The Most Tragic Honour Mode Run in Baldur's Gate 3 History...

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so let me tell you a little story about an honor mode run that went well we'll get to that [Music] part when honor mode released with patch 5 I had already completed a neutral good run on balanced mode and an evil runon tactician so naturally it was time to take on the challenge of Honor mode as none other than the dark urge for those of you unfamiliar with what honor mode is basically it's tactician plus with a caveat of if your entire party dies you have to start the game over back to the beginning if you want to achieve victory in this mode there's no previous save point for you to load back into which also means that save scummers have to live with their decisions but luckily for me I I'm not scum man I already play that way for the most part so accidentally Thunder waving alir off the cliff was just another day in the life no need to reload your song sucks now if you make it through the game without tpking you are rewarded with the honor mode golden die [Applause] [Music] surprise you done Tardis My Beautiful Dark urge Dr set off on her journey with determination and excitement she was ready to earn that golden die and redeem herself from the evil ways of her past I decided to play this mode with actual honor at least my own definition of what it means in this case no alt f4 in out of the game if I die no research at all on the bosses with their new legendary actions no cheese speeduns no mods to Aid me no looking at chat for answers or tips no leaving one teammate at camp at all times so it's impossible to ever tpk I was also determined to do most if not all of the optional boss fights that the game offers now if you didn't play that way that's fine don't get offended okay this is not an online competitive video game it doesn't matter what you do personally but for myself I've just always had this thing in my brain where I can't allow myself to really feel a sense of achievement or real satisfaction whenever I take shortcuts so I knew that I had to do this run in the way that felt honorable to me starting the Quest for the golden die was a bit daunting mainly because at this time I had no idea what kind of difficulty Spike this mode was truly going to offer it was the entering into the unknown that created this sense of intimidation this was a great feeling though I felt alive and I felt fully engaged with a game that at this point I was starting to feel a bit burnt out from overall though act one didn't turn out to be too bad non- boss encounters even though they are technically more difficult I didn't really feel that difficulty that much it felt more so like I was just playing on tactician the surprise appearance of that second Al bear though in the AL bear cave did make me wonder what other surprises laran had planned here little bit oh no what was that but I destroyed that Al bear and I killed the Cub I'm just I didn't kill the Cub now the first actual mild scare that I had in act one was the Spider Queen I tried to sneak over to her but I got caught no no oh my God first wrench in the plans then I decided to be crafty and I snuck my lard all the way around and went for a Thunder Wave hoping to push this nasty creature into the depths of the underd dark all right well I guess Lan's not playing around plan two failed next thing you know LEL my primary damage dealer is at half HP she's poisoned and surrounded by a bunch of baby spiders and if I attack these baby spiders the queen will use her legendary action gossamer tomb and in case lelle in a deadly web ready to be devoured alive ultimately though the encounter turned out just fine just scared me a bit in the beginning I still put that damn spider down with all my party members alive two of which had full HP oh my God now the goblin Fortress wasn't too bad that police offers an environment that if used strategically will make it almost impossible for you to tpk in there so just make sure to look around and take advantage of the environment heading into the underd dark I met a friend named fouette took that bastard down on the first encounter with it then I raised it from the dead kept it as a pet and proceeded to destroy anything that moved down there including the cute innocent mikid didn't mean to but it's not like you can go back to a previous load point in fact I murdered all of sovereign Spa's family and friends all of them brothers sisters cousins lovers cousins that are lovers what I don't control M ated Society you name it and they met my blade in the teeth of my obedient land shark I of course used non-lethal damage on spa though because I'm a pretty nice guy if you just show me a little respect I gave him Amnesia and when he woke up he gave me rewards songs we sing now carry your spirit the dude just called me life chanter and I slaughtered every single freaking mushroom that was making any sort of movement in the under dark I love that guy fuck Bernard he's dead and on to the forge of Grims which was my first almost tpk moment I planned out my battle though and found out that most of gal's spells can actually reach from above so why would I bring him down strategically that would be a bad move after throwing hammers with my other party members for the double vulnerability damage but literally missing every single throw at 70 plus fucking per. it didn't do shit okay I haven't hit a single attack yet next thing you know Grim is dealing crazy thunder damage with his legendary AOE action two of my party members are now dead carlac missing 50% hit points and had to bring pants gal down to try to kite the big bastard underneath the forge hammer and then I made what some may call a 200 IQ play that no one has probably ever thought of before and I shot my crossbow at the forge lever bringing it down on Grim's big ugly head and launching me into a Victory celebration woo let's go holy crap wow but wolfart I shoot arrows at levers all the time it's not that impressive no you don't kid no you don't now we've reached the end of act one and we're at the gith Yankee Crush fighting The Inquisitor waras more like War ass dude sucks and I dropped them in round two even tore that bastard's eye out as a trophy let's move on to some real opponents now and that brings us into act two but actually to be honest with you act two didn't really put me in any true scares of a tpk being the nice guy that I am at decided to help jira and make her think that I like her only to later on let KCK expend all of his might and drop her dead in a single freaking turn seriously oh shit Focus your attack soldiers see you later Jiro she died and she's gone for good because you can't res those who are not officially companions yet oh well for the first time ever I murdered Marcus at the last Light Inn with Isabelle still alive and well that was an accomplishment now with true honor some may call it stupidity I proceeded to push on and do all of the possible fights in the Act 2 area Edward Scissor Hands got a taste of his own medicine he's dead garang go thorm got outplayed as it destroyed all the skulls very quickly and she was a breeze after that everyone's favorite hell Beast to your gear gave me a bit of a scare but I took him by surprise which gave me a really