Baldur's Gate 3: Circle Of The Land Druid - All Spells and Abilities (Full Release)

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you guys Omaha here today I'm going to be going over the circle of the land subclass for the druid and showcasing everything you unlock for levels 2 through 12. so upon reaching level two you're going to choose your subclass for this video I chose the circle of the land subclass you're gonna get a health increase you're gonna get another level one spell slot which will bring you to a total of three you're gonna get your subclass feature of wild shape which lets you transform into different creatures made a video for the circle of the Moon subclass showcasing all the wild shapes so all the ones in this video are in that if you want to go see that go ahead and jump over to that video get your wild shape you're gonna get the badger you're gonna get the spider the wolf and the cat and then you're also going to get this ability called natural recovery which lets you replenish expended spell slots while out of combat so how natural recovery works is the amount of charges you have is based on the level of spells you can use so at max level you have level six spells which means you have six charges of this ability and there's different levels of the ability you can use to return certain spells so say I use a level three spell use daylight just say I use a level three spell I'll use Misty's so I've used a level three spell I go to Natural recovery restore level for the spell use three charges if I used a level six spell and restored it I'd use all six charges this recharges once per long rest so you do a long rest and then you'll have all six charges back you're also going to gain a can trip so that'll bring you a total of three can trips so I'm going to kind of go through each can trip and spell a little quickly because I plan on making a separate video for each School of magic and the Spells and cantrips within but I'll pause on each one so you guys can read the description so you got guidance poison spray produce flame resistance shalayla and Thorn with perician trips so for your spells you've got ice knife and Tangle fog Cloud speak with animals animal friendship charm person Thunder Wave healing word Creator destroy water good Berry longstrider enhanced leap fairy fire cure Woods another thing with the dirt is you don't necessarily need to have to speak with animal spill equipped you can just transform into an animal and then you can still talk to animals that way all right once it hit level three you're gonna get another Health increase you're gonna get another level one spell slot which will bring you to a total of four and you're gonna get two level two spell slots so that'll give you two total you're gonna get bark skin dark vision enhanceability flame blade flaming sphere gust of wind heat metal hold person lesser restoration Moonbeam pass without Trace protection from Poison Spike growth all right we're gonna hit level four you're gonna get another level two spell slot so that'll bring you to three you're gonna get another can trip which will bring you up to four you're gonna get the wild shaped deep brothae and you're gonna get feet so you're gonna have all these Feats to choose from all right level five another Health increase you're gonna get a level three spell slot which also bring your natural recovery ability charges to three and you'll get wild strike ability which will let you make a second attack while you're in your wild State form so say you're a bear you can swipe your claw twice per turn you're also going to get your level three spells call lightning daylight vain death plant growth protection from energy and sleep storm and then you're gonna be able to choose another two spells that will be always prepared and then you're gonna be able to choose another two spells that are always prepared so they don't count towards your maximum prepared spells sleet storm and haste for Arctic Coast we have sleet storm and call lightning desert you have protection from energy and hypnotic pattern Forest you have call lightning and plant growth grassland you have daylight and haste Mountain you have lightning bolt and Grant flight swamp you have stinking cloud and vampiric touch and under dark you have gaseous form and stinking Cloud level six you're gonna get another Health increase you're going to get a level three spell slot which will bring you to a total of three you're gonna get the subclass feature land stride difficult terrain you've become an expert at moving through the Wilderness difficult terrain no longer slows you down you're gonna get the wild shape Panther and you're gonna get the wild shape owl bear all right level seven you're gonna get another Health increase you're gonna get a level four spell slot you're gonna get the Spells blight confusion conjure minor Elemental conjure Woodland being she has the abilities nature step tangle and summon wood you're gonna get dominate Beast freedom of movement grasping behind ice storm polymorph Stone skin and Wall of Fire you're also going to get another two spells that are always prepared there's Arctic with conjure minor Elemental ice storm the coast has freedom of movement and confusion desert has blight and Wall of Fire Forest has conjured minor Elemental and grasping Vine grassland has freedom of movement and polymorph Mountain has Stone skin and dominate Beast swamp has blight and grasping Vine and underdark has greater invisibility and dominate Beast level eight health increase you're gonna get another level 4 spell slot which I'll bring you to a total of two and you're going to get a second feat at level nine another Health increase you're gonna get another level four spell slot which brings you to three and you're gonna get a level five spell slot and with that you're gonna get your level five spells you need conjure Elemental Contagion greater restoration insect plague Mass cure wounds planar binding and Wall of stone you're also going to get another two spells that are always prepared so there's Arctic with cone of cold and Contagion Coast which is conjure Elemental and greater restoration desert which is wall of stone an insect plague Forest which is Massacre wounds and Contagion grassland which is greater restoration and insect plague Mountain which is wall of stone and conjure Elemental swamp which is insect plague and Cloud kill and underdark which is Contagion and Cloud kill level 10. you're going to get another level 5 spell slot which will bring you a total of two you're gonna get improved wild strike let's let you make it two additional attacks after making an unarmed strike while in Wild shape so now you can attack three times while in your wild shape form in combat per turn you're gonna get another can trip so that'll bring you to a total of five you're gonna get Nature's Ward you can't be Charmed or frightened by Elementals and Fae disease and poison also no longer affect you and then you're gonna get the wild shaped Dilophosaurus level 11. you're gonna get another Health increase you're going to get your level 6 spell slot and you're gonna get these level six spells heel Heroes feast Sunbeam wall of thorns and wind walk finally we've got level 12 where you're going to get another Health increase and you're going to get a third feat alrighty guys thank you for watching that is it for the circle of the land subclass let me know Down Below in the comments what subclass you want me to do next make sure you leave a like if you enjoyed this video And subscribe if you want to see more content like this
Channel: Omaha
Views: 12,406
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 druid shapeshifter, baldurs gate 3 circle of the land, baldur's gate 3 circle of the land, baldurs gate 3 wild shape, baldurs gate 3 druid, baldur's gate 3 wild shape, baldur's gate 3 druid, baldurs gate druid forms, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldur's gate 3 class, baldurs gate druid, baldurs gate 3 bear, baldur's gate 3 bear, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3 combat, circle of the moon wild shapes, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 gameplay
Id: D5yiV_vs550
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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