Endless Critical Hits PALADIN! Baldur's Gate 3 Ultimate Guide To The Best Paladin Build

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so the paladins are one of the strongest and most fun classes to play as right now in Baldur's Gate 3. I'm using a Vengeance build that absolutely wrecks everything as constant Critical Hits over Critical Hits and tons of survivability and CC resist this also uses the Vengeance subclass so I'm going to show you everything you need to know about building it now for the character creation there are a couple of options for the range that I recommend right now either going with the T fling or the half orc the flings if you go with the zereal sub race they get two Legacy of overness smite Spells at level 3 and level 5 respectively which lets them have access to more abilities before needing a long rest Orcs on the other hand have the self-resurrection and the super high crits provided by Relentless endurance and Savage attacks whichever you pick you cannot go wrong with either of these so pick which one you find the best looking also for the background you have the option between Noble or Soldier I picked Soldier for the additional proficiency to Athletics and intimidation obviously this build uses the oath of Vengeance which is even more focused on damage Buffs and fear mechanics than all the other options including having inquisitors might from the very early on level 1 on a bonus action which imbues your hits with extra radiant damage and also gives you a chance to Daze enemies however later on there's gonna be two more that we will cover also early on I recommend a 16 and 16 into strength and Charisma plus 14 into Constitution if you want to have a really optimal Point distribution in your main stats but let's go over the leveling process because this is going to provide you better and better attacks and even Feats to choose between so here's how they look at level 2 we get our first Smite called Divine Smite as well as the criticals and the reactions for that so more on that in just a bit in the meantime for the fighting style you will want to use the great weapon fighting as will exclusively use two-handed weapons such as great swords and even gets another feat later on that will buff the criticals on these types of weapons as far as the starting spells I always get the Searing thunderous and wrathful smite for the extra axis to burn damage knocking enemies prone and providing the fear debuff so I'm always ready for any type of encounter for the remaining slot you can go with heroism for example it can be great at preventing you from getting feared and also get some extra hit points Shield of faith can also be another great option it Buffs your armor class however if you get the sort of Justice a bit later you can get the tier version that pretty much replaces this or otherwise protection from evil and good also helps with resisting charms better but starting level 3 you also get some of the Vengeance related actions including the valve enmity which is going to give you an advantage on attack rolls this can counter one of the negative effects you get from a very powerful feat in just a little bit but also objure enemy which lets you frighten targets even becomes easier for you to hit them and they also cannot move and fiends and Undead also have disadvantage on the saving throw so essentially you're reducing the resistances to this spell but at level 3 you also get your first race Smite with the T fling which includes the legacy of awareness searing Smite so this is the same version as the ceiling Smite you normally get from your class plus some extra prepared spells to add some of the other spells on top now at level 4 I believe you get your first oath charges you also get some extra prepared spells but the Feats are going to be very important here you can obviously go with ability improvements and gain two points into maybe strength or any of the other stats you see fit however I want you to consider the great weapon Master at some point you will definitely want this because this gives you an extra extra attack on top of what you already have so this is going to make it so when you land the critical hit or if you defeat a target with a melee weapon attack you can make another melee weapon attack attack as a bonus action that turn and coupled with the fact that you already get an extra attack at about level 5 you get three of them if not even more per turn so let me show you exactly how crazy this is of course this is a toggleable passive and it does have a slight downside so when attacking with a heavy melee weapon you are proficient with attack rolls take a -5 penalty with their damage increases by 10 so to counter some of that that's why I recommended the vow of enmity so that you can increase your attack roll a bit and mitigate this but blast should work just as well however watch what happens when I use this and I proc two of the crits in succession so I start with the first hit this is going to trigger the luck of the far round this is from the tadpole skin line so we're gonna cover that in a bit so bam that's gonna be the first crate but this automatically creates and it triggers that passive we just talked about which is going to ensure a second crate so we're gonna choose that and look at that balance right there it is actually one shot a Target and by the way I only consumed one of my attacks for this turn I can do another one possibly even another one after this but usually it's just one more and that can also crit too like for example in this case the second one also crits oh and by the way this also works on reactions so if a Target moves away from you or you find other sources to trigger reactions like having the command attack from Lazelle you can also have a chance to trigger a critical on that too which further lets you provide an extra damage on that in the same turn so you can see where I'm going with this one but it's at level 5 when this build kind of rounds up perfectly this is when you get your extra attack so that you can attack two times per turn essentially increasing your odds way better assuming that you don't use some kind of other action this is also when you get your branding Smite both both the one provided by the class as well as from the race so these are separate by the way