13 Gameplay Changing Tips and tricks in Baldur's Gate 3

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here are 14 tips and tricks you may have missed in Baldur's Gate 3 that will honestly change the way you play the game starting out with tip number five no I'm kidding we're starting with tip number one so you know how some NPCs die during the cut scenes in Boulder Escape 3. well it turns out that you can actually interrupt many of the cutscenes before a character gets attacked in order to save them in fact some situations can play out quite differently notice this button on the bottom left that lets you interrupt the cutscene by attacking immediately sometimes you can even save characters using this feature if they're not already scripted to die normally if you don't interrupt this particular cutscene you'll be locked outside of the monastery with a impossible to lock pick door but if you do the door will be wide open and you'll be able to enter number two you might have missed that you could actually trade with anybody in Boulder skate 3. they don't even need to be a Trader now the reason this is really useful is because you can buy the NPC's Quest rewards without even doing their Quest or even if you fail their Quest you can still just go ahead and buy the quest reward for gold to do this open the dialogue screen and at the bottom left you'll see a symbol with a hand and some coins if you click on this it will then open up the trade menu it's not available for every single NPC but it is there for most of them and some NPCs have nothing useful others will show you their Quest items or you can just check what they have before you pickpocketbook tip number three you can really mess with the AI in Baldur's Gate 3. firstly just position your party inside any room and then you can just open the door so your companions can range attack any enemies outside and then before the end of your turn just close it again so enemies lose line of sight and then they won't be able to attack you but melee enemies will still try and run you down open the door come in and start battering you so make sure that you have a crate in your inventory and position it directly in front of the door and this basically acts like an Empire possible barricade so they'll only be able to stand on the other side while you carry on pelting them with arrows like Boromir from Lord of the Rings an effective strategy next we have a tip for parties who don't have Rogues in them so this tip probably applies to absolutely nobody so if you're playing a barbarian who let's be honest has the dexterity of a goldfish and you want to unlock a treasure chest without destroying the loot within this is what you can do just pick it up take it with you to any cliff in the game and simply then throw it off or if you're rather weak you can just use the push ability after throwing the chest on the ground to eat it off the cliff the chest will break and its contents will scatter over the floor below and you can just go and pick it up now there's an even cooler gameplay mechanic than this so let's talk about tip number five most people don't realize this but you can actually get unlimited healing during combat obviously everyone knows that you can just drink a health potion normally but it costs you an action to do do this which means you can't attack but what you can do is use both your own and your companions bonus actions to throw a healing potion and it's even more effective since the healing potion will smash on the ground and heal everyone in a small area so if you group multiple companions together they can all be healed at once meaning that you get even more use out of each health potion but for unlimited healing have your Mage cast veil of blades and then just drop healing potions into it and they'll Smash and repeatedly heal you and dropping items doesn't count as an action tip number six this must be the most effective item in Baldur's Gate 3 whenever you start combat enter turn-based mode and then group your party and just throw a potion of speed on the ground your whole party is gonna get hit by the splash damage of the potion and that's going to give them plus two Armor class advantage on dexterity saving foes and double the movement speed and they also get to take two actions per turn and did I mention this event effect lasts for three turns it's so broken and Powerful giving your entire party this buff I mean imagine if you'd used an even more powerful potion than this tip number seven this is why I pick up multiple boxes in Boulder skate 3. any crates that you find in the environment just go ahead and add them to your inventory and then you can just drop them and start stacking them up on top of each other and then if you right click and climb on top your character will then climb on top them to gain an advantage on any range attacks some people may consider this unnecessary and a waste of time but they haven't seen Star Wars number eight They just added this new feature to Baldur's Gate free that saves you so much time just hold down shift and then you can now select everything individually select the items that you want to organize like your Scrolls or your sellable Loot and if you actually click the items that you want to sell specifically and then right click and go add to Wares now when you visit a merchant you can click on the trade tab at the very top in the middle and then a button appears at the bottom that just lets you sell all of your wares at once much faster than selling everything individually one by one you can also highlight items like food and send it to your Camp companions organize into chess or even drag them onto the floor but good luck picking that up again tip number nine bonus Gate 3 is really too good for its own good because the environment is so interactable that even when you're in an underground basement you can pick up boxes and stack the boxes atop one another and then you can just jump over the walls to access the secret Areas or get past secret passages that you can't be bothered to figure out you can even use it to get through locked doors you can pull the levers from the other side having not even solved the puzzle it is really an exploit but to be honest they should just install ceilings but tip number 10 is to check out this new embroidered t-shirt that embodies the feeling you get when you roll a natural one in Dungeons and dragons you can get one for yourself if you go to the link in the description below but now we actually do have tip number 10. so this may sound unintuitive but you can actually give your characters free stat boosts by equipping items that they're actually never used for example Gail who is a human gets plus two to his armor class from just holding a shield he doesn't even need to be using the shield he's just going to be using his staff and casting spells normally but in the other hand he'll be holding a shield making him even more survivable another example is this dagger which lets you crit on a 19 and 20. but this isn't just for using the dagger it also applies to spells and archery if your character is just holding the dagger so make sure you read item effects and think would this be useful to a character who would never normally wear it next up we have tip number 11. so you know how Baldur's Gate 3 has turn-based combat what if I told you that you can kill enemies without even taking any actions on your turn you see it's actually possible to drop items from your inventory during combat without it costing an action so all you need to do is get your wizard to cast a spell like cloud of daggers or just throw a flask of Alchemist fire to make a burning area on the ground and then you can literally use all the wine and beer that you've bound up until this point and just drop it onto the fire so it explodes dealing even more damage to enemies you can even drop oil barrels and powder kegs onto it as well for ridiculous damage you can quite literally kill enemies before they've even had a turn in combat and now we have tip number 12. in Boulders Gate 3 I like to pick up bodies right click on them and go center cap where I put them in chests and store them there for Necromancer builds these are like ammunition I've always got bodies in Supply so I can dish them out before an encounter and then animate them to battle for me even when there are no other bodies around I just bring my own because I am a prepared necromancer is that weird next we have tip number 60. no I'm only joking it's tip number 13. I found the biggest weakness in Baldur's Gate 3. after getting really annoyed by this Necromancer he kept reanimating the undead I'd had enough of it this time after I killed an enemy I just picked up the body and I put it in my pocket and by doing that the enemy could no longer reanimate the body outplay absolutely outplayed but 14 tips and tricks for bottles of gay three really isn't enough there's so many more things you could do in this game it's just crazy so I'm going to link my other video over here with even more secrets and things you can explore thank you for watching I will see you there out of context this sounds very strange why I store bodies
Channel: ESO
Views: 106,179
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 guide, bg3, bgt, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, eso, bg3 tips, bg3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 mods, bg3 guide, bg3 mods, baldurs gate 3 combat guide
Id: irSSUBqhC6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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