Baldur's Gate 3: Necromancer Wizard build level 1 to 12

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welcome adventurers in this video we are going to take a look at a necromancer wizard build for the game balers Gate 3 Let's get right into it for the race I picked dra however you can pick whatever you like since it won't make or break this build for the can DPS I recommend Firebolt light and whatever else you prefer I would take Mage hand which is useful for a multitude of things like throwing grenades at your enemies shoving them or disarming traps as for Firebolt once you've found a scroll you can resp to pick something else the same goes for bone chill Ray of frost and shuing grasp since they are all obtainable with Scrolls for your first spells I recommend Mage Armor magic Missile and shield besides these tree spells you should pick whatever fits your play style for the background I played as the dark urge so I was automatically granted the hunted one background but you can pick whatever you like since the impact it has on this build is very minimal if you really want to minmax your character for combat the Entertainer background will give you Proficiency in the skill acrobatics which makes you harder to shove for the ability scores I recommend that you raise your dexterity to 16 your Constitution to 14 and your intelligence to 16 that leaves us four points you can put those points into Charisma to help you with your social skills or you can put them into wisdom to increase your wisdom saving throw take note that in act one you will have the opportunity to increase one of your ability scores by an extra plus one if you decide to take advantage of this you should respect your character to set your intelligence to 17 which will give you a score of 18 with this extra plus one I won't say more to avoid spoilers but you can check out the link in the description of this video if you want additional information about this for the skill proficiencies I recommend Arcana and investigation because they both benefit from your high intelligence score also there is a fair number of checks for those two skills in the game at level two we can take the Necromancer class right away you'll get the features necromancy Savant and Grim Harvest with necromancy Savant you have the cost to learn necromancy spells from Scrolls and with grim Harvest once per turn if you kill a creature with a spell you regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level used twice if it's a necromancy spell we are also going to get some more Necromancer specific features at level 6 and 10 more on that shortly at level four we are going to increase our intelligence by two points if you have plus one to your intelligence because of what I was talking earlier in the video you should now have an intelligence score of 20 if not then make sure that you max out your intelligence before taking any feeds at higher levels at level six The Necromancer subass will give us the features Undead THS animate Dead Undead THS additional Undead and Undead TRS better summons with Undead THS animate dead you gain the animate dead spell what is great about this is that you don't need to prepare it anymore with Undead THS additional Undead when you use animate dead you can raise an additional corpse so with animate dead alone you will be able to control four Undead minions when you upcast it to level four and six and with with Undead trolls better summons creature created with animate dead have additional hit points equal to your wizard level and your proficiency bonus is added to their damage for the level eight I recommend that you take defeat dual wielder with this feat you will be able to equip two quarter staffs because they are versatile weapons it's also going to give you a plus one bonus to your armor class at level 10 the Necro mener subclass grants the feature inur to undeath with this feature you become resistant to necrotic damage and your hit point maximum cannot be reduced very situational but better than nothing and for the level 12 I recommend that you take the feat War Caster with this feat you gain advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on a spell which makes it a lot harder for enemies to break your concentration also it allows you to replace your opportunity attacks with the krip shuing grasp here is the spell list that I was using towards the end of my playthrough keep in mind that you should adjust this selection based on the situation that you are facing your play style and your personal preferences as you can see I have the unique spell d maab this spell is obtainable by any classes but but for the Necromancer it is more powerful because of the undead THS features that we get at level six usually with dance maab you can summon four ghouls but when you are a necromancer you'll get five ghouls that do a bit more damage and have a bit more hit points if you want to know how to obtain D myab and the other unique spell on this list you can check out the links in the description of this video I will now go over the items that I've been using with this build for the headwear I am using the hood of the weave which gives a plus two bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rols in act two I was using the fist breaker Helm and in act one I was using the circlet of blasting the circle of bone is also worth mentioning but I gave it to another character in my party for the cloak I am using the cloak of the weave to get another plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack roles it also has absorb elements for the hand wear I am using the gauntlet of the Tiant to get another plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rols during act one and two I was using the bracers of Defense which gives a plus two bonus to Armor class as long as you're not wearing armor or holding a shield for the boots I am using the bone Spike boots which gives a plus one bonus to Armor class and saving throws as long as you're not wearing armor or holding a shield alternatively you can use the evasive shoes which you can get during act two if you did not side with the goblins