Baldurs Gate 3 - Dark Urge Questline (All Choices and Endings)

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the dark urge gives your character a Sinister origin story with lots of new choices dialogues and different twists on the ending while the questline starts with The Bard in Druid Grove there are already choices and dialogues earlier such as this subtle remark right at the beginning of the story The jurora behind this cruel prank will meet your malice when you get out of here healing now that sounds like your first good idea for this one after asterion joins us I accept as he joins your side your mind dances with thoughts of a perfect pretty corpse when meeting Gail we can choose a different fate for him for onto flash is begging to be pruned and it saps sucked from mistress eyelids stop cease you lose soon as the dreams cross the threshold of your imagination you snap back to realize they have all come true you were supposed to lend a hand not take one should drink in the pungent corpse since you awoke on the ship your mind has been cold and empty but something stirs with your hands close to this body you know nothing of why but you find a half smile flittering across your face as soon as you delve into your mind it is filled with flashes of a thousand different dead there is something unknown and unspeakable deep within your heart you look rabbit pained sick you're spasming and twitching the thing the norm is to keep dirty thoughts like that to ourselves but do carry on it seems you've been dealt a file hand I say play it play it for all it's worth nobody should deny themselves their true nature interesting bloodletting is quite popular of late though your twinge of conscience sets you apart from the brigands monsters and kill happy fiends of the world whatever you think may be compelling you you may have greater ability to resist it than you realize everyone has unseemly thoughts being able to quieten them is what sets us apart from the beasts many a good warrior Savers the scent of blood in the air there's no shame in a capricious murder now and again too many though and you waste energy and dull your weapon my suggestion attack with purpose and Savor your kills I'm sure we can find you a goblin or two to carve up we all have those from time to time I once wished a most impure demise on a colleague of mine Who Bore the last remaining copy of ethereal's and chiridian of enchanting easements first edition too as regards to your own morbid little fantasies I'm sure they're nothing to worry about so long as they remain fantasies well look you've said it write out loud that takes guts the guts you'll need to change or at least make sure you're channeled in the right direction got enough enemies who could do with a good bloodletting you know anger I understand we've been preyed on by a lithids suffered insertion of a mind-bending worm bloodthirst is another matter but perhaps not too big of one if it's a devil or Demon's flesh you're wanting to tear inside Druid Grove a thiefling child stolen Idol of The Druids and the dark urge seized the opportunity snake's hiss of approval reveals its intentions should the child struggle it is poised to strike the death of a child a Timeless tragedy that never grows old now rough no [Music] it's yes Tila to me gone by the god squawker what have you done you can also find a squirrel roaming nearby Guerrero might be the single most adorable creature you can recall in all your stunted memory it would be ever so twee if it were climbing a tree do you always take on such terrifying foes stare at the body before you you have no I have no idea what just happened the swirling bile cauldron of your brain is cooking up a poisoned stew you can interact with the bird that Nettie is trying to heal there life for death we need to be quick the bird's eyes are glassy breathing weak [Music] tearing you play with a broken tissue delicately Airy under what it would be like to fly as the birds do [Music] behind the Druid Grove there's a tiefling child listening to harpies your favorite drownings will take place in shallow water just a slice of the ankle tendons further inside Druid Grove a tiefling woman is all by herself in a secluded place all alone it would be too easy to do away with her far beneath your talents you note her Grimace of pain something is wrong with her legs damn it don't don't look at me like that happens to yourself all right just fall back down legs are as steady as a Falls body potion the symphony already plays in your head every toe snapping like a twig [Music] the first key moment for the dark urge quest line is when you meet alfira you can Inspire her for a song which will lead to her joining your Camp if you defeated the goblins and started act two what [Music] who the Lost Light down you're glad I found wait it's me it's osira from The Grove I'm sorry for barging in like this but I had to come find you you've well inspired me I want to stand on my own two feet prove that I can be half the badly Hollow was I want to join you to fight by your side I want to help people as you've helped me I've been running since El Torell