Saving Minthara from the Moonrise Tower prison - Baldur's Gate 3

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foreign I will not be slandered General you saw my reports you know it's not my fault the facts suggest otherwise you were ordered to retrieve the artifact you failed to do so if I had been given drow Warriors instead of goblin trash oy what you scragged enough a blast of mental energy washes over you filling the room pulse worms urging you to obey [Music] let me make sure I understand this soldiers yes no you blame the absolute chosen for your failure of course it is not the General's fault who's then [Music] foreign extends outward and grasps at nothing in catholic's place you feel an absent no psionic power no tadpole at all the goblins they failed me they failed us all you lying little and what would you do to those that have failed you they are put to death obviously true ultimate failure must earn ultimate punishment ARA your crime is incompetence and your sentence is death no make her passing slow disciples are out be creative as the General's attention shifts to you A Memory stairs a memory of this room and his voice raised in Anger I'm surprised to see you again true soul you are here to assist and not to meddle I trust I would remind you that while in my Halls you obey me just as you would any other chosen what say you about our menthara it is fitting that one mad dog should judge another better than you know yourself it seems but we are here to speak of mindhara not you [Music] she will die eventually take her below no [Music] bye bye princess kill the Goblins too you know but I got sheds [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry my Lord she's an unbeliever outside my control [Music] try again [Music] dispose of the rest as you see fit or better yet let us take advantage of our surprising guest and their particular creative genius [Music] I'm sure the results will send a clear message to the Troops importance of discipline of course my Lord thank you [Music] you heard the general the Goblins are yours deal with them however you wish [Music] do have fun here in the seat of the absolute's power your authority over them is complete they will obey any command report to me upstairs when you're done yeah we're waiting for nothing but loyal foreign [Music] room like a god not the living wreck you are now your disgrace has something to do with this Catholic you yearn to Flay him until he forgets himself as you have [Music] he healed up a treat he could endure your Cuts forever and a day you were you were adored minthara brought up from the darkness and into the absolute light she cherished you but it wasn't enough you were distracted by your own desires bloodlust murder chaos and most damning of all an unexpected weakness and longing for acceptance and affection from a mortal no right we have every right you are nothing mythara's mine connects with yours all right come to observe true soul she is a lesson none can rise so high that they cannot fall again we are a raising her [Music] yes your Authority is great we can learn watching you break what little remains of her mind immediately your mind is swept into a greater Vortex a psionic storm with mintara at its Center submit s her torturers are not dominated drawing her mental defenses and disposing her the absolute navigating the storm you reach the Nexus of her mind it is a wound bleeding raw emotion and shattered Memories but she senses your arrival [Music] I prayed that you would but there are no gods left to me this thing that speaks inside me he doesn't all but destroyed me but it fears you even so I cannot resist it while my tormentors live I didn't dare hope I owe you more than my life but first let's make these bastards bleed her mind fills with warmth and she gently releases you impossible she was broken [Music] thank you oh [Music] still alive excellent progress are watching me I was a farrier in disarming Valley and the dreams came my brothers had the dreams too his name is me admitted the absolute calls us all to her design I last left moonrise as a commander in the absolute Army obeying the voice of a god I thought I had found a home and a purpose now I leave as an exile that you risked your life to Rescue Me for that I am grateful the artifact connects with her pulling your minds together and showing her all that you have seen the prism he will dream visitor the protection that keeps you from obeying the absolute and becoming illicit she knows it all in a moment her reels but is no longer clouded the truth as much we must discuss do you have a safe place to camp nearby goodbye for now I will see you soon it does not compare with the Comforts of home but your Camp is almost palatial in comparison to my previous accommodation thank you for allowing me to come here and for bringing me back to myself each memory that returns to me is more disturbing than the last the things that I did in the name of the absolute the things that were done to me they broke my mind precisely while our tadpoles live and the cult have the means to control them we will never be safe we must eradicate them starting with general form I mean Catholic my deference to him is a habit that will die hard I fear not only this battle but all that come after swear that you will keep me close until the absolute is dead at least good morning thank you I knew you were different to other true Souls when we lay together now I know it was the prism that silenced the absolute in those moments not you but it was not the prism that held me and touched my mind and body that was you for now we will travel together and fight together