Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 11: Shadow Cursed Lands

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welcome back Adventures episode 11. last episode we spent pretty much the entirety of the episode in this gift Yankee crash things didn't really go as planned so there's a lot of blood pretty much everywhere you go in this place and now we find ourselves somewhere in the back of the crash and I think we're working on this Quest right here we found an oddly shaped crust that belonged to a high priest of lathander perhaps it could help us find the blood of lafander so we're searching for the blood of lafander somewhere in this crash area there's a little bit of a puzzle down here that I did figure out that we can get into the next room and then I have no idea what awaits us after that but first let's go ahead and talk to lizelle because last episode was really really important with lazelle's character as we met the Lich Queen of the gethienki lacka though was unable to fulfill Queen black as command we should talk to her so blacketh wanted us to kill the guardian who is apparently inside that prism artifact that we have and we decided not to kill the guardian so let's see what Lazelle has to say about that I am black it's most loyal servant she will not abandon me your own Queen appears to have turned against you that can't bode well for any of us Faith Khalid prepared me only the heaviest Soul soar to the astral I might gain vlakis favor yet all this and you still stand by blacketh no we're not going to call her stupid I don't like that play on this particular run you're an enemy of your people now lizelle you need to accept that oh my God I must think yeah okay damn okay okay let's head on down here and I found out that a few damage these statues Fireball works great hey this one will now be able to move if you've failed your Athletics check like I did then if we move them around a little bit not really sure why you have to make them face one faces to the East and the other one to the West oh I get it now once facing to the East and one's facing to the West so the sun rises and the sun sets it literally just clicked with me the Thunder blesses the rising Bountiful Sun oh my gosh the thunder it's the settings I just figured out the puzzle um when I wasn't recording but I all I did was just move the statues around I didn't even think Rising Sun and Setting Sun that's great the great puzzle okay we've got an update on our Quest here we moved some ancient lethandrian statues in a secret passageway opened we should see what lies within I should probably rest at some point I mean no spell slots with my cleric but you have Arcane recovery though okay let's go check this out I think I gotta get the I need to get a cape for my Ranger he looks kind of silly right now we gotta dye his armor later too oh man I keep Miss clicking on things there we have it the son of lethander as this place escaped my people's notice all this time okay there's an energy source right there we can shoot it and knock it up there foreign I don't know about you all but that kind of feels like a trap to me it's called the dawn breaker we have the dawn Masters crest okay if I test it out a little bit I could send this out let's send the zombie up that's why I have the undead summons oh God that I literally jumped because of that you know what I'm gonna let we're gonna go back into real-time mode and test us out a little bit it's not even doing anything oh my God okay that's what we got zombies for right we have to get through this one somehow I jump over here watching me hmm it looks like we got another one let's get on with it this way hopefully we can disarm it oh I don't know if I have any more thieves tools I have one Inspiration Point no no no no no no no no no our trapped disarm tools I don't think I can use it this game has too many intense moments I don't want to use an Inspiration Point on a trap okay so there's that little Crystal down there which is the same as the one we destroyed in the first room so hmm let's try something here oh my God this is crazy actually maybe I'll use Gail this this could be bad this could be real bad all right so I need to get over there so let's go into turn based mode we get the first turn I don't even know if I can see it from right here oh we can go down here oh that's great okay trap is still active though I don't know if this thing's gonna I don't think it's gonna hit me when I'm out here I think we're okay let's duck down just in case Get Behind The Rock Okay so I think we're good here can't go inside the room itself Maybe oh crap gotta be really careful with grouping my characters together here because Gail will come back I'll have him separated from the chain here all right we should be able to move everybody else what is he doing oh my God I I screwed it up I thought Shadow heart was Gail okay get back over there okay we made it that was intense oh oh my God bear oh my God can you guys imagine right there if there was just like this slow-mo scene and my bear was coming to greet my mat his master wolf and he just gets Thunder waved into a rock still alive Sam this is oh my God this is so this is so fun wow the blood of lafander man I don't I don't I mean lafander is a good God but I I'm a little bit worried here without having spell slots on Gale and Shadow go for it forgot to organize my inventory before I started up the recording all right thank you that looks like a shadow heart weapon right there okay so we found the blood of lathander there it is right here oh my gosh this is our first legendary weapon I gotta write this down this is episode 11. first legendary weapon we've ever seen in bg3 8 to 13 damage once per long rest when you hit points are reduced to zero you gain two to twelve hit points allies within 30 feet also regained one to six holy cow leftander's light sheds Holy Light in a 20-foot radius in combat beans and Undead standing in the light are blinded this is powerful the great thing is shadowheart can use it whoa oh man that's so cool not sure how Shadow would feel about using like another God's weapon but wow checking it again once per long rest when your hit points are reduced to zero you gain two to twelve hit points that's like the half orc racial feature except better and then it's also an AOE heal on top of that that is incredible and you get light too so this is really good for characters that don't have dark vision we use the dollmaster's crest to safely retrieve the blood of the fender morning Lord be praised okay I think okay I think we're good to push on with I've got a long road ahead the next main quest I think we're pretty much good at the get Yankee crash so we can fast travel out of here find the missing shipment icky Warrior pal elf yeah travel to moonrise Towers the dream visitor told us to go to moonrise Towers you might find answers there about our parasites green visitor told us that the true Soul parasite can enhance us if we absorb its potential all right so let's go to Camp from here and we're going to leave the gethianki area I think we've done everything I mean there's a lot of items and secrets to be discovered here but I'll do that on another run you must have questions the crash training room was Illuminating our gith instructor is always so brutal a waste of time and energy the pupils themselves cult the weak from their ranks I myself felt four of my own classmates once calaire had a hundred times circled to real for what reason rage entertainment survival my people have no use for useful was either too weak to withstand the lessons or was cocky enough to pick a fight they could never win they underestimated me so they paid the price the giftyanka only as powerful as their weakest Warrior jacquis devenzier the termination of the frail strengthens us let's ask glazel about the disc from the crash the disk appears in your mind's eye LaSalle sees it too and considers the vision sense no wait texts are