Level 7 Mid Game Class / Multiclass Tier List Baldur's Gate 3

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let me tell you something let me tell you something wait wait hello guys and welcome today we're going to be going through the level seven tier list we're no longer in the early game it's officially mid game so let's look at our classes first of all the graph the left is level six on the right is level seven so the biggest swing is Paladin really it really got a major buff now it has its order of hate or of wording guys or of Waring crazy good ability the rest pretty much didn't move a lot so let's start with our Paladin today we're we're not starting with barbarians why should we they've been getting preferential treatment for a long time but they haven't been s since level three I think not even on level three disgusting okay so paladins at level seven now remember when we were talking about the order of protection now you can also get a of wording if you are out of the engines this means that you effectively have resistance to magical damage and not just you also your entire party but they also get your charisma modifier added to their save saves so you can effectively reduce the damage they would take from a spell to a quarter of it this is amazing and you can do your smites remember that's just a passive feature you don't have to use an ability for it and you can do three smites in one turn because you can use pamel as a bonus action and get that extra attack in so three smites lots of burst very good defend options for your party heavy armor radiant damage which is really important in act two I just don't see paladins as being bad even a pure Paladin is going to be great great great at this point in the game so let's move up to the other SS now actually let's move up and then we'll go down so Sorcerers why are Sorcerers good at level seven well because Sorcerers are incredibly good again now they do get level four spells which admittedly they're not the strongest spells in the game wall of fire is good ice storm is good but again not the strongest of spells very good for controlling the battlefield but damage wise not too great however what they can do at level four is Twin haste thr Fireball and then bonus action another Fireball and that's good enough it's more than good enough it's great it's possibility the strongest damage you can do and when you twin some maybe I don't know your B they can make up to nine attacks in that turn if it's a sword B A swords B so let's look at BS BS got their extra attack on level six sword SPS and now they can do slashing flares twice for each attack that means four attacks right and bonus action another attack with a hand crossbow very good have attacks on each turn which resets well they do have a limited amount of paring inspiration but you get them back on a short rest so you can do this twice effectively right and if you cast haste on them they can do nine attacks in the first turn and burst is very good because it can carry the fight you can take out two if you can take out two enemies these are two enemies that are not going to be taking actions so it's permanent CC so it's very very good now you guys mentioned sords Parts um sorry you guys mentions mentioned low Parts in the comments and cutting words and yes while that is useful that is actually not as good as a swordart so yeah you can't do hold person and use cutting words on your enemy to ensure that they are stand and that's very good but again that requires your party to go in melee and smug it yeah effectively you're just doubling the damage of another class so why not just be the other class right yeah um okay let's look at the S tiers now so we have cleric Monk and Wizard and Druid so why is cleric s well as we said level seven is most of the times takes part in act two and act two is greatly vulnerable to radiant damage so you can use your channel Divinity as a light cleric and win fights just by doing that and you can do that twice per short rest or you can throw Fireballs admittedly Barts at level at level not BS sorry clerics at level seven get fourth level spells which are not that great like punishment it feels a little bit of a scam because usually it has about 50% chance to succeed and you banish the other person for two turns so you lose your turn and half of the time they don't lose a turn and and the other half of the time they lose two turns so it's effectively you're trading your turn for a turn of another class so that's not great um you're L expected number of turns balances so we are not getting action economy now what is really good is Guardian of faith for fourth level spells and that does very good damage or you can upcast your spiritual weapon again though you have Spirit Guardians which does radiant damage you have the guardian of Faith which does radiant damage you have your channel Divinity that does radiant damage and also you can be a life cleric and just heal your party for a lot and do the combo let me just quit again Shadow heart do your thing everybody gets rage you get rage you get Blade wart you get a bless you get a bless and you get a bless combo just gives everyone blade wart and it gives them bless if you have the right items and that's just way too strong at this point in the game now monks why do monks get us monks have their extra attack at this point they have their Aura wholeness of body and of course I'm talking about open power monks shadow Shadow Monks are a tier below and then as we said don't go among of the elements guys really not worth it evasion is good the Stillness of mind is good you still do a lot of damage you can be TN brawler and all your punches do good significant damage I don't see a reason why this would be a bad class you do a lot of attacks consistently your attacks also do radiant damage if you had open Pal if you choose that sub type of damage so very good for act two then we have the wizard now the wizard spell list again on level four and see fire Shield not great blight especially act two is a horrible spell to have but what a good spell here is is is a wall of of fire and I storm just like the sorcerer so you can still do Fireball and you can still do summons if you're a necromancer you can upcast your sumon your anime dead and summon four skeletons or four zombies which do very good damage can also do conjure minor Elementals because you can use your Arcane recovery so you can do that twice uh so you can have minor Elementals and four zombies or four skeletons so four skeletons are four attacks that do 1 D6 Plus One D 10 neotic plus your proficiency plus two or three which is the dexterity of the skeleton so you're doing four attacks consistently