Baldurs Gate 3 - Shadowheart Questline (All Choices and Endings)

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shadowheart's questline starts in Act 2 in the underdark and splits into two different paths at the end of The Gauntlet of char resulting in slightly different quests and endings in Act 3. use the timestamps to skip to the parts relevant to you there's something I've been wanting to share with you it now's a good time no the opposite I feel like I can share this with you I've never felt that way before to put into words I think it might be easier to just show you use the tadpole the connection come into my mind I don't remember how it started only how it ended I was fleeing foreign she asked my name can't remember what I said I can't remember anything before those woods all I know is she saved my life and gave me a new home with Lady Shaw hurts that's all I remember you remember that this is common among Saloon as followers to send their children into the woods alone a rise of Passage to find their way home perhaps this one has gone awry lady Shaw but yes her and those who saved me and taught me her ways the mother's Superior she made me who I am at least as best as I can remember she taught me trained me punished me when I failed her which was often perhaps I was she sent me on this mission after all pews nonsense the Mother Superior made me strong for the dark lady to be the Spear of night the weapon lady Shah bid me to wield The Gauntlet of Shah can't believe it can't believe we found the dark lady's sacred Crucible I can scarcely believe it's real but I saw it with my own eyes felt the polished stone walls raised in lady Charles honor normally it would not be for me to pursue becoming a dark Justice here without a superiors command but this is different my lady wanted me to find this place I know it overwhelming worship of Lady Shah is usually discreet by Nature her holy sights have to be modest well hidden but that place I never knew such Grandeur had been built in her honor The Gauntlet of Shah is no ordinary Temple it is the highest test of the dark ladies faithful to judge if they are worthy of becoming a dark just this year the gun that has double meaning it speaks of the ordeals to be overcome and of the armor-clad Fist of Lady Shah that would embrace the Worthy survive the crushing Gauntlet and be embraced by the night singer at its very core the old ways were lost over time now some claim the rank simply by killing a single saloonite but before they were a true Elite many would attempt the trials but few would succeed this must be the last step I need to pray only by Lady Charles Grace did we even make it this far you feel your mind slip into Shadow Hearts the only one press ancient commanding rendered from purest Darkness as you command night singer now go warm my Blade with moon crazed blood and be wary of your companion that wasn't for you to hear my lady Shah Demands a Sacrifice one life not that it matters but her reward aligns with your own interests remember what I said let me do what I need to as you step into the silent water a foreign dread travels through you it curls its way up your leg squeezing tight Balthazar come to add more bars to my cage or perhaps to lead this would be justicious blade directly to my arms I invite you keep more sins upon your head my retribution will be all the sweeter for them hold your tongue alien or I'll take it away from you again no more questions no more into get it over with no this is to be saved return to moonrise Towers I'm sure we'll find further use for you there now don't struggle alien well maybe struggle a little a pleasure to have made your acquaintance little warrior we will meet again I am eternal I will be free one day and I never forget a face until then what have you done her feet was mine to decide you may have his trust but you've lost mine farewell it's done you haven't been paying attention have you I'll revive your carcass and add you to my retinue then you'll have all the time in the world to think on your mistakes breath I pity it was not my hand that brought it about instead it was you thank you who have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess you who have come to drive a dagger through my heart not a dagger beer my lady Char spear her fate is mine to seal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark Justice here is to turn your heart from everything but loss you will know no love no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you and there is much she does not tell you terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death you feel Shadow heart bristling to your bond is strong be able to sway her from the path of Duty to the path of light and Night song is not blind to your conflict behind that raging heart as the Restless beat of one who knows too well fate hangs in the balance well well well what's that I sense a spear intended for my heart empowered by your goddess I empowered to kill the child of a god do you know what I am little assassin but I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark what did you say much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know whatever you think you know of me won't matter once I become who I'm meant to be foreign I can't believe I just did lady shovel disown me what will happen to me not what will happen what will you do your past is not yet lost your future is not yet fixed lay your hand on me in Friendship not quite sure and I will fight the battle that has been waiting for me this last century then oh then we will have much to discuss Our Lady of silver hear me she who guides the Moon made in Saloon mother of the so-called Knight song The Night song is no more thank you I am