in ciphered but there's a common speech translation beneath curved in a different hand it's a story about Orpheus you had buzzers in concert with lazelles but it hardly matters even without the connection you'd recognize her discomfort who's Orpheus a traitor speak it that's fine I'll read it on my own time if you must nothing good can come of it is it me or have you been looking at me differently I'm not gonna say that right now I'm gonna have to do an entire lore video on the get the Yankee Crush here and delve deeper into Orpheus in the future all right let's uh let's have a chat with everybody see where everybody's mind is at spending my final moments buried under a thousand tons of limestone how are you feeling it can't be easy facing the possibility of death oh you know me never The Optimist trying to focus on the positives I was living on borrowed time already assuming those items would only have kept the orb stated for so long if anything I feel more at peace than I have in months at least now I know my death will have purpose it won't be a distant bang in the footnotes of History let me turn up the vat I know we're on episode 11 now but I feel like the game value might be a little bit too low compared to my voice let's take sound effects put them down to 80 and then do master volume up to let's say 87. user interface probably go down to 95. yeah I think I'm probably good with that voice volume is maxed out adjust the volume of ambient gameplay dialogue that sure will boost that up a little bit crash would be a be as it wasn't for us still better move along I don't want to test the limits of GIF Yankee gratitude me either I'm getting a lot of uh you know dialogue options that hit towards seeking romance with these characters now we didn't level the monastery with that sun Cannon but come on you can't say you weren't a little curious to see what would happen we're not all as messed up as you as Darion Fair rude but fair all right good quite the Cozy setup you have here I'll just too close for comfort but thanks to some quick thinking the GIF Yankee crash is still standing okay beautiful you wish to speak I still don't I I just don't know as those of you guys that are playing is can helson join your group I think he's just like perma-bugged on my account or on my files he hasn't done anything he's supposed to be a companion that you can recruit to your group so this place was going to blow we'll live to fight another day this isn't where I thought I'd end up how about you I mean I know where I'd be trapped in a furnace still with the blade of Frontiers on my tail what about you I'd be in the middle of another adventure blessedly free of any tadpole fans the works maybe once we've wrapped up the courage Shenanigans we'll rest a bit and find some new heap of troubles to throw ourselves at okay thank you I'm playing tactician right now on my live streams and it costs 80 camp supplies to rest all right so we are going to probably teleport out of the crush now I don't think I want to go back into it RP wise it doesn't seem smart to uh they have all the gift Yankee turn on me so let's go ahead and we will teleport to the monastery all right what now and I think there's one more thing I wanted to check out here out of curiosity it wasn't area below the monastery that you could get to I don't know where I'm at anymore [Music] those apples such a beautiful game [Music] huh I actually don't know where I'm at anymore I forgot to get the freaking cloak man prayer to lafander Pilgrim's curse a note okay it's well that ends not as flat as it could have oh so the entrance to the monastery is right here there is like an under oh man should we go check that out real fast go check it out real fast I don't mind a little bit of uh a little bit of adventuring you know [Music] I'm surprised I haven't found any cloaks besides the red Prince one [Music] let's go ahead and call in Fern how are you girl let's go check this out real fast [Music] and then we're gonna head towards the shadow cursed lands I might even walk back to them to see if we didn't we didn't miss anything important but what I was looking at before was this looks like you can get down here I think there might be a way in the up right over here let's give that a try my character's gonna go inside the monastery I'm gonna sit here and wait for him wow they're going oh my God they go all the way to the back that's so funny watching them little ants I bear didn't come though he said no way and here they come so funny I'm assuming this just leads into where they get the Yankee crash was just another way to get in maybe a back entrance oh that's a crazy jump right there I feel like I'm playing a platformer right now got some arrows elixir of vigilance drink to gain a plus five bonus to initiative does it last for a long rest though only one way to find out yep last until a long rest okay cool the minster's not around look at shadowheart's new weapon next I wonder that's amazing I hate that the Yankee armor is so good because I think it's so ugly I don't want to wear it with Shadow heart but I also want 15 AC res wow that's like a thumbnail right there okay I'm happy that we came down here looks like that's all there is so let's go ahead and we'll pour it back there let's head to still a little bit lost okay so here is that yeah we'll go back on that looks like we explored mostly everything this is another path if you didn't succeed on your checks to get the cable car wheel to work and I'm gonna save that for another run or we can just go back that way right now you know what screw it let's go [Music] oh actually huh oh no the path is down here here it is we'll check it out I'm gonna take that looks like we have a blue jay up here on my way oh I've got nothing left to take so you might as well shove off did someone steal something from you steal deal Eagles are bigger they just take Nest pray everything that's how it works here Miracle of Life right that's exactly how it works and it's my turn sound fair surely the eagles need a nest as much as you catch try and figure out what these lizards might be damn alcoholic lizards didn't show up much in your studies of the natural world okay so this is actually a quest to go deal with the Eagles interesting I decided to let the eagles live we're just gonna let the uh circle of life it gets coarse but that's pretty cool if I took this way to the monastery oh man oh gosh I'm running I'm running through traps right now if I took this path to the monastery in the beginning I would have had that side quest basically to kill the Eagles or I don't know maybe you can scare them away or something yes just as I expected freaking traps everywhere dude get me out of here okay and we're back actually it wasn't that long of a path you know the crazy thing is I don't know for sure but I think this is still act one who is this a friendly face oh you are a sweet sweet blessing my dear you know I've had nothing but trouble all day I've been accosted chased insulted look over there see that wretched little hive [Music] scalable architecture good Vantage points looks empty perfect Ambush spot oh it certainly looks that way but inside it is forming with brutish stupid rude GIF Yankee brutish and rude by your wretched standards Charming companion would call it a crush but it was built on what remained after the get Yankee slaughtered all of the monks I'd call it a murderous training camp acutely observed on both counts honestly I was doing them a favor offering to buy one of their eggs and how am I repaid attacked and run off like some transient this is interesting because we have that egg why would you want one of their eggs the Society of Brilliance asked me to acquire one of their row so they can incubate it and once it hatches raise the spawn in their tradition please do enlighten me what is this tradition the society believes a gith Yankee raised in a peaceful nurturing environment can overcome its violent nature I'm sure