Baldur's Gate 3 - Dual Wield Abjuration Wizard Tank Build - Frost/Lightning Themed Wizard Guide

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what is going on guys this is croen and welcome back to another balers Gate 3 build this time we are going to look at my abjuration wizard tank who dual wields quarter staves and who is Frost and lightning themed so I used an abjuration wizard for my honor mode character and it worked out really well I completed the game with it but I felt like I could have made that build a little bit better so I went back and I revised it and this is the build that I came up with so this build had has super high survivability but also really high damage potential and the main goal is trying to expose the vulnerabilities of cold and lightning damage by using Create water so armor of ays can either give you 50 to 60 damage reflected back at your enemy you also have really high cantrip damage you can even attack with the quarter staves because we're going to get them to scale with dexterity and then you could even go for a really high burst with a lightning spell thanks to the twole Tempest cleric dip here so there's so many things going on that doesn't even include the summons I mean the summons are really good too and you know they could also make use of the vulnerabilities between either cold or lightning damage so yeah let's get into making this abjuration wizard tank for our starting class and abilities we want to select the sorcerer as they will give us Constitution saving throw proficiency so for the subass go ahead and pick the draconic bloodline and pick the white cold version so you get armor of agathys armor of agathys is going to be our main spell with this build so you want to make sure that you always have those temporary hit points active for the canant trips pick the non-offensive canant trips we don't want anything here scaling with our Charisma so go with blade Ward Mage hand light and minor illusion for the Spells pick shield and magic Missile here and you want to select these now you don't want to worry about anything else because if you select these on the sorcerer side of things these two spells will always be prepared and they're probably by far the most useful spells for the entire game so get these now and you never have to worry about preparing them for the abilities intelligence is going to be our main ability here so if you have access to The Hags hair go ahead and select 17 intelligence that way you will only need one ability Improvement to reach 20 intelligence otherwise if you don't have the hags hair start with 16 and raise up your charisma to 12 as that'll just give you better dialogue checks for constitution we want to start with 16 here that's a very good starting stat and we're just going to leave that here until we get Amulet of Greater Health down in act three start with 14 dexterity with this build initiative is going to be super important so having dexterity is going to be more important than strength here and eventually we're going to get gloves of dexterity with this build and we're just going to use that for our 18 dexterity but 14 is a very good starting point and then everything else just uh go down to eight strength eight wisdom and 10 Charisma for the skill proficiencies go with intimidation and persuasion so now we could focus on our level path so at level two you want to go ahead and multiclass into our main class and that will be the wizard so for the can trips you want to go ahead and select the offensive cantrips this time so shocking grasp Ray of frost and then also pick up Firebolt in case you ever want to blow up any kind of barrels for these spells we also want to stick with the frost and lightning theme here so go with ice knife witch bolt chromatic orb is also really useful for any other type of damage I would also recommend long Strider as having more movement speed is going to be really important with this build you could also pick up disguise self and grease now our goal is just to keep leveling into a wizard until we get to our first feat so make sure that you select the abjuration subclass and for the two spells I recommend Mage Armor and also protection from evil and good both of these are abjuration spells which means that they are going to give you Arcane War charges and that's really what you want here wizard level three gives us two more spells I recommend going with Misty step here and hold person so now we get our first feet and what we want to do with this is go ahead and select dual wielder this will allow us to use two different quarter staves which is really what we want with this build for the can trip I recommend going with bone chill and for the two level two spells it's really personal choice here none of these are really going to be too significant I recommend going with cloud of daggers and knock so now our build is starting to come along pretty well but we are missing a couple of things and the first one is create water and we also need to be able to use uh any type of armor that we want so what we need to do here is multiclass into a cleric go for the Tempest domain to stick with the lightning theme that we can get out of this build for the can trips I recommend thury guidance and produce flame for the deity you could pick whatever you want here I just go for TS the main thing that you want here though is create water so make sure that you have this prepared so now we're level seven and our build is almost fully online at this point we're only missing a couple of features so what we want to do at this point is try to make our quarter staves scale with dexterity so by default a staff scales with strength in this game so in order for it to scale with dexterity you got to put a one level dip in a monk in order to get dextrous attacks that way you can actually attack with your quarter staves here and do some pretty decent Dam damage especially with the offhand attack so you want to go ahead and pick this up around the time that you get gloves of dexterity which should be around level seven so now that we're level eight the core of our build is completed but we are missing a really important spell that we need from the Wizard and you cannot learn this spell through a scroll so you have to get it here and that is counter spell so you want to make sure that you pick up counter spell get counter spell and then at that point just go for something else that you don't have already learned from a scroll so glyph awarding is good here as that's another abjuration spell haste is really good and then also lightning bolt just pick whichever one that you