Baldur's Gate 3 Cleric Guide - Life Domain Subclass - Level 1-12 Guide

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hey everybody it's Leroy from lero gaming and in today's buzzersget 3 guide video we're going to be looking at the live domain subclass for the cleric we're going to be covering everything from providing you with information on the class at level one going over to Stats at that level and everything you need to know for starters then we're going to go and give you a full level 2 to 12 breakdown I'm going to go over all the Spells available as you level up and then I'm also be giving you some general equipment recommendations towards the end as well as my thoughts on multi-classing with this subclass you can use the timestamps below to jump to the area that most interests you as always now without further Ado let's go ahead and check out the life domain cleric thank you [Music] all right so for starters it's important to note that clerics at their base you have a primary ability of wisdom that they use for their spell casting and if saving throw proficiencies in winds them as well as Charisma their hit die is 1d8 now they're also going to have a base proficiency of all simple weapons light armor median armor and Shields and then in particular uh when you select the life domain at level one the subclass adds heavy armor proficiency uh this disciple of life and domain spells as features now depending whether you're playing for example Shadow heart which a lot of people will you may get access because of a race to other weapons Etc so do keep that in mind because it will expand your access to weapons outside of simple weapons depending on what race you choose now again your life domain spells are going to be spells are going to be automatically chosen for you and then you're going to be able to choose spells on top of that and so for Life domain you're always going to have cure wounds available and bless and your subclass feature is what makes the life domain basically the best most powerful healer bass class so disciple of Life your devotion empowers your healing spells when casting a healing spell the target regains additional hit points equal to two plus the Spells level so that can be quite effective as you level up and it really does add up over time now on top of that you're going to get to choose three cantrips at level one definitely Guidance the most powerful in my opinion most useful cat trip in the game potentially maybe Eldritch blast could be also one but this one is definitely more diverse so definitely recommend that and then here are the other ones I'm going to Mouse over none of them are going to be as universally useful as guidance though so pick whichever you find interesting all right now talking about ability points I like to do 15 strength 10 dexterity 15 Constitution eight intelligence 17 wisdom and eight Charisma now this might be slightly unusual but the main reasons for this is I do not personally use Shadow heart as a main character for interactions so you don't need Charisma to be high uh intelligent again not using intelligent checks now notice they are all odd you may be able through the game to get one extra bonus point to up one of these stats but I'm assuming you're not doing that so the idea is going to be here we're going to pick up a feat that I'll talk about level four to Upper Constitution and increase the chance that we maintain our concentration and then you can bump up your strength and wisdom to even numbers at another feet level now the reason I want higher strength is because if you're all you're doing is casting spells and healing you're going to be kind of bored she can actually be a decent combatant uh or any clear can be a decent combatant so having a decent strength can definitely be helpful and if you can get it to 16 that's actually not too shabby now level one the cleric is gonna gain access to two level one spell slots and these are the potential spells that you're going to be able to memorize guidance is good for offense healing word don't let the small healing amount fool you it's great for a bonus action heel at range and so it allows you to basically cast cure wounds and healing word if you need in one turn Shield of faith is phenomenal at low levels it is a contribution concentration spell but it does give you two more AC so great for survival not level two you're gonna gain one additional level one spell slot and you're going to get channel Divinity and you're going to get one chart to start with so you gain the ability to channel Divine energy starting with two effects turn on dead and an effect determined by your domain this gets replenished by short risks or long rests and in this case of course this is the effective turned on dead and unique to this subclass is preserve life basic evoke a healing energy that restores your allies it heals three Health but remember you're gonna also gonna get that bonus from your domain so it's going to AOE heal quite a bit more than three even at level two let's get a nine meter range now with spells you get to choose which ones are prepared it can only have five prepared but here are the options that you get to choose from at level two a big stand stand out of sanctuary as an addition this is great to cast on a person if they're low health or you just rest them and as long as they don't do anything offensive they're going to be immune to damage except for AOE damage create or destroy water creating water can definitely be a great combination if you're gonna use lightning damage of other classes or if you multi-class so do not underestimate the power of creating water at level three you're gonna get one additional level one spell slot and now you're gonna get two level two spell slots and access to the following spells now your life domain spells the ones that are always prepared are going to be Aid and less a restoration you'll notice they're highlighted here in red and here are the other spells I will again mouse over them you can pause the video if you want to look at their details enhanceability can definitely be really good you can cast this it's a concentration spell but it's going to give advantage to specific checks so if you know there's going to be a lot of let's say wisdom based checks for conversa for fighting uh secret treasures Etc you can do Charisma so that you can get a advantage on all your speed checks Etc this can be very very good hold person also very powerful Prayer of Healing if you want to do another AOE heal don't underestimate protection from Poison it does not require a concentration and when you cast it it's going to give you advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance to poison till the end of rest until you do a long rest so this is actually pretty great bang for the buck and there are a lot of areas in the game that have a lot of poison damage spiritual weapons is interesting as well do note you cast this and then it basically is like a summon pet uh that