Baldur's Gate 3 Cleric Guide - Tempest Domain Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's Larry from lero gaming and today's Butler's Gate 3 guide we're going to look at the Tempest domain subclass for the cleric in this video we're gonna cover character creation level one when it comes to the class we're gonna also look at the full level 2 to 12 breakdown this is going to include all spells available as you level up and then later on I'm also going to give my thoughts on General equipment recommendations as well as my thoughts on multi-classing the Tempest cleric you can use timestamps below jump the area that most interests you remember drop a like and leave a comment below with your thoughts feedback and questions and now without further ado let's check out the Tempest domain cleric all right at level one key things to note about the cleric your primary ability is wisdom you're gonna have saving throw proficiencies with wisdom and Charisma your hit dies are 1d8 hit points and then you're gonna have proficiency of all simple weapons light armor medium armor and shields that's Baseline but when we choose Tempest domain it's also going to add Marshall weapon proficiency as well as heavy armor proficiency and they're going to get access to the Thunder Wave and fog spell and then the Wrath of the storm feature that I'll describe in just a second this means that not only can you be an offensive Caster in addition to your healing but you can also be very offensive melee away since you have access to all armor and pretty much all weapons now looking at the cleric you will get access to three can trips let me show you your options here the one that's a master's guidance since it adds one to four uh points to pretty much any ability check pretty much that you're gonna do out there and then you'll have access to picking two more I'm gonna Mouse over them feel free to pause the game or the video rather if you kind of want to see the descriptors but choose whichever ones seem interesting to you now you're gonna get instant access to five spells that are initially memorized so cure wounds is super useful as the main action heal guiding bolt is one of two main range Styles you're gonna have healing word do note this is a bonus action heel so you can combo it with the basic melee range cure wound to maximize healing it's also really good at raising people from range inflict wounds and then Shield of faith is amazing and do note this requires concentration gives you two AC we'll be talking about maintaining concentration a lot later in the video Just note it's a big aspect anytime you take damage you have to do a saving throw and if you fail it you could lose concentration which is not good you will receive two level one spell slots a level one and you're gonna receive specific domain spells that will always be prepared and we'll take a look at those right now so there are two domains suppose you're gonna start with are Thunder Wave which is a really good damage spell that also knocks enemies away great for knocking people off edges and cliffs and fogger fog cloud and their subclass feature is Wrath of the storm so it allows you to strike back at an attacking creature which is like a reaction periodically demeeling uh potentially dealing 2 to 16 lightning damage and then on a failed saving throw you deal a half of 2 to 16 Thunder damage now when we talk about stats since we're going to be wanting to do a combination of melee damage and also casting and heavy armor I recommend 16 strength 10 dexterity 15 Constitution eight intelligence 16 wisdom and eight charisma now level two we're getting an additional one level one spell slot and also access to channel Divinity charges you're going to start with one it's gonna allow you to either turn on dead or use your special subclass feature we'll look at in a second that refreshes on a short or long rest here's how turn on dead works when your subclass feature is destructive wrath when you roll thunder or lightning damage you can use your channel divinity to deal maximum damage instead you can really work this especially at higher levels to do some insane damage now here's a spell preparation works for clerics you're gonna be able to prepare at any given time when you level up or also you go into inventory you can change this how many spells you can have prepared right now at level two you're gonna have five and it's going to increase as you level up but you're gonna be able to pick five from this whole list I'm gonna Mouse over it and as you can see you can swap them out Sanctuary is really good to give you an idea that you can cast it on somebody and as long as they don't do any offensive actions they're gonna be immune to damage except for AOE damage so this is really good if somebody's about to die or they dropped and then you had to heal them up and they're trying to get safety bless is a second good concentration spell so you can't have it at the same time as Shield of Faith unfortunately but really good for making your attack scores way better across your team now of course you get cure wounds and healing wounds are really big and create or destroy water is going to be huge you can create water and then if you do a lightning spell for example it's going to do it's going to make basically people that are wet and inside this water they're going to be more susceptible to lightning damage and so it will do double damage and as you can imagine if you use that subclass ability to maximize damage this is how people get insane damage with this subclass at level three you're gonna get one more level one spell slot but now you're gonna get two more level two spell slots you're gonna get two spells that you're gonna again have all the time shatter as the first one and then you're gonna get guest of Lent now in addition to these that will always be prepared here are all the new level two spells I'll Mouse over them for you enhanceability is really good so sole person prayer feeling is a great AOE heel but do note that it is only for out of combat protection from Poison also like to point out there's a lot of poison fight scenarias and so do note this does not require concentration it gives you advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance to poison