do not have at this point at level 9 I recommend doing one last important step and going back into a cleric in order to get destructive wrath so destructive wrath will allow you to deal the maximum thunder or lightning damage possible by using a channel Divinity so obviously since we're lightning based we want to use those lightning spells it's going to give you some really nice burst so I would recommend getting this at level 9 so now that we got all of that out of the way at level 10 it's really simple from here on out all we're going to do is put the rest of our levels into a wizard so we get two additional Spells at level 10 as I said just go with the ones that you don't have here I'm just going to select haste and lightning bolt at level 11 we get two additional spells the main thing here is that now we can select level four spells um doesn't mean that you have to wait until Level 11 to have level four spells with our build progression we can get level four spells through Scrolls as early as level eight so there's four really good level four spells here there's conjure minor Elemental fire Shield ice storm and stone skin since this is an abjuration spell so I would just pick those four so for this one we'll just go with conjure minor Elemental and Fire shield and finally at level 12 we get our second feat and what we want to do for this is just go for Ability Improvement and raise up your intelligence assuming that you have The Hags ha your intelligence will now be at 20 for the Spells as I mentioned we could go for ice storm and stone skin now next up is our gear setup and there's a couple of goals in mind with our gear we want to have high initiative we also want to have damage reduction and the ability to not get critically hit so we're going to start with mask of soulle perception for the plus two bonus to attack roles and initiative roles a good early game helmet will be fist breaker Helm as this will give you spell safe difficulty class and initiative rooll bonus hood of the weave is a good alternative to mask of Soul perception we're also going to go with cloak of the weave for spell save difficulty class and spell attack rolles Adam Mantine splint armor not only is that damage reduction going to stack really really nicely with the Arcane Ward but attackers cannot land critical hits on you and that's really what you want with this build you got to have some item that makes you immune to Critical Hits whatever you do gloves of dexterity for our dexterity increase to 18 and then also a plus one bonus to attack rols disintegrating night Walkers this is mainly so that way you cannot slip on Ice believe me there's going to be a lot of frost going on and there's going to be a lot of ice don't want to slip on that so if you don't want to use disintegrating night Walkers with this build you can go with hor Frost boots and that will give you the same effect there amlet of Greater health for 23 Constitution and advantage on Constitution saving throws you're basically never going to fail a constitution saving throw and that's really what you want with this build ring of Elemental infusion for a little bit of extra damage with your offhand attack after you cast a can trip and then Crushers ring for the movement speed which is going to be really good because you're going to be moving around a lot with this build in order to try to trigger those opportunity attacks now I want to go over one thing real quickly and that's Ring of Arcane Synergy and necklace of Elemental augmentation these are really good items the problem is in order for them to work with your intelligence you have to multiclass into a wizard last so what I mean by that is it only works for the initial level so remember our level path that we took we went sorcerer wizard cleric monk so right now if we were to put these items on it would think that we're a monk and it would scale the spell casting modifier with that and that's really not what we want so you would have to resp if you want to use these items preferably at level seven and all you got to do is just uh put wizard last so go sorcerer cleric monk Wizard and it only matters for the first initial level that you put into the class so you don't have to worry about out the extra level from a cleric later on so just keep that in mind if you want to use those two items they're really good but you know they require you to respect with this build for the melee weapons we're going to go with the Marco hes here and then also morning Frost in our offhand Marco hes here I hope I'm pronouncing that right it's by far the best staff in the game you got to get it once you get into act three and morning Frost is a really good staff that you get in act one you could use this for the entire game I would recommend keeping it in your off hand because it does have that additional cold damage which means that once you use create water you can use this as an off-hand attack and it will give you a little bit of extra damage due to the vulnerability and then for our ranged weapon we're just going to go with the hell Rider long bow for the initiative now a good early game bow that you can use here is Bow of awareness it will give you initiative roles there and then a good early game staff in order to dual wield with the morning Frost would be Ms for staff you can use this and it will also give you a plus one bonus to spell save difficulty class and spell attack roles and one final thing I want to say here is that you can Respec after you get gloves of dexterity and Amulet of Greater health and what you could do is just lower your dexterity down to eight lower your Constitution down to eight and you can use those points to raise up your wisdom and Charisma and also get your strength up to 10 I recommend just going for the ability points that you see here so 10 strength 14 wisdom 16 Charisma so before we get into combat we got to set our character up outside of combat preferably after a long rest so I want to showcase this real quickly so that way you guys understand how to set this character up so right after a long rest go ahead and cast armor of agathys Max to a level five upcast that way you save your level six spell slots next conjure a minor Elemental go for the ice maites as they can give you extra damage thanks to the vulnerability from create water next conjure an elemental go for the water meridon if you want to stick to the frost side of things go for the air madon if you want to stick to the lightning side of things since this is going to be a frost showcase we're going to go with the water maradon here next if you are in act three you have