and you're throwing Fireballs so I just can't see this being bad this is very good then up next we have the Druid now why Druids good well Druids at this level get this spell right here conjure Woodland beam which summons a dad which can also summon a woodw the woodw is a very good front liner the dryer is a very good CC and it gives an AA to the party and you can also polymorph as a Mund Druid to an Al bear well all of them can but the Mund Druid does it for a bonus action or a sports Druid would get four zombies and and the temporary HP AA so you have a lot of Salmons or you can be very strong and have Salmons it's just purely good and you can be an ow bear which has enough HP and enough strength and keep in mind if you do take the tab brawler Feit as a druid your Al bear attacks are going to be doing additional damage and they're going to be more likely to heal hit it's a very good spot to be in as a Droid so that's the s- classes let's go to the a ones no no a ones so let's go well actually warlocks are a okay so let's go to the warlocks why warlock a so the the only reason why why warlocks are a at this point is because they get their spells there are fourth level spells back on the short rest and even though there's not a lot of good warlock spells they get bled which is horrible they get dimension door which is not ideal they get punishment punishment not great but what they can do is they can do armor of atis and Fireball up casted right or wall of fire so essentially the F warlock gets a bump above everyone else at this point a VAR BL tentacles not that great for spells means up casted fireballs and you can do that twice per short rest and that's good enough like you're doing enough damage and you have more more high levels Fireballs than the rest so it's good it's not great in my opinion like the sorcerer outshines the Warlock by far at this point in the game so up next we have barbarians and Fighters now Barbarians at level seven get a small bonus to initiative all right not not amazing so they're still level B like they're being outscaled at this point but they're tank enough to be still VI very viable we also have the fighters which get they either get another superiority Dice and two Maneuvers they can get like don't don't go ELR KN guys it's you get level two spell slots what is this like no war magic is cool but it doesn't use extra attack so it's just bad because you're using an action to cast a bad spell so that you can do a bonus action attack no no don't don't don't Champion is all right but the Buffs it gets is like a level one spell jump right and they also get proficiency so they also get guidance like half guidance on some spells on on some abilities right Constitution checks dexterity checks and and strength checks you could say Proficiency in dexterity is also an initiative booster I'm not 100% certain again very minor Buffs very very very minor Buffs I wouldn't consider them strong at this point so they're both B and then we have the C classes now I know you guys don't like it when I when I dis on the ranger let me tell you something let me tell you something wa what I will say hunters get a good a good buff here especially yeah especially this one the multi-attack defense it can effectively really be useful if you're wearing good armor and if you're wearing maybe the cloak of displacement or of protection and you're buffing your armor a lot you can be a very good tank however you have to get hit once so why is this better than rage it's not so you're are worse than a barbarian and you're not doing as much damage as a Barbarian so why not just be a barbarian now if you go for the the Beast Master they get a your Beast get a minor buff now they can Dodge disengage and help help is good because it can help with the action economy but they die so easily your summons that is not really useful now you can use the spider and spam web on the enemy and use help on your allies and that could be viable but it would require you to play specifically around that it just doesn't feel good so Fighters might might be getting a a smaller a smaller paff right now than what you are getting as a as a Ranger but they were already much better than you to begin with also barbarians now rogues rogues also get evasion but you know what other class gets evasion MKS and they also get Stillness of mind and they can do six attacks in one turn while you can do three attacks right and one of them has a for 46 sneak D so 46 sneak D versus three attacks that are T and BR and a reaction extra attack and even better Buffs at this level it's just you're getting outshine you're getting outshined big time what I will say about the Rogues is that they are very useful outside of combat and we have to give it to them they have expertise they can steal stuff but I'm Mo mostly focusing on combat here and you can cheese a lot of things with the rad and again if you go the scroll route so you steal Scrolls and you just use them during combat with your action and two bonus action attacks then effectively you can be very good you can be S tier right because you can summon Elementals at this point steal a sumon Elemental spell and then do two extra attacks and then next turn do an ice storm and two extra attacks that's good but that requires consumables and that's sort of uh not looking at the class on its own yeah so this is the tier list now let's just look at it purely as it is by itself now I do link this the spreadsheet in the in the description guys so here are the classes sorcerer power Paladin and Bart are the best monk cleric wizard Druid tier two and then the rest are actually quite quite a lot worse now let's look at the multiclass options I'm not going to go through the a ones but I will go through some cool combinations and my favorite combinations so as you know storm sorcerer I'm a s for storm Sorcerers I'm always going to have them as plus plus from this point onward they have very good damage it scales very well you have versatility you have cleric spells you have wizard spells you have sorcerer meta magic is just way too strong but it's a little bit more Bey but keep in mind it's a Charisma class guys and Charisma classes are very good for main characters now and Constitution saving throw so you can always con maintain your concentration right so it's better than the sorcerer it's one of the few classes that are better than the sorcerer now other s+ classes is the fighter Paladin now we know that paladins are good because they have a lot of burst now give them two levels in fighter and now they can do five attacks in the first turn which will all have smites because they have enough Smite slots now so their best is going to be very