Baldur's Gate 3 - New Best MOST POWERFUL Subclass Tier List - Fast Easy Honour Mode Guide & More!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming and hey just one more to list look at Boulders Gate 3 with the recent surge of players returning to the game or new players post Christmas there's been a lot of talk around builds classes and sub classes going on I made an initial class-based tier list video and there was a lot of talk about specific subclasses in the comments of that for onor mode specifically today then I've got that follow-up video all about the sub classes and as you can see here we have sa a b and c as well as D now since some sub classes just aren't all that great or just are not that relevant for a challenge run like on a mode so I've got a lot to talk about and I'm going to try and make this video as short and concise as possible so on some of these I'm going to be pretty straightforward as a reminder though this is entirely subjective based on my knowledge and experience as well as research and a good amount of discussion so I don't believe this to be fact or perfectly accurate just my current best representation any of the subclasses can deal with on a mode it's just some are better than others with all that said though let's follow the ordering here class by class starting with monk it looks like now unfortunately we have two in the way of the four elements and the way of the Shadow are just overclass by the other one four elements is working much the same but worse than say open hand it's hard to recommend it in good faith outside of the cool and fun nature of it and I think a lot of people know this on the other hand with wear the shadow I just think it has a hard time during the leveling it's pretty damn decent at end game once things get really built up but then every other class in build is it requires that obscured play style which is fun and unique but like inflicting an extra Challenge on yourself in the first days of the playthrough both of them are fine but it's just nowhere near as good as way of the Open Hand monk which is s tier with how busted this one is especially when combined with tavn brawler you can have high strength and decks and other main stats that are causing massive damage while striking many times a turn often incredibly multiclass with Thief though for that extra bonus action allowing for constant flurry of blow use which is insanely strong it's probably one of the most well-known strong subclasses in the game compared to four elements to wear Shadow it's just quite the Stark difference which cannot be said the same for Paladin which is our next class here I would say devotion is generally the weakest of the bunch but it's still solid and that's why it's in see devotion is pretty invasive on the gameplay though CU it's a hard oath to actually maintain when dealing with your conversations and such and it doesn't really bring nearly as much of the table as the other subclasses so Above That B I put oath of Vengeance and this is the subass I ran in my first playthrough any oath concept that fits my Viber Paladin with a few spells that going to help you focus down specific targets the issue here is a lot of those spells that you get from it are actually concentration based and that's pretty involved for a paladin already so above that I have both oath of ancients an oath breaker at the top in s tier I absolutely love Paladin I think it's one of the strongest classes and multiclass options you can run even in honor mode and these two represent the class in a really good way if we look at oathbreaker in particular this is kind of the DPS focused one outside of its cool play style and theme it's that aura of hate that really is standout it causes extra damage with melee weapons based on your charisma modifier like the ultimate choice for DPS Paladin the class also provides some nice spells on top and causes fears for Advantage and so on on the other hand you have ancients which is a brilliant defensive option and my go to pick for a paladin that's more supportive and survival based the aura of warding is so good providing resistance to you and nearby allies against spells essentially cutting offensive spell damage in half against you in the team so Paladin overall is fantastic but oathbreaker and ancients provides you the best best two options for the two main play Styles whether that's offensive or defensive okay next up looks like we've got Barbarian we can cut to the point with wild magic and just put that down in D just a bit invasive on your gameplay with the random nature of it especially on your bonus action economy which could be wasted because of the subass in a not so ideal or planned way could be actually quite effective early but it's just not ideal for onor mode meanwhile much better than that you have wild heart which I put in a tier super helpful and a great pick in onor mode in general the be hearts probably the most popular of the heart options which turns your rage into that ultimate resistance option you get resistance to nearly every damage type except for psychic leading to a fantastic frontliner that's just very tanky while also being a great damage dealer at the same time on the other hand we have Berserker which is also a tier for sure working more as a damage Focus version and is actually my top pick for a throwing build you see tavn prawler provides extra damage on your throws via strength modifier so perfect and then you get frenzied rage from Berserker which leads to enrage throw that's a bonus action throw with extra damage on said throw it's very good outside of that silliness it's just a good damage dealer option just less defensive and either will work great in onon a mode much like the Paladin ones we just talked about okay it looks like Bard is up next which has great sub classes overall and is always good in any party especially as a party face that cannot be understated of the three I think college of Valor is the least picked least relevant one it's more of a supportive version and quite comparable to the swords B which is a bit better if you want a melee support I do think it's a reasonable pick I just think