Baldur's Gate 3 Ranger Guide - Beast Master Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's Leroy from Leo gaming and in today's Butler's Gate 3 guide we're going to be looking at The Beastmaster subclass for the ranger we're going to cover features at level one of character creation including ability recommendations gonna give you a full level 2 to 12 breakdown all spells available as you level will be shown and we're also gonna do a Beast Master animal companion Showcase of upgraded level 12 companions later in the video after that we're gonna provide you with some general equipment recommendations and my thoughts on multi-classing as The Beastmaster Ranger you can use the timestamps below to jump to the area that most interests you remember to drop a like and leave a comment below with your thoughts feedback and questions and now without further Ado let's check out The Beastmaster Ranger alright guys here we are at level one uh The Beastmaster has a primary ability score of dexterity you're gonna have saving through a proficiency and dexterity and intelligence your hit die is 1d10 so on par with paladins and Fighters and you're going to have proficiencies with simple weapons martial weapons Shields medium armor and light armor now level one you're gonna have a couple important choices to make the first one is going to be what's called a favorite enemy they change this quite a bit from the way it is in tabletop DND but you can choose to be a bounty hunter if you are you will get proficiency investigation and creatures you hit with ensnaring strike either ranged or melee versions have disadvantage under saving throw you could choose Keeper of the veil you specialize in hunting creatures from other planes of existence your game Proficiency in Arcana and can cast protection from evil and good you can be a mage breaker we have a history of battling spellcaster is going to be Proficiency in Arcana and you can cast true strike Ranger Knight this is going to gain your Proficiency in history and most importantly armor Proficiency in heavy armor or you can be a Sanctified stalker where you get Proficiency in religion and you can cast sacred flame the next option is natural Explorer and you get to choose one of these at level one you can be a beast Tamer and then you would get find familiar this lets you summon a basic familiar just as Wizards can for example do note that even though you're a beast Master this will not make your familiars more powerful so you don't necessarily want need to take this you can also be an urban tracker which is going to give you proficiency inside of hand and then there's three Wasteland Wanderers and you can basically get resistance which again is going to be permanent enough at all the time for cold fire or poison now when it comes to Ability points I actually recommend strength 10 dexterity 17 Constitution 14 intelligence 8. wisdom 16 charisma 8. now the reason we have 17 dexterity is that you can get an item from the hag and the early part of the game that can get you plus one to the dexterity and then you can get 20 dicks rather quickly but if you're not counting that you can always start at 16 and then go ahead you can bump up uh for example Charisma to 10 if you're going to be the if this is going to be your main character you know you don't want to take negatives so that's up to you but I'm going to assume you're going to probably gonna get the hag item potentially and so you can min max this but do note that you can drop this one point and reallocate it as you see fit all right level two you're gonna have a couple things that occur you're gonna first of all gain two level one spell slots and you're gonna get to pick two spells here are the potential options I'm going to Mouse over them feel free to pause if you want to read over them and snaring strike is always useful for Ranger Hunter's Mark is also another strong option potentially and don't forget longstrider and or speak of animals both of these are going to be ritually cast meaning they're gonna they're not actually gonna cost you a spell slot and you can keep them up permanently until your long rest so they both can be useful and long Striders especially you can cast on other party members as well so you can move longer every time you do move and then you're also gonna get one of four different fighting styles the first one's archery which is going to be plus two bonus to range weapon attacks and if you're gonna be going for kind of like a a pet plus range build which is very popular I'd recommend picking that up you can of course get defense so if you want to get a plus one bonus to your armor class when wearing armor you cannot go wrong with that dueling is really meant to provide you with a little bit of a damage bonus which is plus two but it's only when you go a one-handed weapon that cannot be also used as a two-handed weapon and traditionally this is the way you'd want to go if you can go one-handed weapon and a shield and then two up and fighting when you make an attack with your offhand weapon you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack so if you do want to go of a dual wield setup which you can since you are dexterity based this is definitely the option to go all right a level three you're also gonna get to finally pick the Beast Master subclass you're going to get the arrangements companion these companions will get more powerful as you level up they will look differently visually and they're also going to gain new powers and abilities at the end of the video I will provide a showcase so do check the timestamp out showing what all the major pets options are going to look like at level 12. now additionally you're gonna gain one level one spell slot here you're gonna get to pick another spell from the little one options you had before you do have the option to replace spells as you level up if you have outgrown some of them at level four you're gonna get to replace this spell if you want optionally but you're also going to get access to feats now when it comes to feeds for The Beastmaster Ranger you can't go wrong with ability improvements getting dexterity for example to 20 will make a lot of sense but then your other options are going to depend on what kind of range You're Building remember you can do one-handed weapon and shield setup if you just want to do a little defensive tanky Ranger you can do the full dual wield setup you can also do the ranged attack setup if you're gonna be going dual wheel then highly recommend dual wielder that's going to give you plus one to AC and it will also allow you to dual wield a larger variety of weapons if you do choose to just go more