resplendent you have given me a great gift little worry don't you find it oh so curious that you would spurn your dark lady perhaps you fell a staring of the truth already but that will come later there is a battle yet to be fought you have done what we feared was impossible you have released me from A Century Of Sorrow your power is great so too must be your weapon you must choose what you will wield and the moon Maiden will provide thus I have said thus will it be so are you ready and it shall be yours and then we're going to kill catharik Thorne we need to leave lady Shawn would stand for us to be here not after what we did it's what frightens me she must be angry yep I don't feel it or hear it there's only silence let's get out of here please whatever's coming I don't want to be in the heart of the Shadow fell when it finds me the Night song will be headed for Moonrise Towers we'd better get there and see what she's Unleashed against Catholic Thorne Shadow hot you were missing for a moment hi I thought I was done for I thought perhaps I might have been dead so like some sort of terrible dream but it's real isn't it I stood before the night song I heard lady Shah's words and I failed her worse than failed her I defied her just because of what that asima said I tried to leave but Char blocked me punished me for failing her I thought I knew the limit of pain that the incurable wound could inflict but I had no idea felt like I was suffering the agony of a thousand people all at once my blood was boiling my hair was on fire I thought I'd call my own face off with the pain but then she released me banished me more like she said I was an outcast that all of her children would know me and revile me Shadow heart looks distraught abandoned by her goddess and all former allies and as for her Divine Magic who empowers her now may break her spirit for good you're lucky to have such confidence me I think the full price of what I've done has yet to reveal itself and the target to Lady Shaw's followers now Night song promised she'd tell me something about myself I need to speak with her as soon as I can what she said to me back in the shadow fell about the wolves it's no coincidence she took flight to hunt down Catherine swarm all I can do is help hasten his demise and hope that answers soon follow I have more to thank you for than I knew and we have much to discuss perhaps we could join you in your Camp later we look forward to it you there Sharon by the fires of your Camp's Hearth we will discuss all we must I'll be ready whatever you have to say had better be worth your life what do you know about me you spoke of my past being chased by wolves told no one about that almost no one but I certainly didn't share that with you there is nothing I can tell you that you do not already know yourself they trained you well trained you hard chiseled away any part of you that did not fit their plan they made you forget I chose to do that for the mission to protect us secrets yes yes that is an old song girl your goddess cares more for her precious Secrets than she does her devotees point when you freed me you severed a bond between me and that dog Thorne a bond of pain his inflicted on me when I laid eyes on you I sensed a similar Bond you Tethered to two others someplace distant bless me help you remember you feel Shadow Hearts mind tug at the edges of your own know this sensation she wants you to see whatever is about to be revealed your mind joins with Shadow Hearts think pulls at you both bringing you else foreign you'll remember that this is a common right amongst the Luna's followers to send their children off into the woods to find their way home perhaps this time it had gone awry it seems that one child never came back what who was that man you already know did you not see yourself in him do you not recognize your own blood father that was him that is him he lives still and your mother too no it can't be I'm an orphan and who told you that your adoptive family you are not to blame you were young impressionable they took you because they wanted to break and remake you but you are a child no longer you are a woman one who knows what must be done my parents I need to save them your parents are with your abductors you will need to return to their lair but be warned you may have once thought of them as comrades mentors friends even lovers they will all be enemies now you have been forewarned for what is to come but not yet forearmed the spear how do you have it I threw it into the shadow film Char is quick to discard whatever she has no use for I think you know that well enough but I felt it called to me as I took flight whatever Shah calls her own saluna has equal claim to they are one and the same their power is matched and mirrored take it you will find it useful what do you do with it that will be up to you same as before I'll need every Advantage it seems thank you a debt repaid you returned my life unto me now go and claim your own it hurts chart torments you still fightful creature she is this will not stop until you take action see that your parents sacrifices are not in vain allow the moon Maiden to guide you at last night too whole life and I was gullible enough to just believe it my parents are alive and I have to save them part of me always knew that part that Shah denied to me indeed But The Truth May yet prove painful who knows what Shah still keeps from me we better press on for now and hope we're ready when the moment comes but before that there's one thing I need to see too you will see for yourself soon enough just leave it with me be honest what do you think of the new look well I'm glad someone does perhaps I'll get used to it I have a lot to get used to right now it's the wager