Top 3 Multiclass YOU NEED in Baldur's Gate 3

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do it one more time it's our third lighting one more lighting so it's like four lightings in one turn just like that 20 damage easy and don't forget you got two double offhand attacks so you can make two more attacks just like that the attacking ones with Divine smart 3 second attack third attack Force attack [Music] seventh oh my God but it's not over hail and matches adventurous today we're diving deep into baldos gear 3 and as always straight to the point so first one I would name Eldritch storm stormbringer or just raid and build whatever you like more for every build today you can play as origin character by yourself or you can respect your companions that's why you probably will need some of these multi-classes when you're playing and you want to enjoy your companions even more so for this written build to be going with lazel or Gail is our main class but I would suggest starting with lazel because she's fighter so let's create our custom character and I will explain everything that is important so most important stuff is to start as fighter at level 1 because as fighter will gain access to Heavy Armor and shield so for our race pick whatever you like more nice pick could be dwarf especially Goldwater for extra HP but I will go with more stylistic approach and go with half elf and especially would have Alpha to just get a little bit more movement speed nothing special here for fighting style We Begin defense background is not important so maybe just big Soldier skills whatever you like I like perception and maybe a little bit of acrobatics but we will have a really weird ability Point distribution and by the way you can actually just pick some points that is like nice for fighter just use recommend it whatever you like and then you respect at around level 5 because your initial class will be completely changed when we level up and finish our build and that's true for every build today so basically I will explain you how a late game starts initially what you need to do for this build so main attributes will be Charisma and Constitution with 100 dumping wisdom and dexterity and we can have some strange and we can have some int if you need it so our finished points will be looking like this we got we got like 14 strange with plus one zero dexterity 17 Constitution with plus two a little bit end 12 exactly and 15 in Charisma or you can just dump a little bit more in and take some wisdom so you will be but it's a balanced character so let's go into the build so we start as fighter and let's build our multi-class there are different ways you can go with this build but if you're starting from scratch and want to level up your character with this tasked stat distribution from the start of the game I recommend to pick two levels in a fighter first and exactly three levels so we're going to eldrich Knight subclass and exactly three levels so we're going to Elish Knight subclass we're gaining access to some can chips and what we're focusing today look on his head of course it will be any lighting or Tempest damage so shocking gasp is okay and minor illusion will be nice because we don't have high intelligence so just pick whatever will work in more like unique and utility way so for our spells We Begin shield and which bolt and for one more spell We Begin utility long Strider finished build will be with four levels in fighter but this level will be only for choosing your feet so so after three levels in fighter we're starting to multi-class and by doing this so early in the game we can lose power on around level 5 because on level 5 we get different nice power spikes in all characters but we can definitely go around this we are speaking our cleric as our subclass first and we're going with Tempest domain clinic so deity is not meta and for cleric spell you can pick whatever utility spell you want but don't go for concentration spell you will need concentration on other stuff you can pick like create a disturbed water or guidance bolt whatever you like for gunships again it doesn't matter so it's like guidance Light Produce flame but most interesting future for us with Stampers domain Clinic is our subclass future rest of the storm I guess it's the worst of the storm so when we're getting attacked we potentially dealing from 2 to 16 damage of lightning damage or thunder damage so we like really God of lighting and we want two levels in the best domain cleric so just second level in Tempest Diamond cleric will give us subclass future destructive rest and we can use our Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage with our lighting or thunder damage spell so that's how we counter our a little bit weak fighter at this level so how to place this fighter on yearly to meet levels you start today with cutting loss long Strider on yourself it's ritual it doesn't require any spell slots and most important stuff to go into inventory into Spellbook into reaction and you basically want all your level 1 spell slots to be used for shield so you just turn off every Shield you have in this category and make sure every other reaction is checked and you got this ask future so you can as eldish ignite bond with your fun so when you're bounded you can basically throw it and it will come back to your hands fun future and that's basically how you want to play your fights you got nice movement speed with this race sub race and long Striders so we can travel 14 meters without any Dash that's nice moment speed and you can use your basic attack or