defensive and use a shield than a one-handed weapon you're likely to use a finesse weapon that uses your dexterity so for that defensive duelist is not bad it basically lets you react and add your proficiency bonus to armor class when you use the right type of weapon so that is an option here and then I can also highly recommend sharpshooter so this is going to make it that will be a ranged weapon attacks you can have no penalties for High Ground rules which basically means if you're shooting up at something you're not going to get penalties like you normally do you'll still get the positive benefits of shooting down at enemies and very importantly you can turn on or off a passive that lets you get plus 10 damage to your attack for a -5 penalty to your attack roll so if you have height Advantage for example or other situations where you're going to have advantage on attacks this can make that minus five penalty much less of a burden level 5 is really big for The Beastmaster Ranger setup you're gonna get one more level one spell slot two level two spell slots you yourself will get the ability to attack one more time and then your companions are going to get more powerful so basically your proficiency bonus is added both to their armor class and damage rules so they get tank here and do more damage you will also now get to pick one level two spell to add and I'll go ahead and mouse those over for you protection from Poison is really good do note that this one you it lasts until the end of your long rest and it does not require concentration so that's really good and of course you can also replace the spell if you'd like now at level six you're gonna get to pick another favorite enemy so again this is at level one pick what proficiency you'd like that's probably the most impactful thing here you're also going to get to pick up another natural Explorer option and of course you're going to get to replace a spell if you want at level 7 you're going to get another level two spell slot you're gonna get to pick another spell from your list you're gonna get to replace a spell and also as a subclass feature you're going to get exceptional training your companions can out Dash disengage and help as a bonus action this is really important because especially the help feature if one of your other companions goes down they can actually pick them up from the ground and keep them from dying at level eight you're gonna get to replace a spell you're also going to get the Lance stride difficult terrain features so you've become an expert at moving through the Wilderness difficult terrain no longer slows you down and you're gonna get to pick another feat at level nine you're gonna get two level three spell slots and access to new spells you will be able to replace the spell as well and here are the new level three supposed to choose from conjure barrage is good especially if you're going to be in melee lightning arrow is amazing for ranged builds at level 10 you're gonna get to replace a spell as normal you're also gonna get to pick one more favorite enemy so this is the third one you also can get one more natural Explorer so this is a third one for that and you're also going to get the action hide in plain sight so this is where you camouflage yourself with your environment to become invisible and you're going to get plus 10 bonus to stealth checks as long as you stand still again the problem of this is that it's only while you stand still so the second you even move this is going to go away so it's like a weak invisibility now level 11 is really where this subclass goes Super Saiyan because on top of getting one more level three spell slot and being able to replace the spell your pets go nutso you get beastial Fury basically you unlock their inner strength and give them an extra attack and they're also going to be getting much more imposing uh with their getting new abilities as you shall see and finally in level 12 you will get one more level 3 spell slot and most importantly you're going to be able to get one more feat all right guys now we're going to go ahead and show you the companion showcase and I'm starting here with the bear companion this is a powered up souped up version so you'll notice the level 12 it's got a ton of Health it's got a really nice stat line when it comes to their ACS being decent good strength they're gonna have a couple extra abilities like present and then of course all the upgrades that you got as you leveled up they'll also have three basic abilities that are added the most powerful one that you get a high level is the earth sign reinforcement where you summon a second bear so now you have two bears the other one's not as powerful as you can see here with less hit points and less AC but still really effective and great at soaking up damage and then you do have the goating roar which is an AOE taunt and a honeyed paw attack which is quite amazing because it's going to pretty much automatically disarm a Target and if an enemy doesn't have a weapon it instead will be knocked prone so very very powerful the second companion we look at is going to be the boar another board companion here is its stat line it's not going to be as impressive compared to the bear you're still gonna have pre-scent and all the other abilities and the big thing for them is they actually get to go and go berserk so they have like Barbarian rage that they can go into when they have that they will actually in addition to the two main attacks you'll be able to use a bonus action as an attack so to get frenzied strike so yes they can get three attacks per round you can use bore charge as well that will knock enemies prone and it has kick up muck which is very powerful and it will slow enemies for up to two turns it's a decent radius as you can see here and remember this is the slow that is the opposite of haste and Stat wise basically it halves the enemy's movement Gonna Give A reduced armor class and dexterity saving throws by two and very important that whoever is slow they cannot take reactions or make more than one attack per turn so this is huge especially against enemies that maybe have two or three attacks next pit we'll look at is the wolf spider companion now this pet has really nice AC at 21. you're gonna have a lot of the same features as daily companions but you will get dark vision also eight-legged Waltz it's passive so whenever you start your turn on a web surface you now gain extra movement speed and become resistant to poison damage web Walker which makes it so that you are not slowed down by walking on webs and then additionally of a couple other abilities you're going to have web which you shoot out a