you have out there in theory you can have multiple spiritual weapons and an awarding Bond I want to point out is very interesting it does not need concentration you can cast it under the person the other person gets a lot of Buffs they get resistance to all damage one AC and saving throw but you actually take the other half of the damage so this is kind of a high risk reward and be careful because if you're concentrating on a different spell while you have this up damage they take and then inherently that you take could cause you to lose your concentration so situationally this could be very powerful but be careful and here's the interface for level three do note that again you still can only have at this point six spells prepared you're gonna have the ones that are automatically prepared as we mentioned but then across level one and two spells you get a select from all of these so you're not going to have access to nearly as many spells as you'd think okay at level four you get one level two spell slot that's added you're gonna get another can trip and chances are you already have all the ones you want you can now prepare seven spells instead of six across all the level one and two options that we looked at but most importantly get a feat now unless you multi-class to a class that has proficiency and Constitution saves I highly recommend you get resilient at the Constitution they'll give you 16 Constitution and now you're gonna have proficiency in Constitution saves and that's what's gonna be critical when you do concentration checks not to lose your basically basically channeling so that's what I highly recommend if you already have that from multi-classing or you have 16 Constitution the alternative would be warcaster to gain advantage on concentration throw uh saves rather also gives you reaction to cast shocking grass but that's the secondary effect so at a higher level I'd recommend that or take it at four those are the ones that I would say are the most potent and worthwhile otherwise pumping up your wisdom by two points or rather in this case you could do wisdom one to get to 18 and strength one to get to 16 that's going to be the priority in my opinion as you go to 4 8 and 12. but that's going to be up to you to decide okay at level five you're gonna gain two level three spell slots and you're also going to get destroy Undead so now when you successfully turn an undead creature it also takes four two four to twenty four radiant damage really really good the life domain spells that are always going to be prepared are revivify and Beacon of Hope and in your level three spells are going to be animated dead I'm gonna again go over all these pause it if you want to see the full details Mass healing word quite effective and spirit Guardians I want to especially point this out this is extremely powerful you cast this this crazy creates a three meter AOE around you that is always on you select radiant or necrotic damage and what is absolutely amazing is while you kept this maintained anything runs into you procs this damage or what I like to do on my turns is I literally like to run around and tag things with my AOE Aura and they all take damage I was at once in an area where I was fighting Undead and I killed like three or four Undead and around just by running by them without even attacking anything directly so Spirit Guardian is import super super powerful it does scale up if you use higher levels of it so if you was higher than level three uh spell slots they're gonna do more and more damage but again this is why concentration is so big in this subclass if you get hit and you lose this that's a major loss since this this can last up to I believe 10 Rounds and again I do want to emphasize you can now have up to eight spells but you are gaining access to spells much more quickly than you are getting these spell positions so across all your level one two and three spells you only can have a total total prepared at level six you're gonna get one more level three spell slot and another charge of your channel divinity and you get the feature blessed healer healing others heals you as well this is huge when you cast a healing spell of level one or higher on another creature regain hit points equal to two plus the Spells level and again don't forget we have the level one effect that's gonna stack with this whenever you get healed you're gonna if something targets you as well like an AOE heel it's going you're gonna get a ton of healing from that as well as healing other people so this is a great way to keep you topped off and spellwise you have all the same spells but now you can have up to nine prepared at level seven you get access to level four spells and you gain one level four spell slot your life domain spells are death Ward and guardian of faith that you can keep up at all times I do want to point this out this one you place in one spot it will auto attack every turn but it actually loses Health when it deals damage from practical application considering that you can't control it it doesn't move and as it damages other things as it loses health and also it can be attacked I don't think this is that great of an effect your other level 4 spells are here and here and again now you can have up to 10 spells prepared across all these levels at level eight you're gonna get another level 4 spell slot and an action called Divine strike life so you can strike a foe with your weapon as it becomes reefed and gleaming radiance and it gets you basically weapon damage plus 1 to 8 radiant damage you will now have 11 spells to prep across all the levels and then of course you get to pick a feet and again highly highly recommend for this class warcaster if you haven't picked it up uh and or resilient as a priority at level 9 you get one more level 4 spell slot but you also get access to level five spells and get one level five spell slot your life domain spells that you have all the time are mass cure wounds which is amazing and greater restoration and here are the other spells of level five that you get access to flame strike is very effective but it's competing a lot of other good effects same of insect plague and again now you can have a total of 12 spells they can choose across all these levels at level 10 you get another level five spell slot and get divine intervention so you can cast divine intervention to invoke your God's Aid once used this can never be used again now these are basically multiple really powerful attacks or effects I will show them to you in just a moment so hang tight uh and I will note because there seems to they seem to be bugged currently or at least one of them is still bugged and I'll mention that in a moment in a good way and then you can have another Camp trip if you needed them you probably already have all the ones you want but you get extra ones and you get uh now 13 spells to prepare across all the levels as you see fit now here's the divine intervention here are the options you can do arm thy