and when we finally arrived at the Grove we found danger there too unless I hide away from the world I can't avoid it so I'd rather face it head on with you really just like that oh thank you thank you so much I won't let you down I promise you open your eyes with a lurch you are not in your bed you stand above a body which is in a state of Gore nearly beyond recognition the body of that brave girl who earnestly swore to devote her life to your cause her blood covers you and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend you recall nothing of how you ended up here you had pounds and aches single moment comes to you the flash of abject Terror in her eyes blood spilling from her lips no time for last words there are dozens and dozens of wounds on the corpse achilla did not stop savaging it even when she was long gone and your dominant arm aches it aches from stabbing over and over no matter how it appears the body is there and her blood is on your hands the question flows through your mind who are you really that you could be guilty of such bitter business if you could craft a corpse like this in one night what masterpieces have you sculpted in your forgotten decades you don't have much time for reflection now you need to act I may only have a few moments before the others awaken and begin to cast blame for the hot sin before you thank you foreign dead before her time I wonder how it happened you woke us up did you see what happened here no I can't help but notice that one of us is positively drenched in blood so she was brutalized killer knife to many times after she was dead was it you the blood speaks for itself why the parasite must be affecting you deeply the worm in your head has never slept more peacefully you know in your heart it was something deeper hungrier even if it was the worm this was peculiar indeed I'll be watching an uneasy feeling lingers in the air as the Inquisition departs you are left alone with a familiar headache [Laughter] you scrub yourself until your hands are cold and raw while your body starts to feel clean the blood doesn't seem to leave there is no magic binding this Blood to your body only guilt you shake your head and it seems to go away only then if you are fortunate no soul will be able to know you were behind this murder you wonder if your misdeed will be noticed another wave dead before her time I wonder how it happened she was brutalized killer knife to many times after she was dead was it you it is dangerous wandering around at night you could bump into anything your guilt is safe for now as the Inquisition departs you are left alone with a familiar headache something revolts in your churning blood why hide what you are you long to expose yourself a light and delicate girl there should be no trouble at all to toss her into a ditch you roll her away further bloody in your hands as you do in lumbering style you have gotten away with murder if you side with the goblins alphera will be replaced by quill ing some friendly faces well met goblins wrap me up and stole my hose when they heard me singing hatchling love you wouldn't have half a bedroom for a lost Minstrel would you I can pay for my board with music care for it side sits hardly ever I meet another with scales as lovely as mine you're the kind of gorgeous I dreamed of nesting with as a girl Groot slang soon to be published in the songbook Affairs in ancient Abeer songs of draconic love if I make it to Baldur's Gate with my manuscript that is the first time I've been robbed I am only glad I didn't get hurt well in all honesty I ran from time answer to avoid my egg Duty hardly a soul on the sword Coast has heard our kinds love chance I've made a fair bit of coin for forming them although half the time it's for some Society of Brilliance to act with two left feet writing a book about us I'll just stay one night promise then I'll be gone I know I'm ice blood but I I get cold so fast I need to be by the fire you open your eyes with a lurch you are not in your bed stand above a body which is in a state of Gore nearly beyond recognition the body of that scared girl who asked for nothing more than a night of shelter her blood covers you and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend afterwards you will get a reward by your butler tonight you can't chase the thoughts of that poor girl you killed from your head you wonder what she looked like as she died for me skew it in abject agony your body barely complies he's such rushes from your thoughts of the dead woman did she die the mystery knows that your pounding heart hey Lord jubilant today I have found your vile self at last killer it has fell you're loyal and ever adoring Butler I followed you my dear rotted Master we have been parted so tragically long foreign the most unprincipled servant you could hope for you have always struggled to conduct yourself properly without me I found you following the stench of that bard she reeked across the coast like it was a dog mark on the road [Music] ah it seems you've become quite the exhibitionist without me I can only congratulate you on your indecency anyways I come once again