Baldur's Gate 3 - 10 Best MOST POWERFUL Multiclasses in Game - Ultimate Multiclass Guide Round 2!

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hello and welcome back to rage gaming in a new Baldur's Gate video today we're back to talk more multi-classes the simple concept of running more than one class to maximize your potential but of course it can be a risky thing just committing to one class is not only safer but often better but if you know what you're doing you can avoid the various pitfalls and Come Away with some really cool and fun unique playstyles since the response to our first video was so well received we're back again to cover another selection of awesome multi-classes so let's begin we begin with a great concept tied to the College of Swords Bard which as a bad scales very well with Charisma for its spells but as College of Swords we're thinking it's more of a melee Focus bad in this case combining that with just three levels of warlock under the fiend subclass and of course blade packed and you have something very potent here the blade flourishes of The Bard will actually raise your AC your attack potential will be high you've got all these great options in your spells the Buffs especially obviously social options as a bar bharic inspiration plays a big role here being consumed to use those flourish attacks we mentioned at level 8 though in Bard you'll have five uses to work with per short rest which means you can go super hard with them every fight and then just shot rest to recover for the very next fight it synergizes really well with warlock because yeah short restores their spell slots too on top of that warlock spells also scale with Charisma and through the blade pact you can make your melee attacks also scale with Charisma it allows us to Super Pump up our melee damage and our spell damage to one stat which is extremely efficient the Warlock gets those strong passive options for a variety of playstyles and perks whatever you want and of course as bad we also get the Jack of all trades passive adding half our proficiency bonus to Ability checks we aren't proficient in overall we think nine levels into Bard and three levels into warlock makes the most sense at 12. your leveling path may vary though but three levels into bad and three levels into warlock would net you both subclasses as well as The Pact of the blade and then you can put all your remaining levels into Bard next up a build I've been running myself and having a fantastic time with is the Tempest Paladin the brilliant combo of Tempest cleric and Vengeance Paladin forms an ultra burst build all to do with thunderous Smite basically Tempest cleric is able to guarantee a Max damage thunderous Smite due to its Thunder damage this is through destructive wrath a channel Divinity passive that can be used once per shot rest or actually twice at level 6 cleric and above when casting your thunderous Smite you can just choose to use destructive wrath or not and then it means you can max out the damage of that Smite by choice then if it's a crit you'll be able to lead up with a Divine Smite as a reaction attack which can be used multiple times a turn which benefits from the Paladin's extra attack the Divine Smite can be upcast to deal with even more damage and we get higher spell slots thanks to the cleric levels which is just great Synergy we can guarantee the crit on the thunderous might through the illicit power look of the far Realms so through this multi-class build you are able to smash a target from Max damage thunderous mic guaranteed which you can guarantees a crit which means you can reaction Divine Smite and upcast from massive radiant damage and then do it again thanks to extra attack honestly it's so potent that you probably just kill the target you're fighting and move to another to Crunch that too after the fight it's just one shot rest and you'll restore most of the main aspects of this build so you're good to go again now I'm not going to explain the build in major detail here because I have a full build video on exactly this out on the channel right now but just to say in this video the final build levels for this build is five in Paladin and seven in cleric as a heads up moving on from that how about a themed multi-class the zombie Commander that is the oath breaker Paladin combined with the classic Necromancer wizard through this build you can create up to three zombies that tank attacks distract enemies block roots and so on for their useful benefits not to mention via the Paladin you'll have your aura to boost things up an extra attack to be a powerful component yourself as an oath breaker Paladin you will need to break one of your three Oaths to unlock it and get it going but through that spec you can control Undead as an action all the way until next long rest for a channel oath charge meanwhile as the wizard you'll get access to the animated dead spell letting you target a corpse to create another undead servant through the Necromancer subclass though you'll also get the passive additional Undead meaning you can then raise a second extra Undead from the corpse through this we'll be able to make ourselves a little pack of Undead three Undead total under our Command the Paladin does need to find a current Undead Target to then control though compared to the wizard that can just make them from corpses but oathbreaker paladins can frighten enemies trapping them say between the Swarm and you smashing them and thanks to the Grim Harvest passive of The Necromancer once per turn upon kill with a spell you can actually regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level used or even more when it's a necromancer spell at the time so serious life still potential right there to achieve this we suggest six levels in Paladin to reach the aura and also extra attack at five and then the other six levels will go into Necromancer wizard to reach anime dead and the author perks to get the Necromancer Vibe going though you want to