Bonding with Astarion (+romance) | "Good" ending | BG3❤️

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hurry I've got one of those brain things called in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others there can you see it just a dumb ball you're relieved until you see the flash of a dagger you could try but first you'll tell me what you know I saw you on the ship you're in League with amount you those tentacles your mind twist out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on I'm not an idiot it has to be those tentacled monsters something they did they took you too I saw it during whatever just happened and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards no apologies a kindred spirit my name's a Starion I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me the strong and Silent type all right please tell me you at least know something about these worms of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and you seem like a useful person to know all right I accept lead on your magician seems dour tonight must not relish the idea of sprouting tentacles understandable can't say I'm a fan either it's just hard to join in when all of this feels so new the night normally means bustling streets bursting taverns up in the dirt and resting is um a little novel [Music] I'm in no place to rest yet today has been a lot I need some time to think things through to process this you sleep I'll keep watch you know if you want to spend time it's quite a sign the Stars I mean I could take or leave your chin no just thinking reflecting on what tomorrow might bring When we arrive at this gith crash will we find out how to bring the worm under control with this little adventure of ours be over a pity a great pity you're quite the Ally after all traversing a furnace surviving the crash surviving everything that's followed I'm not easily impressed by people but you're stronger than I gave you credit for foreign you have your charms more than you think smile on his pretty lips is a Touch Too composed a bit too perfect you may not mean a word he says of course terribly sorry I was just going anyway I need to clear my head I'm sure I'll see you when I get back sleep tight ah stranger forgive the aroma you catch a waft of something foul metallic and sickly sweet powdered iron Vine an old Hunter's trick and most monsters will think twice before making a meal of me you're a monster hunter I'm surprised I thought all girl were vagrant Cutthroats [Music] and more we steal chickens curse your crops since your daughters the list goes on well I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess alas I am a simple Wanderer a simple Wanderer and Monster Hunter but I'm no witch doctor or Cuts wrote something terrifying no doubt Dragon cyclops Kobo nothing so dramatic I'm hunting for a vampire spawn I fear he's gone to ground I hope the hag of these lands can help me flush it out if I can afford her blood price a vampire spoon why just so fat Empire is a Godless parasites we do not need a reason to destroy them but in this case it is a sacred Mission from the head of my tribe she sent me here to capture the Beast and return it to her capture and bring it where Baldur's Gate my people wait for me there under all the smiles you can feel a starion's tension he's calling coiled like a spring hand inching towards his weapon is your friend ill I have some tea that might help no no I'm quite well we should go but you have fun tracking your monster no I I mean we have different quests I wouldn't want to distract this fellow from his path any more than he'd want to lead us from ours the elf is right I have my own road to walk a road that leads me straight to a hag's den alas but I wish you well be safe yes we're not wandering these Wilds looking for stimulating conversations of course my knife was ready the girl are duplicitous I've had my share of Runnings so caution is only natural you don't sleep well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares maybe you wake up because you know something is wrong or maybe you just get lucky no no it's not what it looks like I swear I I wasn't going to hurt you I I just needed well blood there in the dim Fire Light you see him for what he really is a vampire a slave to Sanguine hunger it's not what you think I'm not some monster I feed on animals balls deer Cobalts whatever I can get I'm just too slow right now too weak if I just have a little blunt I could think clearer fight better please a strange sensation courses through you and your companions mind unfolds crits half revealed at best I was sure you'd say no more likely you'd Ram a steak through my ribs no I needed you to trust me and you can trust me we don't have a choice not we're going to save ourselves from these worms I need you alive you need me strong please only be a taste I swear I'll be well you'll be fine and everything can go back to normal ah of course I shall be gentle as babe let's make ourselves comfortable shall we it's like a shot of ice into your neck a quick sharp pain that Fades to throbbing numbness your breath catches your pulse quickens of course that that was amazing my mind is finally clear I feel strong I feel happy don't be so dramatic this is just a little transaction between