Baldur's Gate 3 - 10 INCREDIBLE Early Magic Items, Weapons & Armor - Best Gear Location Guide!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming in a new bold Escape video today we're covering some of the best items you can find in act 1. I mean absolutely insane pieces of gear we're not just talking about powerful greens but a variety of Blues but also the insane purple gear that not only unlocks entirely new moves and spells for you to use while you're equipping this gear but ridiculous passives like attackers cannot land Critical Hits on the wearer big one before I get into this I'm going to be covering a bunch of main areas in Act One meaning I need to tell you about them to guide you to the items so if that bothers you be warned but I will order this list in terms of progression so the last few items are going to be the hardest furthest interact one stuff compared to the first few items that should be easy with all that said though let's get into it we'll begin with the easiest thing on the list which is actually the spear on my back this is the vision of the absolute which is a spear comes with absolute Knight allowing you to Blind targets that fail a dexterity saving Pro and deal additional piercing damage to certain creatures that spot multiple sets of eyes from the center of the Wilderness you have the blighted village and if you cross over the bridge and head north to this exact point here you'll find a couple of people on a body basically you have a conversation with them and whether you fight them or you end up working with them you'll get a sort of spear shaft a broken spear from the body of the dwarf we can then take that and head downhill and across the water into the cave which is an owl bear cave where that spear was broken by heading to the main area of the actual cave you'll meet the owl bear which has the end of the spear lodged in its head there are a few ways to do this scenario But ultimately I defeated the bear and then looted it for the spearhead at this point you can take the two pieces the spear shaft and the head and right click and combine to put the spear back together and get yourself the Spear of the absolutist it's got four to nine damages versatile so you can equip it in one hand and still keep your shield for the extra AC that provides it is a very decent green weapon to get in the early days next up we have the jolt set up which is pretty cool basically you have a pair of boots and a weapon that both have the same sort of electric effect take the bow here the jolt shooter when the wielder deals damage with this weapon they gain two lightning charges and when you gain five charges they're consumed for a sort of lightning damage attack otherwise you just have a plus one to attack rolls and Deal One lightning damage which is not bad but when you combine that with the Speedy light feet boots which whenever you dash or takes a similar action during combat you gain three lightning charges and get plus one to your Athletics so through the boot stash and actually just using the bow you will get five charges regularly and then get that extra one to eight lightning damage on your attacks which is awesome to get the jolt weapon you actually have a choice of three not just the Bow by coming here to well keen's rest which is at the Northern Western point of the Wilderness by coming here you'll find a bunch of people trying to break in to save someone who's stuck in the building help them break in you go through go upstairs help them save their leader and leave the building and then just like that after a conversation you you'll be rewarded with a choice of three different weapons or with this kind of jolt effect pick whatever works best for you and your party of course and then it's time to combine it with the Speedy light V you can find these early and easy as well in the blighted village by heading Northwest to the windmill around the back there is a trap door if you go down there you'll find a chest in a Cellar which has the boots within there is a downside to the boots though in that they are medium armor which prevents some actions with say A Light Armored user such as a stereon but considering a rogue has a bonus action cunning action Dash it is pretty incredible on a rogue all the same next on the list we come to the putrid bog or well it's kind of a nice swamp before the truth is revealed south of the blighted village you will find the swamp and the Waypoint of the Riverside tea house which is right here by entering you'll meet the hag who has seemingly captured this poor lady if you press it and fight her she'll Escape through her illusionary wall which is the fireplace and you can follow her through that and by making use of The Masks you can go through more illusionary walls to catch up with a hag down in her true cave layer the hag itself is a fun fight and by defeating her you'll be able to go into a reward room at the back behind her as you can see there's a yellow or legendary quality staff just laying there the staff of Crohn's which has between 0 and 7 damage as a sort of melee weapon but it's more about being a staff it provides you with the ray of sickness a level 1 necromancy skill which you can use whenever you've done a short rest 2 to 16 damage of poison damage is awesome for two turns especially when you combine it with something like the poisonous robe which when the wearer cast a spell that deals poison damage it deals extra poison damage so the Synergy between these two pieces is actually really good as a legendary style weapon it's pretty easy to get then isn't it next up we have the glaive that is on my paladins back right now this is sorrow a 5 to 14 damage two-handed glaive which has the incredible sorrowful lash bonus action what this lash does is it also pulls enemies towards you meaning you pull them to whoever's actually using the weapon it does mean you get two attacks every turn with a main hand attack and a bonus attack which makes it a very good weapon indeed this is a reward for a main questline however so it takes a little bit more effort I'm standing here where it begins in the emerald Grove the emerald Grove of The Druids by coming here and speaking with the leader you can find out that how sin has been captured and that means you need to travel to the goblin Camp to free him by going into the goblin camp and finding him at the North Eastern Point in sort of