Baldur's Gate 3 - Foestriker POWER Build Guide (Honour Mode👍) Fighter Class

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in today's video I'm going to go over a build that's fairly straightforward while also being one of the most powerful builds in the game this is an excellent build that revolves around the fighter class and it works very very well in honor mode while also being a build that I would say is fairly beginner friendly you just have to understand a few important mechanics a character of this build absolutely destroys its chosen targets and I almost always open with using this character and the most deadly opponent on the battlefield because you'll be able to destroy your chosen Target many times in a single round of combat if you don't play this build with your own custom character it's of course a great fit for Lazelle or consider doing it with your own character and Lazelle and enter the world of nothing can challenge me but first a quick message from today's video sponsor factor factor makes meeting your nutrition goals easier than ever by delivering fresh never Frozen dietician approved 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but if you want to maximize your damage potential although I should say on average it doesn't really result in that much take great weapon fighting for your ability scores there's a lot of ways that you can do this but the most important thing here is to give yourself at least a 16 in strength giving you that plus three modifier that's going to help not only with damage but even more importantly with this build your chance to hit I'm actually going to recommend giving your self a 17 though and that's not because of The Hags hair and I will briefly mention that at the end of the video a 17 is because of a special feat that we're going to take at level six after strength dexterity and Constitution come next and I would recommend both of these to be at at least 14 you could boost your Constitution to 16 if you'd like or even dexterity for initiative order and for your remaining points i' recommend wisdom at 10 or 12 for saving throws and perhaps consider a little boost to Charisma if you want to succeed in more dialogue skill checks if you're playing this build with LEL though leave it dumped at level two we get action surge which is a staple of the fighter class in general and also very very powerful for this build action surge of course gives you another action and since it recharges on a short rest I would recommend using it in almost every single encounter I find great success using it early on in an encounter many times on my first chosen Target to really get that encounter started in my fa favor at level three you're going to choose the battl master subass and you get to choose three Battlemaster Maneuvers Maneuvers offer some extra combat capabilities and to activate them they cost superiority dice of which you'll have four at this level but they do replenish on a short rest the first most important maneuver here is precision attack which in simple terms when activated adds a 1 to8 bonus onto your chance to hit and that becomes a 1 to 10 bonus when you reach level 10 pick that up right away and you're going to see why here shortly when we reach level four for your other two Maneuvers I recommend disarming attack as well as menacing attack both of these Maneuvers add 1 to eight damage to your weapon strike while disarming attack has a chance to disarm an opponent meaning they'll have to spend an entire action to re-equip their weapon very powerful and menacing attack has a chance to frighten your opponent and this maneuver can be used more liberally at level four we get to choose a feat and we're most certainly going to be taking great weapon master which when you have it toggled on will increase your damage dealt by a flat 10 no RNG with this number every time that you land a weapon strike when using a two-handed weapon very powerful especially at this level so I recommend taking it now and then focusing on increasing your strength score at levels 6 and 8 great weapon Master however does come at the cost of a minus five to your attack rolls meaning that you're more likely to miss attacks when it's toggled on toggling it on and off while targeting an opponent will let you see that percentage difference nobody likes to miss attacks though so we have to find ways to offset that chance to hit penalty which is exactly why we took that maneuver called Precision attack at level three I currently have a 45% chance of Landing my attack on gaale here when great weapon Master is toggled on when I activate Precision attack at the cost of my limited superiority die that 45% goes up to 65% so yeah you only get to do this a limited amount of time in a single encounter or per short rest but your superiority dice replenish on a short or long rest just like action surge does in balers Gate 3 if you're willing to loot most things in the environment you'll have plenty of camp supplies and this will allow you to at the very least take a short rest after most combat encounters with the great weapon Master feat I really cannot stress how much damage this feat truly offers if you just have some basic knowledge on how to offset that chance to hit penalty we already have that really simple self-sufficient way which is activating Precision attack some other ways to offset that minus5 are by having party members cast spells such as bless on your fighter using oils of accuracy elixir of strength finding ways to gain advantage on your attacks such as sneaking up to opponents being invisible attacking prone opponents having other party members cast spells such as old person fairy fire blindness guiding bolt entangle all of those and more will give you advantage on your attack a great offsetting the great weapon Master penalty I would personally toggle on great weapon Master on almost every strike where you can get a 60 to 70 plus percentage chance to hit and if it's lower than that or you only need a few damage points to finish off an enemy simply toggle it off you also don't need to always