Baldur's Gate 3 - 14 Secrets & Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - POWERFUL Tips & Tricks!

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hello and welcome back to race gaming in a new Baldur's Gate video today we're talking interesting and particularly useful details you probably don't know things that I've learned from playing myself sure but also talking with friends watching a stream and so on the type of things that I honestly wish I knew sooner so hopefully these helped you like they did me but with that said let's begin let's start with our very messy inventories now you should know that it's a good idea to take everything you find because if you take everything you find you can end up vendoring and making good money I'm starting a pile of like 8K gold and I've not really tried to farm gold at any point because of that whatever Camp you're in you will find a traveler's chest which has pretty much infinite loot it seems it just continuously expands and it's pretty insane and hey it means you're not getting weighed down when you carry all this stuff what you probably know then is you can right click something and then choose send to camp and that will instantly send it to this chest which when you come back to the camp you can find the item and just take it out again but let's be honest doing that over and over it takes a lot of time and can be pretty irritating however there's a really cool trick that I was made aware of that will speed up this whole process so by holding Ctrl and clicking on something you'll see that it puts a white box around it that means it's selected and as you can see while holding Ctrl I can left click everything I just want to send to the cam then whenever I right click and choose send to Camp they all go to the camp chest instantly together alternatively you can hold shift and then click and then it will actually highlight everything in your inventory if for some reason you wanted to do that but ultimately this trick is way smoother than individually manually sending everything to the camp one by one and I'm embarrassed to say that I've been doing that for a good few hours of this game so this little trick has been life-changing for me I hope it helps you next let's continue that point now with a Trader tip now most people at this point know you can swap between trade and barter and then you can go to an item click on it to sell and great it's sold we can also choose these tabs to find like specific stuff whether we're trying to sell ingredients in specific but it's a bit slow of a process to do that did you know then you can actually right click on items and choose not Center camp but add to where's it'll put this sort of silver symbol over the item if I take a couple items and make them both wears and then go to the vendor again when I'm in the trade menu you'll see that a new button has shown up at the bottom cell wears so those two items that are marked with the silver icon will instantly sell all at once and just as I showed you before you can hold Ctrl and actually individually click the things so now you've got the multiple things highlighted you can right click and choose add toes and it will turn them all to Wares just like that again letting me press the button in the trade menu to instantly sell them so if you find something in the world that you like yeah I'm definitely going to vendor that you can also just mark it as a where while you're there and then when you go to trade it'll be a very quick process next let's talk about a tip to help with the weight of everything you're carrying so all of your party members start with camp supply sacks and you'll also find food items for when you're doing long rests these things actually have weight and as you gather lots of this the weight actually becomes pretty nasty I mean take a look at the 20 camp supply sack that's 43 way 8 on that individual item the thing is if you send this to your Camp it's going to massively reduce the weight of what you're carrying including all the actual food items and when you go to Long rest what's going to happen is it's going to take from the chest whatever food items and camp supply whatever is in the chest there's no reason for you to actually be carrying around that junk because it can just be in your Camp chest not taking up weight which is a game changer for having more space to carry stuff our next thing to know then is to do with all the crates you'll find in the world of course you can interact with them and loot them and move on with your life but you can also actually right click them and choose pick up and when you take that you'll actually take it from the world and put it yes into your inventory the crates aren't exactly super light though they cost 10 weight per so I wouldn't recommend carrying more than say a couple then from your inventory you can take them and place them on the ground by dragging them like so you can actually begin to stack them up making a little Tower even out of just three then we can jump on top of the crates and hey suddenly we have a height Advantage maybe that height Advantage could be used for ranged actual combat or it can help you solve situations in the world like gaining height so I can actually jump up onto this roof from this position these little towers can be useful in all kinds of ways helping you solve puzzles reach different locations or you know you can actually drop things like this on gas vents to prevent them from spreading out gas which is a great way to deal with that trap this is a classic trick and well worth knowing about in this game what about another ease of Life trick with this one there's two types of inventories when you press I you bring up your own one and when you press tab you bring up the whole party's inventories at once able to interact with them and what's pretty cool about this is the way that you can drag items from each party member to another and the distance doesn't seem to matter at all now also when you're in your own inventory there's a nice search bar that helps you find specific things or even a sort by menu allowing you to sort by the latest things you've just picked up which is really useful their value their weight or even the type if you're looking for maybe just a specific potion these little salt features are incredible and I use this a lot in my individual inventories what I didn't realize for whatever reason is when you're in the group menu that feature still exists it's just moved and pretty subtle at the top left now so when I choose sort by type it sorts everyone's inventory by type all at once which is absolutely incredible and obviously a lot faster than manually doing it individually like I've been doing like a fool with the way that you can use group inventories from whatever distance you can actually do it for rendering if I press G and separate the group individually and then choose say shadow heart and send her to cam I can use this party member to go to the chest and find something that I want to sell like say this shot saw now she has it in in her inventory I'll drag it to my main character who say is the person vendoring then I'll load over to that character who has yes the short sword in his inventory now even though they're clearly very far apart super useful trick okay for our next tip I swear it's the last inventory related one but it's another neat one this is to do with backpacks which as you can see you can actually put in your inventory just like take the crates and