friends and look what you've gained together we can take on the world shouldn't take long so many people need killing now if you'll excuse me you're invigorating but I need something more filling this is a gift you know I won't forget it you watch as he stalks towards the forest stronger more confident ready to hunt good morning how do you feel it'll pass just be glad I'm not a true vampire a bite from them and you might wake up as a vampire spawn like my good self all of the vampires hunger but few of their powers [Music] I have no idea for 200 years the sun would have turned me to sinners until the crash when I woke up bathed in its light someone or something wants me alive they've changed the rules standing in the sun wading through wandering into homes without an invitation they're all perfectly mundane activities now as for my other quirks well we can figure those out in time no more surprises you have my word I'm just glad you're being sensible about these Revelations I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks although there's still time hunting with vampires never thought I'd see the day very well but I'm keeping an eye on you and no Wise Cracks about having us for supper oh and a quick word of warning historian I taste absolutely awful keep your distance he's not wrong we're bound together no matter what comes you say all the right words but I'm not so sure you mean the right things still I will respect the decision that was made there now we're all friends again shall we go there's a long day ahead of us there you are I was just thinking about you and that delicious moment we shared the other night the very same I've had this condition for two centuries but truth be told you're my first in all these years I've only ever fed on beef drinking the blood of thinking creatures is a different thing entirely you were delectable and now I can't help but wonder how the others taste unless it doesn't hurt to ponder the question though take Gail for example he strikes me as someone whose blood is Rich refined like well-aged brand but the gift what in the hells would she taste like hmm yes heaven forbid we have an interesting conversation still I am intrigued by the possibilities absolutely Amir thought experiment so in the spirit of theoretical questions if you had to take a bite from one of them who would it be [Music] ah a refined palette I can't disagree although the more I think on it the hungrier I get I better go find something I can actually get my teeth into there's nothing that tasty lurking out in the woods but I'll make do sweet dreams there you are my friend [Laughter] ah you know don't make promises you can't keep darling thankfully I've had my needs met this evening I found a bear he took a little of My Blood I took all of his an email worth having it's nothing compared to well uh other things I could be dining on but significantly better than the rats and bugs cazadors I existed that was enough for him he reveled in having power over me because those with power can do whatever the hell they want well yes you can't look at the world and tell me I'm wrong oh I hope so a little corruption sounds fun I spent centuries as the victim of a corrupt man it was the Mind flares that plucked me away from that they gave me a gift the strength to take my own freedom I'm embracing this power you should too looking at something I'm looking too but not seeing very much another Quirk of my affliction preening in the Looking Glass Petty vanity of course I miss it I've never even seen this face not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red I I don't know I can't remember my face is just some dark shape in my past another thing I've lost what I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me and you see um go on very good now just tell me I'm beautiful and we can call it a day how dare you I thought we had something special still you're nice too I better get some beauty sleep it seems I need it for them to catch up with the competition you know I never pictured myself as a hero never thought I'd be the one they'd toast for saving so many lives and now that I'm here [Music] I hate it this is awful [Music] true fun still I would have liked more for my trouble than a pat on their head and vinegar for wine I'm just looking for a little more excitement a little more fun don't be so sour I like a good time as much as anyone you know we could always make our own entertainment darling get a little closer so to speak please cheeky little pup I'll see you later Buzz of Celebration quiets to a soothing hum as you approach your bunk though you seek Repose you need to spend the night alone there is one who yearns for you in the dark who will you seek your heart skips a beat Treasures might this night bestow there you are I've been waiting waiting since the moment I said eyes on you waiting to have you don't I you're here and I don't think you want to talk I think you want to be known to be tasted this isn't about Hunger things about pleasure yours mine our Collective ecstasy that's what you want isn't it to lose yourself in me the answer [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it's a poem a gift from casadore he considered himself quite the artist and used his slaves as a canvas he composed