reach level 6 wizard as soon as possible so we suggest just one leveling Paladin to begin with to get the soap class and the heavy armor going and then the next six levels will go straight to the wizard picking up Necromancer at level two and after that the remaining levels can go into Paladin which has crazy power Spike after power spike a level three four five and six so it's gonna be good but I said we'll talk theme right so there's another multi-class version of The Necromancer that's really cool and it was brought up in the comments of the other multi-class video it's a fungal Focus Necromancer which allows for four Undead summons compared to three it's more of a full Caster concept meaning unlike the Paladin version you can actually reach six slot level spells meaning we can reach create Undead in level 6 Necromancer spell this allows for a raising of a mummy alongside your zombies but then we're also getting the perks of the spores Druid specifically spores Druid synergize as well thanks to necrotic damage dealt from bursting spores meanwhile fungal infestation is how you summon that fourth Undead raising a sort of mold encrusted zombie from a cops how delightful just like the other build though we also benefit from additional Undead to the extra summon and better summons to provide better hit points to these summons the build compared to the other won't benefit from say heavy armor or be remotely a functional melee fighter but it's more of a Summoner focused build of course using spells from range and sort of supporting your Undead Army in regards to leveling we go six Necromancer Wizard and six spores Druid to achieve this and for the leveling path we think you want to go hard on the spores to rid first pushing that all the way to level six through it to reach fungal infestation as fast as possible then the remaining six levels can go into the Necromancer wizard to reach all the perks we've talked about already moving on from necromancy style builds I want to highlight a specific class and subclass that is super good for the basis of many multi-class build ideas basically it's the level 3 Rogue that can go into the thief subclass which provides a second bonus action to use each turn there are many attacks that use just a bonus section from many classes but also many unique weapons there's that glaive that you get in act one that has an awesome whip pull attack that is just a bonus section or even spell casters like Sorcerers thanks to metamagic you could turn a normal action spell into a bonus action meaning you can get extra spells per turn with that idea what about dual wielding weapons your offhand attack will just be a bonus action right so you could use multiple of those monks make great use of this idea so yeah just like I did in the first multi-class video with how Wizards can learn spell Scrolls at level one I wanted to do another thing in this video like that and highlight Thief Rogues as a fantastic basis from many multi-class builds just three levels and getting an extra bonus action is a big deal but with that said let's now actually cover some of those ideas with some of the stronger options specifically how about one of the strongest multi-class builds that uses double action from that Thief we're talking about a super strong concept the Gatling fist monk the idea here is that monk makes a lot of use out bonus actions which through three levels into Rogue we can get Thief which as explained means we get two bonus actions to use every turn basically through unarmed strikes you can spend Chi to attack twice with an action and then twice more through your two bonus actions all without actually being buffed by haste or something like that so there's even bigger potential with that in mind we'll benefit from control options like Stone and not to prone potential which helps us manage a fight outside of just attacking many times in one turn what's cool here is with Flurry of Blows a bonus action and key point we can punch four times with just the bonus actions and still have our main action to use after that pretty funny but also very strong and it's a build that we plan to cover on the channel very soon so look out for that but to give you the overall levels now since that video will be out in a few days we think the level 12 version would be 9 levels into monk via open hand three levels into Rogue for thief but I did mention other good builds using this concept specifically Jew wielding was mentioned where you have an offhand weapon that makes use of those extra bonus actions there's two versions of this I want to mention though and I'd also like to thank a commenter on the first video RS tisp I'm not sure how to pronounce that I'm very sorry I'll put it on screen but they mentioned this concept and some ideas we've adapted them somewhat starting with the thief version though for those two bonus actions that would be Hunter Ranger combined with the thief Rogue there's multi-attack defense here thanks to the Hunter and uncanny Dodge from the thief which both provide nice survivability for that up and close fighting concept as a squishier class early into Ranger you'll be able to pick the two weapon fighting passive fighting style which is very important because that's going to add your ability modifier to the damage of your offhand attack so it makes your offhand weapon actually do damage and that's how this becomes a bit more viable thanks to Thief we get the two bonus actions and thanks to Ranger we get extra attack so there's two attacks a turn for an action and two bonus attacks a turn which is very strong of course there's also the option of a range attack thanks to the ranger aspect but there's more something you'd use as utility since you'd rather be you know up in melee and fighting like that for this though we think the level split should be seven levels into Ranger and the Hunter subclass and five levels into Rogue via the thief subclass on the other hand there's another Jewel concept that does seem