Baldur's Gate 3 - All Endings (Good, Evil, Dark Urge, Mind Flayer)

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to you deathly silence the air is stale and putrid Stones ready your blood slows your senses strung so tight they could snap in an instant no [Music] I think you know why you are here you are wrong foreign [Music] don't listen to it use the stone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign and gortash you have you have Unbound me exactly as I intended the crown is now mine to command focus on the crown [Music] you place the crown upon me death The Moon Rises and there I was the crowd is not my weakness it is what made me what I am you've brought the crown to me bowel spawn thinking the Army eye amassed with it would become yours your plan was devious your cruelty unparalleled I would have followed it with your mind not destroyed by your sister gone the three three pitiful chosen thought like children in your wake gave them power to harm one another with while I crafted my design I used to be chosen well they thought they used me but the orders are now in line to give it again dominated foreign [Music] were you a part of its plan I only needed one never Stone Lucent from the chosen's grasp to guarantee my freedom foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] no longer the magic of the crown has caused it too it has become something more another brain do not exaggerate you nearly died I saved you yet again it has been anticipating our every move from the start I underestimated it we will need to rethink our plan star encounter with the net from every angle angle the problem was not the stones can make only one move at a time but the nether brain calculates every possible once it knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do cannot outmaneuver it to defeat it you would have to think like an a mythid yet one your mind is not capable of this mine is you will give the stones to me I will assimilate Orpheus and then I will be able to lead this prison to face the brain no now is the time to liberate him do not stand against [Music] you still don't trust me after all we've been through remember I have been your salvation from the very beginning your knight in shining armor I freed you from the nautaboid prevented you from crashing to your death I have protected you ever since at no small cost to myself I came to you as a leader but I did not shy away from showing you vulnerability I needed you as much as you needed me I was not above recognizing this when you discovered my true identity I did not flinch from the truth I never lied to you not once I am just like you we have the same enemy the same story I encouraged you to fulfill your potential or while protecting you from harm now I ask you for the last time to trust me release the nether stones to me [Music] after everything I've done for you you choose to sign the devil you went free to get Yankee and risk everything we've worked towards I told you to get the Yankee would only want to kill you for what you are break our alliance I had hoped for better but I can't say I'm surprised it was always in your nature to give in to temptation very well since you will not work with me work against me it made no option but to join the nether brain [Music] [Music] as the githyanki prince takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head it's unlike any sensation you've ever are you freak of me lifted you took advantage of my powers and you slaughtered my honor guard it seems we must be allies the prince of the Comet gets true air is an honor honor do not patronize me you rejected the illicit when it no longer suited your needs no doubt you freed me because it suits you now I will neither forgive nor forget your abuse of my powers that is false you had the opportunity to surrender yourself to my honor guard they would have given you a noble end any worthy individual destined to become cake would have done so my God would have freed me and I would have stopped the Elder Brain before it evolved into another brain [Music] were it not for the choices you made foreign 's power is beyond us the host metal in the world would not cut through its mind for it is made of thought itself and point will take an elliphid to unleash the full potential of the nether stunts there is not we Face another brain for there to be one way to defeat it is unlikely enough there will not will not be another just as I was free I will do it I will become illicit sacrifice my soul for my people I will end The Grand Design my prince you cannot this is not your burden to bear seems I misjudged you we're testing my honor in so doing you for me of yours the nether brain wants nothing more than to see all infected become cake my defenses keep the voice of the absolute out but just as I can raise them so I can lower them I will allow the voice of the absolute in once it reaches you it will order you to transform will only take a moment and once you are a mind flare I will fold you under my protection once more you will be the savior of Empires at least my own with the withdrawal of all fierce's power and is rushed with the full force of the narrating and equal measure you wish nothing in the world but to evolve foreign as you were once again closed off from the nether brain's mind my people will remember you the rebel elected who stood beside their reborn Prince and ended The Grand Design Let Us return now to the city follow the path of the nether brain [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] laughs there it is there it is the crown of casus the site of power sight of domination if we are to try the stones once more we ought to do it there [Music] dream visitors I take it I thought they would be prettier I know you I know everything about you your thoughts your feelings you you are so today I feel it a sudden shift the brain is weakening it's grasp of itself slipping possible reconsider assess implore surrender silent sprain The Grand Design has failed you have failed me join me wields me become absolute commanded to Die end this whole damn world and be reviled together I I must end nightmares and the screams of Legions upon regions of Unborn foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything you did everything you've sacrificed it was worth it for this [Music] [Music] it's done the nether brain is defeated along with a grand design praise mother give and I'm still standing in the Sun maybe