Baldur's Gate 3 Breaks Its Steam Peak Players Record Yet Again & Does So Completely DRM Free

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I know I keep talking about balder skate 3's success but it's actually pretty insane what's going on here it keeps topping itself Every Day reviews still overwhelmingly positive 96 from almost 100 000 recent reviews meta score still at 97 from 26 critic reviews now users score still in the green over 9.0 we got open critic now relaying that the top critic average is sitting at 97 and a hundred percent of critics recommend this game and it's even more insane to look at where Baldur Skate 3 stands now in Metacritic and open critics best reviewed games of all time on Metacritic you can see right here Ocarina of Time still number one but scrolling down you'll find that baller Skate 3 is at number 15 and that's without taking into account that there are multiple versions of Grand Theft Auto 5 and 4 listed here so if you take those out Baldur Skate 3 would actually be in 12th Place the 12 Health best rated game of all time right behind the Legend of Zelda breath of the wild and surpassing games like Red Dead Redemption 2 surpassing the likes of last year's Elden ring and even this year's tears of the Kingdom Zelda tears of the Kingdom they'll repeat again Zelda tears of the Kingdom has like 150 critic reviews and managed to retain 96 percent currently Baldur's Gate 3 has about 26 Critic reviews so I feel like we definitely need to wait for more reviews to come in before we can determine where the Metascore will ultimately sit but I imagine it is going to end up in the high 90s it's still an amazing achievement and then on open critic Baldur's gay 3 has actually taken the crown from all other games if you go to open critic right now and browse through the top Raider games of all time on this website you'll see that Baldur's Gate is sitting at number one with a 97 score second place is Mario Odyssey followed by breath of the wild and tears of the Kingdom as well as Red Dead Redemption 2 Alden ring God of War you name it incredible games all round over here this has all been incredibly unexpected not just for the gaming community and for the gaming industry but for the developers as well who were confident in their product and thought was going to do good but they didn't expect it to pull the numbers that it did both critically and commercially and you know for players a lot of people thought you know balder Skate 3 is probably going to be a really good game but to see it Skyrocket and to see it go on a meteoric rise that's topping just some of the most renowned games it's just really wholesome to see for a game that's so well deserved for a game that is such high quality and is so ambitious and realized its Ambitions without bsing customers to its marketing or through its you know business schemes or whatever it's just purely a video game you buy and you get to just immerse yourself in and things get even more insane if we look at the most recent concurrent player numbers on Steam charts and or steam DB I've talked previously about how this game continues to rise in its daily Peak concurrent player numbers its all-time Peak record continues to be broken and it's happened yet again and this is despite the fact that the game has been out for 10 days now it launched on August 3rd to roughly almost 500 000 players 471 000 was where it peaked when the game launched then that went up to almost 600 000 players about 591 000 players then the all-time Peak went all the way up to 600 and no actually 700 000 players on August 5th and then a new record was achieved the following day on August 6th when the game broke over 800 000 all-time Peak concurrent players 814 000 to be precise now for some time that's where the record stayed at from there on we saw the peak concurrent players diminish a little bit but still maintaining 600 000 to 700 000 players on the daily which is Mighty impressive given that this is a single player game and it shows that players are engaged and were intent on finishing the game and were absorbed by the content and it made him want to keep coming back so that was great then we started to see that number rise again so it graced 800 000 players on August 12 2023 but then fast forward to today August 13 2023 and the record for all-time Peak concurrent players has been broken yet again the highest we saw it was again back in August 6th when it reached roughly 814 000 players seven days later one week later that record will be broken by a whopping 60 000 players the all-time Peak concurrent players for balder Skate 3 now is sitting at 875 343 players almost 900 000 players now to see this kind of player retention and Longevity and to see that rise continuously throughout the course of like two weeks just uh again unprecedented for a single player air game and to see a crpg which kind of used to be considered somewhat Niche compared to what the masses enjoy enjoy these kinds of numbers completely unexpected and unprecedented people were expecting Baldur Skate 3 to do well and to be well received critically but I don't think anyone expected this kind of Explosive Performance and you can see that steam charts data lines up with what steam DB is presenting here all-time Peak achieved four hours ago 875 343 players when I reported Baldur skate 3's previous all-time Peak concurrent players record of 814 000. it was already ranked among the top most played games on Steam ever but now with the new Peak and current players record achieved of 875 000 on Steam charts at least Baldur's Gate 3 has surpassed cyberpunk 2077 though data on this game varies depending on which website you look at steam DB cyberpunk is sitting at one million 54 000 players so on this website Baldur's Gate 3 is some ways off but still it is at number nine and it's just shy of beating Hogwarts legacies 879 000 all-time P concurrent players and at this point we're just splitting errors no matter where balder Skate 3 ranks and steam's most played games of all time in terms of peak concurrent players of all time it's abundantly clear that the game has gone on to sell incredibly well it'll likely sell tens of millions of copies and this is again just showing the game's performance on PC on just one platform steam the game's also had on Gog I don't know what those numbers look like but you add those numbers on top of steams and we're looking at a game that's doing incredibly