thanks to you who are you someone who bets that you'd never be foolish enough to actually show your face in this city again but here you are and the gold in my purse is soon to take flight there have been whispers about you sister about your faith your loyalty company I can't help but feel the strangest twinge of disgust as I look upon you is it true as our lady forsaken you I know the truth I know my parents still live tell me where they are and I have no quarrel with you afraid the quarrel is unavoidable thanks to you now I must report your reappearance if you are intent on bringing matters to her head and seek out the house of grief in the lower City though if I was you I'd be very tempted to just forget it all and disappear you have some form of doing so after all welcome to the house of grief or perhaps welcome is the wrong word Shadow heart there's been some debate whether you'd even show up and face the consequences of your actions I assumed you tried to flee like a craven spare me your Venom I'm sure the mother's Superior will have plenty of her own all in due time as I said in due time first you submit to the mapping of the heart only then can we know what is to be done with you this is the house of grief we strive to help those whose Hearts have grown heavy be it with anger melancholy grief or treachery submit to the mapping and reveal what lurks in your heart if you consent follow me if you do not leave you seek to be unburdened yes the mapping of the heart can reveal the way yet there is another here whose need is great her voice allow me I think I'm supposed to do this do you know why you are here there is something I lost no had taken from me my family my life I want it all back loss is a gift girl do you still not understand that give me the true answer what is your purpose in being here the artifact I was sent to retrieve it at any cost and who tasked you with this Mission the Mother Superior of you give me the honor of my name in full I can't my memories I know what's in that head of yours better than you do girl my name Mother Superior Iconia devere you'll still have the wits to recognize your betters good now descend you have much to answer for an astral projection we should take this one seriously she's clever by half oh Char beneath an extinguished Sun they already heard how you disgraced yourself before lady Shah how she marked you as the enemy but it is quite another thing for them to see it for themselves I am very glad you decided to return a cautionary tales such as yours will be studied by Lady Shah's initiates for years to come but perhaps I can make a case for some small measure of Mercy give me the artifact and I can at least make this quick enough I don't answer to you not anymore I'm here for my family that's right I know what you did and it's not going to be quick this is your family and now you have turned your back on it the artifact was your last chance to prove yourself and you squandered it reached my ears from all Corners potential Rivals of Lady Shaw all vying for the same prize a new God amassing the disaffected the outcasts those who should turn to us this absolute is but an upstart disturbing the natural order and threatening to impede the Glorious return of Lady Char's pure endless Darkness had to act I had to strangle that foul conspiracy while it was still in the Cradle we learned all we could the artifact was the one thing the absolutists feared the one thing they desperately wanted to keep out of their enemies grasp I had to have it Charles concerns lie elsewhere with another but she is a goddess she can afford to ignore that which does not threaten her I must keep her faith alive in Mortal Hearts I must defend her ways lead her children stop all threats even if I must go against her wishes I will prove myself her most loyal servant Shah doesn't care she was always going to use you and discard you but now I'm going to deal with you first go there under this one to me now and you can consider lady Shah's forces your allies in the battles to come no keep such shrewd companions Shadow heart a shame you didn't learn from them sees her those who cling to light are destined to lose it candles will gutter linger if you wish but there is little else to be said until the absolute's armies launch their final assault we shall be ready write something to have devotees of the Shah herself sworn to our cause y's Shadow heart was the price of it but the lady of loss will take her dues our loss is our gain so to speak Shadow heart was well she and I It's a cruel fate no matter our differences she deserved better from us I hope you don't make a habit of betraying your traveling companions not that I wouldn't understand respect it even but it does leave one a little nervous as you like all right have to find my parents finish it send me to Lady Shaw's embrace she still has answers I need my parents where are they so blunt have you forgotten all the interrogation takes I taught you where is the Finesse answer me they are right through that door in the chamber of loss where they have been all along you saw them many times Only We Made You Forget you they watched they wept they bled at your hand it may not be a happy reunion but it will be a memorable one why blind me why all this effort lady Shaw commanded me and I obeyed I do not question I merely act as she Wills me to I had an enclave in Water Deep you know much grander than this Shah ordered me to raise it kill all who followed me claim they betrayed me when in fact I slew those who showed nothing but loyalty sure had me do that and I did to cover my trucks to usher in you what are you talking about you became my mission to take a child of salunas and turn her over to Lady Shaw that all light