the end of the day is it worth it to be evil well who's to say you have much say in the matter there's infinite ways to enjoy this game and there's certainly no right or wrong way to play it I just hope that now you have a bit of a clear idea of what kind of Adventure you want to leave when the game launches if you decide you'll want to burn Baldur's Gate to the ground let me know I want to hear all about it from a safe distance of course thank you everybody for watching and thank you so much to everyone that's already subscribed to the channel your support has me endlessly motivated to keep making content for you all stay tuned for more in the coming weeks as the game release is just around the corner I simply cannot wait when they come cry love when they bleed delicious
Channel: ProtoTom
Views: 145,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's gate 3, BG3, Baldur's gate, RPG, Evil, Dark Urge, Dragonborn, Let's Play, Game Play, Multiplayer, solo, funny
Id: FEsE83tUTI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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