your friend would agree a gith Yankee is as likely to forsake its violent nature as a new Miss to fly thank you violence is taught not inherited you don't need to steal a child to know that you've been sipping from the same goblet as the society perhaps you'd be willing to help them to prove your point they may have chased me away but only the guests would welcome a person with such sympathetic views to their crash and once inside you could simply pull away in an egg steal one of gith's own I will slit your throat for even suggesting it I'm not talking to you you'll be well compensated of course just bring me an egg it wasn't these other one that stole it when I was playing earlier this is a this isn't necessarily out of order because this lady doesn't know that we already went to the crash but it definitely would have been nice to talk to her first just like the bird so definitely make sure you guys explore everything in the area before you push on I'm so tempted to give her the egg but I don't think it's the right thing to do right now do you have any equipment worth trading I should hope so [Music] we might have to buy some dye actually [Music] wound closure when down to automatically stabilized at the start of the turn potent healing maximizing that's so cool man they have some crazy items in this game the graceful cloth you gain cat's Grace and increase your dexterity score by two to a maximum of 20. nimble as a cat you gain a plus one bonus to dexterity saving throws and also increase your jump Distance by five feet a little piece of armor right there I don't know how good I mean getting your dexterity boost by two is good for any class but jump distance may be best for like a barbarian or something whenever you deal damage of the weapon the target receives a 1d4 penalty to its saving throw against your next spell okay so those would be good for asters [Music] and we have some potions of Greater healing look at I gotta do some major selling here sell a couple things real fast I'm gonna do like the fine details of my inventory organization off stream I'll just sell a few weapons real fast a few things that stand out that are really easy that I know I don't want so yeah there we go that looks pretty good maybe I'll sell sorrow too okay and then we're gonna pick up ooh Dragon fists your unarmed attacks deal additional one to four fire damage holy cow those are some monk gloves right there when the wearer deals cold damage and flicks two turns of encrusted with frost one of the wire deals acid cold fire lightning with a spell or can trip they gain momentum under a Smite okay so I'm gonna pick up [Music] actually this one's kind of tough because when you deal damage with a weapon attack so as a caster you're usually using like can traps that makes it a little bit tougher to use I'm just gonna grab some trap disarm tool kits also gonna grab a torch maybe these two potions maybe these potions too and the thieves tools and then we're looking pretty dang good I'm also going to grab some dye so I don't know what colors these are black and white dye and deep lilac so let's buy three of those and three of the yeah yeah I think that's great I do want to see what this is too but it's too expensive though oh we could sell the good thing great sword too actually Inky crossbow I want to save some of these items because I want to look at them a little bit more closely and I haven't really had the chance to do that on this run all right now I believe I'm not getting involved in this become rather Rich had you the proper set it's time to change your mind you know where to find me definitely tempting to give her the egg but I don't think it's the right call and my character is not really like that especially as a ranger of the Misty Forest respects generally respects life we're just gonna leave leave her on her way we gotta die right now let me go ahead and use one of these real fast whoa yes that's what I that's what I'm talking about right there I love kind of dull simple colors nothing too extravagant that's perfect I love it can we do it with my Helm too cry oh I guess we gotta exit out of it yes man oh my God I don't have any I don't have any boots on what am I doing cool okay yeah well you know what we might as well just do the boots too while we're here that's how you get yourself an armor sets dude that looks pretty sick I'm not gonna lie okay gal looks really good um let's go ahead and let's go ahead and dye Shadow Hearts see green die sure why not let's do it she could do multiple items at one time oh sea green is actually really really cool yeah that's awesome so happy that they added this system let's see if we can do the shield we can do anything though that was a waste what the heck okay so we did that let's go ahead and do her her gloves actually look pretty good we'll do her boots are out of place yeah it looks pretty good okay awesome just a quick check on my image I gotta get Gail a better staff here at some point usually not the best at keeping track of my gear [Music] unless the game is like insanely challenging like I'm doing another run on tactician and it'll be much more motivated to make sure I look at every single item I pick up but I'm not really in that habit right now we're on balance okay let's um let's get on out of here we're looking pretty good everybody's looking all right let me skip Gail a crossbow though just in case he needs one yeah we're doing pretty good oh my guy looks so much cooler now it's got to get a cape on him and then we're good to go [Music] no fast travel point up here okay so this is the bridge that we couldn't get across we're gonna go down here where we met elminster I don't know where Fern went he's not with me though oh man what's a lupus I should see it's way back there foreign Beware of the Shadows oh man okay I think this might officially be act two but I'm not entirely sure call this shadow s stop me yeah yep you're about to progress your adventure make sure to tidy up any Loose Ends so the mountain pass is basically like the underdark and act one is what I'm assuming and we didn't really do the underdark it's like you usually go either or I guess you could go back and do both technically okay let's um I'll just see if any of the companions have anything to say quickly let's ask Gail walking freely out of a gift Yankee crash a miracle if ever I've seen one and trust me I've seen quite a few okay it doesn't look like there's anything that they're really saying so we'll rest oh I forgot to get my cape who has the what the heck rack Supreme kithrack has block it sent you to slay me with your own blade I've not come to kill you Lazelle I've come to Aid you wow don't trust him oh man my blade rests mother gith compels you to listen [Music] all right we're gonna let lizelle Take the Lead my ear is I know you carry the astral prism laser within it lies the seed of blacketh's demise and I intend to help you bring it to fruition like it's demise I should run you through for suggesting it we are so deep into the gift Yankee lore right now what are you asking of us Vos I'm asking for your help heard word from cressulik you are infected the one in the prism has chosen you protects you with their power prism's tenant alone has the power to end black kids tyranny sought their freedom for eons when the prison went missing I feared the worst instead you've granted the opportunity I've so long awaited All That Remains is the key that unchains them and I've Found Someone who I believe can provide it bring the prism to Boulder's Gate I'll be waiting in a Tap Room called charis's caress that is where we decide the fate of my people wow blazel together we will break our chains and be blackth slaves no longer I am no slaves you're still Kid Rock the undying Queen is my freedom she who will Purify Me and she who will Ascend me lies Lazelle every last one there is no purification no Ascension does not purify it extracts memory and kills the infected nor does the Lich