strong start and ultimately I won no problem and then Big Daddy belthazar also got his ass handed to him I was actually quite worried about this fight before I got into it but with some decent initial burst damage from my Battlemaster fighter and a nice choke point with a guardian of Faith Bazar didn't stand a chance although I will say when he cast Cloud kill I almost shit my pants God bless brother holy crap and this brings us into the Final Act 2 boss dead beat dad Krick KCK actually has one of the best stories in the game if you ask me with a little planning ahead I simply took a couple invisibility potions snuck up a character to where Dame alen was being held to free her and then I snuck LEL up to the Mind flare and that gave me a really strong start and I just basically just kicked the Avatar of merkel's ass no problem so let's move on to act three overall act three wasn't too bad many agree that at this point in the game your characters can be really really powerful and that the game's difficulty doesn't really keep up that well I think that's a common opinion well it did for the answer fight so shut up that's fuck man this bastard gave me the biggest scare of the run so far I thought I was clever with the globe of invulnerability which might have ADD were a huge help but answer started doing this attack that didn't deal damage but it caused my Casters Of The Globe to foul concentration saves and then two of my Globes disappeared on me and uh-oh um I should probably honestly get Shadow heart inside the globe before we do anything and my B lucky for for me I'm smarter than the average Norwegian lemine and I decided I should probably move at least one party member you know really far away from where answer is in case he does some crazy AOE damage what is this oh it's over oh my God answer was just getting started though just just pray that I don't tpk right now just just pray this is the most intense fight I think I've ever had in my entire life in a video game using death Ward on all four of my companions before the fight began turned out to be a pretty damn good strategy answer only had one HP and you're damn right I shot a motherfucking magic Missile at his ass of which he turned many of them into zero damage but at least one of them got through and that was the end of the undead dragon one of these is going to hit one of these is going to get give me it let's go the rest of act three wasn't too bad I did all the fights except Raphael now the reason for that was I wanted to help Raphael this run and give him the crown to see how it altered the ending of the game regardless Raphael wouldn't have stood a chance I just slayed the undead dragon underneath the damn city in celebration of that I decided to have sex with a mind flare we don't talk about that anymore then I slapped KAS around no problem had a bit of a scare with the viconia fight at the start of it but once I popped a globe they didn't have a damn clue what to do sahok was an interesting one I should say I deceived him into thinking I was going to be cool with him which led him to let himself be alone in a room with me which the last time that that happened I banged a talking squid wait this might actually be the easiest way to take out srao cuz look nobody's hold on I think I might have discovered something here but whatever and then I proceeded to slash sraak in the back here we go I guess that is kind of dishonorable fuck it though and he went down in a single round didn't plan for it to happen that way but it did and there's no going back so I guess we push on all right well Z boox done it was now my time to shine it was my time as the dark urge to duel in on honor mode no help from any party members except the 17,000 buff spells I did before the duel began now that was a great idea you got to give it to me now as a lore Bard I didn't think the odds were in my favor here so I was definitely a little bit nervous little did I know though a few summons to distract the Slayer and a couple casts of hold monster I did miss two in a row though and Orin was done I even saved pipsqueak hson although if you ask me that wasn't what I came down there for I have now made it to the end of the game the final boss fight on honor mode got past the dragon opened the portal and the real battle had begun one of the catches of this fight on honor mode is that the nether brain will become invulnerable to damage types that it takes in the previous round but I pushed through it though and I switched weapons with lasel use different types of spells Etc but an unfortunate unlucky mind blast stunned my Bard and I lost her pretty early on in the battle as the battle went on I knew that my time was running out because this damn brain was blowing up all the platforms around it there was only so many platforms left to stand on what I didn't know was that this was the last round for the fight apparently on honor mode the game doesn't show you a timer for the fight let me just continue on with the story okay so there was still a platform that was okay I was almost sure that I'll be able to get at least a few more attacks in and defeat the nether brain it's now Shadow heart's turn and she had a potion of speed active and I started off with a successful guiding Bolt the final boss of the entire freaking game now only has 19 hit points left if my mouth didn't taste like squid I would say I could taste victory at this point I decided that I was going to use my highest spell slot available for my second action a level four spell slot I was going to cast inflict wounds on the brain pretty powerful melee spell I was certain that this would be enough damage yeah I got to get close for inflict wounds though and I might as well move to the only platform in this area that doesn't look like it's going to explode at this point you're probably noticing haste Spore Cloud on that platform and yeah I saved my haste grenade for endgame to ensure that I have max power haste grenades are a blessing right well funny thing is in the previous round I actually hastened the nether brain alongside lasel and gaale oh shit shit but regardless 19 hit points left on the nether brain one action left done Shadow heart and I got to get close for that inflict wounds killing blow I might as well walk over to the safe platform and get my victory and then it happened oy why did that switch turns what just happened join me thow walking into a Hast sport Cloud when you have only one round left of a potion of speed active on a character is apparently a really really really really really really bad idea this causes the potion of speed to end and your character becomes lethargic instead of gaining the benefits of the haste Cloud Shadow heart's turn ending here was the end of the timer for the fight I lost honor mode to a mushroom cloud oh man Sovereign Spa really got his [Music] revenge [Music] n
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 235,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 honour mode, honor mode bg3, honour mode build, honor mode highlights, best builds baldurs gate 3, honor mode review bg3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, baldurs gate 3 review
Id: YdjVqmrGCaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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