there's better options for that kind of a supportive nature college with swords on the other hand I absolutely love I put it all the way into St because the incredible flourish attacks providing tons of utility and DPS whether you're going melee or range mode this is a really good pick slashing flourish is obviously the best choice whether you're cleaving in melee or double attacking the same Target with one action en ranged which is really good for the dualan crossbow stuff ton of builds involve the College of Sword in the concept and if you're looking for a sort of fighting Focus Bard it's just the obvious pick whereas a lot of people also swear by and I kind of do too College of Law is essentially the awesome spellcasting version of bar through magical secrets that you get you can basically snipe some of the best spells in the game despite being a Bard not like a sorcerer or a wizard or whatever and you're going to be proficient in most things which is very useful so you could go college of law for a more supportive Focus or damage Focus or a mix of both you can kind of do it all and because you got incredible cast of spell slots from being a Bard you have lots of ability I think it's well known that swords and blow Bard are just top tier okay next up we have fighter which has a reasonable roster of subclasses but one stands out Above the Rest much like monk first up then let's talk Champion which I'm putting into C tier a pretty straightforward concept you immediately upon getting the subass you're just more likely to get crits because they reduce the number required say 20 down to 19 on your rolls General opinion is this is nice and helpful but it's not that ha full compared to say what you get from Battle Master Champion seems to be picked more as an afterthought that fits into a build that doesn't want more busyness and obviously if you're super crit focusing on a build it could be a good pick but beyond that it's a bit Niche and speaking of Niche we have eldrich Knight in B you can kind of make eldrich Knights by using other classes in multiclass but there is something very strong about the actual eldrich Knight it's Buffs like the spell shield and mirror image and blur you can use these things to give yourself really high effective AC while basically being a Mage killer you can be very good for controlling a fight while being very survivable yourself so yeah unique play style but again a bit Niche the same definitely can't be said for Battle Master which is absolutely s tier the battle Maneuvers that you get are incredible you get so many options for making your Tex more accurate it's helping your allies and buffing them managing enemies with fear prones maybe disarming them a 12 out of 12 full Battle Master fighter is a very good single class Focus but because you get the Maneuvers at just level three it's actually also a fantastic three level dip multiclass option and so you see in a lot of builds for that reason because there's loads of different Maneuvers for different play Styles it works in so many cases and then you're also going to get action Surge and a fighting style while you're at it so while the other two sub classes certainly have their place in certain specific builds Battle Master is the universal king of fighter all right next up we have cleric which has the massive host of subclasses So I'm going to be really quick with this cleric is always going to be useful so let's really focus on subclass stuff specifically firstly we have trickery domain which is the worst one in my opinion also nich init play style providing much less utility in options of impact rather than the other domains I'm just not a fan of this one above that B I'm going to put nature domain which is kind of like a druy cleric the biggest thing here I think is dampen elements that you get for you and the team using a reaction to half the damage of acid cold fire lightning and thunder damage you also get a selection of Druid style spells like bark skin grasping veins it is a neat version of cleric but also one that I don't think is the strongest either which brings us to the a tier options we have knowledge War domain and light domain knowledge is great for control and proficiencies if you're lacking a good party face and you want to play a cleric war on the other hand is a very good combat Focus cleric you get things like guided strike that's a plus 10 bonus to attack roles and when you get War God's blessings this means you can give that effect to allies too so if You' got someone that really needs accuracy doesn't want to miss maybe like a Gloom stalk or assassin type that could be very helpful and for the cleric itself you've got War priest you can make an attack a bonus action leading to you know lots of attacks per turn that can be a good multiclass dip so I do like War domain a lot light is also very high rated that fire cleric warding flare becomes a really impactful thing on your gameplay it forces enemies to have disadvantage on their attacks which could be big if they're about to hit hard and you cause them to miss it's also quite an offensive cleric and it spell focuses too but since I like to run my clerics more as a support I don't really find myself using light even though I know it's very high rated for me rate Tempest domain and life domain higher than that life in particular is incredible as the ultimate healer and support I covered this in a top tier build for an Ono party because it's so good at preventing deaths on mass and if you want a Healer it's pretty much just the best option you can go for on the other hand we have Tempest domain there which provides destructive wrath so your thunder and lightning attacks can be guaranteed to deal them Max damage using a channel Divinity and you can get up to three with the right setup that is busted The Tempest storm cleric sorcerer multi classes is a well-known one for its unbelievable burst tied to the destructive wrath concept if you make enemies wet they'll be vulnerable to the same damage type so even higher burst The Tempest cleric can help set up huge damage or just be a very good multiclass dip depending on the damage types in your party