and carved that one over the course of a night he made a lot of revisions as he went you recall the sharp complex lines of the script It Was Written in the language of the hells infernal I who knows that bastard was insane anyway enough pillow talk let's go before the tieflings drag us into another Mass well I think in line with a fork and one two three dots that infernal how was anyone meant to read this garbage what are you doing wait I'm sorry you caught me by surprise that's all I've been tracing the scars on my back with my fingers trying to read them by touch but I can't they May's will be written in Russian I this isn't your problem you know fine the jagged script is definitely infernal the language of the hells but you can't make out its meaning and what can you see what in the Hills what did he do to me no no let's keep this between ourselves at least until we know what it means centuries carrying this I can finally find these [Music] no I could have missed it of course but I doubt it the door was only figuratively hellish there were never any Devils hanging about the Crypt whatever he's left carved in my flesh it's a mystery to me thank you by the way this is well it's something given the subject matter I probably won't here's my little treat with their cheeks all flushed come to my bed tonight weren't you oh I oh I certainly can I pleasure hmm how about this one when I'm with you feel practically alive yet I crave only to die again with you not half as sweet as when I tasted you hmm let me give it another go every part of your perfect body Whispers temptation it's as if the gods made you just to ruin me [Music] I can go all night with the flattery but is that really oh you won't how about if I said these little words everyone's favorite I love you but rather Beautiful Lie nonetheless now as much as I relish standing around and saying all my favorite lines at you I'd much rather we got to experience each other's uh full portfolio of talents once again I look forward to the day Meanwhile my Hunger for you will only deepen you know I feel a connection between us like we're Two Souls walking the same path you might be a little naive in the ways of the world but I see promise in you ambition just that you are they big heart you like doing what's right so I was thinking what would be the right thing to do when we get to moonrise Towers when we come face to face with whoever is controlling the parasites in our heads [Music] thank you Gods they're trying to think outside the box just a little consider the parasites in our skulls and think how many others have the Mind flayers infected hundreds thousands and they're not just Goblin trash there are powerful people in the worm's thrall whoever's waiting for us at moonrise Towers controls it all but if we can take that control from them imagine the power we will that's just the thing if we control the parasites then we can order them not to change us all the power with none of the tentacles I'm just saying there's an opportunity here if we can control the tadpoles we can keep ourselves safe and Liberate the world from this evil so much for thinking you had ambition still we're not there yet maybe you'll see the light yet I've been thinking about the rooms kazador carved into my back I don't know much about infernal but I know anything written in Devil's script is going to be bad news I'm afraid that through those ruins somehow kazador might still be able to dominate me find an expert of course and I already have one in mind our devilish friend Raphael if anyone's going to know about infernal text he will well we won't know until we ask now will we unfortunately he comes and goes in his own schedule so we'll just have to look out for any sulfur sodas or the sound of questionable poetry meanwhile I think I'll spend some time studying the art of infernal negotiations foreign do you know what happens when a devil is struck down on this charming plane of existence it returns to the hells to the very point where it last stood before venturing to whichever devil forsaken plane it died on the case of our friend here gear the auth on you so handily dispatched in the temple of Shah He manifested In My House of Hope he returned to me chastened but intact his wounds healed his body restored he thought I would dismember him but he has his uses so instead I am re-educating him we deliver the devil now I want what I'm owed we had a deal indeed we did I discovered all there is to know about those scars of yours it's a rather Grim Tale for my tastes [Music] foreign won't let me and why would he want to walk away this is his destiny carved into that Ivory skin of yours is one part of an infernal contract between the archdevil Mephistopheles and your former master in full the contract states that kaziro will be granted knowledge of an infernal ritual so vile it has never been performed the right of profane Ascension it promises to be a marvelous ceremony very elaborate incredibly ancient and entirely diabolical if he completes the right he will become a new kind of being the vampire ascendant all the strengths of his vampiric form will be Amplified and alongside them he will enjoy the luxuries of the living the arousals and appetites of men were returned to him and unlike a Starion he