bearing a part of your Dreadful inheritance you earned this iniquitous prize through your great show of exceptional violence the other night I'm sure Master will be better soon a fellow of your fine breeding is never down for long I cannot wait until your next Act of Shameless barbarity I would love to Regale you with your past triumphs I cannot I am forbidden to interfere ah letters will not allow it true to yourself my Lord if you sided with the goblins Against The Druids and tieflings you can spend the night with mythara but end hers abruptly go go join you when you go to your bed you are mine [Music] now lie down your obedience will make this more enjoyable for both of us tell me what you want and you shall have me as your bodies lock together so do your minds the whole being is laid bare before you and half hidden at the center of her desire you discover something unexpected fear you draw her closer to all the Vim of a Lover's first embrace [Music] inside the shadow crossed lens you can find a pixie inside the lantern that the patrol carries the lantern gives off a chilly glow protecting all in its vicinity from the surrounding Shadows you notice a tiny pixie trapped within these Faye creatures are Infamous for their trickery sometimes playful sometimes malicious you must release me or I'll die slanton only likes the way when I am hurting night and day my name my name is Dolly Thrice now won't you free me from this voice it would be my pleasure truly once I'm freed I'll help you Julie but they're not name it Newfound friend the faintest touch could spell my end no stop please takes my light to protect from the cars whatever you wish all got you like a 10 day old if you don't release me write this moment if you prefer the Kinder type I'll sweetly slurp your guts like tripe you rat now I've got glass stuck in my loaf at least I'm out of that box I'd pin that Posh [ __ ] dried as tongue to his nose if I didn't want to get out of here yesterday I ought to sink my teeth into your sauce for messing around with all this fresh air has me in a good mood what do I owe you catch the tiny thing between only a finger and thumb the hope she had all flickers away would you be happy if you were freed from yourself after completing the gauntlet of char your butler will give you your next task oh it is rather nosley of scholaritas to disrupt your room but I cannot allow the master to forget Duty and keep carousing like this yeah I've been running hither and there they're trying to speak with you again but Master does rather Shuffle about a lot an old Butler's knees can't keep up proof is required that you are worthy of The Inheritance you are very close to receiving A Perfect Crime you must go Target and you will be rewarded dearly the moon Maiden Isabelle she's all but alone now I have been watching her it will be easy the protectors have left she thinks she can defend herself she cannot not again be a good listener and dash off to kill her post taste if you don't I worry greatly for your future yeah I am not certain you were never disobedient before you're little at you may killing your sleep again you may may be executed you might even be disinherited it's not to find out in of last Light I can understand why you did not linger there it is rather a hovel but hovel or not there is who is it killing to be had there if this is killing this towel will still be here for you to bombard when you return master I want you to kill everyone this is simply a matter of Royal principle we hear of a darling thing shining a light in the darkness we kill her you do not it will be terribly embarrassing for the both of us please my liege do not disappoint your father kill the clinic at once oh and every scrap of your marrow yearns to end her dooming The Village would bring foul Glory you can almost taste it hold who are you what are you doing here your body yearns to kill this cleric more than anything else you know it deep down in your writhing intestines all right and yet you hesitate she doesn't believe he will do it you can see she wants to believe there is Mercy in all even in the worst you aren't the first to threaten me but I know the eyes of a killer when I see them you made me no harm do you an experienced cleric can tell such things The Edge within does not want to talk the Restless urge starts to scream foreign [Music] Maiden have mercy on this poor soul [Music] [Applause] did we really have to kill the moon Maiden servant it's rather like watching a tarasque mating ritual one simply assumes villagers will be destroyed in the process you'll have to go quite a bit further to surprise me oh bravo bravo you are growing up to be a fine fellow of the most degraded caliber the cleric and last Light all an Albert an ichord slag Heap and it was all your own work you didn't even need your Butler's advice you have acted with the utmost decorum first The Bard now this Triumph don't worry master I wouldn't show you have a diverse roster of victims from now on hapless men folk deserve death just as much as the girl is it would damage your reputation if the fearing public thought you were Predator after all