servants call upon your deity to Grant you legendary weapon Forge into fires of your holy Bond and spoiler alert I'll show what that looks like in just a second divine intervention Center the hereticals this is an 8d10 radiant AOE damage it's huge AOE you can see the circle in the distance this does a ton of damage to everything uh now when I cast this and utilized it previously I do not know why but it killed me but then I got raised by somebody else and I was able to use this in a future situation it's supposed to be only a one-time use but I was able to use it multiple times don't know if that bug will be fixed or not then the next one is divine Innovation golden generosity call upon your data to provide you with a rich Bounty of potions and camp supplies since you're going to be swimming camp supplies I think this is a waste and divine intervention opulent Revival reselects found Companions of half their hit points and restore's own yield by allies as if they had long rested that's pretty huge because that means not only full health but all their spells back so if you're in a really tough fight and you're struggling this is kind of your oh button can be very very potent now let me go ahead and show you what uh the legendary weapon is like there it is so spoiler if you don't want to see it it's the devoted mace and it gets Auto equipped you can see the damage it does here adds radiant damage it is a plus three weapon and it does have a class action of healing incense aura it amazes soothing Aura U.N nearby allies regain one to four hit points at the start of your turn and this basically lasts for 10 turns don't forget all those bonuses to the healing applied to this you can do a lot more than one before healing to yourself and everybody else it is a bonus action and notice it is not concentration so you cast this and then just everybody's gonna get healed every turn for 10 turns so again as a healing item it's quite solid at level 11 you're gonna get access to one level six spell slot and access to level six spells and here they are they're all very potent blade barrier is pretty pretty nasty create Undead also very good heal super powerful heel obviously and pleiner Ally is also quite impressive you basically summon an angel Angelic kind of type character to fight besides you and are quite effective as well and now you have 14 different spells that you can cast now look away or fast forward 20 to 30 seconds if you don't want to see what the planar allies look like but there are basically three of them I'm not gonna spell all their looks uh right now but I will show you their effects though that can be in gets fiendish charm draining kiss and raise a fire as abilities the diva gets wrathful smite revisified and concussion smash smash and the genie which is literally a genie gets sweet Plum Gales which is really cool Thunder Wave and drunken inhale this is the one I personally use the most they're all quite effective depending on the situation and let me show you for example what the cambian looks like so there you go there's your little devil they have a good amount of hit points and actually I believe that Jin had like 160 hit point so it's the tankiest one I've got lots those abilities I mentioned they're quite effective although their AC is kind of low and then level 12 you're going to be able to prepare up to 15 spells and you're going to get your final feet so again go based off the recommendations that I mentioned now when it comes to equipment I highly highly recommend getting the best possible plate armor you can there's a ton of really good heavy plate armors out there and then I'm also a big fan of getting any items that are either gonna give you more spells to cast to support or things that will buff your healing so for example this uh what Pierce Crown is amazing when healing another person the wearer regains one to six hit points so obviously that's gonna help with for you in a healing mode also boots of Aid and comfort so when the wearer heals the target it gains an additional three temporary hit points so even more healing and then other items when it comes to your support items this one's the spell Crux amulets amazing you get to regain any spell slot and so obviously you can take get another level six spell slot here and then you can choose with your rings to support combat even here's just some examples I have here's a ring that will uh give you Thunder Wave for some diversity of course get a nice Shield of a plus to armor class or better and then here for example I gain an additional level one spell slot and a nice Shield of devotion cast but again starting with level one just get any kind of Shield of plus two AC you want that AC nice and high to keep you alive and then the best weapon you can potentially find out there there's lots of different good options that you can find cleric there's actually a lot of options you can go pure cleric which is very powerful but you could also for example go one level cleric and then combine with a Bard and that's going to give you more diversity you're going to get all the benefits from that level one cleric for bus finger heels but then you're going to have more diversity when it comes to the type of spells you can cast if you don't want to just combat heal as we do here you could also of course go and combo with other Marshall classes so there's just a lot of different options but I will say this is a class just going pure cleric very very potent because the Spells are so good and you have some really great high level effects as well and that brings us to the end of our all right guys and it brings us to the end of our life domain subclass video for the cleric I hope you found it helpful if you did please drop a like Drop any comments with questions suggestions uh and or feedback definitely love to hear from you guys and if you want to see more from this channel make sure to subscribe uh okay so that brings us to the end of the life domain subclass video for the cleric more videos are going to be coming with the other subclasses here shortly if you like the content make sure to drop a like drop a comment with feedback questions or comments of course if you want to see more videos from me make sure to subscribe as always love all your support and I'll make sure to see you guys in the next video [Music] all right
Channel: Leeroy Gaming
Views: 5,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 Cleric, bg3 Cleric, baldurs gate 3 Cleric guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 Cleric class, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 Cleric build, bg3 cleric guide, baldurs gate 3 Life Domain guide, bg3 cleric life domain guide, bg3 cleric build, bg3 cleric life domain, baldurs gate 3 life domain, best cleric subclass bg3, bg3 cleric subclasses, baldurs gate 3 cleric subclasses, baldurs gate 3 shadowheart build
Id: W1HoeGA7C14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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