Baldur's Gate 3 - 16 Secrets & Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - GAME CHANGING Tips & Tricks!

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hello and welcome back once again to rage gaming and of course more Boulders gate today we're back for another episode of useful or interesting things you didn't know this Series has basically become my way to learn more weird and often awesome tricks to use in my own playthroughs but hey you can benefit too many of the things today comes from you guys in the comments making your suggestions offering your own tips so as always thank you to everyone who gets involved with that said let's just get started we're beginning today's episode back in Act 2 for a specific tip that a lot of people keep commenting on every one of these videos so I'm finally talking about it I am standing here in the underd dark to the Southwest at the Arcane Tower as you enter the Arcane Tower and come in on the ground floor on the North side is a balcony and that's where I'm standing now right next to me is this mysterious chest of the mundane which just so happens to have some random mugs which happen to weigh very little let's take that later out and suddenly it's turned into a green pair of boots with feather fall on them the spoon was actually a scroll of protection from Good and Evil we have Mage Armor we have some gold and even a bomb and then when I put the item back in there it turns back to a fork back to a random item that weighs very little this tip was most voted on the original video of this series by felona Fate so thank you for highlighting that essentially then what this is is a bag of holding in a manner of speaking you can take all the stuff that weighs a lot let's take some of my armor like my gloves my boots and my helmet and you see that it represents what quality it is now cuz I put it in and so I know so that's a green which is the pair of boots with featherfall and then we have my other armor pieces that blue and then a purple mug oh very rare but the difference here with mug is it weighs 0.05 which is basically nothing when it's the helmet it weighs a full singular weight so you can come here and pick up the chest weighing 20 plus whatever is actually in it we can take a look and take the things out whenever we want and equip them and that's basically an incredible way to reduce the weight weight of everything you're carrying certainly something you won't want to miss in act two like I did however it was David Crawford on my most recent episode that replied to one of these many popular comments about this chest saying that this chest is apparently known to bug out and might even brick the items inside making them say a plate permanently so if you are choosing to store really good loot in here you've got to be careful make frequent saves so if something goes wrong you can go back there's an item limit of 150 so exceeding that limit could be according to David Crawford what's causing that bug and while I'm back in act two I'll also show you another thing from the comments of last time kunon in the comments highlighted a really important aspect of using non-lethal attacks last time we mentioned there's a passives tab you might not realize and here you can toggle on and off a lot of different features one great aspect of that for everyone is toggling non-lethal attacks so when you press this suddenly you will never killing blow whatever you're actually fighting that might be useful when dealing with certain NPCs and specifically where I'm at here in act two in the shadow cursed lands there's these Vine enemies that blow up when you kill them but since I'm on non-lethal attacks right now when I kill this one instead it will be simply knocked out as you can see so it will lay on the floor at one Health and thankfully it won't blow up I can also loot it before the fight ends and deal with the scenario ahead of me now let's turn off non-lethal attacks move away and then we'll finish it off when it's knocked out and it'll blow up but I moved away because I used nonlethal and managed to situation in that way so cool little gameplay detail especially useful in new playthroughs next up we're back on the main save to show you a little detail to do with passives that can actually be really useful this comes from jareth Thompson in the comments it's about weapons that produce life so let's equip one I have the legendary spear here that yet generates quite a lot of Light which can be quite pesky in terms of stealth let's try and stealth now as you can see I am in a c of shaded spots so this should be a halflight symbol that we're looking at but it's a full sun symbol because of my my very bright light that's just on my back if you have a weapon like this and it's causing this type of issue well then yeah you can just go to your passives tab the symbol looks like this and in this case for the weapon I just need to press this and turn the light off and now the symbol is there the halfon symbol to show that I am slightly obscured making stealth and other interactions like that so much easier when you're using a weapon of this nature suddenly weapons that have inherent light aren't basically a downside for a good chunk of the game something I absolutely didn't think of myself so thank you for that next up we have one from Garrick devel let's say you have a chest that you can't currently lockpick maybe I don't happen to have the Rogue in my party or any reason really that you just can't currently open a chest you can instead just choose to take it although it says steal here considering the circumstances I'm in and it'll just put it in my backpack at which point we can just go to Camp take it out of our inventory and put it on the ground this will then stay in the camp forever and so whenever I'm ready to actually open it lockpick it use the spell bring someone in swap a companion whatever it is I'm ready to open it it's there good to go whenever we want to this can also be useful if say someone in your party can't reach a chest like often thieves and the ones that can lockpick are lower in strength so you could have a higher strength character reach it jump up to that ledge get to the chest take it go back to the camp and here we are opening it in that scenario so potentially a useful tip our next tip comes from trash 13 this one is one that I knew but actually it should be in the series because it might be something you're missing out on if you you have your characters trigger during the initiative tracker at the same time it actually means you can choose to take their actions in any order you like in this case you can see that I have my monk main that's currently taking the first turn but following that is Shadow har and Gail so what I could do instead of just taking my turn immediately on the monk that is offered to me in terms of order is swap to Gail then I can give haste to my monk so that he has a much better turn and maybe even then reposition Gail who's a