Every Dark Urge scene in Act 1 | Baldur's Gate 3

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foreign the blood in your head thrums and pounds pounding blood obscures Who You Are an overwhelming loss of memory how you ended up amidst these hellish Flames is just as hidden you have nothing in your skull it's your name and a headache you are in danger the torturer behind this cruel prank will meet your malice when you get out of here killing now that sounds like your first good idea you half expected your memories to return once you are free of the Mind flayer ship past is still an aching void if you don't find a way to remove the tadpole burrowed in your brain soon your future will be as blank as your past your head Whispers venture Adventure cannot wait to slice your way forth seeking whatever walk this tragedy upon you ancient corpse since you awoke on the ship your mind has been cold and empty but something stairs with your hands close to this body you know nothing of why but you find a half smile flittering across your face this feels like home there is something unknown and unspeakable deep your heart you approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically because malfunctioning a hand anyone we're on to flesh is begging to be pruned and it's sucked from mistress eyelids stop cease you lose the dreams cross the threshold of your imagination you snap back to realize they have all come true full of surprises aren't you Joy floods through you your days on the nautiloid but now you are truly awake alive this squirrel might be the single most adorable creature you can recall in all your stunted memory it would be ever so twee if it were climbing a tree how heroic I was wondering if we'd survive encountering such a fearsome Beast stare at the body before I just had swirling bile cauldron of your brain as cooking up a poison stew limits leave in a secluded place all alone it would be too easy to do away with her far beneath your talents I won't say anything just don't hurt me please concentrating this look good is the coin in the middle stop it help help huh please I'm sorry this is madness cougar she's just a what Wrath a thief a poison threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger and find her milk that poisoned before single drop of it could kill that child in a heartbeat soon enough first judgment must be passed parasite eats our food drinks our water then steals are most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is restless come cougar we took back the idol surely do a snake's hiss of approval reveals its intentions should the child struggle it is poised to strike the death of a child Timeless tragedy that never grows old now no it's yes Taylor to me gone by the gods Koga what have you done the right and the parents they're just outside this Outsider will take word once I've spoken to him we must focus on the right go on say it you think I'm a monster 's both then Viper to Viper unless you have news of Arabella I don't want to hear it what no no snake that freshly turned soil shifts Beneath Your Feet as you approach the grave the shovel in turn soil feels oddly familiar within your sick heart you know engravedigging you have quite the body count you can remember only the mangled orgy of dead flesh you've dug up but not a single name or face it's John Colac by my living Soul you will forever burn you know I could have used a friend pity that won't be you faint acrid smell smell clings to the corpse like the memory of a storm okay I had to come spree with a sickening crunch upon the Stars tonight smile and pain will fade away words of mine will change no come sounded like a cat being strangled God damn it violence doesn't fix everything you know music can help in ways a silly blade can't besides I'm not doing this for me this is for the people I we lost on the way here it's important what did you do my teacher gave me that and she do I just song for her and you you ruined it you rivet everything too sweet odiously sweet the vomiters go Within churns she sickens you oh my nose you Beast oh it's you that would only be the second worst thing you've done to me you loot freaking oh this is the last thing I need look you left me in a bad way I couldn't stay in the Grove of the others just waiting to die so I left I don't have the energy for this I'm going to bed don't worry I'll be gone by first light you open your eyes with a lurch and you are not in your bed you stand above a body which is in a state of Gore nearly beyond recognition the body of that brave girl who earnestly swore to devote her life to your cause her blood covers you and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend you recall nothing of how you ended up here pounds and aches there are dozens and dozens of wounds on the corpse achilla did not stop savaging it even when she was long gone until dominant um aches it aches from stabbing over and over no matter how it appears the body is there and her blood is on your hands the question flows through your mind who are you really that you could be guilty of such bitter business if you could craft a corpse like this in one night what masterpieces have you sculpted in your forgotten decades you don't have much time for reflection now you need to act you may only have a few moments before the others awaken and begin to cast blame for the hot sin before you a light and delicate girl should be no trouble at all to toss her into a ditch you roll her away further bloody in your hands as you do in lumbering Style have gotten away with murder [Music] when the proud deed of her death was yours why do you have no recollection of it be Lord jubilant today I have found your vile self at last still there it has fell you're loyal and ever adoring Butler I followed you my dear rotted Master