will have no need of a parasite to protect him from the Sun but the ritual has its price as all worthwhile things do Lord Cazador will need to sacrifice a number of souls including all of his fanteric spawn if he is to ascend imagine how he felt then when one of those precious spawns simply this Into Thin Air the only missing ingredient is a Starion you are the final piece he requires to complete the ritual your scars bind you to it your soul will set off a very wave of death bringing kazador his Twisted life and that my tragic and toothsome friend is that no if you'll excuse me I have business elsewhere [Music] it's a lot to take in what do you think I should do the end of my life amongst them just what I was starting to enjoy it he'll never leave me alone I didn't think he would when I was just one more wretched toy for him to play with but if I'm the key to this power he craves he'll hunt me to the ends of faerun I need to take the fight to him and I need you to help me thank you before anything else I need to know where it's happening and to the public casadore is an ordinary Noble a little reclusive perhaps but just another of the Great and the good of Boulder's Gate he has a grand palace on the hills of the gate where he hosts the city's High Society I don't know if he performed the ritual there feels too public at risk exposure I hope so because I'm not striking another deal with Raphael knows what he demand this time but as if the citizens of Baldur's Gate don't know anything my brothers and sisters might kazador is a master of Secrets but the other spawn must have seen something Trade It in Blood and the sanguineous Arts it is a pleasure to stand before a true soul and your pale companion I'd like to offer my services if you're willing please you think someone in my line of work wouldn't recognize a vampire spawn when they see one I trade in Blood and the potions that can be rung from it I'm more than happy to make you one if you'd honor me with your blood with one drop I can brew a rather potent potion for you the rest I keep for myself no idea but it will be unique to you your blood Essence and the absolute blessing intertwined we can learn exactly what that means together [Music] research naturally a little experimentation perhaps I have an innate curiosity for all things sanguine I'm here should you change your mind although perhaps there's one more thing we could discuss your friend he's a vampire no or one of their spawn at least oh don't worry we're all friends under the absolute I won't buy it oh I prefer if you did I assume he belongs to you I'm sure he really believes that how utterly adorable do you have a name spawn hold on good now a Starion I've dreamed of being bitten by a vampire since I was a young girl I'm sorry you want to be bitten fill your life's blood slipping away to dance on the edge between life and death yes I wanted I'll even compensate you a potion of Legendary Power that forever increases the strength of the one who consumes it it's not for sale but it's yours if you bite me I will have to decline excuse excuse me this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you're squandering it I gave you my answer can't you talk some sense into your obstinate charge how very disappointing I uh I want to thank you for what you said whilst I was in front of that vile drow I spent 200 years using my body to learn pretty things back for my master what I wanted how I felt about what I was doing it never mattered you could have asked me to do the same to throw myself at her what I wanted be damned but you didn't and I'm grateful it's a novel concept I admit and uh a little intimidating so easy to bite her to just go along with what I was being told to do a moment of Disguise to force myself through and then I could have carried on just like before the entire reason for my existence was to seduce anything with a pulse in every Instinct I have tells me that nothing's changed I'm still just a means to an end you made me see that I never stopped thinking like I was his slave even in freedom but I'm more than that more than a thing to be used really thank you full of surprises aren't you honestly I have no idea what we're doing all that comes next but I knew that this foreign this is nice us I still love the sound of that no nice not to know you're not a victim not a Target not just one night it's better to forget but then whatever in the world could you be the gate is closed as is Cazador Cazador and his rights of profane Ascension an imperial Soiree attended by devils and spawn a like a grand ceremony the other one exalted vampiric master and Elevate him to an unfathomable station to please him in a position of such esteem the world will yearn to kneel and offer them we will kill him but there's more to it think about it it sounds like Cazador for all his evils has gotten further than any of my kind ever have on the verge of a miracle this may be a beginning Nottingham I can see myself now Lord King King Master the time comes and I can stay one move ahead of him I'll take his place before his blood can hit the floor doesn't it sound delightful for the lucky little vampire on The Winning Side after 200 years of I deserve something better all I'm saying is Let's Be Clever about it if an