most importantly you can use your witch bolt for our level 1 spell slot and you always will try to Outcast it for level 2 so you can Target Two creatures and if you need additional damage you can use this destructive rest but uh be careful it uses your Divinity charge so it can be used only one time per battle use it on leg targets that you really need so you always can press do not react and cost future that you can use your action search in the battle so you can do it two times in one turn basically you just casted the switchboard and you can go and cast it one more time on a Target and if you hit in this target you can use the stocks of rest if you need it and hit for maximum damage of 24 damage so it's pretty reasonable and nice damage output for these levels and don't forget to get your bonus section so if you got some bonus actions with your weapon so you can use them on this turn too all this nice second to bind and you will heal yourself for 1 to 10 plus five so if you're in danger you can let this be self-sustainable if targets attack you you just use your shield and this misses their powers but most importantly this switch bolt will be active for 10 turns between you and your enemy so basically you can recast it each turn without using your spell slots but it uses concentration that's why my build have a lot of constitution in it and in case of emergency of course you can use your Chandra wave to just push enemies away not always useful is it always important to use your shield no try to use this uh spell slots when you're low on H3 because just before you can use express of the storm to react with so 2d8 damage to enemies attacks and yeah even with low intelligence you get this 2d8 from your can chip shocking God so it's useful too for equipment on this level basically go for shield heavy armor and any weapon you like probably that have some Bono sections and let's finish our build so right now we're changing our class to sorcerer and most importantly we're going for storm sorcery and this will unlock US tempestules magic and that's great and basically our build is kind of finished at this stage so for your spells you want on this level to pick same spells that you know just because they will use different ability modifiers so when you begin the spells from sorcerer's Spellbook they will use Charisma so just like that for can chips and gain nothing actually matter just pick whatever you like just make sure you pick this storm sorcery and just on this level so it basically had to level six we can use any spell of level 1 or even more and after we use any spell we can use flight AS bonus actions so now we became this really cool and strong and awesome guy who looks like Raiden and can fly around the battlefield so to wrap up our build we can pick one more level in fighter to finish this stuff Bells doesn't matter because Elder Schneider spellsu uses wisdom for spell casting so it's like pick whatever you like mostly focus on some like utility spells so even Kim pick like feather fall or something like this and basically you just need your ability Improvement to make 18 in Constitution and 16 in Charisma and just like that we just completely switching into sorcerer next spell was a toothpick with big magic Missile because it's like the spells that don't care about your attributes at all it got increased damage from Charisma of course but it doesn't care do you hit Target or not because it's like 100 hit rate and for our class passes we now get access to metamagic and we go for twin spell and distant spell at first level then we continue leveling up and on this level we want to use Quick and spell for our spell of choice we're using hold person would get into level 10 and social level 4 we're getting one more can tip we don't care about the scan chip we get in one more spell and we kinda don't care about the spell but we can use this cast of wine and we get an additional feed so for now we can use a built Improvement to just get more Charisma to increase our damage output we can use War Caster to have advantage on the seven trolls to maintain concentration it's really big fit for our character but just because our Hector is so invested in this shocking damage I like to go for Elemental adapt and use Elemental adapted lighting so we don't care about resistances of our enemies and now we're going to social level 5 this will unlock US level 3 spells and when getting lightning bolt that's where where our build is totally finished and it's like incredibly strong for our last spell you can pick whatever you like don't forget you're really invested in some electricity spells and we don't have a lot of electricity spells right now and this is a place in our build when you need to pick your choice so we can finish as social level 6 and we will gain access to Thunder Wave great destroy water and gust of wind but most importantly call lighting that's our bread and butter spells that's what we really use a lot additionally we get this heart of the storm so all enemies within 6 meters will take three lighting damage or switch under damage when you cast in your spell so while this is nice features and great spells we already know three spells and it's actually our latest level so we can basically go and respect our character but we can go and dump one class into the wizard so basically we get in one level in The Wizard and we don't care about anything that we get from The Wizard beside one scene so by choosing one level of wizard to gain access to learning spells from spell Scrolls and basically you can learn any spell in the game and