Baldurs Gate 3 - Breaking Minthara's Mind or Freeing Her

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I will not be slandered General you saw my reports you know it's not my fault the facts suggest otherwise you were ordered to retrieve the artifact you failed to do so if I had been given drow Warriors instead of goblin trash oy what you scragg enough a blast of mental energy washes over you filling the room pulse worms urging you to obey let me make sure I understand this or claiming that General Thorne gave you the wrong soldiers yes no you blame the absolutes chosen for your failure of course it is not the General's fault whose then you slip into minthara's mind while her attention is focused on saving her own skin feel her guilt everywhere writhing and churning all it takes is one little push mine it's it's my fault I failed you my Lord please forgive me guilty then my Lord I gave you this command because I saw something in you your efficiency ruthlessness your Killer's instinct I treasured them all but honesty remorse these are no use to me night Warden mindara your crime is incompetence and your sentence is death [Music] make her passing slow disciples are out be creative [Music] as the General's attention shifts to you A Memory stairs memory of this room and his voice raised in Anger I'm surprised to see you again true soul you are here to assist and not to meddle I trust I would remind you that while in my Halls you obey me just as you would any other chosen what say you about our menthara it is fitting that one mad dog should judge another better than you know yourself it seems but we are here to speak of mindhara not you that we can do take her below no please brought up from the darkness and into the absolute light she cherished you but it wasn't enough you were distracted by your own desires bloodlust murder and most damning of all an unexpected weakness and longing for acceptance and affection from a mortal no right oh oh every right you are nothing minthara's mind connects with yours come to observe true soul she is a lesson none can rise so high that they cannot fall again we are erasing her is our duty peace sister let us observe the true Soul's methods perhaps we can learn from them her mind is yours break it immediately your mind is swept into a greater Vortex a psionic storm with mythara at his Center [Music] her torturers are not dominating her drawing her mental defenses and exposing her to hurt us the absolute navigating the storm you reach the Nexus of her mind it is a wound bleeding raw emotion and shattered Memories but she senses your arrival I prayed that you would but there are no Gods left to me thing that speaks inside me it has all that destroyed me but it fears you while my tormentors live please all it takes is a thought and minthara's Essence dissolves you are released from her mind yeah did you feel it sister the Exquisite snap as her mind gave way I did well done true soul mindara how do you feel ecstatic devoted we saw her memories of how you spoke with her and lay with her that Bond made her vulnerable you were cunning to exploit It Well Done true soul oh we will put her to work for the absolute for the absolute I owe you more than my life first make these bastards bleed her mind fills with warmth and she gently releases you she was broken I expected to be greeted as a hero the richest man has imprisoned me and tried to tear my mind apart I didn't think anyone would come for me at raising my thoughts and by Will even I could not have endured for much longer oh darling I wish it hadn't come to this but the pleasure will be all mine [Music] sight in that corpse you should take a look agreed lead the way mindara is supposed to be in a cell you have some explaining to do the guard is happy to let you pass mindara is rather less happy about your choice of words out deal with them or I will we heard she'd been escorted from herself not that she could leave the tower the general ordered that she be repurposed not freed excellent hers was a difficult mind to erase no doubt she was fierce and erratic I live to serve as loyal as a Golem hmm use her well I last laughed Moon obeying the angles of a god I thought I had found a home purpose now I leave as an exile to your life to rescue me for that I am grateful the artifact connects with her pulling your minds together and showing her all that you have seen the prison he will dream visitor the protection that keeps you from obeying the absolute and becoming a lizard teaching us at all in a moment a moment but is no longer clouded choice as much we must discuss do you have a safe place to camp nearby goodbye for now I will see you soon I want to be clear let him in thara tag along with us was your idea so if you wake up with a dagger to your throat that's on you
Channel: Games from Mars
Views: 308,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s37RmqMET94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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