opportunity arises for me to become a more magnificent bastard than I already am why turn it down let's find out more about the ritual before we Waltz into cazador's front door if we track down my old comrades you have a spawn we may discover more and be finely positioned for yours truly to ascend you're too adorable I'll be fine I'm sure they'll bring back memories of so many pathetic years but I'm much stronger now if we don't find my brethren they'll find us likely with beard fangs we should get to them first we can make their pretty tongues talk and as kazadors change their orders they'll be in the dens of this town so seeking prey the city of storms steel is an endless scream in Nature's room I have felt no peace here until now your eyes dearer there is pain endless and deep but also devotion blazing like the sun you're in love are you not you are wise to admit it when it comes to love vulnerability is armor truth a sword and trust her Shield I pray you wield all three stir up bring the one you love to me I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally oh my love how could I say no close your eyes little ones be still a stone to Earth and remember to breathe I see you see the bond between you so tender so fragile but do you see it for yourselves Starion a tumultuous past hides by heart the heart is fraught so let us begin with the joyous when is he happiest guilty is judged sometimes literally hear how your bond thrums with pleasure strong vital I'll sing with affection many things Delights the heart but only one makes it sing tell me what does he desire more than anything oh yes yes please the sweetest loves dance lightly on the tongue but now we must take deep dig deep into the most painful reaches of the spirit fear sits in the soul of old tame us we must name it a Starion what is his deepest fear oh I like that answer yes let's go with that you betray yourself abundant based on lies will one day be severed I have to say you know me better than I thought I'll have to be more mysterious in the future your bond is false and I know why because your heart belongs to another okay and she she showed her [Music] so you're the lick spittle who crushed the bone loans through begging sniffing for our stones gortash won't like that a throat his black hand can't choke the spit from oh your bond will not save you he will wrap its cord around your neck and make you swing from it when you find the Lord Ling tell him Oren is watching [Music] foreign from the hag swamp you join us as we honor our fallen dead you're a bright light on a dark day even you my erstwhile Quarry oh valdisdorovna Frey valdesga blast I feel we're intruding we should leave quickly calm yourself you will not be harmed our leader has called off the hunt she wishes to speak to you so The Impossible spawn walks Among Us in the blazing sun we have been looking for you the last time your friend came to our camp he stole our children our future when I was hunting you I was to bring you back here interrogate you discover how to save our children and then destroy you but things have changed you have changed is it true you left your master that you broke the spell that binds you to him kind of it's a long story honestly for those your friends stole from us it is a matter of life and death we have tried to save our children once already attacking cazador's Palace at first light even then it was too well defended but if his own spawn approached someone he thought he could control he would throw his doors open and welcome you in once inside you could do what we could not you could save the children you Damned you want me to March into the lion's den and save your children but I promise you they're already dead I spent years bringing him victims each and every one was whisked away to be fed on that night but you never saw him feed yourself he could keep prisoners for days before killing them I know our polite is grim but if there is even a chance to save them we must take it if our children are truly gone then we ask for blood I know you can understand that spawn I suppose yes yes Revenge I can do thank you from me and all my people if you can do this we will be in your debt you have lived a life of violence and sin you have stolen lives broken families and caused immeasurable grief doing this will not write those wrongs foreign if you're trying to encourage me you're failing abysmally but it will be a start you may still be redeemed please go time is short but we will see you again when it is done I won't lie the thought hardly feels more with my newfound advantages he's still an incredibly powerful vampire but arrogant too here I'm back he'll try to take me and expose himself in the process then I'll be able to strike something of a gamble true but if I can win if I can beat him it would be worth any risk so yes I do worry about facing him but if we can get his attention finding the rituals location will be much easier and that could give me the edge I need we should go I do not want to face the master if we're late for his black mask soon sister I only need one more mark you have enough for the master no more needed it's not for the master it's for me I spent 100 years eating rats and dogs but soon I'll be able to feast I want someone there ready for me