Queen glorify the ascended she feeds on most all of them to grow her power and pursue godhood Madness he flood me with this this heresy I have I will hear no more of it wow and this is so crazy if Lazelle died in that zathis operation if I didn't succeed on that 20 roll we wouldn't be getting any of this content and if I killed kitthrac boss back in act one this wouldn't be happening either that's just crazy I think I am leaning on his side here though I want to convince lizelle I don't trust flacketh at all hmm damn [Music] he speaks the truth of the zathisk you need to trust him lizelle I served flacky the whole of my life learned her words fought her battles yet she names me a Sherlock your words carry truth I will meet you in Boulder's Gate do not make me regret it Lazelle I see talakma gear in you sister in Freedom together we will be our People's Light take this it is a qualif psionic detector the Queen's Warriors hunt you the quanith will sound you out when you come near their portals hear its cry and prepare for battle or slip away wow I should go like it's gaze Pierce is the seasoned Skies she believes me loyal and I can't afford her mistrust keep the astral prism close let no one take it from you slay any who try now to Baldur's Gate I'll be waiting Liza [Music] black crush it only in blacketh may we find light these were the first words I ever read on tearsu slate but they are no mere aphorism they are law they are Creed the root from which the ten thousand protocols stem Sake One protocol and forsake vlakit a sake vlakith and be the blood and meat which SATs her dragons 4 speaks true Ascension is a lie if tadpole purification is a fairy tale I have not sinned against flakketh she has sinned against me what a turning point here Voss called black at the Tyrant does this mean you agree I never thought vlakid a tyrant or me as a vassal she was the source of my might and I the envoy of her will a warrior a champion a destroyer but if Ross is right and vlakath consumes the ascended to gain power then I am no Destroyer I am mere livestock bred to be harvested and devoured every gift Yankee is a slave with a singular purpose not to call the gate not to prevent their grand design to raise vlakit to true godhood what does ascension entail exactly Ascension is a young gift Yankee's greatest and bread is for war until great mother gift took a hammer to our bonds from the day of our Young gith have one purpose train hard enough to slay a gay and take its head then we speak the right of Ascension and a red dragon comes to flyest of lacketh in tunarath city of death we are honored with an eternal home in the astral celebrated for our Victory we are send it or so I believed who is the one in the prism do you think I don't know no I thought them an illicit deception a trick of the tadpole the dream figure is real it lives in the prism Vos believes they are the seed of lacket's demise and the agent of githyanki freedom and I believe he may be right and if boss is wrong if his claims are wrong and vlakaths are real then when the kithraki come for me and come they will I will submit to their blades they would feed me to their dragons and I would deserve no better yes I'd like time to think we'll meet kithrak Vos at charesis caress in Boulder's Gate till then be Vigilant like its eyes are upon us you could do this like entire gethiengi Crush without Lazelle you could have killed her in the beginning on your playthrough it's just crazy and like how much would that change things incredible job on illyrian okay let me see if Will has where is he where is everybody I don't see anybody here Shadows right there am I blind no they're just not rendering him hey we'll just pretend he's in this tent all right but this is going to be a very very good natural stopping point for this episode but we will continue on with episode 11 part two and enter into the shadow cursed lands I believe here momentarily see you all soon welcome back let's push on and a lot of you will be very happy well let me crack this Red Bull real fast we'll be very happy to know that I organized my inventory so take a look here we got Lazelle looking pretty clean here Gail with his Scrolls I learned scorching Rey Shadow heart's not looking too bad and then my main character who has the most items put everything into different backpacks it doesn't look like you can name each backpack unfortunately but we're much more organized now so let's go ahead and finish this rest and hopefully go to the shadow cursed lands new questions ready and willing no time to waste [Music] yeah we'll do that when we get into the actual world longest loading screen yet this is no typical Gloom you need to stay alert ah are you the true soul who wants to know I'll take that as a yes [Music] the Shadows have eyes go on I've got an entirely new camp here I love this what I forgot to do was grab Wills red Prince Cape but wow look at this mini camp or maybe this is our official Camp actually and helson's back nice this might actually be our official camp for act two not sure okay we got will right here so let me quickly he's got the cape I don't think you can access their inventory unless you have them in your group which is unfortunate let me dismiss Shadow real fast if you're sure fine pull will into our group cause I can dye the red Prince Cape too hold close to the like that all right will give me your cape [Music] there we go yeah now we look cooler right now okay back to the shadow cursed land despite everything well met are you sure the black ant May the darkness protect you oh man no way play time's over pet ah I love this time of year The stop popping up wherever you look what do you want mizora drop the attitude and perk up your ears you've got a new Mission absolute's cult has gone and grabbed one of zariel's assets a devil and a powerful one at that they're locked up in the cult's Fortress moonrise towers and you're getting them out forget it this asset can rot in the towers for all I care I got caring and close that section 13. promise Soul refuse abeyance or neglect Duty The Pact holder shall cast The Promise into a furnace as a lean mule I'll make it simple will fails or refuses and he turns to a thick blob of stink flesh and sinks to avernus now be a good boy and play fetch pop or you'll spend an eternity sizzling in the hells and azora's words may be flipping but they are tinged with desperation you cannot afford for well to fail this Mission this there's a negotiate will out of his pack Ed well rescue your asset on one condition oh oh with whales drawn in by his increasing panic what are you doing trust me well relax says and your connection fades Missouri will rescue this asset if you release will from his Pact interesting now why should I go letting my favorite pet off his leash remember all you can about devils and their contracts a little history check here apparently we don't know our history oh I just okay no I didn't want to oh man what did I click on I guess we're doing it again I didn't mean to do that sucks you can think of no way to avoid a devil's Pact bill can try this though all right so let's go ahead and man I feel like this is going to be a high DC we can always let the cult infect the asset I bet they'd make a loyal thrall come on game give me a good roll gotta be kidding me three failures in a row think again the limo clothes could have sworn we covered this now to moonrise pet and do mind the Shadows they've been especially hungry all right well that was interesting unfortunate though this place these Shadows I don't seem to be affected not as badly anyway perhaps I shouldn't put it to the test but compare to everyone else I feel fine that's just been fine what this means I must be blessed lady Shah is protecting me where others are left to face her off she loves me she must do so what does all this mean signs we found about dark justices perhaps they were no coincidence in either case I need to watch for any place dedicated to