What happens when you free Orpheus and betray The Emperor | Baldur's Gate 3

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you still don't trust me after all we've been through remember I have been your salvation from the very beginning night and shining armor I freed you from the nautiloid prevented you from crashing to your death I have protected you ever since at no small cost to myself I came to you as a leader but I did not shy away from showing you vulnerability I needed you as much as you needed me I was not above recognizing this when you discovered my true identity I did not flinch from the truth I never lied to you not once I am just like you you have the same enemy the same story I encouraged you to fulfill your potential all while protecting you from harm and when you saw what I truly am you did not reject me you enjoyed me now I ask you for the last time to trust me release never stops to me I told you we have to trust one another I told you to get Yankee would only want to kill you for what you are still break our alliance even United the nether brain was going to be an impossible enemy part we have no chance of it well since you will not work with me work against me believe me no option joy of the nether brain we can we can free all this the gate is gone our mission is set smash the crystals with a hammer and free the prince of the Comet this beloved Son will lead us to assure Victory against the nether brain foreign [Music] key Prince takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head it's unlike any sensation you've ever felt of related you fornicated with a mind flayer slaughtered my honor guard nonetheless seems we must be allies the prince of the Comet gets true air it is honor do not patronize me you rejected the illithed when it no longer suited your needs no doubt you freed me because it suits you now I will neither forgive and forget your abuse of my powers that is true and it would have been the honorable outcome for one destined to become cake you had the opportunity to surrender yourself to my honor God they would have given you a noble end they would have freed me and I would have stopped the Elder Brain before it evolved into a never brain avoidable were it not for the choices you made this we are aligned I am obliged to overlook your transgressions we will destroy the nether brain together and put a stop to this nascent Empire before it expands into the Stars cake was correct about one thing the nether brain's power is beyond us hardest metal in the world would not cut through its mind for it is made of thought itself point and a lifted to unleash the full potential of the nether stones wait maybe you don't have to it it should be me I'm dying my heart feels like a life grenade I'm gonna blow any minute you still have a life to live I don't if this is the end for me let me be the [ __ ] who saved the world anytime Soldier you tiefling you would volunteer your life for the greater good would make the ultimate sacrifice I thank you the brain wants nothing more than to see all infected become gake my defenses keep the voice of the absolute out but just as I can raise them so I can lower them I will allow the voice of the absolute Inn once it reaches you 'll order you to transform will only take a moment and once you are a mind flare I will fold you under my protection once more be the savior of Empires at least my own with the withdrawal of orpheus's power carlak's mind is rushed with the full force of the nether breath then Stillness she stands again closed off from the nether brain's mind my people will remember you thiefly the rebel elithid who stood beside their reborn Prince and ended The Grand Design Let Us return now to the city follow the path of the nether brain foreign
Channel: PerfectParadox
Views: 678,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, tips, guide, walkthrough, playthrough, trophy, achievement, trophies, help, how to, fight, remastered, trailer, theory, analysis, tutorial, ps4, xbox, pc, console, lets play, let's play
Id: 0IGs26eCoyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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