if you haven't noticed in the case of the thieflings the legacy of awareness versions do not consume any of your spell slots unlike the other ones so what this means is that you can use the first one and assuming that um you already casted that you still have the spell slot version to cast if you want to consume it too this means you can literally go on for almost ever until you need to do a long rest again and replenish your spell slots that is why this Paladin build has so much of time on the battlefield oh and by the way for the critical hits I recommend to set up your reactions and make the game ask you when you want to use them you don't want to have it automatically as otherwise it could trigger for example on an enemy that's about to fall down anyway so you might want to just keep it for another one that might be full HP in the same fight at level 6 you get some extra prepared spells and also access to the aura of protection then at level 7 I believe that you get access to the Relentless Avenger just gives you an opportunity attack when you cast actually an opportunity attack your movement speed increases by 4.5 meters on your next turn that is actually huge I think that that's a 50 buff to your existing movement speed at level 8 you also get two more prepared spells and also access to your second feed in this case I went with the ability improvements and went with some extra points into strength and charisma at level 9 you get blinding Smite a very strong attack that also blinds your target so you're literally feeding yourself your own advantage on your next extra attack when you attack the same Target but also a bunch of very strong Buffs here one of which is the elemental weapon gives a one plus bonus to attack rolls and Deals additional 1d4 damage of your choice so it somewhat counters the effect of the Great weapon master debuff that we also get we can also go with the Crusaders mantle for the one to four radiant damage if you want pure damage or Warden or Vitality if you want some extra utility you can cast restore Vitality as a bonus action to heal yourself or nearby allies and by level 10 you even get an aura of Courage that's going to help you against fear effect plus a second lay on hands charge so that you can heal yourself a lot more often in combat or your allies but if you want to go over the items here's a quick look at that I'm still keeping the Grim skull helmet even though in theory the haste helmet is much better because it just gives me more movement speed at the start of a turn but I like this one for the extra fire resistance it still gives me that also Stacks with the one provided by my race so in total I have a double stack which literally means I am able to face tank almost any fire damage and usually I barely even get hit by it since I'm constantly in melee range and other enemies almost always cast some kind of Fireball or fire effect this helps me completely counter that I also got this cloak at some point but I can't really remember from where it does however provide me with some extra hit points there when I cast spells then we have the adamantine armor we already talked about this it helps a ton with damage mitigation it prevents Critical Hits even sends enemies reeling that further reduces their attack rolls the next couple of items are all from the goblin Camp so you get the gauntlets from the treasure chest behind one of the bosses and it gives you an advantage on melee attack rules while surrounded by two or more enemies and the line breaker boasts a very strong option to have if we use a dash or a similar skill we gain wrath for two turns which gives us another bonus to damage with melee weapons unfortunately I believe that on this playthrough I missed out on the absolute Talisman that further increases our damage if we get the low HP and one of of the Rings I believe the crusher's ring which increases our movement speed but otherwise you can just use other options in there they are definitely viable however if you want to truly bring this to the next level also make sure to grab the luck of the far round this is going to be a tadpole power a mind player power so you will need a couple of tadpoles in your brain to get this but this is what's going to turn your successful attack rolls against an enemy into a guaranteed critical hit and because we turn those into guaranteed Critical Hits we also get the extra guaranteed bonus action on damage on top so it kind of feeds into itself constant damage up to three times in one single attack I don't even think this has a cooldown by the way you definitely don't need the long rest to have it again I believe it's once per fight but I might be wrong on that one it triggers very often before I even need to take a rest that's all you need to know and that's all you have to do just make sure they have some kind of advantage against the target maybe from another attack from a different party member or maybe from one of your vows and then just go ham in with one of the Smite attacks this is going to immediately proc that luck of the far realm which is going to guarantee critical hit and after that you're going to trigger the second critical hit use that again and the target should be down and if it's not too bad it's going to be very close to being downed anyway plus this also Triggers on reactions which makes it even more insane and that's pretty much it with the video I also suggest checking out my other guys for example I made one on some of the best early on armors or you can check out some of the best starting races if you're just trying out to create your best perfect character this is it thanks much for watching and until next time
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 241,645
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Keywords: khrazegaming, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 paladin guide, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 subclasses, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 paladin build, baldur's gate 3 best builds, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks 2023, baldurs gate 3 tips combat, baldurs gate 3 early tips, baldur's gate 3 secrets, baldur's gate 3 legendary gear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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