Lady shark a temple perhaps foreign remembering our little encounter in the night when he tried to bite me the very same it obviously put me off your neck but now I can't help but wonder how the others taste and not that anyone's volunteered it's just an idol fancy I wouldn't expect any volunteers either upon to the question though Gale for example he strikes me as someone whose blood is Rich refined like well-aged Grand but the gift what in the hell's what she taste like hmm I prefer a beer if it's all the same to you conversation oh man I am intrigued by the possibilities happens forbid we have an interest in oh man foreign you'll make people nervous relax questions if you had to take a bite from one of them who would it be really asking which of our companions I'd eat oh no no no no don't be disgusting I just mean a sip of their blood no mastication required darian's freaking me out right now we're done talking well honestly honestly okay I'm being nice to a Starion in my live stream serious okay oh wait I almost I gotta talk to somebody else everybody's got something to say about the shadow cursed lands uh Easter cute what if it's a runaway like me or something far worse Will's relationship with mazora is transactional he helps her she has to help him this could end in our favor Devils never lose you know that right sure they'll give you a bit of tap here and there but the house always wins like a casino pause the more of it I'm forced to set me on fiends inside and outside the hells she's never ordered a rescue Gods she makes a mockery of everything the blade stands for I thought you were supposed to hunt Devil's will doesn't this violate your contract the same thought crossed my mind I'm only to hunt The Inferno the Demonic and the heartless but nowhere was it stated that I can't help one either we find it or I made a Mindless blob clawing at demons on the front line of the blood War thank you so you're bound to be a lemur no matter what yes unless I find a way to free myself from my devil's talents I always knew what my future held and I know I chose right wow oh you know what I'm actually gonna have carlak join my party we're gonna dismiss Lazelle for a little bit we have Lazelle for the crush I sought to reach a gif Yankee crash and be rid of these you believe and we'll bring a barbarian back into our group do you feel that I've never felt so cold and that's me this place will swallow as whole if we let it stick close to mum okay yes Mom okay okay I did I I thought I just went to Camp I didn't need to take a is it night time right now I'm so confused hold on all right let's just do a partial rest I don't know how much longer I can resist it but it's good to see your making progress oh damn you could have helped the people in The Grove but what then the cultists influence is growing by the day and the road to balder's gate is long your efficiency is to be commended I see I don't I thought I did help the people on The Grove because I I finished the goblin camp and then I rested and helson visited me I never had a chance to talk to zevlor so I seriously think the game might have might have glitched out on me back then something something didn't go through that was supposed to so let's just say I'm not proud of leaving people behind I wish I'd help for what it's worth you made the right choice if we don't accomplish our goals none of this matters not their fate but anyone's the hurt runs deeper than she's willing to show you what is it the voice of the absolute stronger this time beneath the resilient veneer a touch of fragility she needs comfort we're gonna say nothing right now I don't think I trust this Guardian figure it just doesn't stop we are being bombarded by waves of telepathic energy wave after wave with hardly a breath between them ah I almost dare not rest each wave a set of orders to the infected the order for your transformation has been given many times already my transformation yes make up its mind fully understand in any case the absolute nose you carry me with you now it wants to retrieve me did you steal the power to protect us from the absolute I stole it from blacketh her continued rule depends on it as long as the absolute exists I am trapped within the prism I can only control the power from here we must make sure blacketh never gets our hands on the prison nor the absolute Unfortunately they are both dedicating more and more resources to retrieving it the task ahead is monumental but we're all that stands between victory for the absolute freedom for all this is not just about you and I anymore it has become far bigger than us you must infiltrate moonrise Towers discover the secrets of the absolute and put an end to it carry on not let my efforts be in vain this is crazy this is a this is a dream I I didn't even mean to go to Camp I just went to Camp to switch my cloak and all of this just happened freaking crazy so yeah so I think the game messed up a little bit I'm back in I don't know episode four or five or something like that we went to the goblin camp we killed all the goblin leaders and then I was returning to meet up with helsin and tell zevolor that the roads are safe for his people and I took a long rest and when I woke up everybody was gone out of The Druids Grove so the way we can make this still make sense are P wise is let's say that my Ranger wanted to help out or at least was interested in investigating the goblin Fortress and decided to kill the goblin leaders as it would be the right call for everyone and let's say that I ended up taking that long rest and I took way too long to go tell zevolor about what I did and because of that him and his people left and maybe zevolor was requesting my help on the road to Baldur's Gate more so than what he requested with the goblin leaders I don't know something like that we can make it make sense all right let's get out of here the shadow heart can go in here with nothing affecting her now let's take our Lac send her up without a torch nothing's happening oh man okay the shadow curse is a powerful threat that lurks and devours in the darkness surround yourself with light to avoid its most lethal effects we're in turn-based mode right now wow a lot of light source you'll take necrotic damage every turn this damage doubles each turn you're affected by the shadow curse cool thing is Shadow Hearts mace actually emits light too is this just any old torch it must be yeah any old torch we'll do that and we'll give one to carlak if I had the light can trip that would also help here and we don't have another torch so gals is gonna have to stick close to Shadow Hearts they don't have the light can't trip and what spells you take and what can trips you take make a big difference and how you're forced to play the game wow look at this dude this is crazy hey we reached the shadow cursed lands the dream visitor told us to go to moonrise towers and Infiltrate The Cult of the absolute cult Secrets May teach us how to free ourselves with these parasites deadly Shadow curse shrouds us land light is needed to protect us from the darkness we discuss we discovered that shadowheart possesses a certain amount of resistance to the ill effects of the Shadow curse seems this must be due to shar's patronage but given the Mercurial nature of the dark goddess the extent of her protection remains to be seen mazura appeared in the form of a projection to inform us that the absolute cult abducted an infernal asset of some importance to the archdival zariel to find and release them Will's very Soul hangs in the balance so many quests all coming together this Beast didn't go down without a fight like there's gonna be real tough without Dancing Lights that lafander weapon is really coming in handy and I actually should give it to somebody else besides Shadow heart but one-handed mace My rolls are horrible today foreign there we go it's for seven gold I'll go this way this place looks crazy dude everything is rotten too a pile of belongings