and once the mass is done and our Lord grants us freedom I can celebrate by drinking them dry Cazador promised you your freedom and you believed him you were never burdened with intelligence Petras but your load seems especially light these days it cannot be oh that's no way to welcome back a brother doll didn't you miss me why would you come back you got out you were free isn't it obvious sister he wants to ascend with the rest of us he heard about the ritual and the power our Master will grant us so he came back with his tail between his legs hoping all would be forgiven you always were an idiot dead traps is he hiding tell me [Applause] [Music] foreign you owe your wretched life to my friend now tell me what I need to know pairing the black black muscle do you really think you can stop him I'm the only one who can the sun can't harm me Cazador can't compel me I don't need to fear him anymore now go before I change my mind about roasting you brother this isn't over a Starion poor fools they actually think kazador will save them yes and they'll be trembling in fear when they tell him they're no threat to us and they have no choice but to do cazador's bidding I'd pity them worst of all they don't know their Fates already set they're doomed the early question is whether their lives will be sacrificed to a monster like kazador or serve a greater purpose seven sigils on seven spawn and kazador has the other six we have to face him and take that power for ourselves thank you darling but there's nothing to be afraid of we're a team after all we are a team aren't we you are still with me then you'll help me in this nothing would make me happier and now we know he's skulking beneath his Palace we can take the hunt to kazador all right let's go this place stinks around blood and despair he's sleep but the wicked don't someone is here to disturb your rest get the hell's away from me peace brother we're here to take you home the master needs all seven of us for the ceremony come with us and be reborn we'll live again [Music] the right the master needs him he must attend oh I'm well aware of what the master needs [Music] but don't we deserve better better what do you mean better after all these centuries of Torment I know what you all want more than power more than to walk in the Sun you want to see him dead the right of profane Ascension will be mine and he won't see a scrap of its Glory I am going to complete the ritual as the ascendant and then I am going to kill him stand with me name me your new master we will get our revenge and you will all live again as Liar's smile spells danger he knows full well that his King will die in the ritual but if any of the bearers of the scar die before the ritual begins he will lose his chance to perform the right himself he needs them to run willingly to their deaths thinking they stand a chance against their master [Music] thank you foreign don't look at me like that with a sweet little disappointed I'm not getting cuddly a starry and pout can't take it bumpy what you want to see in me die in the initial whatsoever are you speaking of we are going to cheat the master doesn't need to lie to us he controls us fully why go through the trouble of giving us hope because it's more cruel we're doomed all right what do you need from us we'll help you [Music] the bonds hold he owns US we have no choice we must obey get out of here historian four what a mess well at least you've met my family now what does it matter there's only six of them and they are vampire spawn no one ever looked out for me no one ever said a kind thing to me you're the only one other people don't have a heart like you you're you no one is like that [Music] [Music] don't sell yourself so short I'm doing this for you too you know to make sure we're both safe forever for good so this is it I'm home there's the same fading carpet the same tasteless art nothing's changed a gods Everything feels different it does feel strange breaking into your own home especially if murders on your mind then again this is hardly the strangest thing we've done together although it could be the most satisfying well the second most satisfying oh no much worse than that they're fanatics hear of their own free will and utterly devoted to Cazador each one came to our door and begged to be given his eternal gift they're sure he'll turn them if they serve him well enough it almost feels sorry for the poor deluded Souls but they're idiots who brought this upon themselves so don't my dear siblings were right Cazador was hiding somewhere below the palace after so many years I would have spotted any secret tunnels out here the only place that was off limits to us was his study if the entrance is anywhere it'll be there through the ballroom so so you've come home little one and come to visit Goldie in your old kennel I have not to grind your rotten carcass to dust don't be mad at Cody child I only did my job only kept you in line tortured us for days at a time oh yes and you sang so sweetly for me none of the others screamed like you did but you're home now and you brought me a treat hey a new friend for Goldie laughs not very nice not very friendly why are you here then little one if not to see Goldie isn't it obvious I'm going to kill kazador how dare