Baldur's Gate 3: Weirder Tips, Tricks & Strats To Make Honor Mode Easy (Act 1)

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hey did you know that you can use the command spell to get a powerful great sword early in the game no not that one this greater sword keep watching for that and much more now there are already a ton of videos about powerful builds basic tips like using stealth to start fights or blowing everything up with explosive barrels so the point of this video is to help with specific fights that I've heard people sometimes lose their honor mode run on as well as to show a few other tricks and secrets that you might not know and if you think honor mode is already easy then just use these tips for your next solo run note that all of these were recorded on patch 5 from December 2023 in case anything gets patched out in the future with that said let's get going believe it or not many people say they lose their honor run at the very first fight in the game against the brains on the beach to be fair it's just you and Shadow heart if you're playing as Shadow heart or as a gith Yankee that doesn't want to hang out with that racist it may be a bit more challenging so just avoid that fight for now by jumping up here grab this hidden chest as a bonus and then continue up you can make these jumps even with only eight strength then you can make a couple friends and take on the brains together you can even sneak in through here to get the drop on them and make it really easy while you're in the area hop down here to find a rock with a hidden Harbor chest under it you'll need at least 11 strength to move the rock but it's got some useful potions as well as a note that will lead you to another useful item up here hop on up and grab this very convenient pendant that will allow anyone in the party to cast guidance you're off the hook shadowart walk by a buried chest but you fail the survival check just use your shovel to dig it up anyway you don't even need to hit the exact spot it's pretty lenient the skeleton fight in the Crypt isn't too difficult but you can make it easier by looting all of their weapons and starting the fight by trying to pick one up not enough okay you can actually pick the skeletons up and move them not by thr throwing them but by using improvised melee weapon after selecting the action you can carry them quite a distance before you'll stop and toss them but that'll start the fight instead before you reach the spot you clicked press your cancel action hotkey and you'll immediately drop the skeleton without alerting them you can do this as many times as you want with all five skeletons make the fight really easy by dropping them in a pile or if you want to get really stupid you can do something like [Music] this there are several cutcenes that can be triggered just by long resting very early in the game one of them even requires you to rest before the fight outside the Druid Grove go to hell if you long rest enough times you can even trigger aaran vampire reveal just partial rest as many times as you want without using supplies speaking of aaran the happy buff he gets from feeding is quite strong especially early on but letting him feed on you leaves you with the bloodless debuff an easy way to remove the debuff is with the Amulet of Sylvanas that lets you cast lesser restoration once a day you can find it under this rock down here past Volo and his bare friend oh and while you're talking to Volo be sure to buy this ring of his if you let aridan knock out zor you can easily pickpocket his snazzy gloves without him noticing the harpy fight is another one people can have trouble with to make it a bit easier you can cast one of the most useful spells in the game silence if you place it here before you talk to Mera it will prevent any party members from getting lured before they can even take a turn the harpies can still fly out of the silence area to start singing again but it's not as bad once you've had a chance to pick some off past the harpies not only is there a chest here with a bit of gold there's a nest way back here with a few more goodies you will need tin strength or a bit of help to make the jump though once you have access to The thiefing Hideout you can use this odd trick to get your hands on the shape shifter's Boon ring without killing the strange Ox stash your party in The Hideout then send one person back out and shoot the ax with something that won't kill it then Escape Back Down the Hatch when you return you won't be in combat the ox will be none too pleased with you though and will expect some gold to smooth things over instead just switch to trade and buy the ring combined with theguy self this ring is great for helping pass all sorts of checks from conversations to pickpocketing if you want to recruit carlac early just go to zor's room and climb up here and go outside keep climbing snag this chest and then use featherfall to jump straight to carlac town and if you don't have the featherfall spell handy you can always use the potion in the digital Deluxe chest and while you're down here don't miss this ring that you could easily make use of for the rest of the game when it's time for picking locks and picking Pockets just remember to unequip it when you don't need it if you're using it on your main character or a Charisma based Caster if you use a soul coin it will provide the 1 D4 fire damage on melee weapon attacks while raging just like it says in the tool tip however it will always give fire damage on unarmed attacks regardless of your current health and not just once but twice for some reason this makes Soul coins exceptionally powerful if you Respec carlac into a monk most people already know that you can talk your way into the blighted village as a Dr or disguised as a Dr don't pick that third option by the way or the Goblins will attack but you can also sneak into the village by climbing the vines back here allowing you to Ambush the ambushers and while you're here you can hop into the underd dark right now if you want just climb down the well grab these boots for later use turn-based mode to sneak past the Eder cap cast featherfall and take a leap once you're down here just walk around to The salite Outpost activate the Waypoint and group up with your pals did you fail the perception check on this hidden door just use the enhanced leap spell and stand right in this position