if you drop it they'll appear on the ground they might loot them but again if you right click them and pick up it'll go in your inventory like I've just said you can find them all over the world and it's good to have like a couple of them at least because when you open them it essentially is a extra inventory that you can use to organize your own inventory let me give you a clear example I have all these potions that I want to quickly access but sometimes my inventory gets a bit jumbled so when I open it up I'm like alright where are my potions I've got to find them I'll sort by type okay now they're all in a line I'll individually go through them or I can put them into my backpack by just dragging them into the backpack you can see how the number actually goes up to show you what's actually in there how many things are in there so as you can see now that I've put a bunch of stuff in it I can see that stuff and very quickly access it because this is my potion backpack instead of having to scroll through each one I can just go hey look alright here's my potion backpack let me just go look at my potions and there's the healing potion that I'm looking for it allows you to kind of micromanage your inventory to a higher level and could actually be really convenient with that in mind okay here's a tip that instantly helped me in my current party I'm running Gail in my party who is a wizard AKA spellcaster you could even be running him yourself or will for that matter did you know that human characters are just basically proficient with shields generally which means both Gail and will yeah they can use them so what I did is I took a shield and just popped it on Gale which instantly took his AC from 15 to 17 making him a more tanky survivable character just like that plus there's further benefits to putting shields on take the glowing Shield here with its benefit of loving protection once per shot rest if I'm ever put below 50 Health on Gale and take damage I just gain eight temporary hit points which is a major survivability perk for one of my most squishy party members talk about useful and there's so many other things that you can get on a shield that can be also really incredible like AOE lightning reactions saving throw perks and more I started doing this as soon as I realized it and I would recommend it what about a neat trick for your part T management As you move through the world and prep for a fight this has been wonderful for me and something I'd like to highlight now so obviously we're a four-man group we're moving together and if we press G it'll separate and then I can individually control my character then I can click on Gail and individually move him a stereo and individually move him that's great we should all know that but what if I want to move my team in a different way what if I want to put Gail on a high ground specific spot I want to stealth in with the Starion and I want my two more melee fighters to stick together well you can actually do that by clicking on a party member that's in a group and dragging it you can see that it's like changed to the group and as I drag it away it becomes Unchained and now separated by that Gap and I can do the same for Gail separating him from the party again there's a space between him and then Shadow heart and my character but then my character in Shadow heart are still in a group so as I move my character Shadow heart is obviously going to also move and then vice versa with Shadow heart because they're in a two-man group they'll move together meanwhile I can go put Gail oil on high ground and I can take a sterion and stealth into position this is great for moving around the world or preparing for a fight and doing it smoothly and effectively instead of individually doing all four party members one by one because they're all separated which is really annoying this is so much smoother and even if you press G twice it'll group them up again and we can regroup like that little tricks like this just make interacting with the game long term so much better and I love them our next tip is about combat useful items you can apply to yourself your party or enemies and it's all tied to throw when you use throw it'll actually reveal everything you can potentially throw like for example those crates we spoke about earlier now I can pull it out of my inventory and throw it which is neat but what's great about this is if your ally is in desperate need of healing you can take a potion and throw it at them which will sure hit them but then also heal them incredibly useful in general for helping your party but also you can do the same for offensive stuff like taking an acid vial and throwing it for an AOE this gives your non unranged allies a way to actually be ranged fighters in a manner of speaking the thing is take throwing healing potions at your allies you can actually make it more effective at aoeing them take the item itself let's take an individual potion of healing and put it between my party members if I then attack it it will explode in AOE healing multiple allies at once instead of individually throwing at one of them the Allies will need to be grouped up pretty on top of the item for it to really hit them but it does give you a slightly bigger AOE and radius to heal your allies after all if there's an opportunity for you mid-fight to heal multiple allies instead of just one why not right finally the last little tip I want to share with you is to do with Wizards who can permanently learn scroll spells as a passive which is really cool what you need to do is bring up their individual menu and go to spell book where you can find this learn more spells book when you press it it'll show up this whole list of all the Scrolls you have access to and you can permanently learn these spells it'll tell you whether you've trained this spell yet or not and it required different levels of gold for example this will cost 100 gold to learn but did you know that multi-class Wizards can also learn these scroll Spells at just level one that means if I had say a cleric at level 4 who is multi-classed into wizard at level one it can still use this feature to learn a variety of spells that it otherwise wouldn't have access to yet or ever and still cast them which is awesome so a little tip if you're using Wizards or any spellcaster that would benefit from this passive effect but there you have it a bunch of tips and tricks that I found really useful in my own gameplay many of which have been really helpful I hope these things are useful to you too and if you actually have any more tips of this nature not mentioned today maybe you can drop it in the comments you might help someone maybe I'll even include it in a future video for now though I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Jewel again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world of stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 170,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate act 2, act 2 guide, baldurs get best spell, spell scrolls, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 side quests, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 magic items, camp, combat, combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, companion guide, act 1 guide, new player, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, sorcerer, subclasses, gold, level, xp guide, bg, ragegamingvideos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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