Fades and darkness will prevail in the end all this was to make you into what the dark lady needed you to be the training those deaths in waterdeep it was all to groom you to replace me at her right hand side and still you threw it away foreign I merely wanted to say my peace I wanted her to know the cost of her education now do what you will want to see my parents and I don't care what happens to this one it's been in my head long enough already do what you like I know your truth well what are you doing come back and finish this yourself you owe me that let go mother Embrace loss I draw near my lady Shah did not come to viconia's defense all who bowed to her are disposable Pawns in the end it's a mission she sent me on was a lie same as everything else she ever told me she sewed her own downfall in trying to take the prison for herself had she never sent me I'd still bow to shark none the wiser heart I wasn't sure if I'd ever lay eyes on you again it's me Nocturne do you remember remind me we we trained together we used to be close I'm glad to see you're all right I don't remember you oh a pity perhaps we can talk some more later that is if you're not about to turn on me it seems you no longer walk in the dark lady's shadow shark condemned me by her decree you and I are enemies only if you wish us to be you may not remember but we shared a lot together once Good Times hard times I will not turn on you even if it angers lady Shaw that's good enough for me I'm not sure what I expected coming back to this place certainly not a friend there must be all sorts you can tell me things I can't even remember there are but with the Mother Superior gone I don't know if I can stay here to reminisce perhaps there's another Enclave out there for me you don't need Sharp you don't perhaps not everyone is as Brave I'll leave come tomorrow come see me before then I was working as quartermaster I can sell you some things to Aid you and we can catch up mind sleep I can still scarcely believe it you've returned and the Mother Superior is gone so much can change so quickly remains to be seen this place is all I've ever known in time perhaps I'll venture out there see what I've been missing but for now old habits die hard well you had a pet mouse for a while it was against the rules of course you used to hide him under your robes and feed him from your rations nibbles I suggested Bree but you were having none of it she caught you with him forced you to get rid of him in front of everyone to make an example you've always loved animals but you never let yourself get too close after that I'm sorry not the sort of thing you want to hear I'm sure wow you know that little scar on your elbow I was there when you picked that up it was years ago when we were initiates some of the others were intent on tormenting us until you showed them the error of their ways I think it was six against two and most of them were bigger than us to boot but you saw them off all of them there were some bruised lips and black eyes and the mess hall that night and from then on they left us alone or at least they bothered us less collision between your elbow and the teeth of a girl called buttock she came away from it worse than you she was on the same Mission as you suppose you won't be coming back in any case the Mother Superior soon broke up the fighting though she didn't punish us in fact I saw her smiling I think she was proud of you just small things silly things the sort you'd scarcely recall even if your memories were left intact you had a little hiding place that you went to when you needed to get away you brought me that sometimes we'd talk play read do each other's hair hidden at the back of the storage area luckily enough as quartermaster I was able to keep it hidden back there it should be well if not how you remember it exactly as you left it the plait and Fringe yes on your instructions of course you were very intent on a bold look I think you said my hands were cramped by the time I finished but you were very pleased I like the new look as well though you always did like a dramatic touch see my parents it's been done to them you can't be another vile trick no there is no trick it's her Jennifer Jen a little girl I'm here to get you out of here they're all gone it's over you see it matters not if you raise this place May every one of your brothers that was never where my power resided every time you try to step away from me every time you try to reach my hold on you bites if you would learn if you had obeyed there would be no pain you you single on for yourself for them I am neither I am nothing I am the empty room now do you exist to suffer until you find your way back to my embrace I'm taking my parents away from here I'm taking them away from you cannot cannot but free us and free yourself from her curse the moon Maiden needs you more than she needs us you are the future you must return to the fold we are the past and our duty is almost done eloquently put his mind stood up well to his time here the same cannot be sick such brief fragile lives is my final lesson Shah's parting words make your flesh crawl there is no lesson to be learned here only a family's torment a spiteful goddesses whims and an unspeakable choice to be made I don't understand we'll never admit defeat not until she has stolen one last thing from you we cannot allow your future to be her last prize not after all your mother and I have endured you again your companion understands I think helper please help us see what must be done foreign I can't I came here for them and you did found us Break Free no matter what they made you do to us we knew you were still in there I knew the dark woods wouldn't frighten you you were always such a brave girl