forsaken to the curse so that their owners could escape with their lives something's going to be happening here in a second the half Fork in Kansas yes ready when you are close all anything you need true soul an honor did you bring the liar why do you need a liar exactly we were told to expect a true soul that night Warden mintharo would send someone with her liar to summon a guide through the darkness I admit I'm surprised the true Soul does not know this where are you headed exactly interesting we I do think I have menthara's liar in my inventory I do have this liar if that's any help you do have it then block a tune and our guide will come scuttling wow not a chance in how I get this holy crap it's a drieder yes I hear them your majesty calling us they're gone and their guide to together now that's what I call an abdomen greetings and the absolute's name you've been charged with guiding us ing who are they they best introduce yourself perhaps you'll listen to a true soul we gotta play this carefully look at the hyena right here our Nest says the name I'm actually going to save this we're going to call this Rider and you what are you more faithful of the absolute they need a guide to the TA same as us your minds connect and do you hear a whispered voice the absolute or just the Echoes of his fractured mind reverberating in the dark [Laughter] a true Soul you have more worshipers every day Majesty yes wipe one of the coolest characters I've ever seen why do I need you to get to moonrise what's out there yeah they're so tickle yeah no what are they doing didn't need that in any way no no we do not fly with the car we do not feed the Shadows wow we can actually help the Goblin I mean this is not my place and time to interfere not a fan of either of them peace peace of it do they understand we understand now we need to go laughs bloody right we do huh we shall go away your light leads the way my queen are already what the hell is this hiding in there Shadows now will they follow or stay okay I think it's probably a good idea I mean we gotta get to moonrise to figure this out it's probably a good idea if we use this guy to guide us right now lead on bless us again Majesty Shine Your Light protect us come follow and stay close do not leave the light do not feed the Shadows you heard him move out we met a dreider who worships the absolute he can lead us to moonrise Towers we watch The Shadow cursed lands okay we need to stay close to the dryer in order to reach moonrise Towers we met a dreider who carries a moon lantern that protects him from the shadow curse we get one for ourselves we'll be able to travel the deepest parts of the curse unharmed okay so it seems like the moon land turns the thing that's actually important here not the dreider itself hmm okay what a disgusting creature don't think it's a good time to get into combat at this moment so let's follow the dreider will dreider come up here nope where are we going dreider here we go kind of hard to follow the damn thing what now you taking me buddy or what's going on here okay so it was bugged out what I did was I dismissed my wolf and now it's working so if any of you guys have that bug the animal companion was messing things up and now it looks like the guy's moving so let me go ahead and [Music] what was I using for carlak's weapon great ax plus one okay lights out with feet we're good now the Animal Companions seem to cause some problems in this game which is unfortunate because I'm playing a beast master but we'll deal with that they must keep up man if we take his Lantern we can explore everything Nations wow no my gosh it's a freaking Harper holy crap it's a Harper a Harper's faction wow all right so it's at this moment in time that my character noticed the Harper's seal looking down upon us and this is when he decided to turn on the dryer oh I guess we're getting a cut scene who's there tell yourself Papa's attack kill the cultists oh man [Music] these Harpers are clearly enemies of the absolute could be worthwhile allies fend the guide and you may preserve your cover as a true soul wow no as a ranger from the Misty Forest who has a troubled past who still recognizes a good faction when he sees one and the Harpers have helped out wolf many times let's go ahead and turn on the Caravan and attack the driver hey what's wrong [Applause] damn he went right after Gail what difficulty am I on okay we're still on balance gotta double check right after my caster perfect okay so who are we gonna focus on first here hmm let's do a cloud of daggers right here a lot of daggers level three though a lot more damage wow I can get five of them incredible well this is fun [Music] okay we're just gonna hold our ground with Shadow Hearts nice we got the teleport ability Sanctuary okay so somebody cast Sanctuary on the dryer I was wondering what that was so who is the Caster of sanctuary or do they cast it on themselves and you cast Sanctuary on yourself take a look at the description you or an ally cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature and still take damage from area spells until the affected entity attacks or harms another creature it cannot be targeted by enemy attacks interesting okay so I guess harseness or whatever his name is is casting that out himself could be wrong maybe I'm missing something here but looks like we can't attack so but we can also probably get away without taking an opportunity attack with karlak let me see if I can get over here perfect I'm also going to move Shadow back awesome [Music] oh we got a wolf heart Barbarian here everybody look out everybody's gonna have advantage on their attacks come on see ya [Music] okay it's just the dryer now wolfscaping kind of low on HP I should probably stay behind karlak for this next attack so let's back up a little bit oh man wow yeah that would have killed wolfheart for sure I wish I had my animal companion out right now okay no more Sanctuary wait still sanctuary back to entity can't receive Sanctuary okay that's what it is all right let's go ahead and I wonder if I use cloud of daggers again if it would just stay right in that area if I was an evocation wizard I could just freaking blast a fireball you know what I forgot to do was raise raise the undead with my necromancer we're gonna do another cloud of daggers and do level three and put it right on top of this dryer and see if this Rider is able to move I'll try to block him in there okay and then we'll back up a little bit Target's out of sight we'll get blessed to let's give blessed to one of the Harpers here oh who did I miss oh the wolf ark's a little bit too far hold on let's move up a little bit foreign wolf Harper branthos and also carlak and then we'll back up and kick some ass I was trying to block him in here so he can't really move away from the cloud of daggers noise not sure what that attack was but okay oh nice I got damaged [Music] wow you serious man [Music] cast Sanctuary again gots to be kidding me [Applause] we can still do AOE spells we don't really have any with her try a charm person finds a creature from attacking you okay what about still curse would that work on a nope Sanctuary just prevents all that look at this attack that I have Sunbeam a bema brilliant light Sears and blinds all creatures in its path oh wow I can do this oh this is gonna be so cool check out this lathander mace gotta get it so it doesn't hit my friendlies here succeeded in the save but that was that was really cool 10 radiant damage and it works against Sanctuary because it's like an AOE but succeeded in the Constitution saved so still concentrating on sanctuary okay please attack Carlock please nothing we can do here what about a cleave though could do a cleave awesome looks like an attack on area that's all we can do I was in the cloud of daggers didn't even realize that okay Sanctuary should be done now nice nice attack Harper Madness time to end this creature once and for all a light so radiant not even