in time perhaps we will lie together again kind words do not always come easily to me her entire being joins with you for a moment and you see all that she is dangerous cunning wounded brutal paranoid and utterly loyal to those she trusts and you have earned that trust along with a small measure of her affection is a rare thing well hidden in the cold Fortress of her mind and it is precious together we can have our Vengeance on those who infected us rest well and keep your wits about you tomorrow we go to war with the cult of the absolute I would gladly join you in the fight leave one of your other allies here and I shall you wish to consult me I fought at his side once shortly after my conversion before the battle he was everything a general should be a charismatic leader with a brilliant strategic mind and when the fighting began he led his troops from the front and cut through the enemy like a scythe through stalks blows and arrows rained down on him and before long face was a mask of blood but he did not fall he did not even falter when we won the day Heather Rick's armor was Ben edict but his flesh was unmarked I have lived long enough to know that few things are impossible in this world never seen it's like there is a connection to This Night song of balthazars whatever or whoever it might be we must find it and destroy it I was the absolute dagger I remember every throat that had held me to and every drop of blood it forced me to spill I take no responsibility for the lives I I did nothing in the absolute's name I was merely a weapon that it wielded [Music] oh a disturbing admission I would rather die than lose control of myself again a tadpole the absolute they work together like a drug I did not feel I was compelled to act against my will I felt ecstatic to serve actions seemed a deliberate choice even though I could no more have resisted its commands then flesh can resist Decay even rational Minds like ours cannot reject such a powerful influence the absolute can make the impossible seem inevitable I took up my oath long ago when I swore bloody Vengeance against any who defied love now I myself have sinned against the Spider Queen though my faith is shattered my oath endures I am sworn to destroy all those who serve the absolute [Music] it is not Noble it is necessary if we do not destroy the cultists they will destroy everything we are all that stands between this world and annihilation a disparate collection of vagabonds and strays did you have anyone particular in mind he's been deprived of freedom and strong blood for so long that he is addicted to both while those addictions have their hold on him he is still a Slave no he is well aware that I would exsanguinate him entirely if he flashed his fangs of me oh and while you live you'll be enslaved to your appetites and hungers we all feed on something and if we are deprived of it we will fight for it but historian is not only bound to his needs and desires he is still bound to something more powerful his master he will only be free when kazador is dead and that is as it should be when the time comes we must hope that he does not only take kazador's long life but the power that has sustained him as well good I do not like to stand the idol you wish to consult me a disparate collection of vagabonds and Strays did you have anyone particular in mind it would have been better for us had she embraced Shah and claimed the power of the goddess but it is better for shadow heart to be free of that poisonous influence [Music] the very concept of Charlotte is self-indulgent they would have you think every whispered word and hidden thought is of value but it is not so I have performed a thousand interrogations squeezing out the most guarded Secrets held in heart mind and soul tell you this when the trivial Parts have been whittled away and I have sifted through what remains in most cases person amounts to nothing nothing not directly my memories were not removed they were obscured by The absolute's Voice by its presence the tadpole is a conduit for that voice not its origin and while the prism protects us the absolute cannot reach us as for the tadpoles themselves for the moment I do not believe they are malevolent they are incubating within our brain matter not feeding on it is there a reason you chose me as your Confidant in this matter foreign as you should but I am not sure that I can trust you there are those within Mensa baranson that we call Khalif cartham those driven by Blood they are the mad lost to all reason to nobody even lauth malicious and brutal as she is cannot abide them they kill and cannot say why so they are destroyed for the greater good when you speak to me of Yearning and urges to kill I fear you are like them controlled by a bloodlust that you do not comprehend I would kill you without hesitation but for you to even speak of this to me shows that if there is a Madness in you it does not own you yet if it ever takes you I will be there to put you down
Channel: TerakJK
Views: 18,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3, Baldurs Gate, BG3, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, Larian Studios, Baldur's Gate 3 Bug, Baldur's Gate 3 Gameplay, Baldur's Gate 3 Cutscene, Baldurs Gate 3 Gameplay, Baldur's Gate 3 Barbarian, The Dark Urge, Baldur's Gate 3 Dark Urge, Baldur's Gate 3 The Dark Urge, Dark Urge, Baldurs Gate 3 Dark Urge, Baldurs Gate 3 The Dark Urge, Minthara, Baldur's Gate 3 Minthara, Minthara Baldur's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3 Minthara
Id: Lo-rfj02BEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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