we have been parted so tragically long my loudly reprobate I missed you ever so I found you following the stench of that bard she reeked across the coast like it was a dog mark on the road I'm high we will be reintroducing Nick's affiliate your schedule in no time anyways I come once again bearing a part of your Dreadful inheritance you you are through your great show of exceptional violence the other night I'm sure Master will be better soon a fellow of your fine breeding is never down for long I cannot wait until your next Act of Shameless barbarity I would love to Regale you with your past triumphs I cannot Diane forbidden to interfere uh debtors will not allow it be true to yourself my Lord My my what manner of place is this a path to Redemption or a road to damnation not to say for your journey is just beginning what would suit the occasion hmm the words to a lullaby perhaps the mouse smiled rightly it outfoxed the cat then down came the claw and that love was that they do know how to write them in Cormier don't they well met I am Raphael very much At Your Service it's not every day one meets such a Cavalier sinner is yourself uh true bloody pleasure fresh disarmony bearings we could impict these humans oh you got him good now doing you never press everyone just barges in here thinking I ruled the world ah no Knocks things are changing we've got the absolute on our side now you better learn your place go on kiss my foot or I want that nasty look right off your face eagerly feigning reverence good yeah good with one quick snatch you envelop a toe in your phone stuff the toe itself tastes of curd cave aged thick helpings of rancid Gristle you feed I'll cheats you some respect why I I yield I yield since when is yielding been an option got the little rodents good we've had enough party games now I think [Music] Paula peace you know but no you gotta keep silent don't you where do they flee to you're stubborn rats please stop here to see your friend have you come and join them if you like say we'll take over his work is sloppy he'll kill the prisoner too quickly how about it oh I'd like to see you try not please face the prisoner consider the implements provided please stop being soft ain't gonna make him talk you don't know why but you are really good at this this perfect moment to come to an end oh the place we to the east past the ruins and the bridge they covered the gate with ivy more cane you kill him good and you yourself you're a nasty piece of work and we got what we needed you went off bad drow will be happy when she is it I've been expecting you the Goblins tell me that you've forced a confession from our prisoner without your help they would have extracted nothing but screams and blood her thoughts mingle with yours caressing your brain you are a true soul Little Wonder that you serve me so well it is time for the raid to begin the Grove and those who are hiding there will fall there is a weapon the absolute seeks I'm sure those wretches have it hidden away there we will find it amongst the dead and the ashes her excitement is palpable she lingers on thoughts of victory of unbelievers blood spilled end of the weapon she will seize it in the absolute's name go to their refuge and make your way inside as a friend I will gather a reading party and move into position you will open the gates from the inside when the time is right to strike we will cleanse the place of infidels and Burn It To The Ground in the absolute's name and we will be the first among her favorites beautiful painting she depicts of the massacre awakens you hungrily troll yourself you want us on couth as the Goblins the slaughter at the Grove will not begin until you have prepared the way you you must make your way inside once I am in position on your signal break them and when they are dead the absolute will reward your faith as will I for the absolute God's above you're alive a little light just as the day seems darkest I'd given you up for dirt at the goblin camp I'm damn glad to be wrong but what happened we've seen the massing in the woods truly house I didn't expect it we were almost ready to leave there's nothing for it now a fight it will have to be we threw them back once if you're with us perhaps we can do it again I don't oh God you've turned on us else why God's God's help ice Works its way into your mind the way is clear now we can Cleanse This Place completely kill everyone praise the absolute she will reward us well for this Exquisite Carnage the true honor is to serve the absolute She Loves You fiercely I see that in the strength she has given you and she has so much more to give there is a bond between us true soul we can see what you are what you want and you can see what I want through her eyes you see yourself glistening with sweat hands bound ecstasy or Terror maybe both you feel her breath on your neck her fingers running down your spine and then it is over I will come to your camp tonight we will celebrate this victory together as you approach your Camp the raucous celebrations have already begun the Goblins praise the absolute but their celebrations also honor their leaders menthara and you you fought well and so did these creatures thanks to our leadership when you're tired of their company come to me tonight you are mine your heart skips a beat what Treasures might this night bestow you are here good come with me foreign your obedience will make this more enjoyable for both of us tell me what and you shall me [Music] hidden at the center of her desire you discover unexpected fear you draw her closer with all the first embrace foreign
Channel: Royalty-Free Name
Views: 506,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iRfDC2vriRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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