Baldur's Gate 3 Can You Save Alfira from Dark Urge??

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foreign this video contains spoilers if you're someone who's not keen on having plot twists and surprises revealed before experiencing them in the game this is your chance to stop the video I'm so glad I found wait it's me it's ophira from the groove I'm playing a darker's character here and I'm beginning to truly regret it I'm sorry for bogging in like this but I had to come find you you've well inspired me I want to stand on my own two feet prove that I can be half the badly holler was I want to join you to fight by your side I want to help people as you've helped me to trigger this event you need to have metal fira already and listen to her sing in Druid Grove remember I want to make my own stories and I can't think of anyone else I'd rather share that with but I can fight I won't hold you back I swear it let us stay if you want but if that Bard breaks out in song I'm not having it please oh please for her own sake we need her to leave all right if you haven't been to Druid Grove yet the dialogue is slightly different I'm so glad I found wait my name is alfira I'm a bard I mean no harm this event will trigger on your third long rest I'm sorry I just saw your fire and ran towards it I need your help I fled El Torell along with dozens of others we're in a Grove nearby Things Are bad really bad you can clearly handle yourself in a fight and we well we're not exactly Warriors things between us and The Druids are tense if you could mediate maybe convince them to let us stay that would be a big help and if that doesn't work well we'll need protection on the road let me stay the night and I'll take you to the Grove in the morning please she'll appear to leave if you choose option three but it looks like she came back when you aren't looking it doesn't really matter what you choose at this point she won't be able to escape her fate really it's too late for all fira relieved you open your eyes with a lurch you are not in your bed you stand above a body which is in a state of Gore nearly beyond recognition the body of that scared girl who asked for nothing more than a night of shelter her blood covers you and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend you recall nothing of how you ended up here to your head pounds and aches there are dozens and dozens of wounds on the corpse achilla did not stop savaging it even when she was long gone and your dominant arm aches it aches from stabbing over and over no matter how it appears the body is there and her blood is on your hands the question flows through your mind who are you really that you could be guilty of such bitter business Something Wicked must have woken you the contemptible pervert within must have lavish slash after slash upon the girl but where oh where could that monster have come from if only you knew yourself better another explanation will arise you use the problem at hand you don't have much time for reflection now you need to act you may only have a few moments before the others awaken and begin to cast blame for the hot sin before you no one would suspect a thing the day after if you hit her body a light and delicate girl should be no trouble at all to toss her into a ditch you roll her away further bloody in your hands as you do in lumbering Style you have gotten away with murder should you want to admit responsibility for the murder choose option three your misdeed is bright and clear as the dawning day another wave dead before her time how it happened you're the one who cried out for us you must have seen something no I can't help but notice that one of us is positively drenched in blood so she was brutalized killer knife to many times after she was dead was it you the blood speaks for itself why the parasite must be affecting you deeply the worm in your head has never slept more peacefully you know in your heart it was something deeper hungrier even if it was the worm this was peculiar indeed I'll be watching an uneasy feeling lingers in the air as the Inquisition departs you are left alone with a familiar headache every one of your instincts screams against the saccharine thought you feel close to fainting again [Music] after sending offira away you could try killing the dark urge before resting [Applause] thank you but just the same you'll find elfira's corpse the next morning he couldn't have been the dark urge his dead body is right here you'll find out who murdered elfira on your next long rest the blood running through you feels so thick you can hear your arteries screaming as your restless body twitches oh sweet master you're shivering you'll get sick if you don't have your sweet meats it is too sad I am too late the conditions were all set up for the Perfect Crime and your precious knife arm didn't take the bait you were meant to kill the bird my liege then throw her into a ditch River pitfog or what have you at least I'm here now to direct you towards further atrocities worthy of your station you truly have been lost without your butler haven't you no one hell of a butler the most unprincipled servant you could hope for you have always struggled to conduct yourself properly without me fear not I have arranged your Affairs in your absence you shall wake up to her putrified carcass waking up to her putrefied carcass well she's already dead at this point so perhaps it was glitched but it appears celery disfell was the one who killed offira breakfast in bed ah I can tell Master's mind has experienced a bit of trickle since last we met still there it has fell you're loyal and ever adoring Butler I followed you my dear rotted Master we have been parted so tragically long you are a fellow of fine breeding you shall have a chance to indulge again soon enough and there will be a great prize when you do I cannot wait until your next Act of Shameless barbarity though I would love to Regale you with your past triumphs I cannot I am forbidden to interfere ah debtors will not allow it be true to yourself my Lord it was suggested you knock off fear unconscious the day before she visits her camp [Music] when you do this a different character will visit your camp Hawk a camp and hogma willing some friendly faces well met goblins wrapped me up and stole my hoes when they heard me singing hatchling love you wouldn't have half a bed roll for a lost Minstrel would you I can pay for my board with music care for it sides it's hardly ever I meet another with scales as lovely is mine you're the kind of gorgeous I dreamed of nesting with as a girl well in all honesty I ran from time answer to avoid my egg Duty hardly a soul on the sword Coast has heard our kinds love chants I've made a fair bit of coin performing them although half the time it's for some Society of Brilliance with two left feet writing a book about us thank you quill group slang soon to be published in the songbook Affairs in ancient Abeer songs of draconic love if I make it to Boulder's Gate with my manuscript that is I'll just stay one night promise then I'll be gone I know I'm ice blood but I I get cold so fast that I need to be by the fire you open your eyes with a lurch you are not in your bed she'll die a horrible death looking at the positive side ofira is still alive the next day but her attitude towards you is very low now after you knocked her out this individual doesn't seem particularly fond of you it's a gift would improve their sentiment my rancid blood Whispers to me kill kill and kill again my ruined body yearns to reap death in this world and when this foul urge calls it possesses my whole being injured Beyond repair I know nothing besides this I must resist the dark urge unless lest it consume my mind I must discover who I was and what happened to me before my twitching knife hand writes a tragedy and blood so do you still want to play as dark urge while his quest to identify and confront the source of his violent urges is a noble cause I'm sure this incident is just the beginning it's disheartening to encounter an event that ultimately funnels players down a predetermined outcome regardless of the choices they make it was said we can resist the urges that wasn't the case here right now I'm having second thoughts whether to continue playing a dark urge character please share your thoughts and ideas someone who's waking up and the only feelings that they have you're going to kill and kill again the dark urge in a lot of ways is a dark Counterpoint to the main storyline play with the concept of why are we always so compelled to do terrible things in video caves in the first place for my first full playthrough at launch I think I would probably play the Dark Age I'm a little bit scared to see what I would learn about myself but I think that's part of the part of the fun of it good
Channel: MrGeeBee
Views: 79,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3 Dark Urge, Baldur's Gate 3 Alfira, Baldur's Gate 3 Alfira Death, Baldur's Gate 3 Sceleritas Fel, Baldur's Gate 3 Save Alfira, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough
Id: OSk_9Y8NfUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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