access to learning a summon Dava scroll one of the perks of being a wizard over a sorcerer by the way so go ahead and summon that if you have it next we are going to Cast Stone skin in order to get four extra Arcane Ward charges you can cast this on yourself you can cast this on an ally do whatever you want with it even if you are going to use a different concentration spell when you get into combat the main point here is getting the Arcane Ward charges so now you can go ahead and go back into Arcane recovery and recover that level four spell that you just used on Stone Skin So now for the the last step we want to go ahead and use cesca's favor if we have the Marco hes Kier staff so use Frost of dark winter if you're going to go for the frost side of this build or use bolts of Doom if you're going to go for the lightning side so we're going to go for the frost of dark winter here and then the last thing I just want to talk about is the Arcane W charges don't worry about maxing this out and going up to 16 with this all you need to do is get to near 10 and you should be fine you're still going to have a lot of opportunities in combat to raise this up so as long as you're near 10 you are okay and finally we could take a look at the abjuration wizard in combat so always make sure that you have long Strider active that increased movement speed is going to be nice to run around and Trigger opportunity attacks and then have a cleric cast Aid on the party that's going to give you more health and your summons more health and the good news about this build is that we're always going to start first thanks to our 18 Dex it and our gear set up and that is really what you want that's what makes this build powerful being able to position yourself Cas and create water on the enemies doing all of these nice things before the enemy even has a chance to move that is perfect so what we're going to do is start out with haste and then we are going to create water uh we're going to upcast this to a level two that way we can get this enemy up here and make sure you don't do something like this where you cast create water on your entire party cuz if something goes wrong and Ice gets all over the ground that's just not going to be very productive having your entire party in that so I try to just limit it towards making the puddle where the enemies are so let's go ahead and do that and now we can just run around and Trigger opportunity attacks just keep in mind that the enemies are going to miss from time to time it's just the way that this build is set up you know having the sorcerer class gives our base Armor class up to 13 and then the dexterity bonus on top of that means that even if we were wearing no armor uh armor class would still be 18 with this build which is just nuts so uh just keep that in mind they are going to miss from time to time so uh that's to be expected so let's go ahead and Trigger this um then trigger this one as well and at least we hit this one enemy here so now what we can do is we could either cast Misty step position ourselves even better we can use Sanctuary on one of our allies so that way they can't be hit or we can just use our offhand attack for a little bit of nice extra damage as a filler attack so I'm just going to use the offhand attack here might as well use it on the enemy that hit us it's pretty neat to being able to use uh attacks with these quarter staves I got to admit so that's one of the reasons why I really wanted that one dip into a monk so the only summon I'm going to showcase for this build is the water meridon because they are by far the best summon for this build and that is because they have explosive icicle they can cast three AOE attacks that is cold damage which means that against vulnerable targets it is really nice to have so I'm going to go ahead and use Elemental warp warp up here that way we get The High Ground and yeah just use explosive icicle um I might as well just use it on these three enemies right here so let's go ahead and just do that and yeah you can see the damage is just nuts like just for a summon uh that's a lot especially when you have other summons on top of just this one so now we're in turn two and there are a bunch of things that we can do at this point but the first step is to try to trigger these opportunity attacks and get these enemies to hit us hopefully so we got that guy to hit us this guy missed that is okay and I feel like using chain lightning here so obviously we don't have a level six spell slot that we can use however thanks to our staff our Marco hes here I believe I'm pronouncing that right uh we can use Arcane battery and we can use any spell without spending a spell slot so I'm going to go for chain lightning and I might as well just use it on the highest percent uh some of these numbers just seem wrong I don't know how this is only 55 and 50% on The Archers um but yeah I guess uh I guess we'll go for this enemy here I know this enemy isn't in the water or they're not wet but um it's still going to deal enough damage to knock them out because we are going to use the cleric destructive wrath so let's go ahead and use that here use use destructive wrath and yeah that uh that's a lot of damage that's a lot of damage uh so now we do have another extra attack at this point what I can do is just use Ray of frost and we should get some nice extra damage with Ray of frost here and yeah that's that's not bad um then we could just go right into our offhand attack and finish it so I hope you guys enjoyed my dual wielding abjuration wizard tank who is Frost or lightning base whichever one you choose there uh you could use this for your main character you could use it for Gail um whatever you do it's just going to be a lot of fun and yeah let me know what you guys think about this one in the comments if you have any other builds you want to see let me know in the comments as well and thank you guys for watching till the end and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Crozyn
Views: 13,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 best build, baldur's gate 3 build guide, builds, guide, tips, baldur's gate 3 beginner guide, baldur's gate 3 ultimate build, baldur's gate 3 combat tips, baldur's gate 3 stealth, baldur's gate 3 ranged build, baldur's gate 3 tank, baldur's gate 3 tank build, tank build baldurs, bg3 tank build, bg3 shadowheart necromancer, shadowheart necromancer build, bg3 shadowheart necro build, shadowheart, bg build, shadowheart cleric build
Id: 5ydaTu8a9eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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