really good maybe even stronger in the form of Barbarian and fighter as we just mentioned with the ranger a fighter also has the option to choose a fighting style with the two weapon fighting again to get the ability modifier to actually apply to your offhand meaning it actually does viable damage so far is going to be another important class to take to make dual wielding relevant combine that with Barbarian and you've got rage to benefit from action Surge from fighter to reset your actions per shot rest for even more attacks and more but based on the level balancing of this multi-class we can even benefit from the feet dual wielder which means we can use two weapon fighting even when the weapons aren't light but this means we can use say two warhammers battle axes rapiers and even long swords as some examples we think for this concept it'd be best to go four levels into Barbarian and the other eight levels into fighter this way we we get extra attack four feets total and rage from Barbarian all the benefits from fighter like yeah the extra feet that you get a little six fighter in regards to the subclasses well for fighter Champion makes crits more likely which is great but it's always hard to ignore the power of Battle Master and its awesome superiority die abilities which we can't really ignore and for the Barbarian we think bear heart under the Wild Heart subclass since bear rage will half the incoming damage of most sources most important physical which gives us a lot of survivability absolutely incredible Concepts there but it's time for us to talk about the last one with two different build versions of that the idea is a holy sniper meaning cleric combined with Ranger which could be either gloomstalker or Hunter depending on your preferences ideally with this idea you'd be using a bow focused Ranger with a cleric of War it's all tied to the sharpshoot defeat to allow for strong attacks while negating the minus five to hit from the feet deal generally more damage and get weapon Buffs from both the ranger spells and and the clerics so yeah holy sniper now whichever build you'd go you'd want this with the war domain cleric for guided strike which is a reaction via channeling Divinity so when you attack you can then choose two guided strike or not which will then net you plus 10 bonus to an attack roll which is huge that can be used once per short rest so you should basically be using it every fight the part where the build deviates then is the Ranger and its subclass which is the important choice let's talk about the gloomstalker version First this benefits from an extra bonus action attack the start of combat which would mean we basically try to assassinate specific Targets on the opener the playstyle of this version is more about ambushing and bursting down targets early in the fight and through gloomstalker will get dread Ambush a hide so we can go back into stealth after the initial burst attempts post-opening attack that could lead to maybe repositioning or preparing another Amber straight away you'll also have Superior dark vision and we can turn ourselves invisible when obscured for further stealth opportunity so much more than assassin and stealth-focused version of this build but on the other hand we could instead consider the hunter version which benefits from Hunter's prey when you reach level 3 and get the hunter subclass you get to choose one of three abilities that's horde breaker to Target Two creatures next to each other and attack both or giant killer which isn't really relevant for this build or Colossus Slayer which once per turn means your weapon attack deals an extra 1d8 if the target is below its maximum hit points as a subclass will also get defensive tactics which leads to escape the horde meaning opportunity attacks have disadvantage on you or steal will which gives you advantage on saving throws when dealing with frighten whichever works better for you there's also multi-attack defense to choose but we shouldn't really be dealing with that as we should be at long distance Anyway by comparison the hunter version is more consistently deadly less stealthy with higher DPS per turn compared to the high burst and stealthy focus of Gloom stalker in both versions you'll be buffing up your attacks hitting as hard as possible through your Ranger abilities or clarity abilities are making the most out of guided strike in both versions we think four levels into cleric for war domain and defeat and then eight levels into Ranger for the next two Feats and all the other perks whichever subclass you go for but there you have it another set of awesome and interesting multi-classes that should provide some serious perks and power I hope this was again a nice variety of different ideas and Concepts and hopefully fleshed out enough for you to consider them it's tough to talk about so many in-depth building ideas without going overly far in detail you know trying to keep the video concise and understandable but we do plan to continue to make in-depth full build videos for some of these individual Concepts so let us know if any of these you'd like to see a full build video for for now though I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a entertainment on it on insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Julie get into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 220,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best build, baldurs gate 3 best build, best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, multiclass, multiclassing, sorcerer, paladin, wizard, warlock, fighter, guide, multiclass guide, multiclassing guide, feat guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, best class, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, best, subclasses, level, class, multiclass build, multiclasses, druid, bg3, level 12, act 3, rogue, ragegamingvideos
Id: 27KjjFxOkz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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