whatever changed to me was permanent the parasite it's with it dead along with the nether brain cleansed I will never be a filthy gay only mild offense intended of course you did the unthinkable and I'm grateful for it I will ensure that all get Yankee know your name and your sacrifice what you have done today will start a fire that rages across the astral plain with their lost Prince returned my people will burn away flackett's corruption and it is all thanks to you dear lifted who defied another brain [Music] oh as you wish my savior [Music] my people are leaving and I must leave with them come layzel we will free the get Yankee and dismantle the Empire let them be imprisoned no longer it it's not meant to be you are gay as Noble as you are this is the threshold I cannot cross I have already chosen a way the way of Orpheus like it will fall and we will plant a seed Yankee Freedom will Blossom your will is stronger still your name will be etched in our slate will be called malagir liberator Orpheus I am ready [Music] thank you all right [Music] farewell just still my liberator [Music] thank you [Music] with the GIF Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt you are a mind flare the very thing you sought to eradicate whatever self you possesses quickly ebbing away your friends and enemies alike have ripe for manipulation and if not manipulation and consumption soon you will not be able to trust yourself at all you will be a monstrosity Beyond redemption or not perhaps you are unique among a lifted kind perhaps you will retain enough of who you are to resist to your nature a rogue mind flayer like the emperor the risk is certainly yours to take will you your fate will be what you make of it now you are your own Master right I suppose there is more work to do now what first [Music] that was always going to be a moment when your sacrifice caught up with you a threshold Beyond which you would have to venture alone this is that moment you are a mind Flair after all he will have the rest of your long years ahead to understand what that means Meanwhile your allies have rather inferior plans of their own I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the owl it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go will ever see that face basking in the sun again [Music] it's over and it's all because of you you and we're destined to become a troll thanks to you there will be no lipid Empire no death Gods tyranny you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast [Music] saviors of Boulder's Gate he slept like a babe straight through the night dream less thoughtless and almost entirely free for the first time you feel alone calm you breathe Baal may have been your beginning that he will not be your end but what will you do now that your life is your own A Rush of pleasure Wells up within you at the thought you still do not know the full extent of the scars that you left but you will heal them one by one and once you have the world will be yours not to conquer but to explore [Music] thank you we're here [Music] dead thy faces gods thy actions barely worthy of the name it's truly believe thy Ploy would succeed it's believe I would not notice our sorts to bolster thy strength by taking away the souls of Mortals but Souls vanish when their hosts become mind flayers did think the other gods would not notice Gods thou may be yet thou has proven thyself fools [Music] everyone the supplication of vain the whimper of bowel the death mule of Merkel felled by Mortals I overestimated Thee they didn't woman away I will trouble us no more thank you I owe you thanks the crown really is marvelous I'm almost tempted to dig cars as his soul out of whatever pit he's in so I can show him what his creation is capable of now it's in the right hands my Legions are beginning their assault on zario's flying fortress just about now full before the sun rises over to real and avernus will be mine Conquering the other Hells will be Simplicity itself some of the archdevils are already making overtures of peace and Promises of tribute an idea of Father Mephistopheles is among them have a tie and with all nine Hells under my command command I will end the blood War Inferno Victoria [Laughter] it won't be long before I come knocking at your door tata for now [Music] smart what are you doing [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign thank be refused did it think it could protect did it think it could save only the blade station yes yes give me agony pluck me bone from socket stroke me with a jacket Edge until my skin shreds wet and drip you still don't remember do you bloodkin [Laughter] should have trained harder master [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] must you are the chosen one he is near he comes for you [Music] thank you [Music] I expected the other but you live and her blood is returned to me You Are My Chosen I have a gift for you child lacerate this world a gift from your God your father an offering of his affection for you or confirmation that he owns you [Music] My Chosen my slave violence you come a testament in blood to butcher this [Music] then you will have to trust me you will have to give me the stones thank you thank you now stand aside I will assimilate the get Yankee's power in your Stead stop you would keep my people chained to their damnable Queen I've driven a blade through your throat at first chance free Prince Orpheus side with gate you on office dad you'll have to kill me first lies you have been seduced by empty promises gay tricks to think I ever hoped for more for damned my people for eternity rip off your every lemon bath in your agony by kids Eternal Grace do it we will end The Grand Design and then we will go our separate ways thank you do not judge me come we must follow the brain's path this time we will not fail [Music] [Music] friends but not defeated use the portal we will bring it down together [Applause] it's up to you at last it begs for its life join me wield me become absolute please because it knows I'm its master I will finish this the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of the emperor's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps you Glimpse the lifelong Destiny promised by your father it ruins father's name you must Seize Your rightful claim to the brain not destroy it should not then he will Flay and shred your mind so it cannot even comprehend the horrors he will plague you with we could