be using Precision attack if you already have a really good chance to hit now quick quality of life tip here take your great weapon Master icon which you can find when you press K and drag it onto your main hot bar so you don't always have to go to the passives tab now this feet gets even better when you reach level five because the fighter gets extra attack combine that with action Surge and on the first round of combat the opponent that you choose to attack you can get off four weapon attacks and you have enough superiority dice to use Precision attack for all of those on that first round if needed your Battle Master fighter will be taking out some of the most powerful opponents in the first round of combat basically handing you the win in many circumstances also don't forget that with great weapon Master toggled on when you score a critical hit you actually get an extra bonus action attack when this occurs a special great weapon Master icon will appear on the right side of your hot bar so keep an eye out for it and make sure to use it at level six as a fighter we're going to get rid of that odd strength number and take the athlete feat this will boost your strength by one giving you that plus4 modifier while also increasing your jump Distance by 50% and athlete also makes it so your character will use up much less of your movement speed when you stand up from being knocked prone amazing feat for Marshall melee classes with high strength as you're going to be able to jump very far the point of where there's almost always going to be an opponent that you can reach so you never have to waste a round of potentially very high damage with your Battle Master at level seven you get an extra superiority die giving you five opportunities per short rest to use Maneuvers such as Precision attack and you get to choose two more maneuvers personally I like to take evasive footwork just to have it in dire circumstances when dodging incoming attacks may be needed to survive evasive footwork of course costs a superiority die and it causes opponents Who attack you with melee weapons to have disadvantage on their attacks against you for a round maybe you're low on hit points and surrounded by a few melee opponents that can be a great use of evasive footwork I'd also recommend repost which allows you to spend a superiority die to attack an opponent who misses their melee attack on you this costs you a reaction this will proc great weapon Master if you have it toggled on in your reactions menu definitely set repost on ask before using though as you should only use it when you know that you have a good chance to hit otherwise you may waste a superiority die at level eight increase that strength to 20 if it's not already there for those of you who know about the hag's hair at level 9 you get a passive Battle Master feature called indomitable which allows you to rerun roll a failed saving throw this is actually really useful as you don't want potentially your most valuable player your battl master fighter falling under the effects of crowd control Spells at level 10 your superiority dice power increases to a 1D 10 and yet again you get to choose two more Battlemaster Maneuvers this is where I'm going to finally recommend trip attack because next level we'll be getting a third extra attack so trip attack deals extra damage and it has a chance to knock an opponent prone if you have a high chance of it succeeding successfully knocking them prone on your first attack will give the rest of your attacks on that turn Advantage making it less likely that you need to use Precision attack to offset that great weapon Master feat you can then save some of those dice for the next round I'd say though only use trip attack on Lower strength opponents on your first attack because it requires them to do a strength saving throw otherwise it's probably better just to use Precision attack for your other Battle Master maneuver I would say that having pushing attack never hurts as having more options to knock opponents off high Ledges is Oho sweet in this game and at level 11 believe it or not the Battlemaster fighter gets a second extra attack this is a huge power boost for the battl master fighter in general but even deadlier with a Battle Master focused on using the great weapon Master feet like we are combine this with action Surge and you can now in a single round attack an opponent six times and possibly even seven if you land that critical hit with one of those attacks and also don't forget you could you know use a potion of speed or a haste Spore grenade to get even more attacks this is a boss killer build the opponent that you choose to wipe off the battlefield will likely not even get a chance to consider attacking you or other party members such a strong strong opening to all encounters at max level 12 I'm actually going to recommend taking the alert feat and this is one of the the best Feats in the game for certain builds and it's going to give you a plus five bonus to your initiative making you more often than not the first one to go in a combat encounter this feed also makes it so you can't be surprised if you feel like you've been missing a lot though up to this point you could consider taking the lucky feat for players that plan on using the hag's hair and if you don't know what the hag's hair is you can just do a Google Search and there's plenty of guides that will pop up on how to obtain it but please do note if this is your first time playing bg3 I'd encourage you to just play the game and not force certain outcomes if you do get The Hags hair though you would have reached 20 strength by level six as opposed to level eight so therefore you could take the alert feet at level eight and then when you reach max level 12 you could take the Marshall Adept feat giving you an extra superiority die so how do I play this build I typically play a character of this build as a really strong opener or early round character and if possible I do like to sneak up to an opponent to have advantage on my first strike and surprise them I'll pick out one of the