you're far worse than one of those base Lusty spree killers part of your past is here for you I come with your disgusting prize thank you this prize is no payment but a sign of reverence towards you come closer my depraved prodigy try on your new gym jams they're a present from father it would be rude not too oh such a strapping young behemoth you cannot speak but you have command over your own cruelty [Music] so handsome so brazen this form is the Slayer you will do many naughty Feats with it oh I wish I had time to wax your hide and brush your spines but you're adoring Butler must away but you should be hopeful for your bright future you are going to kill again soon you will keep chopping down the moon maiden's family tree I shall return When you next have need of me I have your estate to attend to we will meet again there good night sweet master A fitting name but have you become the Slayer or has a Slayer merely found a host too weak to evict it I shouldn't need to say it but be careful who you take as an ally especially when their allies taken residence inside you the Beast you turn into as Charming as it is just make sure those claws don't come anywhere near me um yes it does smell the part how is this really what you've become the kind of monster I once vowed to slay but don't bother answering I already know if you don't kill Isabel your butler will force you to kill your lover instead there comes a time when every precious young Master must triumph over scrutiny how do you excelled instead of resisted you would have received a disgusting prize already but it's not too late yet your perfect instincts force your knife arm you know that well from the bad we'll do something fans of the company you've been keeping an example must be set the gods fight over her but is she truly that special I won't leave so much of the talent on her I wouldn't rob you of that light clever mind is Penning tragedy as we speak your repressed urge yearns tonight the moment you close your eyes your favorite person will be brutalized it will be the most perfect most brutal death in your long career even from before your little indisposition there was much disappointment at your reluctance to kill the little Moon Maiden you could kill this one deliberately I'm sure it will be considered a great show of Goodwill the tithe could still be yours I do not doubt you will act with a decorum befitting one of your rank a good night sweet Lord your companion rests blissfully without a fear in the world as soon as you raise the dagger all doubts disappear from your mind replaced by Pure Pleasure In the Heat of the Night those last gasps are those of disappointment with almost no struggle she has gone out like a light the corpse feels Carefree peaceful and loving to linger beside you drink in the sight until the dawn regrettably the corpse before you is not your only company on this dark night footsteps approach not your butler come to celebrate this Splendid deed but the others woken by your happy laughter or the sound of knife on bone killed again we needed them a horrifying thought perhaps the prism's ability to protect us is faltering you did the right thing if the absolute ever takes my mind again I hope you will end me as quickly a reprobate liar but what's one more darling sin on the pile you are holding on to your allies by better hair you'll kill of your poor friend can only mean one thing the degraded scleritest will be back soon enough oh I apologies for the tardiness my festering leaves oh my crumbs of doubting you were most unjust you killed your darling Hong Kong part of your past is here for you I come with your disgusting prize you can stop yourself from killing your lover and start the Redemption Arc which we will focus on at the end of the video what the hell is don't wake me like that I was almost reaching for a weapon hold on you look like you've had a shock something matter all right I'm awake tell me everything as you tell your story fatigue fills your body your head swims with the worst headache you've known how long has this been going on do I even want to know the answer to that brother you trusted sooner given all we've been through already seems like some sort of curse but we're going to help you through this together suddenly you become drowsy your vision blurs and floods with yellow vile and you faint in a dizzy blur you are not yourself all control is gone you convinced me to spare nights soon you and I are both capable of resisting the darkness that compels us easy you're in control bloodlust won't win tonight you can thank me once the bloodlust subsides keep focused the night passes sick and sweating but bloodlessly you once again inhabit your own mind I think some more explaining is in order exactly what just came over you I'll help protect you I promise seems I'll need to just to keep myself safe well it's always an option if we're out of ideas but let's at least try to save you before it comes to that we'll best this just think positively or at least don't think murderously besides there's plenty of foes out there for you to vent your impulses on I know you have your personal