wiggle the mouse around a bit until you find the right spot where you can jump up and plunder the chest nice try Saloon from there you can pick up F Lou as well as find blur and buy some they are coming you are coming oh sorry uh where was I uh right the underd dark okay other attractions include boal's hangout The festering Cove who where near the dead Dr next to the entrance to the Arcane Tower area there's a hidden ledge you can jump down to watch out for the torch do and don't miss this tasty helmet before you climb down down into the Cove there are a number of hidden chests around this area but the important thing is Bal himself this guy if you sacrifice a party member they'll be dead dead so don't try it on Gil but you'll get this powerful buff permanently for the other three members of your current party as well as a boatload of XP okay yeah you can also get the XP without the buff by just convincing the fish that boal ain't so special and killing him instead if you want to avoid fighting all the fish you'll need to pass some combination of checks during the conversation most of which will lead to this choice that will let you fight against just ball which ain't too difficult while you're in the Arcane Tower don't miss out on this strength buffing club or these feather fall boots for the last of the important business in the underdark let's deal with The Spectator hide the party back here then then send one person to toss something at our Stone friend down there to trigger the cut scene sure it looks like you're walking around the statues but you're still safely in The Outpost you still start out surprised but as long as you get out of the way of the spectator's long Vision cone you'll be fine wait until it's looking away from you then enter turn-based mode and hit it with a ranged attack to start the fight and now it's surprised so you can sneak the rest of your party in and everyone will get two turns before The Spectator even getss a chance to fight back as for Dorne well you really only need is items so you can just smash them to bits or you can use an oil of the Basilisk on him if you really want to have a chat okay time to get that great sword from wen's rest while yea is pushing on the door she won't aggro if you cast command drop on her so you can fail and then just try again until she drops her weapon but if you succeed at the command cast from too close to Tristan or to yea herself they'll actually pick up the sword and pocket it if Tristan picks it up you can try to pickpocket him for one last chance at getting the sword the better plan is to stand back here close to fist recruit Efron before casting command she'll still give you the stink eye for succeeding at the spell but she won't pick up the sword don't grab the sword yet or you'll get caught red-handed instead simply resc you Floric as usual choose a reward and wait for everyone to leave then grab the sword off the ground and no one is the wiser take note that once you enter this area even just sending the party to Camp will advance time at wen's rest causing most of the NPCs to leave and take their swords with them however you can toggle group mode and send a single character back to Camp without triggering the time skip this allows you to respect a character into a cleric if you showed up without one or to respect your cleric into a cleric to refresh your spell slots and keep casting command in case you get really unlucky and why is this sword so great it gives you a huge boost a hit chance at this early part of the game when Just Landing your single attack per round is the most important thing it also synergizes really well with great weapon Master another spot that gives people trouble is the wait what you're telling me that you can use command to get an even greater sword okay yes you can but you only get one shot at it the chance of success is low and doing this screws with lel's personal Quest progression as well as causing other issues I wouldn't recommend it while we're on the subject of that GTH yane Patrol there's a misconception that lazel has to pass the deception check during the encounter to resolve it peacefully actually the the party leader is the one that makes all the skill checks even if you're controlling a companion character when you start the conversation cast any bonuses to Charisma checks on your party leader that you can particularly Eagle Splender avoid using the friends C trip though as you'll cast it on lelle not Voss costing you 10 approval points with Lazelle and not even helping with the deception check and if you do fail the deception check well now's a good time to call them ogres another spot that gives people trouble is the fight against the so-called paladins of tear Anders in particular it's always a good idea to wait until at least level four before attempting this fight but if you have a wizard or a sorcerer with magic Missile Anders is surprisingly easy to beat and with either or both of these items it'll work even better first hide your party back here and send your misser up onto the top level then destroy the ladder behind you as well as the other one inside the room head back out and position yourself right here where the board on the wall and the board on the ground line up then just cast magic Missile on Anders he actually can jump high enough to reach you up here but if you're hidden around the corner like this he won't do it this spot causes all three of the paladins to bug out trying to reach you allowing you to safely missile away until Anders is dead you can use his portrait to Target him through the wall after that just send in the rest of your sneaky party to clean up the other two and while you're here don't forget to go down into the basement sit on some chairs disarm this pressure plate or just jump over it and pick up some decent items in the goblin Camp you can thin out their numbers a bit by poisoning their booze Supply be aware that you'll need to do some smooth talking or smooth handing to get away with it and afterward grat will stop acting as a vendor so make sure you buy any items you want from him before you do it speaking of him vendors drop a few of their most valuable items when they die so if there's a vendor that you know is going to have an unfortunate accident later sell them your most expensive Goods now then snatch those Treasures back after he's dead and sell them to someone else