[Baldur's Gate 3] Bard/Fighter Multiclass Build Guide! (So You Wanna Be A Bard?)

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hello and hey just found with ballersgate 3 so you want to be a brad tubular let's dive in bards are a dime a dozen but true bards are not anyone can learn a skill to perform for coin but a depth of knowledge musical Acumen and A Touch of Magic is what makes a true Bard sword over their contemporaries at level 1 we are already a polished act excellent with the instrument of our choosing and a smooth talker in any conversation bards are skillful versatile and in our case lethal a stat line I'm recommending make changes as you see fit would be eight strength 16 dexterity 14 Constitution 8 int 12 wisdom 16 Charisma there's an alternate version where we care about strength instead of decks but we're dumping that stat for this build though jump distance and carry capacity always feels sad this way 16 dexterity because Dex is the near omnistat it will allow our sleight of hand and stealth checks to shine Armor class initiative and for this build chance to hit and damage rolls super important we always need hit points and don't like having many characters below 14 con intelligence is a dump stat from the umpteenth time 12 wisdom can be split off with strength but I like it for Save skills and perception which is a skill yes but not one the game lets you choose to roll for actively that often it's good for spotting very treasure hidden objects or traps and Charisma could be dumped for this build considering how we get our bardic Inspirations in Baldur's Gate 3 but we won't even though with expertise on a dumped Charisma we could still serve as a serviceable face for the party our spell save DCs are based on this and we will be a decent little spellcaster particularly after our martial Nova round has ended plus we can shred out a little better and I like that speaking of bardic inspiration at first level we get three charges that can be handed out to allies for 1d6 to be added to an attack roll ability check or saving throw but don't let your teammates get too used to always having this little bonus we're gonna be real selfish real soon at level 2 we get Jack of all trades a feature that lets us add half of our proficiency bonus to Ability checks in skills we are not proficient and song of rest which gives our party the effects of a short rest as an out of Combat Action just insanely good let's all of your short rest focused classes pop off one more time on an adventuring Day level three we become the more selfish version of ourselves go to college College of sorts bro we are interested for one reason and one reason alone slashing flourish slashing flourish at the cost of one of your Bardock inspiration allows you to shoot two Targets and because Ballers Gate 3 we can make both attacks against the same Target I overlooked this myself until people in the comments brought it to my attention thank you for that it plays even nicer with extra attacks later but for now it's a sustained form of damage getting three attacks per turn for the first four turns of combat incredible for level 3. we also get a fighting style that is completely irrelevant to us it's possible dueling could come up at some point so I guess that one but the choice is completely yours of course don't forget to choose your skills for expertise focusing in on what your Bard excels at solidify their place as they face or the sneaky lock picker again totally up to you and of course we get second level spells level four is straightforward we're taking a feat capitalizing on the sheer number of attacks we will be able to do in these short couple levels we'll grab Sharpshooter it'll be tough to hit reliably but the damage output is so immense from this feat cannot pass it up level 5 we get third level spells font of inspiration which makes our bardic Inspirations come back on short rest that's so many rounds of attacks in a day now and our Bardock inspiration is now a d8 if we're being a helpful team player which I assure you I am not zipping right along we reach level 6 and extra attack now we have access to our Nova round that's four attacks for your attack action at the cost of half your Bardock inspiration pool if you're hasted from some Source you can blow them all for eight attacks nine if we use our bonus action for an offhand shot like we said we're pretty inaccurate but if we hit an average amount at this level not too much is going to be able to come back for seconds we also get counter charm where as an action can give yourself an allies within 30 feet 9 meters advantage on savings that I was against being Charmed or frightened for three rounds and that's a good time as I need to mention I hope that you're taking utility spells with your Spell choices I don't want to tell you which ones to take as the rest of the party may already cover things that I suggest specifically but taking these types of spells will allow you to contribute to the sustained damage member's success after your burst damage has been expended crowd control spells like hold person fear hypnotic pattern or even the Sleep Glyph of warding are great uses of Your Action as your inaccurate attacks won't have the same punch if you're out of bartic inspiration and you can always make an offhanded attack after that may or may not be affected by the accuracy penalty depending on when larion fixes that about dual crossbows and on top of that this is the obligatory spot in the video where I open up the leveling some of you will take Bard all the way to eight others will drop it off here making your Bard a fourth or fifth level spellcaster has its obvious merits but in the spirit of focusing in on a singular purpose in this case burst damage I'll be jumping off the Bard wagon right into the arms of fighter at level seven we will take our first level of fighter the archery fighting style get medium armor and shield proficiency and second win for women to pitch right away level 8 we get action Surge from Fighter 2 2 more attacks or an attempt to crowd control before launching into our onslaught of crossbow shots and then at level 9 we already again have another choice if we'd like to spread ourselves thin on multi-classing but I will take a third level of fighter at character level 9 becoming a battle master I like some of the Maneuvers thematically for The Bard but mechanically there's one we really want to help Precision attack using this and it costs nothing to use except the superiority die allows our next attack to add 1d8 to our attack roll this affects both shots of slashing flourish beautiful Synergy for others I really like distracting attack to give party members advantage and the last one is choice of the taster go trip attack goading attack or menacing attack always have to control the enemy in some form at character level 10 you could start to focus on getting your Asis as we still only have the one ouch Bart 8 Fighter 4 very strong you can get decks up and or cross Hospital expert or we can triple down on the burst and swing our focus into Rogue levels I'll be exploring the latter at Rogue one we get another skill plus expertise in two we're absolutely a scale monkey at this point sneak attack of only D6 won't break anything at this character level but every little bit helps Rogue two is cunning actions of high disengage and dash standard Affair and the last level of our character will pick up assassin hoping to get our surprise round and rival the popular Gloom stalker Battle Master assassin with an entertained man of our own you're going to annihilate one or more targets at the start of combat but with our low accuracy it could be a pretty pitiful showing as well that's just a fair warning missing those extra Asis is sub-optimal but if we leverage our Precision attacks and get Advantage from assassin on targets that have not gone yet it's explosive 300 damage rounds easy peasy so we'll show that and while we're showing that we can talk about items which again we're about two weeks after launch some people are fully knowledgeable of every interesting rare very rare and legendary in the game while people I know aren't even out of act one yet so I will refrain this time from specific items in the interest of just getting the ideas which levels could be beneficial without spoiling items for frankly myself or a large chunk of viewers that just want to see the interesting concept not the granular fine details again I will open up the comments to people to say which items they think would be most beneficial so if you'd like to avoid spoilers don't read too many down there but for those that want to discuss what they're using or what they think is best go nuts always fun to compare if you keep it cordial and that'll about do it for me hope to catch you in the next one as always thanks for watching thanks for listening be safe guys foreign [Music] [Music] beautiful foreign
Channel: Ghostzapper
Views: 22,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, Baldur's Gate 3, bg3 bard, bg3 fighter, bg3 bard build, bg3 bard multiclass, multiclass, guide, bg3 best bard build
Id: aS0GchKa9RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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