you as if you could lay a finger on the master you ungrateful little brat Dodie will not let you get away with blasphemy godi will see you punished this is also ground to think it was just sitting here lurking under the floor older than that who knows how old casadore will want a grand space for his sension a venue like this feels perfect now we just need to see what lies at the heart of this place approaching the cells you're met with hollow-wide faces a physical stink of Decay and neglect I don't even know what this prisoner isn't it he had all of this from me and the others if I had to guess I'd say they're part of his ritual was wearing the hell so they come from you I know you you're the one from The Tavern smiled and choked and got me drunk you're dead you called me so many sweet things my name sounded like a lyric on your tongue Sebastian you've remembered me you handsome shy you've never been kissed you taught me how Droid me it can't be beneath the dust and blood you notice that every prisoner has a room carved into their flesh then they're bound to the Black Mass too bound through the scars through me I know these faces everyone that shares my scar then I conquests I pursued them juice them and brought them to kazador but he turned them to spawn he turned every last one so we'd have sold for this cursed ritual oh how long have I been down here 170 years you were one of my first my father my friends they're gone you took them from me you took everything from me There's No Escape No Escape for us and no Escape for you historian never end fault you take this damn you I damn you to the house I damn you to misery because above he kept Sebastian I should have known what kazador was capable of ah he played us for such fools not just seven spawns of placate the devil seven spawn and 7 000 Souls bound to them in blood everyone whoever trusted me enough to let down their guard innocence idiots and the unlucky I will need to sacrifice them all if I want to perform the ritual thank you yes this will all be over soon it's just hey hey you come closer oh God coffee it is you I knew it I'll kill you if I get out of here I'll kill you camp Monster Hunters the girl camp oh God my parents camp Chester Focus resist the Beast inside you oh you promised it's your fault you did this to us didn't he tell you he's the one that kidnapped us he's the reason response I'll kill you yes now that you um mentioned it I may have done that I don't look at me like that castor's orders quite the deviation for my usual routine of course and capture not lure I didn't bring them in with sweet rolls or anything I really forgot about them felt nothing the moment I handed them over to him oh I suppose there's a good chance they will what use is it though ravenous feral then attack any mortal insight all these for me parents you've seen my parents I miss them but I think or perhaps it's the hunger I don't know it's so hard to tell you should go leave us here we shouldn't be out there we'd hurt our families tell them tell them you couldn't find us who stands before us is this truly our Prodigal Son do not slouch before me boy have you no respect for yourself look at you crawling back after abandoning your family you should be begging our forgiveness forgiveness you've never forgiven anything every mistake every slip was punished I strove for perfection in all things even those as imperfect as you the pity you were mounted to so little despite my efforts no no and everything you've ever done to me they told me you had changed I dared not believe it oh thankless child I not bless you with our Immortal gift did I not make you what you are you so of a you truly forgot my power you truly thought our bond as Creator and creation was all that stopped you from killing me oh you are weak my child you are a small pathetic little boy or never amounted to anything but today you will finally do something worthwhile you will burn and I will ascend two seven get me out of this which missed the birth of the vampire ascendant okay Domino's no healing suit for you wake up get your hands off me worm I'm not the one in the dirt and I'll be free of you I'll never have to fear you again but if I finish the ritual you started I'll never have to fear anyone you think me a fool that I would allow anyone to usurp me speak the words and Ascend in my place the rooms I carved into your flesh buying you and all seven thousand souls to the ritual complete it and those bearing the scars will be sacrificed you included it was simply a means to an end I made you to be consumed and so much more than what you made me I can do this but I need your help these people died years ago trust me on that all that's left a feral spawn desperate for blood if we release them how many people will they kill tens of thousands hundreds of thousands but if they die and I ascend I won't have to rely on the parasite to walk in the Sun I'll be free truly completely free isn't that what you want [Music] thank you can see the fear in his eyes but also the hunger of the hell of blood in the air and the promise of power being so close is intoxicating to him all he can see is the power of the ritual and the freedom that power brings do anything to be anything [Music] [Music] you you're right I can be better