while it can sound really nice and kinda smart every spell that you will learn from Wizard will use intelligence and to a high Charisma character that's why we're going into level 6 storm sorcer to finish our build so we don't care about spells just make sure not to take any concentration spells and let's go and show you how you can play this build so as always start your game with long Strider on yourself and I start this fight lasted so you just move and your bread and butter spell is called lighting it's doing three d10 damage on its third level but we will cast it on our max level spur slot which is spell slot from Level 5. so we can just go and cast this spell ghost feature when you're using your Hosta and tia we will use this [Music] destructive rest you gain additional actions so while you cast it only one time this spell cold lighting you can use it as activate go lighting one more time without using any spell slot so we can do it one more time and just because we are fighter we use an action search so let's go and it's our third lighting and in one turn I guess we can go and use one more lighting so it's like four lightings in one turn just like that look at this positive guys now we need to just keep our concentration so best way to do it is to not be in a fact and that's where we get this Shield spell so while we have the sorcery points we can use this magic one time then we can use one more of this lighting stuff we can even come closer don't forget when you stand in nearby your enemies you can use this we can spell so we get three lighting strikes in one turn again and you want to be nearby your enemies all the time so for our six or three points we can do it two times so we can make around four lightings on turn one three latex on second turn and on all next turns we will have ability to get only two lightings but I guess this really high probability that you already get rid about more thundering enemies with this AOE spell so you can continue your game with custom this activated lighting while you keep in your concentration and it will be always level 5 spell slot and that's like best thing that you possibly can do and just because we are storm Sorcerer of level 6 we get resistance to lightning damage and we can cast it on ourselves so as you can see we're still succeeding with our concentration and that's basically our game plan just in case everything going not our way we can use Second Wind to kill ourself [Music] and in case someone attacking us we can use our Shield spell to react and force them to miss so this will be like best stuff for us to keep concentration on the spell and cast it for around 15 times in one battle just something like this so we can cast it every turn for like 10 turns we can be casted all the time if someone got hostile on us so just like that but just in case you need to do something else you can use your which boat for example to upcast it to level four to again get with the Enemy or you can use this lighting bolt it will create a sliding area and attack enemies nearby so coolest part they will receive damage from your passive don't forget about it and just after that you can use your temperature magic fly so you can just go and fly away from them and retreat with high movement speed that's like greatest part over here so we are really mobile really tanky crazy fighter stormbringer and this activate lighting will stay on us anyway so we can use lightning bolt every time we just need it if we need to escape a little bit just cause the spell and Escape and you can use it as escaping tool and at the same time as attacking tool to chase your enemies and yeah don't forget we got additional twin spell and distant spell distance spell will increase range of our magic and twin spell will make some magic that will focus only on one one person will focus on two person instead so even you can trip like shocking grasp can attack two persons if they stand in nearby but make sure to pick right articles that you will cast it so Charisma is definitely high percentage hit so we're picking Charisma and infinite marks damage you can use destructive rust and attack a double next damage so that's our basic gameplay Loop you just call lighting then call my lighting then move a little bit of course just a little bit to use your action search to call more lighting and don't forget we can spell for a little bit more lighting and just like that rate and build works and that's just in one turn and your final character will look like this you will get around 23 AC with just plate Armor Plus 2 which will give you 20 armor with heavy armor and you need your shield for plus 2 Armor Plus one from defense and basically it's really very hard to hit you while you're keeping your concentration on the skull lighting spell of max level spell slot and casting just crazy amount of level 5 spell in one turn that's really more crazy than any other Mage that's why I call it raid and build just like that so next build will be great for astarion and it will cold skill monkey so let's create someone again I will just seek with high end you can pick whatever race you like nice races will be human if you want to have custom characterizes and our starting class will be a rope the main idea of this build is to create characters that will be proficient in every skill of the game so you can focus with other characters on only damage dealing stuff and other things that you need in the fight in this character while still doing some damage or even got some nice disables and supportive stuff will be focused on doing everything you need