do it you know we could rule the world [Music] [Music] foreign what do you think you're doing [Music] conquer hell [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in Ball's name [Music] my master I must I must end up nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions of unborn Olympics through you obliterating all thoughts all feeling pulp the brain [Music] silence the overbearing quiet of your father's disappointment before the rush of your tragic form [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is defeated along with a grand design praise mother give I should feel relieved yet my blood still simmers the parasite it's rivet dead along with the nether brain cleansed I will never be a filthy gay only mild offense intended you did us a great service and I'm grateful for it it makes little difference to I did what I had to to secure my freedom and in spite of your resistance to we've approved good Ally [Music] you may have succeeded but I have failed gift sun is dead and vlake has abandoned me I will be hunted by her Inquisition to the ends of the world leave I have nothing more to gain by being here [Music] my peer it will be a Restless life while the false Queen Reigns over my people but a life nonetheless and a free one yes I will stay my destiny is for neither of lucketh nor Orpheus to decree it is mine we fought well together I will gladly fight with you again [Music] as shall see you'll see and wherever else we go [Music] now there's a sight to see not that I'll miss them with the githyanki gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt what shall we do next [Music] after everything that's your suggestion aren't you tired I'm tired I will not be joining you I fear my presence will be no more welcome in the streets of the city than it ever was I hope the nights and shadows treat you well you're in an old friend but I suppose friends still I will miss you now that you no longer live in each other's minds it's hard to tell if the Mind flare is being sincere though perhaps no harder than it ever was I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to this oh oh no oh God well it was it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go that's the last of a story and the sun will ever see may he fare well in the dark [Music] your thoughts Wander from your companions and everything you endured to your own piteous fate if only you defied your father when you had the chance and freed yourself of your dark desires but it's too late now your destiny is set your very blood shall clot with the urge and that hungry desire will consume you you may have freed the world from the control of the nether brain but you are not yet free your father is angry what foul punishment awaits you now that you have rejected him [Music] thank you and just like that it's over whatever's left of you is subsumed by the overwhelming strength of your desires foreign [Music] [Music] and it's all because of you you were destined to become a thrall thanks to you there will be no airlifted Empire no death Gods tyranny you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast you are the saviors of Boulders gate [Music] very well I had the means to evolve you I took this one from the nautiloid I have been nurturing it ever since priming it for your use all you have to do is open your mind to it it's latent potential we'll do the rest thank you the boundary between thought and feeling is gone your mind and body are as one bristling with concentrated cerebral energy exactly as the emperor described but there is something else Tina's to be filled a hunger to be sated it is overwhelming seeing it don't you the hunger embrace it stop you would keep my people chained to their damnable Queen I've driven a blade through your throat at first chance we have the free prints off you side with cake you're on Orpheus you'll have to kill me first lies you have been seduced by empty promises gay tricks think I ever hoped for more from you damned my people for eternity Orpheus and I will rip off your every lemon bask in your agony I guess Eternal Grace do it we will end The Grand Design and then we will go our separate ways no I'm sure you will learn how to do it more gracefully with time but you have done what is necessary the greater challenge Now lies ahead of us the nether brain come you must follow the brain's path this time we will not fail [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] feeling [Music] [Music] I I can't feel the tadpole it's gone we're free and I'm still standing in the sun this is incredible maybe whatever changed in me was permanent and I didn't even have to turn into a mind flare to do it sorry I didn't mean to well you know [Music] and rightly so you you are better now than you have ever been I have crossed blades with countless Warriors among the tears of soluna but none so resilient as you [Music] are you may have succeeded but I have failed kiss son is dead and vlakath has abandoned me I will hunted by her Inquisition to the ends of the world I must leave I have nothing more to gain by being here [Music] you helped my people end The Grand Design for this I Will Remember You but I will not forget what you have cost us the means to free Orpheus but you chose not to I watched you consume his mind I will remember the fights we fought together but my next fights for without you [Music] [Music] now there's a sight to see not that I'll miss them with the gift Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt you are a mind flare the very thing you sought to eradicate would have a self you possesses quickly ebbing away your friends and enemies alike have gripe for manipulation and if not manipulation and consumption soon you will not be able to trust yourself at all you will be a monstrosity Beyond Redemption or not it's your unique among a lifted kind perhaps you will retain enough of who you are to resist your nature a rogue mind flayer like the emperor the risk is certainly yours to take will you as long as you're not expecting anyone to follow you I wish you all the best though I have a feeling you'll be just fine it will not be without sadness that you depart to your friends but at least they will be safe so they will be rats or other thoughtful Vermin that you might sustain yourself on or if you're lucky sell me [Music] blood is returned to me My Chosen I have a gift for you child you will use lacerate this world a gift from your God your father an