significant and then you're going to be able to carry the fight yes you will run out of resources very fast but you will your enemy will run out of HP very fast as well so then one of my favorite ones this is this one I actually played with is the Warlock Paladin you go five levels in Warlock and two levels in Paladin and you get level three spell slots and smites from the Paladin so you can effectively do two big smites every turn consistently per short well not consistently but per short rest and right and and on subsequent turns you can do the Paladin smites so this is a very consistent build that does a lot of damage in every fight so you don't have to Long rest as much so it's a little bit more convenient then we also have the the Barbarian monk this is good because the r of the of the Barbarian works very well with monks especially with the amount of attacks they do you it gives additional damage it makes a monk tankier it makes the monk being able to carry a shield so their Armor class increases even further medium armor proficiency and at this point you can get the Yanti armor which adds 14 plus your Dex modifier you can also put on the gloves of dexterity maximize your strength or drink a h giant strength potion and your attacks are going to be healing like a track and you're going to be tanky as a track and you're going to be very good at saves for AOE effects so very very good at this point now you also have the wizard cleric and if cleric is s wizard cleric is s+ because now you have access to level four wizard spells or level three wizard spells so you can be a live cleric and still have Fireball at this point you only need the headband of intellect and you can do incredible healing incredible damage you can have someons it's just better if cleric is s wizard is S Plus then you have the wizard sorcerer again it plus because you have more options uh this will give you more options in spells but it requires you to be a bit mad it also works very well though so it's pretty much very similar to the the pure sorcerer it's just one level of wizard now one level of wizard with B now you can consistently cast haste on yourself and do those nice nine attacks right perfect you can actually do real spells like Fireball and you don't have to focus on the bad B spells which I know you guys might not like when I this on the B spells let's look at them confusion okay AOE but to be honest I've never used this in the campaign so maybe this one is okay but it requires for your enemies to be together and you know what happens when your enemies are close together you can Fireball them and they die and when they are dead it's better than when they are confused right unless they attack their enemies I guess uh but it's a good spell okay in all seriousness it's a good spell but it's the only good spell let's look at this dimension door no combat Effectiveness it's good for exploration though freedom of movement yeah so you're going to be having to use your best spell slot so that one of your allies who is is not going to be targeted if he has freedom of movement can have freedom of movement sure greater invisibility big wi because it actually goes away when you attack for some reason they didn't actually implement it like regular invisibility in bers gate and polymorph which doesn't work like polymorph does in 5 so it's a bad polymorph and a bad polymorph whilst the Wizards Wall of Fire and Ice Storm thanks for subscribing k l so ice storm one of the best spells of level four it can actually make your enemies fall prone while trying to run at you and the mechanic when they fall prone is that they ler turn which is crazy good like falling prone in this game is probably one of the strongest crowd controls you can do and they consistently fall for it and they take damage it only lasts two turns but it's more than you need it's very useful and it does it effectively if you think about the action economy of this you use one action and your enemy loses your enemy team loses about two to four actions per turn very good wall of fire very good very consistent damage you can push enemies back in uh there's some fights that it's really useful in so wizard spells greater than b spells and you can also get the level three ones which is Fireball crazy good haste the strongest buff really lightning bolt again if you are playing the um if you can if you can throw water at the enemy or make them wet this can C fights hypnotic pattern I mean they both get it let's be honest hang of Hadar again an amazing spell so animate dead I mean it doesn't compare it just doesn't compare like this will make even your low B good because you can effectively Force the saving throws on your on your enemies to to fail then we have the S tier classes which is Paladin Paladin cleric again you get the extra bonus action attack you miss out on the a ofing so it's a little bit worse than a pure Paladin in my humble opinion been anything but humble uh but I've also added here a cool a cool one which is the sorcerer fighter why is this good because you can action search it's two levels of fighter and five levels of sorcerer you can do Fireball action search another Fireball and then with with your bonus action if you have prepared a an extra third level spell slot with your sorcery points before battle then you can do Quicken another Fireball so it's three fireballs and what did we say two Fireballs is better than one Fireball well three fireb three Fireballs is better than two Fireballs so this is good but it's like a one off effect and then you run out of spell slots so it it is better as the as the game progresses it gets better and also the Rogue monk is good because you can go one level in Rogue and get the expert and the skills while also being a mon which is better than a rogue so again also very good so that's that's my tier list guys again thank you for watching thank you for being here subscribe if you enjoy the content I will be transitioning to Starfield over the over the next week but I have pre-made pre-recorded some videos about balers gate and I will be uploading those and yeah I'm not going to forget about balor's gate and I will definitely return after I finish with Bal with with Starfield to balor's gate because it was such an amazing game expect my Rie coming up soon yeah see you around guys
Channel: Sawash93
Views: 4,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Baldur's Gate 3, Multiclass, Tier list, tier, list, tierlist, BEST, ANALYSIS, LEVEL, ACT2, ACT 2, LEVEL 7, MID GAME, BEST MID GAME BUILDS, BEST CLASS, BEST MULTICLASS, BEST MAIN CHARACTER
Id: Uyvq6JaOD0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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