where it's relevant it's absolutely dominating okay so next we have Druid which to be honest with you is not my favorite class concept I've played it probably the least out of all of them through research and conversation I think I've got a good general idea on these subclasses but please take this one with a bit more of a grain of salt so I've got circle of land in B it's kind of the generic cter Druid one that's scaling with wisdom compared to say Charisma or intelligence and if you're lacking a Caster in the party it's a fine option to consider but I think you're picking it because you like DDS not because it's the best thing for hono is not bad but there's just things that do similar better above that we have circle of moon and spaes in a for Moon that's the one that's all about Transformations which is very iconic for drid you can use a spell on a main action and transform on your bonus action so you can have a very effective single turn this can lead to being a very good frontliner and one that scales pretty well as you get say ourl bare form later on but in terms of say front lining or being a spellcaster I just feel that it does everything pretty well but if you want to focus on any one thing like having a better frontliner you'll find it elsewhere while spores is a weird one the Druid Necromancer and it's commonly said that it's maybe the better Necromancer option and most often when in multiclass with Necromancer wizard you get this pack of mobs that control which you can use to buffer and get in the way or sacrifice at will that's a very useful thing you can do some funky things like a melee fighting version though but like I said it's not my thing I don't see it as one of the strongest things in the game just a very good one but here's one class that I've mainly played in one subass the ranger so let's get to the chase on this one s tier for me is Gloom stalker incredibly good and we probably all know this it's that ability to deal so much damage on an initial turn to such a high degree you can kill a lot of enemies before they even get to react you can go invisible or just leave and then come back and do the next first turn kill and then leave again and come back and do it again it's funny because if you plan to go assassin you're probably actually a Gloom stalker Ranger with a little bit of assassin which is a bit sad and those are the incredible damage you can do with the duel hand crossbow builds or even just full on proper bow below that I put in B Beast Master and Hunter I spoke recently about the Hunter and how this can be really powerful in the late game once you get volley going absolutely dominating fights with insane DPS potential aoeing four or even five times a turn which can be insane the problem is you need to be level 11 for that you might as well play something else and then resp a hunter very late which is a big issue bit awkward and that's why it's in B on the other hand I've also got Beast Master at B and I'm pretty uneducated on this topic the Beast you can summon seem pretty useful Waring enemies sacrificing them if you need to quite useful in the abilities they have I just don't see this one talked about that much and while it's certainly not weak I think B should probably be a reasonable place for it those of you more versed on this subass though maybe you can rate this more accurately in the comments comments next up then we have sorcerer straight to the point on this one I have draconic bloodline in a and storm sorcerer in s bloodline is fantastic for the many different focuses you get whether that's extra damage on certain damage types you're planning on doing or resistances to those too that can be clutch as well as the extra Health as you level the class more and more I generally like bloodline for early to mid sorcerer leveling though or just a neat multiclass dip while storm sorcerer provides the more mid to late game real power with much higher highs because the thunder or lightning damage potential is really high especially if you dip into Tempest cleric you just get so much burst and control through say your cold spells while hitting Ultra hard with your lightning especially if you make enemies wet beforehand also you're just going to get some free flying around which can be fantastic for positioning and yeah as a sorcerer you got lots of spell options the twin haste and stuff like that can be very impactful I just find both of these pretty damn top tier but prefer storm sorcerer above draconic bloodline lower down the list though at C is wild magic which which just is unreliable you might be super powerful one moment the other you might everything up it's pretty damn chaotic and that's a fun thing just dangerous to pick in honor mode after that we have warlock which is a class concept I really like but let's really focus on the subclasses I feel of the three here Arch pH is the one I'd ranked the lowest but I still put it pretty high at a B rating it's basically the CC option of the subclasses fearing Charming enemies dominating targets preventing invisibility I just think the other two subclasses provided a bit more impact and you can get control for the other subass either way so at a I have the fiend and I have the great old one the fiend is a more survivable warlock which is a very good thing in onor mode you get lots of temporary hit points though admittedly there's a lot of ways to get those in this game and fish resilience later on which lets you pick a damage type and become resistant to it you basically choose the damage type to resist per shot rest so every fight you can prepare what you're going to deal with and become very survivable tanky against it which is really good if you're Scout outing things out so as a survival warlock option in onor mode it's a very good pick meanwhile we have the great old one which is a good mix of damage and CC that cor passive mortal reminder means you can V enemies which gives you advantage in a fight but there's lots of other ways you get advantage through entropic Ward you force disadvantage on an enemy that's attacking you spending a reaction to do so if they miss well then you get advantage on them on