Baldur's Gate 3 Review! - GOTY!?

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I want to talk about borders Gate 3 so I've spent the past couple of months trying to avoid all kinds of media when it comes to this game cuz I've been so excited to play it properly and all I do know is that uh the internet is incredibly thirsty for this bloke and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your inits no apologies hello there and welcome to another 5H hour review where pick a game play for 5 hours write down our deepest darkest feelings and then make into a little YouTube video For Your Entertainment all with the idea of answering the question will we keep playing oh it's it's it's been a while I almost forgot to do the intro so borders gate is pretty much as close to playing D and D without friends as we're ever going to get and considering all of my friends are either my cousin or live in a different country yeah wh Wales is a different country like read a book I mean Wikipedia says so that explains things somewhat so I'm going to take this opportunity with both hands right no messing about let's get our timer going and if you're ready I'm ready let's crack on so after picking what kind of genitalia I want my quite clearly fake bearded halfling Bard so I also chose uh Don's Guardian um and in this in this case I chose a large half lady uh mainly because I think that little Don really deserves what the kids are calling a uh a muscle mummy the internet's an interesting place sometimes second worm gets the cheese and all so we wake up on a m flare nordid which is basically a spaceship um in this in these kind of like weird cocoon things which are kind of cool um we get subjected to some my horror which is disgusting and then we we escape which is great so after some mooching about we escaped the ship with a couple of potential romance options and Pockets full of mostly garbage then we fall almost head first into the titula borders gate [Music] wait what it's not it's not borders gate where where are we then it's just called ravage Beach you're joking right you J where so where where's B's gate then no not until after act two what how big is this game well [ __ ] me then forgive me I had no idea so if you pop in search of people that can remove this parasite from your eye or brain it's it's not overly clear right now as to which one it is but uh needs get it needs to get gone so uh off you go try and look for people that can do that I don't have a cure so on your travels you meet the rest of your adventuring party I mean we we've already got lazel who's a gify Yan fighter who worships black you waste time with Idol chatter Shadow heart the half elf cleric of sha maybe we'll get [Music] lucky staran the half elf Rogue who tries to stab you the first time we meet him you seem like a useful person to know you've got Gail the human wizard who you pull out of a portal when you first meet him he's devoted to mistra hello [Music] you got will the blade of Frontiers human warlock who helps you f off the blade and suffer it [Music] sting then you got carlac a tling barbarian who I actually never got to meet in my 5 hours of gameplay um did just after don't worry about it also my my favorite party was uh was myself will shadowart and carlac so I don't want any notes on that that's that's genuinely the perfect party as far as I'm concerned so after some adventuring murdering looting chatting all that fun stuff we find this Grove with with some teelings in it which um some Druids unfortunately want to lock the place down I presume to uh artificially drive up the housing prices give him a chance Ste links can't catch a break I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger so we go off in search of this uh Druid leader called House him who would stop the gro from being locked down and probably help us fix our parasite eye problem so win-win right so we end up having to go to this gobblin camp and fight our way through it to find the STW and while we're at it uh there's apparently a goblin Priestess who might be able to help us as well so you know two stones one bird the absolute has touched you hasn't she so after convincing the Goblins we're sort of one of them with his abs absolute ilid Powers we find house him and in like in in a jail cell and he's fullon big beasty bare form and that's it that's literally as far as I got in my 5 hours I'm not joking this is a massive game you can go but you make one wrong step and I'll rip you to shreds so this genuinely feels like the kind of that some GMS I've played with in the past would cook up over a weekend it's really got that DND D feeling down P it's it's incredible I've spent far more time exploring and clearing the fog of war from the map than what I would normally do in games like this I was also gen L really surprised at how how often non-combat skills came up in gameplay which is amazing considering the fact that I chose Bard so 5 hours in I feel like I've barely scratched the surface this game is genuinely huge um considering the fact I'm pretty sure I'm not even halfway through act one yeah this is going to be this is going to be a long one so one main gripe is that our player character is mute uh he doesn't say anything in dialogue and we choose the voice that we want for our main character but the