demons to contend with if I didn't make it clear before I think you can beat this just don't give in and seek help if you need it during act three you dream of your future and have visions of the past when we Liberate the true Souls from their parasites and their religious delusions only use the power you gain for your own purposes your blood swims hot at the very Prospect you will not have long to wait do now is sleep the urge the deplorably brutal urge sickens within you you'd level the world over that dead world must be yours alone first You Will Rule then you will ruin Triumph after Triumph you have excelled in base villainy for he who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself becomes a monster when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also cases into you you have reached the time of majority and you shall come into your Birthright [Music] your father loves [Music] you Lord Bal shall have but one chosen memories flood back snatches of your story written in the blood of a thousand victims years spent in worship of Bal leading his Savage congregation in prayer sacrifice and Slaughter you were their master and he was yours a cruel Master a dreadlord a devoted father all is greater than you could have dreamed but are a spawn of Baal his hair Zion cruelty of the Slayer leaps around Within you are not the last of your name not yet there's another the Abomination wrapped in flesh you saw in The Colony Oren dear sister Must Die by your hand an offering in Belle's Sanctum your heart Pines for the love of your lord today is a wonderful day for murder in the sewers of Baldur's Gate you meet with Palace murder tribunal to gain access to bal's Temple and fight Oren you gaze upon murders progeny child his most ill-trusted zealots his faithful Departed prodigal servants to return to do his bidding eternally this is the court of the dread Lord's Tribunal I am its custodian Here Come Those who seek to transcend aspirants of his most profane order the would-be Unholy assassins of all but you are no mere aspirant I did not expect to see you again so it is true you have returned a ball spawn who failed to become chosen long ago build stain of Father's Divine Essence left out to dry is he your cousin great uncle brother even Val's billious waters are always a little murky I have heard it said you lost let me revive them in times past Iowa's balls deathbringer his acolyte and you his favorite child you worshiped him the way that he would wish your bloodlust innate your thirst for Butchery unslakable but you were foolish enough to think yourself untouchable you didn't see Oren Rising through the ranks you were blinded by her Artistry her devotion you believed she worshiped you as much as all the others your fall was as spectacular as your birth the purest ball spawned there ever was ruined by his own hubris but now you have returned tell me are you here to have your Vengeance on my granddaughter oh I see why orange spoke of you with daggered spite but this is not her Dwelling Place Oren resides within our father's Temple she may have usurped you once but all her rights and rituals will never match her to your natural gift ball is about to name a new chosen all is between you and my granddaughter are in now and are in has much to learn our Lord does not care for beauty Paul cares only for death death in numbers death in droves it is a lesson our in will only learn in death I wonder if you will be the one sure she seeks to sacrifice you in our father's Temple she dreams that your corpse will be her masterpiece but she forgets before your incident you were the true master you were murder pure murder no excesses no pretensions I believe you will be the one to slay Oren and when you do remember grandfather sarahvak remember how he helped you return to visit him and tell the blood drenched tale of your victory we have a sacrifice prepared for you child of murder let us celebrate your becoming together come child of all offer thanks unto your father for your birth and in so doing be reborn anew Slaughter this Celestial being spill its blood into the forehead and through eradication of its goodness be exalted spare no violence for the dreadlord's grace and savor every moment of the Creature Slaughter behold father Bob your Lost Child bathed anew arise Unholy assassin his most Unholy will be done take this amulet child and return it to your father's chamber you are the true inheritor of his will and he would smile to see you wear it cleanse the Temple of orange girlish shrines and bring your Primal Slaughter back to Ball there is nothing more I can teach you but if you bring about her death return to me we shall Revel in the Divine memory together as family Unholy assassin it does have a certain ring to it you be careful with that amulet I don't like it at all I hope that amulet proves to be worth it it's hardly a Triumph of fashion but it does have its uses today we witnessed near Perfection balls born your blood was foul before but now you are twice tarnished the unholiest Assassin father shall be proud indeed go to him and present your sister as an offering there isn't a