girl she was and still is you've saved us now save yourself you'll be out of Shah's reach we'll be at peace I only just found you again after all this time I can't lose you again we'll still be with you by the moon maidens Grace will never be far please Jennifer is this truly what you want it You Were Meant To Be A Guiding Light for Saloon as faithful but they robbed you from us now that can be righted and we can rest help us Jen I can let go now I've seen your face again not goodbye good Ness amendments they bring saloona's light to dark places and offer guidance to those in need foreign let's leave this place there's nothing more for me here Shadow heart still can't run away from who I was all this time besides there's something fit into it can't cast a shadow without sunlight my parents saw them spoke to them and let them go it's more than I can take in just now give me a night try and get my head together it is no small thing to slay one's lifebringers Shadow heart did what was right not what was easy shadowhunt's parents are at peace and so she it seems Lord Shadow heart did for her parents was a profound Act of love her courage is well it's quite something to behold ever will Shar try to twist bonds of love into chains of service Shadow heart did not let her I cannot presume to know her parents or what they suffered but I know that they were proud in the end doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while perhaps people lost faith or forgot about it I wanted to come here see if I felt anything that I hadn't done before now that I know what I know now that I know who I am Los actual loss not shows Oblivion I had my family showed the moment now they're gone by my hand Bob why does freedom have to feel like I've lost everything perhaps I could have saved them or perhaps Shah would have helped me forget them instead I've never oh it's been a long time since I've shed a tear I don't even know how long We Carry On so we can do I'll follow in a while I think I want to stay here a little longer firstly this place isn't familiar but it's peaceful Shadow hot she's as much a part of who I am as Jennifer can't just forget her it's not what I do anymore besides Shadow heart still suits me even better than before perhaps you can't cast a shadow without some light go on like this suffering I didn't come this far just to give up at the final hurdle we're leaving this place together I'm going to take care of you our time has passed you must not let us burden you you're no burden you're my strength I think I know where my willful side comes from now but I'll know Jen wants her family Jen shall have her family how can we help dear oh thank you get out of this place as soon as your strength allows there's a camp you'll be safe there Shadow heart surge is concluded the night singer May inflict pain upon her but never her will a privilege to witness such a reunion Shadow heart deserves to have her family restored when Shar has taken so much from her already credit where it's due you are tenacious and tougher than I expected pain can break anyone you bought well and got what you wanted even if you've damned yourself to a lifetime of that same pain jar believes us so fearful of pain that we would empty Our Lives of all other feeling just to escape it I will admit that petty sort of pleasure in watching Shadow heart make the goddess look a liquid that's so that song does you don't know what it's like to hear music like that again after so long without thank you some I think she's still trying to find the words she still feels responsible I fear I don't want her to punish herself apologies even the littlest thing wears me out I should rest a little we'll talk soon Jennifer oh I see do forgive me you've shown great kindness allowing my wife and I to remain with you thank you I'm glad Jennifer found you I'm sorry but what happened in that room stay within the family just know that we endured and are grateful for your help I'm afraid my strength has not returned just yet decades in that place has left me named body and soul some rest perhaps will make me better company doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while perhaps people lost faith or forgot about it I wanted to come here see if I felt anything that I hadn't done before now that I know what I know now that I know who I am I don't know for so long I only felt what she wanted me to foreign very good thing I don't know what I did to trick you into thinking I was worthy of you but I'm glad it worked I have my family back oh I can't even look them in the eye that's not true not even close sorry shouldn't have to see me like this alive free feeling I've dreamed for years of seeing you like this seeing you as yourself again Jen it kept us going all this time can't be you Jennifer of course you can no I'd be turning my back on too much Shadow heart is as much part of who I am as Jennifer can't just forget her that's not what I do anymore besides Shadow heart still suits me even better than before perhaps it can't cast a shadow without some light don't worry I'm still your daughter if you want me to be I'll call you whatever you like so long as you're happy annel the moon Maiden guides and helps us find our true selves Shadow heart daughter foreign true death at last you are sure's child after all and I am is this done you have proven yourself you have answered my highest calling chosen my warrior my dark Justice let me show you let all see how you have served me shout out and how you have been rewarded your pain is now your power wield it true my charge must be cleansed you shall be my instrument in reading it of the ft then you shall take up the mantle as its new lead first hunt down the traitor catheric Thorne shunned my