NPCs seem to seem to carry most of the conversation as as as they're like standing there talking to a gmless mute this is particularly egregious considering the fact that if you're playing a single player like I did chances are your character is going to be the main source of Charisma in the past it's a shame but it's not necessarily A dealbreaker oh you points and click view to you this is a big chill out game if ever I've seen one I was sat in my office reclined feet up relaxed the entire time today has been a lot almost every NPC every animal that I've met all this sort of thing they're all interactable so if you get the chance to get speak with animals get speak with animals you get some real fun interactions with it sometimes I wish I could move the camera a bit more like if I could zoom in and out properly like if I could move it around so I can look up and down I know this isn't a third person game so it's not that big a deal I know it's like a top down isometric it would make my life a little bit easier especially with some fights when there's enemies in the rafters makes it kind of difficult the combat itself is exceptional it really scratches that like like tactical combat itch that I love in D and D games I also love the fact that every character is a melee and a ranged option and you can you can switch between the two really quite easily it makes the characters far better rounded than what you would normally have on a tabletop so that's really fun especially in a video game environment the Action System itself Works incredibly well so the the idea of melee spells range items all that it all integrates really easily and it's really enjoyable can I LEL with you again I played the 5 hours of this wrote most of this script and then continue to syn 35 more hours into this game before actually recording and editing this video so safe to say it's quite fun I said that bit wordsy though is it putting that aside I it really seems that this game was specifically designed for a nerd like myself genuinely um ever since staring up RIT twits I found it really hard to find a game I just want to sit down and play for fun as opposed to recording it and all that sort of thing and editing it all that fun stuff this is one of those games I've really enjoyed just sitting down playing it for hours on end with that being said however uh chances are Joel and I are either streaming this right now or the three of us are doing a free player let's play with actual with like pretend D and D characters keep your eyes peeled there might be some more borders gate free content coming from us anyone the game playay the visuals the writing it all hits for me it's all really well done um I did have a couple of weird visual glitches like where um where Don's beard or Don's hat would like go elsewhere during conversations it's it's funny and not necessarily immersion breaking Okay so um on the way to the goblin Camp there's this Windmill and there's a gnome tied to one of the blades and there's gobblins like taunting him throwing things at him all that sort of thing and after you kill all the gobblins you you can you can uh you can try and save them and a way you do that is by is is by just stopping the windmill uh what I accidentally did was I hit the lever that that sped up the windmill which sent him flying to his inevitable death A++ I cannot recommend this anymore so after all of that I want to give B gate a I am satisfied out of 10 and this will help [Music] please oh boy oh that was a fun one if join I streaming then please come come and watch us over on Brit twitch uh links will be in the description all that fun stuff um I had an absolute blast playing this game uh we're probably like we're probably to be doing a let's play with with like D characters as mentioned in the video which should be a lot of fun so I'm I'm looking forward to that thank you very very much um for sticking with me through my incoherent ramblings um and we really appreciate your support uh we're really loving making these videos actually um there they're a lot of fun and um if if you like the video if you if you enjoyed it please like it please give it a comment uh let us know what what race and class you chose on your first play forough if if you've played the game or if you haven't what raceing class would you choose I'm genuinely interested um like I I'm really tempted to play a Dragon Ball sorcerer at some point because they're like two of my favorite things if you've managed to stumble across us uh from the depths of YouTube then welcome like welcome to the channel um please feel free to subscribe if you want to um there's far more like this and let's plays and other content that um that you can get your teeth suck into which which which we we hope you'd enjoy there should be some videos over there or over there whichever way around it is I always forget it's it's quite embarrassing I've done enough of these I should really know where the videos pop up but uh feel feel free to click those and watch them but I I I think I've kept you for far too long uh thank you again for watching see you soon love you bye
Channel: Brit Twits
Views: 1,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WlhC2sca7FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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