Shadowheart gets revenge on Shar, and meets her family

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they already heard how you disgrace yourself before lady Shah how she marked you as the enemy but it is quite another thing for them to see it for themselves I am very glad you decided to return a cautionary tales such as yours will be studied by Lady Shah's initiates for years to come but perhaps I can make a case for some small measure of Mercy give me the artifact and I can at least make this quick enough I don't answer to you not anymore I'm here for my family that's right I know what you did and it's not going to be quick is your family and now you have turned your back on it the artifact was your last chance to prove yourself you squandered it Whispers reached my ears from all Corners potential Rivals of Lady Shah all vying for the same prize a new God amassing the disaffected the outcasts those who should turn to us this absolute is but an upstart disturbing the natural order and threatening to impede the Glorious return of Lady Shah's pure endless Darkness had to act I had to strangle that foul conspiracy while it was still in the Cradle we learned all we could the artifact was the one thing the absolutists feared the one thing they desperately wanted to keep out of their enemies grasp I had to have it lady Shah's concerns lie elsewhere with another that she is a goddess she can afford to ignore that which does not threaten her I must keep her faith alive in Mortal Hearts I must defend her ways lead her children stop all threats even if I must go against her wishes I will prove myself her most loyal servant Shah doesn't care she was always going to use you and discard you but now I'm going to deal with you first lady Char's forces your allies in the battles to come as you like finish it send me to Lady Shaw's embrace still has answers I need my parents where are they so blunt have you forgotten all the interrogation takes I taught you finesse answer me they are right through that door in the chamber of loss Only We Made You Forget he didn't forget they watched as we molded you they watched watched a wept they bled at your hand it may not be a happy reunion will be a memorable one why me why all this effort lady Shaw commanded me and I obeyed I do not question I merely act as she Wills me to I had an enclave in Water Deep you know much grander than this Shah ordered me to read it kill all who followed me claim they betrayed me when in fact I slew those who showed nothing but loyalty sure had me do that and I did to cover my trucks to usher in you what are you talking about came my mission to take a child of Salinas and turn her over to Lady Shaw that all light Fades and darkness will prevail in the end all this was to make you into what the dark lady needed you to be training those deaths in Water Deep it was all to groom you to replace me at her right hand side and still you threw it away I want to see my parents and I don't care what happens to this one it's been in my head long enough already do what you like I know you'll choose well what are you doing come back and finish this yourself you owe me that let go mother Embrace loss my lady facade did not come to viconia's defense all who bow to her are disposable Pawns in the end the mission she sent me on was a lie same as everything else she ever told me she sewed her own downfall in trying to take the prison for herself had she never sent me I'd still bow to shark none the wiser my parents are still captive I need to free them better heart I wasn't sure if I'd ever lay eyes on you again it's me Nocturne do you remember you recall the memory Shadow heart recovered by eating the noble stalk this must be the person she remembered I remember you but you're different very different I used to call you something else didn't I you did but that's not who I am now I remember the other initiates used to tease you about your name the one you chose to honor lady Shaw they were attacking who you were I never found it funny but I wasn't quite sure why eventually I realized it was because I wasn't happy with who I was couldn't keep going like that but seeing how you fought on I realized that I didn't have to from then on I was Nocturne it wasn't easy but everything started to make sense I could breathe it's a beautiful name suits you well thank you picked it myself but enough of that I I can't believe you're back I've been trying to return here as long as I can remember should admittedly doesn't amount to much they they whispered it was a suicide mission the search for the artifact he was sent on some even thought it was the mother superior's plan alone and not lady Shaw's intent but now it seems you've turned on both the Mother Superior and Lady Shah foreign condemned me by her decree you and I are enemies only if you were just to be you helped me be true to myself I will not begrudge you for discovering yourself even if it displeases lady Sharp that's good enough for me I'm not sure what I expected coming back to this place certainly not a friend there must be all sorts you can tell me things I can't even remember there are but with the Mother Superior gone I don't know if I can stay here to reminisce perhaps there's another Enclave out there for me you don't need sharp you don't perhaps not everyone is as Brave I'll leave come tomorrow come see me before then I was working as quartermaster I can sell you some things to Aid you and we can catch up another vile trick no there is no trick it's her Jennifer Jen a little girl Moon makes Grace it is you I'm here to get you out of here they're all gone it's over you see that was never where my power resided every time every time you try to reach for so long you bite if you had learned you did for them I am neither I am nothing I am a empty room the Shadows shadow there was no pain before my life now you exist until you find your way back to my embrace I'm away from you you cannot we are still bound to you you cannot both free us and free yourself from her curse the moon Maiden needs you more than more than you are the future you must return to the fold we are the past that duty is almost done eloquently put his mind is here same cannot be said for your mother such brief frags Our Lives humans lead this is my final lesson I leave you now to dwell on your mistakes your choice parting words make your flesh crawl there is no lesson to be learned here only a family's torment a spiteful goddesses whims and an unspeakable choice to be made I don't understand Shah will never admit defeat not until she has stolen one last thing from you we cannot allow your future to be her last prize not after all your mother and I have endured to see you again understands I think helper please help us see what must be done foreign I can't I came here for them and if and did you found us all these years that dream kept us going that you would break free no matter what they made you do to us we knew you was still in there I knew the dark woods wouldn't frighten you you were always such a brave girl she was and still is you've saved us now save yourself you'll be out of Shah's reach and we'll be at peace by the moon maidens Grace will never be far please Jennifer is this truly what you want it is what we need people meant to be a Guiding Light for Saloon as faithful but they robbed you from us now that can be righted and we can rest help us Jen I can let go now I've seen your face again not goodbye not even close thank you foreign ERS light to dark places and offer guidance to those in need my parents are watching over me let's leave this place there's nothing more for me here Shadow heart still can't run away from who I was all this time besides there's something fit into it can't cast a shadow without sunlight
Channel: The White Rat
Views: 96,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aJto6ABry1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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