brace let my armies be slaughtered he used my domain to safeguard his wretched life but now without the Night song he's vulnerable end him in my name Shadow heart let him see you in your Splendor before you shut his eyes forever 's gate awaits your holy work work before you first learned of My Embrace take up my spear again and go again finally through me her will is enacted her Shadow strengthen and the Darkness takes all I have her chosen I've actually done it a dark Justice here chosen by Lady shark it almost doesn't feel real not as glad as I am well it appears my days of seeking her approval are at an end Navy Shaw's Church in Boulder's Gate has yet to be cleansed a rot has set in amongst the leadership one that I must cut out even once all that is done more will be asked of Me no doubt the holy work will not be done until the night singer's Eternal darkness is restored there is one other matter as the chosen of Lady Shah it is time to carry myself like one I still carry certain vestiges of a novice that will no longer do if I am to lead in ladyshar's name I must look for part leave it to me you'll see exactly what I mean soon enough Brave choice to kill the child of one God at the behest of another Shadow Hearts lordy plums darker depth than I anticipated cruel labor at her advantage and ours of course it was unsightly watching Shadow Hearts slay the daughter of seluna I didn't think she would sink so low last Light is no more lady Shah's Darkness will have swept away all resistance thanks to my sacrifice last Light was shielded by saloonite Magic perhaps when the Night song died the moon which was grieved distracted her blessings may have wavered still though I wonder if there's more to it surely they could have held out at the Inn for at least a while and thus they too felt night songs passing it matters little either way lady Shah claims everything in the end last Light is a testament to that I don't recall you stopping me you had every opportunity this land Remains cloaked by Lady Charles power good a shame it cost us housing as a traveling companion though he may have been misguided but I like looking at him notice anything new this hairstyle is closer to Lady Char's own image I did it to honor her what do you think good I did this for lady Shaw for myself but I had hoped you'd like it as well welcome back we've been awaiting you Shadow heart so the rumors are true then the dark lady has blessed you I was curious I need to see the Mother Superior all in due time I thought you might try to flee rather than face us perhaps you are braver than I thought or more arrogant than even I can fathom no matter you are here now to face the dark lady's judgment before a gathering of your peers give the artifact and perhaps we will be merciful no I already faced lady Shah I passed her trials I wielded her Spear and now I am her mortal voice I have been embraced by her in ways you could only dream of straight girl you failed lady Shah's Mission and allowed ambition to rot your mind tell her tell them all tell them how the night singer has blessed me I shall stand with Shadow heart so be it a traitor's end awaits you all these are the desperate lies of Trapped Vermin nothing more you are deluded girl I'm not here to convince you mother you are already disgraced in lady Shah's eyes I merely wish to give the others a chance to repent before they are dragged down with you a coup attempt Shadow heart will need all the help she can get if she's to win over the remaining die hards from viconia's ranks I sank a spear into the heart of the Moon which his daughter ladies Shaw rewarded me she turned the pain that once held me back into the power that now drives me on and she told me to cleanse her Church of those who failed her the traitor's ranks swell like a corpse left under the sun I will take joy in making each and every one of you suffer enough talk girl the sooner we finish this the sooner your blood can be sluiced off lady Shah's sacred Grotto enough speeches the odds are already in my favor do you think the dark lady would want you to die for a lost cause or show some cunning and Live Another Day no matter I built this place from nothing I can always start anew once you've been dealt with you were right about one thing lady Shaw's Church does need to be cleansed by my hand foreign time will tell far easier to claim something than hold on to it turn on you in time when you hear the whispers and see the blades drawn I won't remember you at all nobody will kill her or turn her loose it doesn't matter she's finished either way they said the hunt for the artifact was a suicide mission I feared I wouldn't see you again some even thought it was the mother's superiors plan alone and not what lady Shaw wanted some even thought it was the mother's superiors plan alone and not lady Shaw's intent seems The Whispers were right on that last part at some point she confused her Ambitions for the night singer's will but no matter you rule us now what comes next I wish to normal there must be all sorts of things you can tell me little things from my past whilst to Lady Char's embrace if you wish it of me of course my lady I work as the quartermaster come see me whenever you wish it could be another vile trick okay I did that how power is not created it merely changes from one form to another their pain becomes your mind I don't understand who are these people are now hella leaf Emily but for years My Embrace just as I wish them to their wrong-headed resolve allowed me to shape you time to remember find yourself thrust into Shadow heart's mind different than before more than you or she can comprehend a flood of restored memories finished thoughts revealed secrets thank you foreign you remember this