the curse can dim it the lantern flickers ever so briefly when you hear a slight Twitter or perhaps it's simply your imagination you don't move a God's damn muscle talk why in the hell's would a cultist turn on her kind of relax talking right now so I could RP that man I'm not one of them they took me prisoner I don't want to tell these guys yet that I have a parasite a prisoner and I must be a welcome sight indeed follow me I know Refuge from the darkness you can rest there what sort of Refuge do you mean an inn last Light it's called the places you can sigh without the shadow beasts hearing lead on let the Lantern's life be your guide I'll mark your map should you lose the way we're all sting the 1d10 The Versatile weapon can use it one-handed or two-handed a drow elf willingness weapon deals an additional one to four poison damage against restrained targets and it also gives you the ensnaring Strand spell alongside it so a nice little Synergy going on there and it's a drow weapon super cool foreign okay everybody also leveled up so this is level six for the first time ever let me create a save point yeah and this is where we get the undead feature for Gail so let's go ahead and see what that's all about this is the reason why I chose the Necromancer subclass not for the Grim Harvest even though that can't help when you use animate dead you can raise an additional corpse Undead thralls better summons creatures created with animate dead have an additional have additional hit points equal to your wizard level and your proficiency bonuses added to their damage and we also get the spell too if you don't already have it not sure if it's prepared at all times but okay and we get to choose two spells wow okay let's see here but we're still choosing level three spells not till next level where we get access to more let's see what do we want here to kind of fit this necrotic build that we got going I'm really starting to feel like I need like some utility blink at the end of your turn roll a D20 on 11 or higher you vanish into the Ethereal plane while there you can't be harmed or seen in this world when you do vanish your presence here is a representation of the location you'll come back to whoa that sounds super cool hope I can find us man also counterspell too might not be a bad idea to have that complete storm remove curse let's see here I feel like I might have to take something like knock unlock an object that is held shut by a mundane lock since I don't have really lock picking in my group so I'm going to take a utility spell and then my other spell is going to be let's see here clip of warding is so so good counterspell is good too though man I think I'm gonna take counter spell to be quite honest with you gaseous form so many good spells in this list here so many good spells all right I'm gonna take knock and then also counter spell so defensive spell and a utility spell let's take a quick look at those right now I also have H2 I keep forgetting that I have that here it is so knock and then we also have counterspell so let's go ahead and prepare counter spell also want Fireball though too we got Misty step let's get rid of Ray of sickness is good to have in case I do have to heal myself if I'm gonna kill an enemy I might as well use an aquatic spell okay I like that a lot go ahead and see what this looks like okay nothing too special about knock until we come up to a chest and then counter spell should just be a reaction so if we go into our reactions here oh interesting oh there it is right there yep so make a creature fail when it casts a spell spells of third level or higher can always be interrupted so we're gonna have we'll leave it on ask because it does cost a spell slot and we'll leave shield on ask as well hmm that's pretty defensive having both of these spells available all right the counter spell can be used to defend the entire group while Shield is is used to defend Gale specifically I wonder if it'd be better if I just kept counterspell on oh no all right so what do we get here is a level six trickster cleric one more Channel Divinity charge haven't been using her channel the news too much it's a trickster cleric ones aren't necessarily as powerful as the other ones and then yeah we're looking pretty good here Spirit Guardians animate dead he can have hope thinking about getting rid of anime Dead with her masculine word I gotta start using let's grab Glyph of warding I will be prepared spiritual weapon again I keep forgetting it's about some of these spells like enhance ability could have helped me quite a lot in the past with ability checks okay level six Barbarian we get bolstering magic Boon you are an ally receive a 1d4 bonus to attack roles and ability checks class action okay it's kind of like blast but I think it probably Stacks with less full stream magic level one spell slot you or an ally recover a level one spell slot so this is kind of like a nice uh support wild magic Barbarian feature help one of your Wizards recover a spell slot or you can help one of your melee characters have a higher attack role and then also recover a level two spell slot interesting and we get an additional rage charge good and level six Beastmaster Ranger we get to choose another favorite enemy alright so let's see here game proficiency and investigation creatures you hit within snaring strike have disadvantage so we're not really using any snaring strike with this build you specialize in hunting creatures from other planes of existence you gain proficiency and Arcana and cast protection from Good and Evil factor from good and evieu protects an evil protects an ally against attacks of aberration celestial's Elemental phase fiends and Undead can't be Charmed frightened or possessed by them and when these creatures attack it they have disadvantage it's not it's a pretty good spell gotta remember that you have it magebreaker you have Proficiency in battling spellcasters you gain Proficiency in Arcana and can cast true strike an unsanctified stalker swore to hunt the enemies of a Holier druidic order you gain proficiency and religion and can cast sacred flame hmm Pure Strike sucks because it requires concentration but I don't know if I I think this is more so coming down to what proficiencies I want right now protection from Good and Evil might be the most useful spell that I can get out of all these yeah let's go ahead and grab that so we're gonna grab Keeper of the vowel and for natural Explorer let's go ahead and take I feel like I want to mess with the familiars they might be able to get in places the animal companion can't or we could take resistance to Coal their poison which could be quite quite useful all right I'm going to take I'm familiar cast it as a ritual and then see if I can have my familiar out alongside my animal companion if I can't I'm probably going to let me let me create a save point I'm not going to take that but I want to test that skill out for a second and dude Shadow cursed lands are awesome and we're going into a Harper Refuge place here [Music] okay you know what I take it back I actually am going to I am going to take Wasteland wander poison get resistance to poison because I am kind of playing like a tank Ranger so I think that's more useful I've helped time to get going I didn't have my animal companion for that fight either because the animal companion is causing all the NPCs to say shoe and run around like Mad Men so it's bugged out a little bit pretty unfortunate if you play a Beastmaster because like that's a big part of your your class hopefully larian fix that soon you're not anything in here to loot let's go down here I might need some camp supplies all right everything is rotten in this forsaken place everything is rotten wow this is actually pretty far last Light in is really far away from where I'm at right now go check this out some oh man what are these creatures holy crap measles there's a Potter's chess key what happens when I take it something