little web and you can end web enemies as you can see here on weather and web they cannot move Attack rules against the affected entity have advantage and while its Attack rules have disadvantage it also has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws so this is very powerful if you can get this to hit you can also have an ability to cocoon a creature and if something is cocooned it's trapped in a spider's web can't move or take actions at all bonus actions or reactions now it will end once it takes damage so it's a one-hit paralysis kind of setup and then you have bursting brood where you launch a clutch of your boots to infest your target and this is what infest does I also did want to point out since it makes a big difference the web is actually quite huge take a look at that effect next I'll show off my favorite companion and that's the dire Raven companion foreign Ravens may not look like much as far as their health goes but they have really nice AC they have all the normal special effects of your companions pets we also get Raven's sight so it cannot be blinded now it's got a couple really cool effects first of all you can summon two more Ravens now you cannot control these directly but they're AI controlled but they can still be quite effective and bothering enemies they have okay AC they have some of the powers that you gain plus come on you have three crows which is pretty sweet now your main Raven you're gonna have the rent Vision attack that will blind enemies which is quite awesome and also you can cast bad Omen so your hero one of your feathers of Target marking it as cursed and when something is cursed Attack rules against affected entity have advantage and then there's a feature they could easily Miss but this feature is absolutely amazing when you fly which of course on top of giving crazy a Mobility it also has a great effect so as you land you'll notice it does an AOE Darkness around you and so now all of a sudden enemies are blinded if they go uh stay in that Darkness now do note while in the darkness you're actually immune to the blindness so you get all the positive benefits against enemies that stay in there and then things can't effectively shoot into hit you and they also are easier to hit by your Ravens than anybody else in your party that has Devil's sight for example all right now the final companion option is the wolf companion let's take a look at that they have the second highest the most hit points behind only the bear you can see all the normal bonding opportunities and options and then you have pack tactics so creature is an advantage in Attack rules against Target if one of its allies is within three meters of the Target and isn't incapacitated also has a lot of AC so he's got the best AC and hit point combo now attack wise he has a basic bite he also has a lunging bite now this has a chance to knock an enemy prone it's not guaranteed that's different than the bear and its effect and you also have Lupine slash so this is interesting because you strike nearby Targets within three meters using a spectral sword that appears between you and the Jaws so this is also Force damage so it's unlikely something is going to have resistance against it and it is basically an AOE attack so you can affect multiple enemies potentially all right when it comes to equipment what you pick is going to depend on how you're building out your Ranger here do note there is a way you can at level one have even access to heavy plate armor or if you do you might want to choose the best plate armor as you level up however you may also find really good medium armor that will get to take advantage of some or all of your dexterity bonus so potentially picking uh the armor type that's medium and I forget the names of it but there's numerous ones that you get as you level up that basically are made of a special material that allow you to keep your entire Armor class bonus from dexterity might be really good because you could get a plus five bonus from the dexterity in that case and utilize medium armor after that it's gonna be dependent on whether you chose to do a wield or not and if you don't then just get a good one-handed weapon that's finesse based and use a shield to get that AC even higher you can become super tanky as a ranger and of course especially if you're gonna focus on Range damage and I recommend it just get the best possible bows you can outside of that get equipment that's gonna help you with your armor class and then supports that so whether it effects to give you extra spells that you can cast or maybe extra spell slots you have a lot of options that's there to keep things diverse as you level up and as you find a variety of options all right finally let's talk about multi-classing as The Beastmaster Ranger demise Master Rangers actually a class that I'm not the biggest fan of multi-classing because if you do multi-class you're gonna minimize the effectiveness of your companion your Companion Pets As you get to higher levels and again you get your highest level power up for your Companion Pets at level 11 well if you stop before then you're losing some of that great potency as a companion based subclass so theoretically you could go 11 levels and then do one level of another class dip into that but do remember that you will then sacrifice a feat that's gonna be your big option this is not a subclass that you get very much from if you just dip three levels into it so again my personal recommendation is with Ranger just go all or nothing if you're gonna build around the subclass stick to it and make your pets as powerful as they can be all right guys that brings us to the end of my Beastmaster Ranger subclass guide I hope you found it helpful if you did make sure to drop a like love to hear your feedback Below in the comments and as always if you want to see more videos about Baldur's Gate RPGs and looter Shooters you're at the right place make sure to subscribe thank you for your support and I'll see you guys in the next video foreign
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 6,012
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 ranger, bg3 ranger, baldurs gate 3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 ranger class, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 ranger build, bg3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 Beast Master Ranger guide, bg3 Ranger Beast Master guide, bg3 ranger beast master, best ranger subclass bg3, bg3 ranger subclasses, baldurs gate 3 ranger subclasses, bg3 beast master ranger
Id: 3ePRDeTerkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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