damage and it'll last until elong rest so that's really solid spiritual weapon is interesting too use some of these kind of like pets and they you control them independently and finally warning Bond I'm a big fan of as well if you want to be supportive you cast on an ally they're going to get resistance to all damage plus one to AC and saving throws this is not concentration based you only disable it when you long rest or if you toggle it off but do note even though the other character does take half damage you take the remaining half damage so you're basically sharing the damage and here's the interface as I mentioned now you can have up to six spells prepared but they are across all the levels you're gonna see that continue on level to level at level 4 you're going to get another level two spell slot you're gonna get another cant trip there's not that many good ones so pick whichever one you want you're also gonna get a new feat now this is very important there's a reason why I recommend 15 Constitution that's because the number one feat that I recommend will be resilient allows you to pick Constitution and not only will you get one extra stat point to get you to 16 but it'll make you proficient when it comes to Constitution saving throws which is a big way of making sure that you don't failure concentration checks the other feat that goes great along this and you can choose to have it at level four level eight is forecaster you gain advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on spell um on your spouse you can also use a reaction to cast shocking grasp at a Target moving out of melee range which is thematic but really we care about the advantage on the roles if you have both of these it's a really good way to minimize the chance that you are going to lose concentration on your spells which is a big deal and then of course upping your ability scores is also a great option as you level up level six is going to be a huge level for you you're going to gain two level three spell slots which is the most important thing here and you're also going to upgrade your turn on dead to destroy Undead when you successfully turn in Undead creature it's also going to take 2 to 24 radiant damage but the big thing here is you're gonna get two bound spells call lightning and sleet storm but what really really care about is called lightning does a ton of damage and remember you can use your class feature to Max this out which means you would do a 30 damage base to everything that you target here and if you cast water or have somebody stand in water via another source it's going to do a lot more damage so you can do hundreds and hundreds of damage if you attack numerous characters with this Spell combination it's very powerful this is the level where the Tempest clerk really comes online but you also have the other spells that I'm gonna go over now you can look over here Mass healing word is pretty potent and of course you have eight spells to choose from now across these three different levels so that's important to keep in mind as well all right level six you're gonna get one more level three spell slot so more lightning casts you're gonna get another charge of Channel Divinity which is amazing and you're gonna get Thunderbolt strike as a subclass feature when you deal lightning or thunder damage to a creature that is large or smaller you can also push it up to three meters so this is really nice so now your lightning based spells especially I mean you may use are not only going to take a ton of damage but if there are near edges Etc you can push them off so very very potent and now again you can choose up to nine spells across to prepare at level seven you're gonna unlock level four spells and you're gonna get one level four spell slot then ones that you're gonna have automatically prepared are gonna be ice storm which isn't as useful for this build comparatively and also freedom of movement and here are your other spells now in all honesty I'm not a really big fan of these spells for this subclass but remember you can upcast your lower level spells to heal more or do more damage so that's normally how I recommend utilizing the level 4 spell slots as you get them for the Tempest cleric at level eight you're gonna get another another level four spell slot you're gonna get Divine strike Tempest so it's basically an action we do weapon damage for 28 Thunder you're gonna be able to prepare 11 spells now and you're gonna get your second feed here at level nine you're gonna get one more level four spell slot but you're also going to get your first level five spell slot they're supposed to get automatically or destructive wave which is a ton of damage and also insect plague those will be always memorized not sure why insect plague by the way is thematic here for tempest but yeah it's okay and then here are the other level five suppose you can choose from mask your wounds is quite effective but overall I think you're going to be probably upscaling your lower level lightning spells again just like you did with the level four setup and you now get up to 12 spells to prepare level 10 you're gonna get another level five spell slot you're gonna get divine intervention which is very very powerful I'll show you what that's all about in a moment you do get another can trip in case you wanted one more and you're gonna get to now prepare 13 spells now definitive invention is very powerful you get to call upon your deity your moment of greatest need and once they interfere they're never going to do so in this manner again so this is a one-off ability there's four different things you can choose from there's uh Sunder the heretical it does 80 8 d10 radiant damage it's in a huge 50 meter Circle so you can kind of see the outskirts of the circle it basically nukes the entire Battlefield uh so if you need to bomb something this is the class to do it with it ironically the second option is opulent Revival you resurrect found companions with half their hit points and most importantly you restore all nearby allies as if they had long rested so that's important because you get your spell slots back Etc so if you're in a really tough battle later in the game and you're if you're struggling this can be a huge boon there's golden