offering of his affection for you or confirmation that he owns you domination Slaughter mountains of corpses standing atop them You Must Destroy This World it is what you were made for for a moment the brine pool of your brain clears to die to rest to save the world from yourself to accept to become his prophet in any disobedient subject to his Lash for my spawn your veins course with my Unholy blood your life is mine accept your inheritance or I will ring to devour gent my blood and so I will reclaim it for the first time in over a century silence island with a bowel Temple no chance no screams no prayers in the end your own death brought you more joy than any you wrought on this land he was slipping into peaceful Oblivion but your journey is not over thou Hast defied bow thy liege and father and in doing so has turned a place among Champions and heroes but alas my courage was in opposition to the Divine cosmology that bound thee to the Lord of murder Thou Art now faithless Godless and doomed to wander the Fugue plain for eternity I will not permit that though all the powers of life and death dictates that it should be so I too still hold some power and I invest a portion of it in thee who have challenged the gods and now liveth to 10 of it thy fight is not over and it is thy fight for one who can look upon bowel and oppose him can survive any crisis so rise Challenger of gods and battle battle once more death will not claim thee whilst I scribe a senator a keeper of Records and now thine advocate both here and in the city of the Dead today Thou Art born anew a genuine pleasure to meet you again my friend a Triumph most deserved well done greets the bloodless Dawn child of none do not thank me trust in thy courage and the conviction of thy companions as it was so it is again a hero has risen from a legacy of death we Face another brain for there to be one way to defeat it is unlikely enough there will not be another just as I was free I will do it I will become illicit Feist my soul for my people I will end The Grand Design brain will be only to claim me and In My Darkest Hours I knew it was my destiny to save my people could never have imagined this would be the way crushed foreign [Music] let us seek out the nether brain and finish this once The Grand Design is ended kill me it is the very least you can do come [Music] on this is ah you are found you hear me now you killed join me throw at last it is subdued spare me join me become absolute and thus I honor my mother's Legacy The Grand Design once again ended by my line the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of orpheus's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps I know what you're thinking so let's do it let's seize the whole damn world and be reviled together I must I must end everything you did everything you sacrificed it was worth it for this [Music] [Music] it's done the nether brain is defeated along with a grand design praise mother give I should feel relieved here my blood's still simmers and we didn't even have to turn into mind flares to do it sorry I didn't mean to well you know even when my time in the prison stretched out like eternity when Escape seemed impossible I never lost hope I knew that my destiny was to liberate my people to return to them triumphant I was wrong it seems I can only fulfill one part of my destiny my people will be liberated I cannot return to them not like this you helped me destroy that abomination now help me destroy myself you must kill me first Lazelle I need your promise carry my hope carry my burden cool my dragons chulos and cuethos and rides to the astral sea destroy vlakif release our people be our future and our Legacy [Music] it will be done I will never be free while my people are still Bound by vlakis chains enough talk give me my freedom freedom from this form [Music] yes for how long my mind screams it will never stop until it has slipped away from me entirely I will not be cake I did what I did to save my people the rest is up to them someone else must rise within the ranks to lead the revolution against vlakith give me my freedom from this form release my soul to the astral Seas well I still have one to call my own [Music] perhaps you are right I may not be the one to lead my people but I can still bear witness to their Glory I shall find a place for myself in a corner of these realms for even in darkness the stars of tuna wrath will shine upon me you were a worthy Ally homecomings are never easy I fear Orpheus will find the githyanki much changed and they him now there's a sight to see not that I'll miss them with the gith Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt right I suppose there is more work to do now what first um a keen idea I was taught it's Cloud Peaks are infested with monsters of all sorts but first fresh meat in a hot fire I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to this oh well it was it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go that's the last of a starry and the sun will ever see may he fare well in the dark [Music] it's over and it's all because of you you were destined to become a thrall thanks to you there will be no lipid Empire no death Gods tyranny you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast you are the saviors of Boulder's Gate he slept like a babe straight through the night dream less thoughtless and almost entirely free for the first time you feel alone calm you breathe Baal may have been your beginning but he will not be your end but what will you do now that your life is your own A Rush of pleasure Wells up within you at the thought you still do not know the full extent of the scars that you left but you will heal them one by one and once you have the world will be yours not to conquer but to explore [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MELOO
Views: 360,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate iii, baldurs gate 2023, baldurs gate larian, baldurs gate 3 characters, baldurs gate 3 story, Final Boss, Bhaal, Baldurs gate 3 bhaal, Dark Urge, baldurs gate 3 best class, All Classes, All Endings, Baldurs Gate 3 Ending, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 ending, baldur's gate 3 final boss, baldur's gate 3 dark urge, baldurs gate 3 ending
Id: s8oEAjDLkR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 51sec (5451 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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