the prison cells transformed into a bear you can help him defeat the Goblins that have captured him from there unfortunately helson won't leave until you defeat the three leaders of the goblin Camp which is a priestess a drow and a hobgoblin this is one of the later things you'll want to do in act 1 because it's quite the challenge but remember that halsom can come with you so you can have a five person party while doing this which really helps by returning to the Grove you can come back to the person that gives you the quest to actually save halsin which is wrath and he'll give you the reward promised you'll need to head into the back room and into the secret room for The Druids chamber where you have been given a pedestal to put into this to activate the wolf statue which then unlocks the spiral stairs which then reveals the hidden vault where you find sorrow on this table Soro is well worth the effort though because again especially early days getting two attacks on say a class that normally wouldn't be able to double attack every turn can be incredible next up we have the Speedy boots which allows you to dash quite consistently in combat another pair of really useful boots however they will require you to come here and meet Fuller and basically take them off or I'll be given as a reward Fuller is it the underdark towards the northern point at the mushroom Colony on the main mushroom at the top there are various ways to get to the underdark the safest way is probably Through The Outpost itself which you'll enter via the goblin Camp by in the priestesses main room there's a hidden room behind that with a Moon based puzzle and as you progress through there you can find a ladder that takes you down to the underdark and this Outpost with the Waypoint from here make your way to the Colony and find thuller she'll just give you the boots if you promise to save her friend while we're here another thing in the underdark has got to be this spectator eyes amulet which is our first purple to talk about this provides the necromancy spell Ray of fear which will frighten your target for two turns and wounding Rey which does two to 16 damage necrotic damage and even if they save the roll they still take half damage they're pretty potent spells obviously level 3 necromancy spells and you can cast each of them for an action and a long rest cool down to get them again you want to go to The Outpost and you'll leave on the left side heading Southwest to the platform where you can see a bunch of stone people obviously something weird is going on here and it turns out yes a spectator is here and it turned everyone to Stone it will begin immediately trying to wake them all up and absolutely crushing your party so try to position your party like I did using invisibility in teleports to prepare for the fight before it even begins be warned that The Spectator is level five and can be a bit of a challenge but of course like anything is definitely doable and on defeat you can just loot The Amulet which is easy as that and finally we have our last few items that come from the same area the Grim Forge but I'm not actually standing in the Grim Forge I'm standing where you'll enter it this is the underdark beach in the middle of the underdark and at the bottom left you can see there's actually a boat on the map and by interacting with that and stealing the boat you can make your way to the Grim Forge or you can interact with the NPCs here and try to be friendly with them such as get coal here who you know with the Speedy boots we found earlier turns out he's looking for those if you promise to take those to the person he works for you can just take the boat with no problem no combat needed from here you've now accessed the Grim Forge and there's a bunch of awesome things here let's start with the invisibility generating ring this fetish which is absolutely insane it quite literally gives you an illusionary spell that you can use once per long rest where you have 10 turns of true invisibility pretty incredible as long as you can maintain the concentration to do so and you can get it right here at the forge where you enter so off the boat cross to the other side and here you'll find a bunch of known bodies and some dwarves that are basically getting rid of them kicking them off the site through conversation or sleight of hand you can trick them into letting you check the bodies and on the body you will find the ring with a good enough roll this can be pretty hard though so a cool trick you can do is progress the story here in the Grim Forge and come back to this location later the dwarves will be gone and you can just loot The Gnome with no problem and just take the ring and just like that you'll have an invisibility every long rest for someone which is pretty incredible next up we have another item that's easy to get here in the grimforge and is also kind of insane These Boots the legendary disintegrating night Walkers which means you cannot be webbed or entangled or in snared or slip on Greaser ice while these are equipped which is pretty insane on its own but then as you can see it gets the Misty step Conjuration Spell on a short rest bonus action yes so someone that can't normally Misty step can indeed Misty step and it's only going to cost a short rest and a bonus section if it actually was used in combat which is obviously insane and you get them right here from there the true soul of the absolute you literally can just loot him and take them it's that easy except when you arrive here there's a bunch of rocks and people trying to save the people within inside the poisonous room isn't there desperately calling out for help and a bunch of other gnomes that are stuck your task then is to get to Nair and save them what happens is you speak to the Gnomes and they say hey there's another gnome that's escaped that has blast powder that you can use to get rid of the Rocks if I show my map you can see how she's actually all the way to the Northeast over here filamine and by speaking with her you can convince her to give you something to help clear the rocks and after I did that the time had progressed in grimforge when I came back here Nair was now out of the room but dead and lootable so I could just straight up take the boots but also the doll was broken and everyone was gone so something Spooky's happened here I can't exactly explain it but that's how it