generosity and this is the one I definitely do not recommend uh at all it's going to give you a bunch of potions and Cap supplies you should not be low on camp supplies in this game so definitely not worth it and finally armed I serve anti-call upon your deity to Grant your legendary weapon Forge in the fires of your holy Bond so this is a permanent weapon you'd get I'll go ahead and show you what that is since this is the one that is different than the others it's going to Auto equip it it's the devotee mace it's a mace that does plus 18 d8 radiant damage it is plus three and it also has an ability called healing incense uh aura it's gonna do basically for 10 turns it's going to heal you and your nearby allies with the nine meters for one to four hit points at the start of the turn it does not require any concentration and it refreshes every long rest and you can activate it as a bonus action so basically over 10 Rounds it's between 10 and 40 Health to everybody around you so it's quite decent and it's a nice legendary mace if you don't have better at level 11 you're gonna get one level six spell slot and you're gonna be able to prepare 14 spells and here it is spells you get to choose from create dead is Undead rather is pretty decent heals very powerful but my favorite is going to be planar Ally there's three different allies you're going to choose from I'm going to show you in just a second what they look like and what their abilities are all right so as I mentioned there's three different planar Allied the first one is cambian which is a devil basically you got fiendish charm as its first ability draining kiss and raise a fire and here's what it looks like he's got 80 to health and here's a stat line I think your stat line is actually the weakest of the three next there's the diva planar Ally you think this would be a girl character but it's not uh he's got the ability of wrathful smite reverify and concussive smash and here's what he looks like he's also quite powerful 136 health and it's got a pretty nice stat block for sure and finally there's the planar Ally Genie um I'm pretty sure that's how it's uh pronounced I think I call it D genie in in a different video uh but it's definitely I think Genie so his abilities are sweet Plum gales Thunder Wave and drunken inhale and he's got actually the most insane I think of all the stat blocks overall that was interesting I almost uh I had a reaction there so let's check him out he's got 161 hit points with his Bonkers and take a look at that juicy uh stat line he doesn't have as many resistances that's I think the the difference compared to some of the other uh allies but he's quite beefy all right and finally at level 12 you're going to be able to prepare up to 15 spells and you're going to get your final feet so do whatever you wish on there now when it comes to equipping a tempest cleric you definitely want to obviously go with heavy armor to protect yourself go have a shield and a good one-handed weapon there are a variety of items in the game that are gonna give you lightning charges and different effects that are gonna provide extra lightning damage they're a very lightning themed feel free to kind of build around those you can kind of min max a lot of effects if you do want to also be able to side heal effectively there's just two go-to items I love to have on my clerics one is uh what Pierce Crown when healing another they wear heels one to six hit points uh also boots of Aid and comfort while they're green they're very good when the wire heals the target against additional three temporary hit points so those are pretty solid and when it comes to jewelry any type of jewelry that's gonna increase the amount of suppose you can cast you can never go wrong with that or something like the spell Crux amulet that lets you restore a spell slot I like to use that to get an extra six level spell slot those are great so lots of variety here but as long as you keep it pretty basic and thematic um you're gonna do quite well here now when it comes to multi-classing the The Tempest specifically cleric you can definitely multi-class this it's very popular to multi-class it with the weather-based sorcerer I believe I don't know if it's the I don't think it's called a tempest sorcerer but it's like uh it's the lightning and thunder themed sorcerer they synergize pretty darn well um if you want a really min max the whole concept of casting lightning damage of Max damage and then being able to you know abuse water effects to do even more damage so that's a pretty popular multi-class you can always just go one level on this and then do other casters like uh or hybrid casters kind of like bards to get more diversity of spells if you want so there's a lot of kind of creative ways you can build with a cleric because of everything it provides at level one also though this class is very very powerful just solo without going multi-classing as you notice there's just very powerful spells your six level spells are very very effective and helpful and you get some great benefits at high levels so there's definitely no shame and just going solo class with the Tempest cleric especially all right guys that brings us to the end to the Tempest domain subclass video for the cleric I hope you found it helpful again please make sure to drop a like and provide me your commentary in the comments would love feedback good or bad it's all appreciated and I look forward to sharing more videos with you thank you for all the support and as always I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] all right
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 10,035
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 Cleric, bg3 Cleric, baldurs gate 3 Cleric guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 Cleric class, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 Cleric build, bg3 cleric guide, baldurs gate 3 Tempest Domain guide, bg3 cleric Tempest domain guide, bg3 cleric build, bg3 cleric Tempest domain, baldurs gate 3 Tempest domain, best cleric subclass bg3, bg3 cleric subclasses, baldurs gate 3 cleric subclasses, bg3 shadowheart build
Id: x5AuioZTdZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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