in act one for the amulet I am using the Amulet of The Devout for an additional plus two spell save DC however you might want to give it to a cleric if you have one in your group and use something else since it also grants an additional use of Channel Divinity during act one and two I was using psychic spark also during act two you will want to get the spell Crux amulet which remains useful for the rest of the game since it allows you to recover a spell slot for the Rings I am using the coruscation ring and the callous glow ring with the coruscation ring when you deal spell damage while eliminated by a light source you also inflict radiating orb upon the target an entity affected by radiating orb has minus one one to attack rolls per Stacks it also sheds bright light in the area surrounding it you can make sure this always triggers even when you are heavily obscured just by casting the cantrip light on yourself with the callous glow ring you deal an additional two points of radiant damage against creatures that are eliminated as you can see these two rings synergize very well together because the coruscation ring will eliminate your targets allowing the callous glow ring to always trigger for the weapons I am using the staff of cherished necromancy and Marco hesar the staff of cherished necromancy has heightened necromancy and life Essence Harvest with heightened necromancy creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against your necromancy spells making them a lot more reliable with life Essence Harvest you can essentially cast any necromancy spells for free after killing a creature with a spell the staff Marco Hesh will increase your spell safe DC and spell attack Rolls by plus one it has carisa's favor and Arcane battery there is six versions of the spell carisa's favor one for each element and the one that I am using most of the time is flame of Wrath which increases your damage with fire spells and gives you heat heat can be a little bit annoying since you'll take a bit of Fire damage each turn and it can sometimes break your concentration however this damage can be negated with the hell dusk armor which we will get to in a moment Arcane battery essentially lets you cast one spell without expanding a spell slot you should also get the staff of spell power for when you're buffing since it also has a use of Arcane battery during act one and two I was using Mel's first staff and once I got defeat dual wielder I started using the incandescent staff as well for the armor I am wearing the hell dusk armor mainly because it has Prime EES of fire which reduces the fire damage you take from any sources by three like I mentioned previously this is great to negate the fire damage that you get from heat with this armor you might want to rearrange your ability scores and lower your dexterity since you won't get extra Armor class from it however I like to keep it fairly High to have a decent initiative alternatively if you're not going to use the fire version of kisa's favor or you don't mind taking a bit of damage each turn the robe of the weave is also a good choice since it gives a plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack roles during act one and two I was using the protect the spark wall in act two there is also the robe of Exquisite Focus which looks a bit better with with animate dead from Level 5 to 8 you can summon zombies or skeletons the zombies have crawling GW on their attacks and when a creature with this condition dies it is raised as a temporary zombie that takes one damage per turn this can be quite fun but I usually prefer the skeletons since the zombies are not very mobile the skeletons too are not mobile but their range attacks ofets this also they deal more damage than the zombies since they have necrotic damage on their attacks upon reaching level 9 you will be able to summon ghouls or flying ghouls the ghouls have more hit points than the flying ghouls but just like the zombies they're not very mobile and this is why I prefer using the flying ghouls also the flying ghouls have a higher DC than the regular ghouls for their are paralyzing attacks in act two there is a place called the torm mum while in this place you have the buff glutted catacombs with this buff you can summon skeletons without the need for a corpse I would always come here during act two at the beginning of the day to take advantage of this this place is located just north of the grand melum Waypoint and you will eventually have to come here to progress the story you should have a character cast Aid to give your minions a little bit more hit points another very useful non-wizard spell is enhan ability cast The Bull strength version of this spell on a character with a high strength to be able to pick up more corpses you can then put those corpses into your traveler's chest for future use unfortunately you can't send a corpse to Camp so it's a bit tedious to always bring back every single one of them it's not something that I always do but if you're going to take a long rest anyway you might as well cast enhanced ability bull strength on a character and bring back a couple of corpses with you alternatively you can use the mighty cloth since it gives you bull strength while it's equipped it's also worth noting that a smaller corpse like a goblin for example does not weight as much as a bigger corpse so you can pick up more of them that's it for this video farewell adventurers
Channel: Solasta's Gate
Views: 67,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rpg, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 early access, Baldur's Gate 3 EA, BG3, BG 3, Larian studios, larian studios baldur's gate 3, Baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldursgate3, Baldur's Gate 3 Necromancer, Bg3 Necromancer, Baldur's Gate 3 Necromancer Wizard guide, Baldur's Gate 3 Necromancer build, bg3 necro build, baldur's gate 3 necro build, Bg3 necro, Baldur's gate 3 necro, Bg3 Necromancer subclass, Bg3 necromancer wizard build, Bg3 Wizard build
Id: rEkWJXdy6Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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