than him but I'm not above doing this [Music] thank you foreign [Music] yes he's gone what does that mean for us it means you have a choice you can hide here living in the shadows like parasites or you could be more than what he made us to be you can choose differently of course but the consequences are on your head and what does it mean for them now that's a better question seven thousand Spawn from ancient conquests to stolen children cazador's staff controlled everything during the ritual it controls the cells too you could decide their fate [Music] when they're dead will you kill us too we look like those riches brother you've spent lifetimes controlling a hunger they're all but ferals I don't relish it any more than you do but putting them to rest may be the kindest thing we can do really hard all gone just like that I hope it was worth it follow the tunnels to the underdog you'll be well not safe there but in this peril bye I think we're done here let's go that's it gone after all his years this centuries it's really over I'm not sure I feel a little numb what I've lost what I've gained oh God always spawn dead in their cells I need some time I think I just to let it all sink in let's just go Place reeks of death and I want to feel you killed not only kazador but also his wretched creations I expected less so I can see from all your heavily armed friends you didn't think I could resist completing the ritual did you I admit I had my doubts where are our children what of their fate killing children makes for a strange kind of Mercy although given what they'd become believe me when I say it was for the best the pain from the Hunger alone has nothing like it perhaps there was something to that a kindness I would not have credited you with well that's backhanded as compliments come though I'll take it if it means you're done trying to kill me I never dreamed a spawn could find Redemption the but yes you will never be hunted again as for you you have my people's thanks I know you face trials ahead we will stand with you as best we can until then go in peace and thank you I should probably start getting used to the Shadows again who knows how long I have left in the Sun I know doesn't mean it stings any last never seen the sun again is just the price of freedom I think I do assuming we survive of course because a horrible death is always just around the corner with you there's something I'd like to show you that's all right something out in the city this way it's not far the graveyard is appropriately silent there isn't a proverbial Soul around nearly 200 years and they never came back not since the night I woke up down there I had to punch a hole in the coffin and Claw my way through six feet of dirt then when I finally broke the surface wretching up dirt and concealed blood was waiting from that day on I was his until today Maybe but he did take it there's almost nothing left to the person I was just a name on our Rock for nearly two centuries I stalked the streets like a ghost my person I was laying here dead and buried well I need to figure out who I am what I want you I want you you were by my side through all of this through bloodlust and pain and misery they were patient you cared you trusted me when that wasn't objectively stupid thing to do feel safe with you seem and whatever the future holds for me I don't want to lose that thank you well I should probably fix this [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] thank you s [Music] I've been dead on the ground for long enough it's time to try living again with everything that life has to offer [Music] that that would mean a lot [Music] [Music] it feels ridiculous to still be thinking about Cazador gone I'm here I'm one living everything that happened playing it over and over in my mind you're not wrong gazador left his mark on me in more ways than one for a moment I wanted to be just like him I came so close to losing everything back there to losing myself back at the ritual all I could see was the power on our furnace safety it promised I was so blinded by it was just kazador was you saw something in me someone else I could be someone who could break the cycle of power and Terror that started centuries ago you saved me back there I may not have appreciated it at the time but I do now thank you you did more than that you believed in me believed I was enough just the way I am when I look at my future anything and ever Everything feels possible now and I get to share it with you as a partner um equal you saved me for myself and let me walk A New Path where I can be free truly honestly free you know thank you I won't forget it nothing special of course you're only the first person who I truly care for if a night of passion is an offer [Music] could be persuaded you know I didn't care for you when we first met but I do now being with you is about more than last storm manipulating you into a tactical Alliance I love you I love this and I want it all foreign
Channel: Modron
Views: 256,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldursgate3, larianstudios, astarion
Id: qX0EYVpGztg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 2sec (6302 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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