after all turnabout is fair play grat nicked him off the dead didn't I there are multiple useful items that only work if you've got the brand of the absolute and there's nothing stopping you from getting everyone in the party branded just get the brand on one character leave the conversation before telling priest's gut that you need a Healer switch to the next party member and do it again once gut has served her purpose it's time to take her out just put the group into step he on one side of her then move a party member to the opposite side to attack so that she turns away from the rest of the party without seeing them then just knock her lights out you really don't want her to call her friends so if you're not confident that you have the Firepower to put her down in one turn the silent spell comes back into play it not only stops her from casting any spells but also prevents her from yelling for help this gives you all the time in the world to finish her off as long as she doesn't interrupt your concentration if you crouch right here next to Menara neither She nor her underling will see you giving you a good opening spot for melee with the ranged characters chilling out over here oh yeah and don't miss this Nifty ring hiding in the skeleton near the door down to the W pens once you've got koga's naughty letter you're ready to deal with the shadow Druids it's not exactly a tough battle but you can skip fighting them entirely by running them off while they're still in Rat form use various non-direct attacks like Arrow of Darkness sleep or even Alchemist fire as long as you're careful not to hit Coro with it when you speak to her the cut scene will still show the rats transforming but once the conversation is over they'll be gone whether you talk corga out of fighting or not let's go take on the spider matriarch remember those boots you looted earlier time to put them to work first you want to destroy all of the eggs these ones down here are easy but the ones up there require patience wait for the boss to move to the other side of the web then pop just one or two before moving back and waiting again don't get impatient once those two piles of eggs are gone there's just one left left how to take them out one Alchemist fire will do the trick you can throw it from all the way over here and nothing will aggro from downtown you can even pick off one of the smaller spiders by using ranged attacks from here then running away to leave the fight after all that the boss is a lot easier to take out the old-fashioned way keep in mind that the boss has to be in line of sight for her legendary action to hit you and like every other honor boss if she's prone her legendary action won't trigger that not easy enough okay fine if you've got a rogue and a lot of patience there's another way after popping the first two piles of eggs leave the last pile on the lower level alone equip the web boots and use a ranged attack from here to start the fight go into stealth then move around into this corner so that the boss won't see you when it spins around end your turn and watch as the silliness begins The Matriarch will hatch the eggs but then just sit there when it's your turn again take your one shot at the boss go back into stealth in turn and repeat all of the spiders will sit around looking confused as you slow pick away at the boss but none of them will ever move or attack you it's going to take a while so let me use this chance to say that if you learned something new from this video I'd appreciate it if you drop a like and leave a comment about which tip you found most helpful and if you don't learn something new I'd appreciate it if you drop a dislike and leave a comment about how I wasted your time but there's still some video left to go so don't give up yet okay I think aarian is almost done last notes on this method you can also use a gloomstalker ranger or Shadow monk or even anyone with an offhand crossbow and if the boss gets stuck and doesn't even try to hatch the eggs well just get into a good position and plug away as long as you always end your turn in stealth you'll be fine need some inspiration points on demand if you have Gale or another sage in the party you can just carry the various books around with you and wait to read them until you're low on points time to deal with the hag for which I'd strongly advise you to wait until you have both volo's eye and at least level five you can surprise attack all four red caps right here right now so they won't run up behind you later if you get on Ethel's bad side stop please shut up sure you can always toss items on top of the vents to block the poison gas but that takes too long instead just cast featherfall on the party and jump down from here once you're safely past the traps sneak the whole party around the side and into Ethel's back room from here you can even leave out the back way and go to Camp to rest if you need to since the hag is Fay protection from evil and good is very useful against her use Scrolls if you got as well as this neck piece that's conveniently sitting right here when you're ready to start the fight sneak your party out into the main room with melee on the far side once again we're going to make use of Silence no not on her as tempting as it is leave me here stand far back here and cast silence right in this spot on top of where the hag is hiding then go back into stealth and hop over here to get in position to reveal Ethel and free Marina so you won't have to worry about her burning move the silencer out of Harm's Way and get melee into position to get the drop on the Hag from there you can pile damage onto her the silence stops her from spawning clones from turning into Marina and even from going into her surrender cut scene so you'll actually need to cancel the concentration once you get her health low enough unlike prone silence will not stop her legendary action from triggering if you do need to cast a spell always use a can trip first since it will only spawn a single clone then you can use magic Missile to easily clean up the remaining clones if you don't have silence on hand or even if you do really you can also try using drought poison on the hack since she's not immune if she fails her save be sure to go into turn-based mode so the Sleep doesn't wear off then you can get an easy free crit on her and go to [Music] town that didn't take long and if she does