bit too close in this fight in particular before then taking my Monk's turn so if your party members are up next to each other in the initiative order remember you can swap between them and take their turns in whatever order you prefer next up we have one from s Joey who mentions how to best interact with Merchants based on the Charisma thing we talked about last time basically as I go to interact with this Merchant you can see at the bottom right my attitude with him but it's also Modified by the Charisma that I have on this character this build it's particularly low the interesting thing here is if you were to swap to a character that has higher Charisma it actually won't change the values uh of what's being sold here so the scroll of mirror image is 163 and on my low Charisma character it's still 163 why is that well it's because you need to actually start the conversation with the person that has the highest Charisma so now that Scroll of mirror image is 130 noticeably cheaper because of the higher charisma at which point however we can swap to any of the other characters ones that yeah have lower Charisma and it will still be cheaper because the person that currently interacted began the conversation was again my high Charisma character so even though all the stuff is actually on a different character you just need to make sure you start the conversation then you can swap over and make the most of that Charisma so thank you for that addition Joey that's an important thing to know for our next one I'm back to talk about backpacks our apparent favorite Topic in this series they're just so useful now very quickly basically backpacks can be a great way to generate a lot of storage like let's say all of my potions you know they're disarrayed so I could go to sort by type and then organize them and okay here are all my potions but still have to Salt through them instead why not just put all of my potions into a backpack and then I can open my potion backpack and seal my potions very smoothly that was the tip right but let's talk about a different way you can make use of something like a backpack why not turn it into a bomb an offensive weapon we can take something like Alchemist fire and put it into the backpack what I'll do is just take one out and press prep for the Showcase though so my backpack has a bunch of Alchemist Fire Within it it's basically like a loaded bomb instead of just throwing one Alchemist fire at a Target I can throw 10 in one go then all I need to do to set it off is throw something explosive or use a fire arrow or something of that nature and instead of blowing up one Alchemist fire I'm blowing up 10 in one go which deals noticeably more damage also it Stacks the fire up as you saw there was multiple ticks of burning on the ground so backpacks can actually be a way to throw multiple throwing items in one use if you know something's really weak to like a certain element or something and you have a potion that would work for that you could hype up the potency of your attack by putting in a backpack and blowing that up this tip comes from kpr2 on our original video it's something I've wanted to include next up I want to talk about summons in a couple different ways just some cool uses of them we'll start with the incredible Ravens now this comes from a pair of gloves that you can get in Act Two The Raven gloves and it lets you summon a raven without actually being like a Summoner or something just by having them equipped so that's pretty cool and a good way to get one Ravens are pretty awesome because they come with Ren Vision causing blind for one turn so just for that alone they're one of the best summons but also obviously they can fly which allows them to get to places that you otherwise couldn't say up to this top wall or higher like maybe you get onto like a roof like so this can help you get to areas that you yourself just couldn't maybe you don't have access to teleporting or fly yourself in your group or very early game to be honest in act one if you're using flying Summons of any kind something like this can be very useful I mean even here in the lower City this is just a great example of these rooftops and getting around like this can be really cool the thing about this though is summons can go do tasks for you like for example get to places you can't sh but then pull levers for you go press buttons and activate things in your honor so when it comes to animals and summons and so on this is one that I'm excited to show you let's just take house in here and turn him into quite a funny tiny little cat which is strange for a big fellow like him but there you go we've got this small little cat and in front of us we have a gate that's locked Let's Pretend for the sake of this clip I have no way to get through this door I don't have the key I can't lockpick it but I do have my little cat companion the thing about my cat companion here is that it can't quite just walk through the Gap that it kind of looks like it should be able to you know it's a small little cat but what you can do is jump for some reason it just allows me to fit straight through the smaller G G in the middle so yes through shape shifting through Animal Companions you can fit through small gaps and get to places you otherwise simply wouldn't have access to and that is really cool obviously a small companion or animal like this can also fit into the small Burrows you'll find around the world to see what's on the other side of those on that note sure you can have summons move around and do things for you pull levers or whatever but if you don't have summons or transformed allies to get to these places there is always the option to use range attacks for example the lever over there obviously I don't have to go touch I can just shoot it and it will actually activate it and open that I learned that from the official balers gate Twitter account so yeah they're worth following for tips like this too you know and yeah it fits right into a series like this but there you have it another set of useful and interesting things you can use in your own gameplay a massive thank you to everyone making these suggestions there's always new things I had no idea about if you have more tips and ideas that you think most people aren't making use of then you could drop them in the comments and maybe make it into another video for now though I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 100,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 druid forms, mundane chest, quothe the raven, alchemist fire, baldurs gate 3 damage, baldurs gate 3 act 3, act 3, baldurs gate 3 gold, gold, baldurs gate 3 best spell, best weapon, best spell, baldurs gate act 2, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 side quests, baldurs gate 3 magic items, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, class, ragegamingvideos
Id: Qga6run6kAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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