moment to lose do not mistake my blessing if it is your death that becomes the offering I would worship that tragedy father loves no sport more than the spillages are pratricide every ball spawn other than he who would be chosen is born to die and every death a prayer go now and do what I could not go to the heart of the slaughter and be the last to live the temple is beneath the city where all blood spilled is drained cleanse the Temple of orange girlish shrines and bring your Primal Slaughter back to Ball there is nothing more I can teach you but if you bring about her death return to me we shall Revel in the Divine memory together as family Welcome to our cause unhurly assassin may your service to Bal be Savage hail Unholy assassin you have fulfilled a fraction of your bloodstuck promise you are learning it takes more than birth blood alone to become a consecrated killer it takes belief it was known to those who walked this path before you common killers children of murder and would be gods and now it is known to you I tricked the first devoured II all in pursuit of the Third godhood I am amazan the blackhearted I stored as bald High Baristas his eternal suck until I sought to usurp him and the tainted faithful see it as an honor to serve Bal even in death he knows to me it is a slave sentence the Lord of murder did not take kindly to betrayal ambition is our curse we have no choice murder begets it always tell me Bell spawn how do you wish to die you really are the most perfect of his children yet born you know there is no being alive Bal will not claim the ultimate victory in his War is to strike the last killing blow ever to be struck a sorry thing there will be no audience left for your finale a fresh Unholy assassin and one of Ball's own blood you are to be commended though I expected nothing less from a child of murder in Murder shall want for naught I remember when I dreamed of the same I am illicera the quick child of Bal Slayer of his Idol children cut down before my time you speak with arrogance one that is familiar the same arrogance has slain many of balls chosen do not repeat our mistakes Dragon spawn you are truly worthy of containing the Lord of murders Immortal Essence the perfect child from the strongest stock he made you well in life I was a bazigal king killer of the five in death I serve our father still until the world grows silent I offer you instruments which will Aid in enacting your foul whims the five my order of Father sporn were among the first to carve the philosophy that saravok's death began we LED our worship by killing the weakest of Our Own Line writing kin slaying into the Canon we hunted down his insipid fledglings in droves until we were all that was left all but sarovach's own murderer who murdered me in turn I am no half-blooded Drake alive I was a dragon of pure Cerulean Chrome but oft the need arose to disguise myself thus yes yes Father Bal mated with a true dragon pray one day you have the honor of doing the same your savior approaches scuttling him without the tyrants Rock you are a man called blood brain thank King father could be refused did it think it could protect did it think it could save only the blades for salvation you do not lie underling it is your blood I am destined to spill your death spit will stain these walls Little Lamb you still don't remember do you bloodkin how you scream does my knife slit your skull your brain juices sticky and sweet a little hole big enough for the worm or body a blood sack to feed it the favorite of Bal turned meat puppet strung up by the sinews and clucked by my hands this is the truth you had forgotten you were the favorite the chosen Oren was your subordinate you let the cultist the ball and orchestrated the absolute plot it was your Genius your cruelty your design and your moment of greatest Triumph when all the pieces were in place she betrayed you if did you at your place ask maggot a ball spawn Slip Sliding in filth with these pigs you don't deserve the murder Lord's blessing [Music] the changeling stands no chance for this one evacuator all right [Applause] most you are the chosen one is near he comes for you [Music] [Music] [Music] I come or inheritance I have a gift you you will lacerate this world a gift from your God your father an offering of his affection for you confirmation that he owns you my Slayer you will grow stronger crueler Prime incarnation of murder domination Slaughter mountains of corpses you standing atop them You Must Destroy This World it is what you were made for for a moment the brine pool of your brain clears die to rest save the world from yourself to accept to become his prophet in any disobedient subject to his Lash ES [Applause] come a testament in blood claim the crown of control The Outfield and come and covered this [Music] the stone trembles with evils former's father's hate careful what you do with that thing unease spills the bile Temple stagnant air [Laughter] we've really done it now haven't you I need you to finish what we started I need you to remember me our mission long enough for that if you try anything else I'll kill you understand the child