well for itself this kind of sustained rise for a single player experience that's not a live service is rare to see in this day and age usually numbers tend to Peak at launch day and then kind of dive down from there but in the case of Baldur Skate 3 not only are players consistently playing this game every day but we're seeing new players being introduced every day we're seeing more and more interest surrounding this game as Word of Mouth spreads and I'm curious to see how long Baldur Skate 3 can maintain this kind of growth because it feels like every time I think okay this is the all-time Peak for real now there's no way the game's gonna top this number or it manages to do so and in this case I mean days after its previous record so who knows how all this will continue to play out but so far it's looking like balder Skate 3 is trending the way Elden ring did where the buzz surrounding this game is growing as players keep discovering what this game has to offer and as everyone is sort of communally engaged in discussion about how differently they've been playing this game or about what they found that other players might have missed or what kinds of ridiculous narrative elements or cutscenes they've managed to encounter and scenarios and whatnot and I want to make a point to highlight that Baldur Skate 3 is achieving these insane numbers without any DRM whatsoever for those who don't know balder Skate 3 is completely DRM free and it's not just the Gog version we're talking about obviously the Gog version is going to be DRM free that's the whole selling point of buying games on Gog that all of them will be DRM free but even on Steam the game is completely DRM free as in there's no de Nuvo whatsoever and also the game did not even Implement steam's DRM as in you don't need to launch steam in order to play Baldur skate 3. if you go to balder skate 3's installation folder on your PC and just use the executable or use lyrion's launcher to play the game then you can bypass steam altogether I literally tried this before I recorded the video I closed Steam and I went to the games files directly and launched it from there steam never booted up it is literally completely DRM free on all PC platforms people would have been happy with just the lack of De Nuvo but the fact that they went as far as not even implementing steam CRM I mean that's the next level like they didn't even have to go that far and yet they did because of this very consumer friendly mindset that larion studio seems to have which is incredibly appreciated especially in this day and age and I want to highlight that even with the lack of DRM balder Skate 3 is pulling these kinds of insane numbers numbers that make it among the top 10 most played games on Steam with the likes of Hogwarts Legacy Alden ring cyberpunk and it just defeats the arguments of any Publishers who try to justify implementing performance affecting DRM and anti-tamper in their single player games companies like Capcom who insist on implementing DRM in their Resident Evil releases and only removing them a year or two after the games have launched you give people a good game with a good service surrounding it that is reasonably priced and people will buy the game the vast majority will shell out the money like don't get me wrong I imagine there are those who have pirated Baldur Skate 3 but in the grand schema of things balder Skate 3 is a commercial success and the grand scheme of things pirating is still a very Niche scene the masses don't want to go out of their way and go through the trouble going through all the processes and risks required to Pirate a game and then among the hardcore people who do know about the pirating scene guess what they will gladly shell out money to support Developers for a game that offers the value and then some like denuva can only do so much to stop piracy and the cons of implementing de Nuvo the negative effects of the Nouveau and how that affects those who do purchase the games legitimately all that stuff far outweighs what little impact anubo has on the piracy scene I'm not trying to say that developers shouldn't take steps to protect their products but that protection method should not come at the compromise of those who did purchase the game it should not compromise the experiences of those who are legitimate buyers I feel like glarion Studios fully understood this and they were confident enough in their product that they felt like no amount of piracy would overtake the fact that people desire this game to be good it did turn out to be good and turn people want to support this game by this game because it's just a lot more convenient to buy balder skate 3 and use the features that Gog and steam offer than it is to get the pirate version and on top of that all the Goodwill that Baldur Skate 3 has won as a result of its consumer friendliness and as a result of it not over marketing itself realizing its ambition and just being high quality and uh just respecting its customers in many ways all that paves the road to a mass audience that would gladly pay for this game Who gladly wants to support this developer so they can make more games like this because in this day and age in this AAA landscape or so many game releases fall into the same pitfalls of releasing unfinished broken product or releasing something so heavily monetized that it kills the enjoyment of the game larion studios feels like one of those Publishers and developers who we need to cherish we need to support and encourage to keep doing what they're doing so that hopefully this becomes the industry Norm it becomes the rule rather than the exception or at least that's one man's take let me know in the comments below what your thoughts and opinions are on balder Skate 3's continued success and the way it keeps breaking its own records in terms of P concurrent players on Steam even days after launch almost two weeks after launch and what your experience has been like with the game if you've been playing it yourself share your thoughts in the comments below and to be further updated on all things gaming news reviews and discussions stay tuned right here on young yeah I'll see you guys next time young out
Channel: YongYea
Views: 273,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mRO_A9949Es
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Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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