weird going on in here whoa holy crap what is that place chance I might get thrown into combat here 's the chest foreign oh man oh wow wow wow okay I thought I might be maybe I should have done that with feather fall interesting I would be interested in wondering if featherfall would have prevented him from hearing me oh great great great okay did I just get teleported away crap oh I wish that was an evocation wizard I could just Fireball this entire area I forgot to raise the dead too I forgot to raise the dead damn it man okay it's gonna be tricky well I think we're gonna help out wolf first see what we can do here foreign combat okay so let's go ahead and see 80 80 percent sleep level three 40 hit points damn man okay we might be in a bit of a might be in a bit of a situation here it's gonna Focus fire down one of them okay perfect I'm gonna have advantage on the next attack then we'll switch over to Wolf unfortunately I don't have my weapon out right now so that's gonna cost an action nope I don't even have an action okay can't do anything with wolf pick shadow love to help out over there but unfortunately I can't so let me go ahead and do spiritual weapon [Music] okay beautiful you want to do bless on my character but oh arding is just so good 60 chance to get hold person on that character [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that's awesome oh shite the shadow curse oh man man I gotta stay near the lights oh look at that in this light there is Shelter From the Shadows wow this is crazy hello we really Gotta Stay Together keep forgetting that absaloon is Dream On can fall asleep though using that all right so we have uh let's see here you are an ally receive 14 months to attack rolls or recover a level two spell slot let's try that out got to be quite close actually let's do it with shadow how many spell slots so Shadow has no level two spell slots and now she should have one oh that's amazing so cool and bear with me everyone as this is all new to me so you know there's a lot to take in so I'm probably going to make quite a few mistakes and forget to use certain spells but that's all part of the fun on the first run so it's exploring and discovering all this a little bit worried about raging this far out what's done is done all right so we have the tentacles come on up I dare you now spiritual weapon will actually create light around my characters which is pretty awesome oh I forgot Mage Armor damn I forget to Precast my spells I think I did okay so I'm still a believer in Focus fire so let's go ahead and this guy's got 40 HP I could try to sleep him actually might not be a bad idea Target's out of sight what happens if I move up here and then Misty step away or actually I got a good idea we can go in any order of the turns that we want so let's go ahead and move shadow right there move her up to the edge and now we can cast probably less oh let's move Carlock up a little bit damn it that's prone right there move Carlock up just a little bit now let's go back to Shadow spiritual weapon doesn't require concentration which is why it's so damn good so let's do bless level two [Music] beautiful okay I'm gonna come up here let's try this again okay we have two oh he got out of the whole person I need my animals to get extra attack I think that comes at level nine hey we gotta get Carlock down here somehow actually tempted to have her just hold off these guys in the distance but let's do that it doesn't look like I can get down there without going prone interesting can't jump to here though the prone not prone okay you know what we'll just help out stay on that Focus fire okay we're out of that now it's time to kick ass yes so many potions Shadow teleport oh wow what is that 3 to 18 damage per turn effect on T is being strangled by Garrett silenced and takes three to eight bludgeoning damage per turn damn dude these things are freaking crazy okay we're not really doing much much here they're not really doing much nice nice nice nice damn dude these things are tough this guy's back up too they used Arcane recovery before the fight if I have my zombies this would help a lot it's also dark down there too foreign swiftly now these things can teleport you around it's crazy okay not bad not bad I'm Gonna Save My healing words laughs come on man this teleport crap is insane wow I'm so far away wow literally nobody's here anymore [Music] roll a misty step would be nice right about now I do have some pretty powerful Scrolls here that I was saving because I can't learn them yet until I am able to learn higher level spells confusion they both are you kidding me they both succeeded on the save you've got to be kidding me I just used up a freaking scroll and didn't even get ah oh all right this is rough dude and disadvantage because it's freaking dark down there the shadow curse is about to come in okay okay okay okay okay okay okay it's gonna be okay I think I'm gonna hold my ground over here and try to get my companions back over this way wish I got ready in action right now but yeah we're just gonna hold our ground take a shot might be able to finish one of these off come on just need a little bit more damage all right so this is a little bit well that certainly helps make things a little bit easier and we're back just like that yes yes yes yes yes okay we gotta watch out for the shadow curse though I know the shadow curse hurts man I know it hurts a nice role in my favor [Music] five damage from the shadow curse what [Music] this garretted thing is really bad against casters because you're silenced you can move far away to get away from it can't even shove the guy noise 30 chance of that landing and it landed let's go learn these damn things I might have nightmares [Music] [Applause] ah the last board is set to keep fighting it still didn't die are you serious oh I gotta pick up some more throwing weapons at hand before I die from the freaking Shadow curse get everybody together foreign okay all right we should be good now that was that was intense didn't get that much xp out of it either almost dead right now let's go explore that chest though still breathing take you I'll take this way luminous gloves radiating ore when the wearer deals radiant damage receive one turn of radiant radiating orb affected entity has -1 to attack rolls per remaining turn it also sheds bright light in an area surrounding it and the word deals radiant damage receive one turn of radiating orb and we got an idol of Saluda mood Maiden protect those of us who would not turn from you no matter the consequence in the short life keep these artifacts of our devotion until such a time as we may openly Infuse our Spirits with your white light once more Grant cunning to my brother Alfred in his efforts to conceal the rest of your relics let the name last Light not be poured let your moon glow continue forever and fill our hearts Luna Idol really nice funny oh foreign we have this entire area over here this makes me think of like bg2 bodies area and that catla oh man definitely should take a long rest maybe before we go to the actual it looks like this place is actually quite far away this last late end and actually this episode is going on for very long right now it was actually half back in the mountain pass and half of the Shadow cursed lands this has been quite the interesting episode so far so thank you all so much for watching and I will catch you on episode 12 as we head towards the last Light Harper Refuge I have a feeling that we're going to meet some uh iconic characters
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 89,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play bg3, lets, play, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 gameplay no commentary, walk through, guide, full game baldurs gate 3
Id: NdoY1wWu8u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 11sec (7991 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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