make her save against the poison well at least you can check her Buffs to see which one is real anytime you're dealing with duar or anyone else that likes to turn invisible you can use ping on their portrait to locate them and then attack the spot where they're standing before starting the conversation with filine keep someone in stealth out of range then when you start talking to her switch to that other party member sneak in and snatch that full barrel of Rune powder from right under her nose you can even still talk her into giving you the vial too the Rune powder Barrel is worth a huge amount of gold so once again you should sell it to someone that you know is going to bite the dust soon then pick it back up later to make the fight against near a bit easier just give him a thoughtful gift while he's standing around talking he can still use his legendary action but he's pretty impressive without his spells and if you'd rather deal with him alone why not just start by taking out the entire crew of thear before you even break down the rubble you can use Arrow of elater or bone shill to stop the lava Elemental from healing take me there and thou shalt bathe in her golden gifts uh no thanks there are probably more videos about cheesing the Grim fight than anything else so most already know tricks like shooting it from above or dropping a 5,000 kilo Al bear on its head personally I've always preferred to just use the hammer nope not that kind of hammer this kind of hammer or better yet a monk who can do tremendous amounts of bludgeoning damage how do you deal with the legendary action with our old friend silence anyone standing inside will be immune to Thunder damage just be sure you stand in a spot where the knockback won't put you into the lava with the rest of the party out of range of grim Stomps they can toss potions to keep the monk alive make sure someone has the hell Rider's Pride gloves on if you're going to try this of course you can gain the same damage reduction by using a barbarian at the loss of the higher damage and ability to knock Grim prone after you've taken care of The dwar Intruders for Sovereign Spa this method works well don't turn in the quest too hastily the Bliss spores buff you get from reporting to Sovereign Spa is very powerful giving you plus 1d6 to all attack roles skill checks and even saving throws so you want to make sure that you've long rested first and that you have somewhere to go with lots of good opportunities to make use of the buff I know a place like that it's called Crush yck there are all sorts of skill checks saving throws and attack rolls to make while you're there the buff also gives you a good opportunity to read that spooky book you've been carrying around once you get to the inquisitor's chamber don't be too quick to talk to him just yet you can walk into both of the side rooms to steal all of the treasure as long as you're sneaky about it this includes going for the blood of Leander having trouble turning that statue a little grease will loosen it right up to deal with these traps leave the rest of the party behind and stand right here in this spot even if you fail the disarm you won't get hit by the knockback and do the same thing again here if you're not confident in your positioning you can also use the boots of striding that you looted from inthar just cast any concentration spell and the push from the trap won't actually knock you away if you want to take on The Inquisitor the normal way then start the conversation as usual and take a trip inside the artifact but before you leave go into turn-based mode then click the portal this will give you the chance to position your party and to make the first move a good first move to make is cast in the grease spell The Inquisitor actually has mediocre dexterity saves and his legendary resistance doesn't activate when saving against the spell and like everyone else while he's prone his legendary action won't trigger as long as you cast Greece in a good position your melee characters can walk right up and give him the business want to try something a little less normal if so then don't talk to The Inquisitor at all instead move the party all the way out here and tuck them completely into the corner then send in someone with at least 20 strength which elixir of Hill giant strength will cover nicely remember those skeletons back in the Crypt well they're not the only guys you can carry around as an improvised weapon just as before be careful to cancel action before you actually reach the spot you clicked unlike the skeletons The Inquisitor won't politely stay where you put him down so you can use turn-based mode to pause and pick him up again for another trip while in turn-based mode you'll be limited to your usual move distance so move almost as far as you can cancel action to put him down then backtrack just a little to give you time to grab him again before he gets too far past you but you can keep trying as long as you don't actually complete the action and toss them away I mean we are going to toss him just not until we get him right here aim right at the very bottom corner of this rock where the cursor says death then give him the heave ho quickly move the thrower into position with the rest of the party and put everyone into stealth why because here come some friends as long as you're all the way in the corner they won't see you as they run in once they've all stopped moving you can easily Ambush them from behind after you've dealt with them head back into the inquisitor's chamber surprise these guys too and the vth conversation will trigger as soon as you kill the last one she even compliments you for your work Inquisitor where wargas was potent we are impressed and that's all for now I focused on act one for this video because the majority of the problem spots I heard people mention were all early in the game but if you'd like to see another video like this for Act 2 or three please let me know in the comments and if you do want to see more videos it seems logical to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss them thank you very much for watching besides taste like Po
Channel: SlimX
Views: 87,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate, bg3, honor mode, honour mode, strategy, tips, tricks
Id: f05dWdewzpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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