of Bal I'm glad Papa has blessed our dirty little plot you accepted ball after everything we've been through I can only hope this is part of some clever scheme I'm not privy to otherwise you might as well have stayed with the absolute true nificent display of brutality I expected nothing less of one of bal's children drop that stone you will want your hands free for what comes next you have won Ball's bloody blessing now you think you will step out into the world and carve your name upon it I know better I stood here a century ago and watched this same ceremony unfold I stand Here Again to show you how it ends with your bones rotting beneath your father's Hall your name remembered by none goodbye ball spawn Harpers two arms let's defend this city as we always have my fondest congratulations for your work in the temple well done well done indeed on this eve skeleton's gazes upon perfection you you all you must do now is heed your father's advice when the time comes to survive I did not it was my favorite death yet as he does each time I expire by your side Baal has sent you another loyal Skillet at us watch over adore you in the Carnage to come you shall reach the peak of your holy magnificence it won't be long me Lord it won't be long your command is my wish your demand is my desire ah master I'm sorry I never so sorry to forget my other duties oh what a wretch I am I'm not even worthy of being your scullery maid at once I will shatter some glasses and sprinkle the fragments in the beds of your other followers keep their dreams bloody Lord bals chosen you must think yourself Mighty for it yet you are already Mighty and you would have been mightier still if you defied him and your urges by the gone Gods it isn't the blood you've spilled or the lives you've snuffed out that horrify me most it's the pride you take in it as if you've done all 16 planes a great favor when the absolute Falls I wager our alliance Falls with it you return taint blessed King killer having committed the holiest of sins your despicable sister lies dead and your chosen body bathed in her blood you are so full of promise the perfect chosen I almost hate to bring a challenge upon you but all's will is absolute the strongest of his bloodline will be chosen a spawn who kills a chosen must then become chosen themselves you have done me a great service child of murder in eliminating our in you have cleared the way for me with your death I will prove myself on you it is father's way perhaps not but for his honor I must try to die by the hand of a chosen is the only death I could ever my aching bones in this husk still feel Every Spark of pain from the crystalline moment of my first death in the temple let us die chosen as only balspawn can [Music] as the chosen ball spawn there are three endings of the game the first one being total control and destruction shunned by my God the fury spectacular specimens I will finish this the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of the emperor's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps you Glimpse the lifelong Destiny promised by your father slave dominate ruin in your father's name you must Seize Your rightful claim to the brain not destroy it if you do not then he will Flay and shred your mind so it cannot even comprehend the horrors he will plague you with we could do it you know we could rule the world thank you stop stop what are you doing [Music] [Music] again conquer kill s [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign for the other two endings you defy your God but not your true nature I must end silence the overbearing quiet of your father's disappointment before the rush of your tragic form [Music] your thoughts Wander from your companions and everything you endured to your own piteous fate if only you defied your father when you had the chance and freed yourself of your dark desires but it's too late now your destiny is set your very blood shall clot with the urge and that hungry desire will consume you you may have freed the world from the control of the nether brain but you are not yet free your father is angry what foul punishment awaits you now that you have rejected him [Music] and just like that it's over whatever's left of you is subsumed by the overwhelming strength of your desires [Music] foreign [Music] s barely worthy of the name it's truly believe thy Ploy would succeed it's believe I would not notice I've sought to bolster thy strength by taking away the souls of Mortals but Souls vanish when their hosts become mind flayers did think the other gods would not notice Gods thou may be yet thou has proven thyself fools everyone the supplication of vain the whimper of bowel the death mule of Merkel felled by Mortals I overestimated Thee they did not Vermin away thou Wilt trouble us no more what are you doing no you've butchered so many before each death a gift to your father this one you will take from him this one is just for you besides the dark urge ending there's the Redemption Arc I mentioned earlier in which you kill the tribunal and reject ball foreign bloody long enough you've no idea how wrinkles like mine get