7 Hidden Spell Interactions in Baldur's Gate 3

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first up is salon's dream salon's dream is a spell granted from the item Amulet of saloon chosen this spell heals an ally for 1d8 and has a chance to put your ally to sleep now while this can be useful on allies with Fay ancestry since they can't be put to sleep a hidden use for this is getting a Trader friendly with you by donating to them until their attitude reaches 100 which actually then turns them into an ally once they're an ally you can then cast salon's dream on them putting them to sleep once they're asleep you can steal back the items you donated to make them friendly with you and then take everything else that they have now feain death also works for this but can only be learned by certain classes and with salon's dream any class can steal everything from any traiter while they're sleeping now this probably isn't how Saloon intended her amulet to be used but when it comes to thievery you take what you can get now the Amulet of salon's chosen can be found all the way at the back of the goblin Camp behind the throne room and the dead mind flare and if you like that trick don't forget to click that like button and subscribe for more balers Gate 3 videos number two is Scarlet remittance Scarlet remittance is a condition that grants a stacking plus one bonus to attack rolls damage and spell save DC from the dagger called rapity granting up to plus three for every foe you slay but what the item doesn't say is that you can also get stacks of scarlet remittance from destroying items such as barrels jars or any type of item with a health bar so you can get your three stacks of scarlet remittance before you ever go into combat that from a long rest not only that but the buff actually stays on you after you take the dagger off so you can pass the dagger onto another character break a few pots get your three stacks of scarlet remittance and then rinse and repeat passing from character to character it's almost like an Unholy ritual passing the dagger around for a buff which can be very good when applied to your whole party number three is lesser restoration lesser restoration cures diseases poisons paralysis or blind kindness but what the spell doesn't say is that it also cures bloodless now bloodless is caused by aerion's vampire bite and while you might not think to use vampire bite on your own party getting the happy condition on aarion grants plus one to all attack rolls saving throws and most ability checks until long rest so there is an advantage to getting this before you reach combat and since bloodless is easily cured by lesser restoration the only thing you lose is a spell slot unless you get at the Sylvanas necklace this item is found in the Druid Grove under a rock and allows you to cast lesser restoration once per short rest this lets you always keep a Starion with the happy condition and your party without the bloodless condition this is especially useful in areas filled with Undead or constructs where vampire bite can't be used number four is healing Vapors healing Vapors is a spell cast by the water merodon which can be summoned by a druid through the level five spell conjure Elemental or through wild shaped miradon as a level 10 circle of the Moon Druid healing Vapors heals for 2 d8 in an area but it can also be used to reveal invisible characters it can put out fire surfaces which will then create mist and perhaps most importantly it gets targets wet so while this spell might be an AOE heal it can also be a great way to set up a chain lightning that will decimate your enemies because being wet causes vulnerability to lightning and cold and also the Mist does the same thing number five is aid aid is a level two spell from the abjuration school acquired by paladins and clerics this spell heals allies and increases their maximum hit points but what this spell doesn't tell you is that it is the only spell that can be used to heal Undead and construct minions all other healing spells state that they cannot be used on constructs or Undead this makes the spell great for Spore Druid builds and Necromancer builds which utilize summons that can't be healed by healing word Healing Touch Prayer of Healing and so on number six is radiating orb radiating orb causes affected entities to have minus one to attack rolls and sheds bright light in an area surrounding it but what the condition doesn't mention is that it actually Stacks with itself across multiple items that all Grant the same condition that means you can get your enemies to have massive losses to their attack roles and miss all the time items like luminous gloves Grant radiant damage one stack of radiating orb C cation ring grants radiating orb upon spell damage a nice combo with something like magic Missile and then there's luminous armor granting radiating shock wave when the wearer deals radiant damage they cause a radiant shock wave which inflicts radiating orb in a three meter radius which is amazing this can be particularly great in melee range with Spirit Guardians allowing you to put tons of stacks of radiating orb on your enemies as a bonus your ranged attackers will always have light on their targets because because of radiating orb as well and finally number seven is produce flame now this spell is actually pretty underrated this canant trip creates a flame in your hand that sheds a light in a 9 M radius and can be thrown to deal 1 to8 fire damage the reason this spell is underrated is because when it comes to clerics the only other damaging canant trip available is sacred flame if they're not a high Elf or half high elf which grants Firebolt of course produce flame throw also uses an attack roll which means it benefits from things like High Ground bless and so on whereas sacred flame does a difficulty check against the target's dexterity and most enemies you encounter have high dexterity and you'll probably see sacred flame saved more often than not on top of all that the flame persists if you use a wild shaped too so produce flame can be better than you might think especially for clerics and that's my list of seven things with hidden interactions are there any that I missed let me know in the comments and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 61,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, selune's dream, selune, scarlet remittance, lesser restoration, healing vapours, healing vapors, radiating orb, aid, luminous armor, coruscation ring, radiating shockwave, spirit guardians, luminous gloves, produce flame, sacred flame, cleric, high elf, half high elf, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, secret spell interactions, hidden spell interactions, healing word, healing touch, prayer of healing, high ground, attack roll
Id: ZwQnqU-W23U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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