what parents what have you done for them we've turned child we did this today my power is that you why you look so tall it's not hard it's another trick another way to hurt us it's me I'm Jennifer Jennifer is no more it was Shadow heart who emerged sacrifice is not a sacrifice this is the final step snuff out the last Embers of your old life so that you can finally be who you were meant to be kill them then I will take the memories away from you again will heal you and you 'll be she can she must do you remember your training child I know you do all the times you stood in this wondering why this pair seems so familiar all the times you found your skills on them they remember everything the pain the pleading their torturer wearing their daughter's face to what's right I think I lost sight of that some time ago better to just serve politely whatever happens we love you all the same we never stopped thank you Moon Maiden you let me see my Jennifer my baby girl one last time call me that my name is shadowhunt you are just lost Jennifer my name is done and done well they are with me now in my endless Arc endless power still remember no longer forget and run it's done this place is mine now Shah's forces are mine when I need them and her power it's right at my fingertips I can't believe it don't be ridiculous I never knew my parents whoever these poor wretches were they're strangers to me sacrifices my final test whoever they are a rather meager offering to the dark lady but it's not my place to question her it's time we left we're not finished with the absolute just yet only now Shah's forces are mind command when the battle comes foreign sacrifice has been made I am lady Shah's right hand now it has all been worth it every step every trial every drop of blood cause what's the point in having power if you cannot wield it every now and again to help your friends Nocturne has endured much in this place and remained loyal to me once I have settled into my role I shall see that whatever place she Desires in ladyshar's service is hers none she sealed her own faith I was merely lady Shaw's instrument in delivering the final blow still I learned much from the late Mother Superior it was the least I could do to make that final blow a Swift one that's a question that could take a lifetime to answer lady Charles followers are my responsibility now I will need to guide them and root out any heresy that viconia sowed but all that must wait for now the night singers Church cannot Thrive if the absolute isn't stopped when the time comes for the final battle lady Char's faithful will be ready until then we should continue to do what we must hope shadowheart's actions do not return to haunt her I know they would haunt me Shadow Hearts chosen her loyalties always best to know where one's allies enemies I'm almost tempted to tell Shadow heart what she did to see if I can jog her memory I doubt Shah would take too kindly to anyone meddling in her little project though hmm I have to do it my whole life has been leading to this one final trial then you look no you've already brought me to what I need my family my real family don't anger her Jen just get out save yourself I am saving myself I'm leaving this place and I'm taking my parents with me so much was done to mold you turn your back on me for two strangers that you share blood with leave the dark will still be still keep some memories as a Parting Gift you learned so much applying your skills to these two whenever you look upon their never I I did that how did I do that to them so many times from us but no don't know when the darkness finally comes for you again it will not be my welcoming embrace it's I hurt you both so much God's forgive me there is nothing to forgive did what was necessary to survive and you came back to us what more could a mother want thank you foreign once we get clear of this place do what you need to Jen we can follow your Trail once we've rested a little Moon Maiden Still guides us I had all but lost faith in the so-called Sharon it takes a stout will to prove me wrong I hope Shadow heart's parents are a welcome bomb for her wounds there will be pain in defying such a malicious goddess but perhaps no more than in obeying her even if she's damned herself to a lifetime of that same pain so Shadow heart chose her family over her God doesn't look like anyone's been here in a while perhaps people lost faith oh forgot about it I wanted to come here see if I felt anything that I hadn't done before now that I know what I know now that I know who I am true but too much Freedom can be frightening lonely there's a reason why so many are eager to bow have my family back can't even look them in the eye I don't deserve to be anyone's daughter that's not true not even close sorry you shouldn't have to see me like this alive free feeling I've dreamed for years of seeing you like this seeing you as yourself again Jen it kept us going all this time I can't be you Jennifer not as you remember her of course you can you can no you're turning my back on too much Shadow heart is as much part of who I am as Jennifer can't just forget her that's not what I do anymore besides Shadow heart still suits me even better than before perhaps it can't cast a shadow without some light don't worry I'm still your daughter if you want me to be I'll call you whatever you like so long as you're happy are now the moon Maiden guides and helps us find our true selves Shadow heart daughter foreign
Channel: Games from Mars
Views: 29,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4j_9OvljioQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 11sec (5351 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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