caught in Chains like that I suppose some thanks are in order you did a good job putting a stop to those ballist Berks well I was enjoying a fabulous glass well several glasses of some gnomish Joy Mead at chares caress when I came over all woozy my joints stiffened up quicker than a brothel browser's loins paralyzed my vision went black when I woke up I was in Chains overall a terrible ordeal one deserving of a drink I bid you good day but it's been royally shite all round there is no we in this equation my friend I assure you I am quite finished besides it's plain to see that I'm well out of my depth here but you well you gave these reprobates a proper seeing to you clearly have what I don't courage Insight heroism the city needs you I overheard these pigs talking there's a bald Temple deep within the old undercity that the cult is using a century ago it was destroyed by a group of heroic swords let's hope history repeats itself eh yeah you're my spawn your veins course with my Unholy blood accept your inheritance or I will reclaim it were made to conquer to devour you reject my blood and so I will reclaim it I will make another who is Worthy for the first time in over a century silence Falls Over the Bar Temple no chance no screams no prayers in the end your own death brought you more joy than any you wrought on this land slipping into peaceful Oblivion but your journey is not over thou as defied bow thy liege father and in doing so has earned a place among Champions and heroes but alas my courage was in opposition to the Divine cosmology that bound thee to the Lord of murder Thou Art now faithless Godless and doomed to wander the few plain for eternity I will not permit that though all the powers of life and death dictates that it should be served I too still hold some power and I invest a portion of it in thee who have challenged the gods and now liveth to 10 of it thy fight is not over and it is thy fight for one who can look upon bowel and oppose him can survive any crisis so rise Challenger of gods and prepare for battle once more death will not claim thee who whilst I scribe essential a keeper of records and now thine advocate both here and in the city of the Dead so away to atone for thine actions is to do better in a new dawn that dawn has come Paul tried to extinguish thee but his wrath is imprecise he only succeeded in killing the part of thee he knew the urge that drove thee to terrible acts the spark of brutality that made thee is but there is a new part of you that hath grown during my travels that part Baal could not extinguish and so instead of destroying thee hath made the Anew the heart of a savior hath overshadowed the mind of a murderer thou Hast vanquished thine Earth I know all but to State truths is to interfere for the minds of Mortals are easily swayed my place for the most part is to observe this intervention the Reclamation of thy soul is beyond mine ordinary remit but Thou Art extraordinary and so are these times today Thou Art born anew you get to start over to be the person you want to be not what someone else made you to be foreign thy path is clear you must save Boulder's Gate as it was so it is again a hero has risen from a legacy of death you cured you're free this merit's a celebration did what you had to do to get yourself right to choose the life you wanted to live very [ __ ] proud of you mate seriously it was no easy thing overcoming those urges that gripped you I'm not sure I would have managed in your shoes well done his bubbling hate still fills my nostrils not even your treason could dampen This Joy of betrayal congratulations are in order I fancied myself the sage advisor sworn to guide you through what it means to be a child of power and while I mulled on that solemn responsibility you went and took care of it on your own well done truly the path of a bowel spawn is not an easy one nor does it ever truly end but you found your footing where so many before you have fallen wherever you lead from now we will follow I wonder if cortash knows just who it is he is dealing with them nature servant awaits you have vanquished the Slayer as I knew you would you are strong you are mighty you are you you have conquered your urge you have taken back your own soul I'm so proud of you if I had a bottle of dragon Dew I'd open it in your honor the dark Earth's Redemption ending is the vanilla good ending but you are finally free from the dark urge allowing you to live a somewhat normal life like a babe Plus and almost entirely free for the first time you feel alone calm you breathe Baal may have been your beginning but he will not be your end of all those you killed in your father's name one lingers in your mind even now Isabelle the cleric of soluna her death weighs upon you still a burden you will carry for the rest of your days unfortunately you will not have to carry it alone
Channel: Games from Mars
Views: 97,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 49v_6Phdj20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 41sec (5741 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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