your next attack rooll so that's very clutch too honestly both of these subclasses could be considered for S tier but I just lost the same level enthusiasm for this in Ona mode specifically because packed to the blade level five you get deep imp pack providing you with the sort of extra attack that used to stack with normal extra attacks which was kind of busted for say multiclass dipping five levels into warlock since that doesn't work in honor mode it's a big blow for the potential of the class and so I feel it's probably better placed in a than S nearly at the end though we're going to be talking about Rogue which is going to be pretty quick I rate this one the lowest as a class overall in my class T list and maybe you'll see why starting with the Arcane trickster which I put in D- rating Illusions just aren't great in Boulders Gate 3 in D and D the potential is really high and really fun but in this video game it's way more restricted just nowhere near as good above that we have Assassin in B tier it brings a lot to the table from just three levels but like I said earlier if you're playing a sort of assassin play style well you're probably playing gloomstalker Ranger mostly with a little bit of assassin three levels into assassin gets you the critical benefits you're looking for and more than that just isn't that great best used in multiclass so I just can't put it higher than b and speaking of three levels we have the thief which I do put in a a lot of multiclass builds working thief because of that incredible second bonus action that this provides open hand monk gets a ton from that but any dual wielding build is going to use offhand attacks with bonus actions so it's great there but yeah many metab builds actually work in Thief you're not really playing Thief to its full though you're just dipping in three levels for the multiclass cuz more than that just doesn't feel that great so a very good multiclass option but just in a weird place overall but as you can see this brings us to the last class for the video and one with tons of sub glasses so let's fly through this right off the bat then we have enchantment conjuration illusion and transmutation all down in DET tier specifically for onor mode though they all serve interesting purposes but they're not going to provide what you need in a challenge run but things like transmutation can be helpful when you return to Camp get your highing that's in a specific one of these specs like an alchemist you can rely on use it and then swap it back out other subclasses is going to be way more impactful so in B tier I have necromancy like I said earlier overshadowed by the spa Druid does much the same thing but kind of better Necromancer was originally busted though thanks to the dance macabra spell after that was nerfed kind of lost that busted potential now it's just a fine fun and unique play style above that in a we have the evocation school it's like the easiest wizard to play benefits like your AOE won't harm allies and the fact that you get potent C trips making them very likely to land or if they're not going to land it just still does half damage and there is empowered evocation that adds your intelligence modifier to damage roles using evocation spells pretty potent damage potential there it's a very straightforward and very reliable pick and if you're a new player it's probably the best thing you could go for but in terms of Honor mode and Effectiveness we have abjuration and Divination in s tier abjuration leads to essentially the most survival wizard that exists and you can extend that survivability to your allies too you create this kind of comical build that nullifies damage or massively reduces it by stacking up Arcane Wards by using the subclasses type of spells when you stack that high enough you can reduce tens or even 20s of damage meaning you don't even take damage when you're hit you build this tanky reflex style build that works wonders and could be a very reliable pick for onom mode specifically like I said you can also reduce the damage your allies are taking at the same time by projecting that Ward but on the other hand if you thinking more of a normal wizard a lot of people swear by divination and for good reason you unlock the poent dice allow you to change the rols on different results meaning you just failed a CC on a Target right you can just decide you didn't fail you store up these rolls after resting and then use them where relevant leading to consistent control of how fights go amazingly that works on enemies too so you've got a low roll saved you can just force that upon the enemy meaning they roll low on an attack where they normally going to hit and now they just missed or something so either abjuration or divination I think are your best picks for Wizard in honor mode specifically but there you have it that's my overview of the sub classes with on a mode specifically in mind overall I'm pretty happy with these ratings and the reasoning there's only a couple that I felt unsure about I hope this was an interesting watch and hopefully useful but remember not to take this list as fact I'm sure there's going to be a lot of discussion in the comments about what where and when for now though I've been Hollow you've been new thank you for watching and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into ENT yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your hom make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 54,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 best subclass, baldurs gate 3 subclasses, best subclass, subclass, subclasses, baldurs gate 3 best class, best class, baldurs gate 3 tier list, class tier list, baldurs gate 3 honour mode, honour mode, honour mode build, baldurs gate 3 honour mode build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best build, sorcerer, paladin, warlock, fighter, guide, multiclass guide, multiclassing guide, feats, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, best, level 12, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: wGBI7vJ_ckM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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