Companions Correct Tav's Mistakes When Following Gale's Instructions - Baldur's Gate 3

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well met I am a magical projection of Gale of water deep and if you see this manifestation that means I have prematurely perished however for reasons that cannot be disclosed it is of vital importance that my death be remedied at your earliest convenience you may rest assured that I do not speak out of self-preservation alone many lives depend on my return to the living within the span of 2 days I trust I've made myself clear I have upon my deceased person a magical item that can accomplish my return but such is the value and Rarity that it is protected by a multi-layered security protocol I will now explain the protocol step one is to retrieve from my person a pouch I wear over my heart next you must must unthread the purple seam that seals it in a counterclockwise fashion do not touch any other colored strand inside the pouch you will find a folded letter and a tiny flute unfold the letter and note the markings in the top and bottom corners these are the notes you will need to play starting from the bottom right play the notes in correct order clockwise this time upon completion of the tune a magma method will appear which will pose the following question isaga this is ignant for what is my name the answer is kit as pronounce the name correctly and the mephit will breathe on the letter stay clear because the little Scamp can melt metal words will now appear on the Letter's surface effectively turning the letter into a scroll of true Resurrection use it to bring me back to life I think ingenious is the word you're looking for now repeat my instructions back to me please in that case this will be an easy exercise step one and next purple darling it's the purple seam purple purple seam you donkey how quick your mind turns to Mush you unthread the purple seam pretty sure it was purple whoops I think you meant purple the purple seam indeed you then have access to the letter and the flute continue wrong I'm afraid bottom right did you listen at all bottom right Focus kachy you play starting at the bottom right wrong it's bottom right no no unless my mind's gone a muddle I think you mean bottom right quite right you start at the bottom right corner and remember to play them clockwise after that Kash the blighter is called Kash come on you're just guessing now it's Kashi trash is it really so difficult H I think it's the one ending in OSH he listen to your friend it's CI right corner and remember to play them clockwise listen to your friend listen to your friend it's Casi TR Ash and pay ATT attention to the tra part yeah back of the throat and so we have gone through the necessary steps again let's hope practice makes perfect in the end best of luck with the protocol may my cold dead hands soon be refilled with the warmth of life so they can shake yours in gratitude
Channel: Kayn
Views: 70,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zeJmd5O14xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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