more powerful opponents on a battlefield and then take them out in a single round or maybe two I'll often use action Surge and precision attacks right away to ensure that I get that really really strong start with the best chance to hit and sometimes I'll even stack a menacing or disarming attack on top of precision attacks to get that extra damage taking opponents completely off of a battlefield before they're really even able to act makes a huge difference now with all that said after you've expended Surge and your superiority dice in a round or two your character is still really powerful it's not like you become weak after that you're just not as insanely powerful as you were early on after you run out of the ability to use Precision attack you just have to rely on other ways to increase your chance to hit with great weapon Master toggled on but don't be afraid to toggle it off at times though after an encounter is over hit that short rest button in your back to full power you don't need a long rest with this character until you run out of the short rests and speaking of ways to increase your chance to hit my favorite Synergy with this build is having a Caster in your group who has the hold person spell this is definitely one of the most powerful synergies in the game successfully casting hold person with a Caster on an opponent and then using your Battle Master on that paralyzed opponent gives your powerful melee attacks with great weapon Master toggle on a 100% hit chance and it also gives you guaranteed Critical Hits so so good and even better with the Great weapon Master build BS clerics Druids Sorcerers warlocks and wizards all have at least opportunities to grab the whole person's spell so do not let it pass speaking of bards if you play a Bard as your main character and instead use this build for Lazelle this is an excellent Synergy bards get the song of rest feature which is essentially giving your party another short rest and bards also have Bic inspiration which they can give your Battle Master to increase their chance of hitting now I'm going to go over a few equipment items that can benefit this build and are fairly easy to obtain earlier on in the game none of these are a necessity though with my more General builds I don't really want players to feel like they need to do x and x situation to then do this in act one to make this happen in act three Etc just play the game enjoy it and with this build you'll be just fine regardless of what you end up doing as far as armor goes just note that you'll be using medium and or heavy armor whatever gives you the better benefits and higher Armor class as you come AC across different pieces throughout the game so the gloves of dexterity that I mentioned earlier can be purchased from vendor jira and the Gian Crush in the mountain pass if you equip these gloves your dexterity will boost to 18 and you can then actually Respec your character through the NPC Withers back at Camp leave your dexterity on a measly 8 boost your Constitution to 16 and then show some extra love to those other ability scores on the nautiloid ship in the game's tutorial Commander zulk is carrying the ever burn blade which will give your attacks an extra 1 D4 fire damage if you can kill the commander or successfully use Shadow heart's command drop spell this is a solid weapon that works really great with great weapon Master feet and it will help get your playthrough started a little later on in act one though I would argue an even better sword to obtain would be the Sword of Justice from Anders in the toll housee the great thing about this sword is that it's 2d6 plus one and it gives you a free use of a shield of faith the main thing here though is that plus one which is added to not only damage rolls but also attack rolls and this will help offset that great weapon Master feet penalty which with this build is more important than getting that extra 1 D4 fire damage from the everb burn blade in the druid's Grove in act one you can find the tle vendor Damon who sells the hunting short bow although the short Bow's damage is not that great we don't really care about range damage that much with this build as the passive feature that the hunting bow comes with will give you advantage and not only your ranged attacks against enemies that are considered monstrosities but also Advantage with your two-handed melee weapon attacks against monstrosities as long as you have the bow equipped it's a very overlooked bow due to it being low damage and of course it being a green item but with the right builds it can provide tremendous benefit I leave this bow equipped for basically the entire game and that's going to be it for this build it's one of the best builds in the game and it doesn't even require you to multiclass nor is it completely reliant on specific items it's also a lot more fun than I expected because at first I was thinking it was going to be kind of boring you know you're playing as a fighter you attack attack I'm dumb attack attack and although there is some truth to that I also feel like an absolute Beast of a character with this build it's very satisfying to completely destroy your chosen opponents thank you all so much for watching and if you enjoy watching ing chill live streams consider watching some streams on my YouTube channel right here or I'm also live on my twitch Channel at wolfheart FPS every Tuesday Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Eastern and Sunday afternoon eastern time I'll also leave a link to the community Discord server Below in the video description
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 80,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, crpg, baldurs gate 3 build, best builds baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 class guide, class guide, fighter class guide, best feats bg3, honor mode build bg3, honor mode, fighter build, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, honour mode, laezel build
Id: EFuGy5U_2sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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