happened for me and that's how I got the boots but I'm certain there's going to be many ways that you can save now and potentially get those boots for yourself off of him alright second to last it's time for us to talk about the incredible purple armor the adamantine splint armor and the adamantine scale armor so we have a heavy armor set and we have a medium armor set it's magical play so it reduces all incoming damage by one on the scale armor whereas the splint armor is reduced by two then it has the passive intense adamantine backlash so when a melee attack hits you the attacker is sent Reeling for three turns meaning they have a minus one penalty to attack rolls for every turn remaining for three turns downside is we have disadvantage on stealth checks that's just because they're heavy armor and then again attackers can't land Critical Hits on the wearer flat out that's insane but these aren't the only things you can get there are other adamantine things you can craft out of mithril such as the shield such as this Hammer but these are blue compared to the incredible purple effects and from all my exploration I've only been able to find two mithril which means you can only craft two things and I would recommend you craft the armor since it is indeed so insane if you have someone in your party that can make use of both medium armor and heavy armor how do you make these equipment pieces though well you're going to need to find molds as you can see this is a mace mold so that's what you're going to need to make the maze you're going to need to find the armor molds as well and by entering the actual ancient Forge itself you will start to find these mods everywhere on tables on the floor just all over the place I'm certain I've not found all of them at this point so make sure you explore this area with an eye for those molds by coming over here to the southwestern side you'll find a mithril ore you can go mine but it'll require blunt damage so maybe unequip your weapon and punch it if you have to then we'll head down the main stairwell towards the main Forge itself you'll need to do a bit of jumping so be careful about the height and be aware there's another mithril deposit somewhere over here for you to mine Again by making your way down to the forge this is where you're going to be doing the crafting take the mold chamber and interact with it by using the lever next to it that will open it up and then you can put a mold of your choice in then interact with the middle The Crucible to put in a mithril or head over to the lever on the outer platform and pull it which will slam down and actually lower the whole platform this is where I need to warn you that there's a major boss fight coming up if you want to do this and that boss is grim a big Mech that is level eight the protector of the forge with 300 health is also Ultra resistant to everything except blunt damage so if you have blunt weapons that can be incredible activate this fight by using the lava valve which will spawn in Grim I'm gonna now tell you how to beat Grim so if you don't want to hear that just skip forward like 30 seconds but basically you can either fight him normally by using blood weapons or whatever or you can literally drag Grim Into The Crucible tricking him into standing in the middle and then pulling the lever to slam the hammer down the forge down and crush him using whatever method you want defeat grim and through this process the actual mold chamber should be finished and you'll have whatever you've made in there to make the second item out the second mithril or you just interact with a mold chamber like before opening it with a lever putting in a mold putting in another mithril in The Crucible itself pulling the lever to lower the platform activating the lava pulling the lever again to activate The Crucible and then you'll have the second thing you want it to make again I would recommend the armor as it is insane but if you don't have people that can wear say heavy plate or whatever then a weapon or something is perfectly fine finally the last item I want to make you aware of in this list video is the sentinent amulet which as a blue gives you the shatter level 2 evocation spell which is incredible and she restoration sort of Monk class abilities there is a downside though it is a sentient amulet so you're gonna have to interact with it and by basically convincing it that you're able to deal with its Shenanigans of trying to make you laugh you can get the benefits of this amulet this is also in the Forge which is why I've waited until last it's on the southwestern platform that you can just jump over to and by coming over here you'll have a pool of lava and you'll have to deal with a lava Elemental it Regens Health while standing in lava so you want to drag it out of the lava before you defeat it but on the table on the main platform and the chest is that amulet that you can pick up and it truly is as easy as that but again be warned you will need to convince the amulet that you're worthy that you can handle the laughs and it basically requests that you take it to Baldur's Gate but in the meantime you can wear and use this amulet which can be very useful so there you have it those are my 10 items that I think you absolutely want in Act One a bunch of really powerful things and hopefully ordered in a way that's useful to you for whatever point in act one you're actually at yourself there are many more items in act one and the rest of the game that are incredible so we might come back and do more of these if you guys want to see it for now though I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the video the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Julian to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 398,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 grymforge, baldurs gate 3 mithril, baldurs gate 3 adamantine, adamantine, baldurs gate 3 best weapon, best weapon, best armor, weapon, armor, magic item, rare magic item, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 magic items, combat, combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, act 1 guide, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, paladin, druid, bard, sorcerer, subclasses, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: nQoV0qUjPy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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