in Exploration investigation dialogues and all other stuff so for background I would like to picture the tanfo advanced sleight of hand proficiency and for skill proficiencies will get additional from Human Race so that's nice pick and when deterior points first four start with 10 10 10 in everything then just because your Martial class with finest weapons or range weapons we're getting Max and exteriority with 14 dexterity and Class 2 bonus we're getting some strange some Constitution to have at least some HP so it will look like this 10 strange 16 decks 12 Constitution and we're getting a little bit in intelligence so we get this 10 and we're getting some wisdom and some careers mechanism for dialect wisdom for investigation perception and other stuff and our final skill proficiency will look like this we got zero in religion nature history and art Kana that's all intelligence skills and that's basically all you need to do to dump at least one attribute so it's totally okay to dump intelligence completely and get some athletic acrobotics inside and perception sleight of hand and styles just like that our class is ready to go and level up so first of all we're taking level interdoc and we continue as our Rogue on second level we get nice actions from Rogue that we want to pick our subclass and files plus we're picking Chief then we go in for level 4 and to get an ability Improvement in wisdom and Charisma this will add plus 1 into wisdom and Charisma checks and yeah if you like more perception then dialogues then go with 16 wisdoms 14 hurries by just vice versa in this stuff and level 5 of Rogue will give him uncanny Dodge while it's nice ability to have there is nothing special and from Level 5 we can continue and change our class into the board and that's one of the reasons why I'm having high Charisma so we just get from Level 4 our Charisma to 16 and now we got our board with Charisma as a main casting stud so for spells you can concentrate more on like utility spells that but don't forget we should smoker doing nice damage their spells of choice will belong Strider pick with animals fairy fire and sleep so we've got some control stuff and buffing stuff for exploration and investigation we got starting instrument and we don't care about it but most importantly we get some skill proficiency from Bart and you can increase any skill you like more for example animal handling medicine survival maybe I like to persuade pure form or be a bully so pick whatever you like and level 6 that's when our skill monkey is kind of done so we're getting access to more spells you can pick like healing words nice supportive spell but most importantly you now get Jack of all trades and now you adding your proficiency bonus to Ability checks that you are not proficient with and let me show you the character on level 6. most importantly skill stop in inventory so we are not proficient in any intelligent skill checks but we can add our proficiency to them so even right now we're getting around plus one to plus two proficiency into this checks just before the fight you always want want to use biotic inspiration it's nice future at the start of the day you want to cast long Strider and speak with the animals to be able to speak with animals and run longer in the fight and in the fight you basically can use sleep on these levels to turn persons into sleep mode up to 24 HB but on levels around 5 and 6 as it won't be very useful it mostly for like previous stages around level 3 around for level 4 but now you can use fetty fire as your action to put all enemies into very fire position and you will have advantage on attacks again against them or your special smokery for 2d4 psychic damage and inflict disadvantage to enemies or just use your double hand crossbow that might pick for this character you want to pick two-handed crossbows one crossbow in each hand so you can do one attack you can use a bonus section from other hand and while you play any Chief you can use one more bonus attack to use this hand crossbow just three attacks in one turn just like that our Skillman King coin into next levels on this level you won't continue in your birth journey and get enhance ability and you can replace spell just like sleep and replace it with detect thoughts so we continue to level eight and yeah our subclass is College of lore of course of course the scholarship floor so we get an additional kinship pick some utility like Mage can to get additional spell and for a spell we can choose hold person we can replace spell and if you don't need this healing word or maybe you're not using fairy fire but still it's like night spell to have you can change it with something like see invisibility if you want to be this person because you got a lot of advantages in different skills so you will be able to see invisible guys really easily and now for our feet we can pick skills finally this will give us Proficiency in three skills and just pick whatever you like and play more maybe you like animals go with animal handling and if you go invisible animal handling try to pick other proficiencies with wisdom stuff so for example medicine is wisdom proficiency just pick medicine and survival so we focus on wisdom right now just like that we finished with our lore Bart so for our build we can actually go six levels into Bart if you want improved bartik inspiration if you want to with a story about the inspiration on long and short rests that's like nice pick Additionally you can go into Chief so let me show you this road first so we can go into Chief to have this defense on level 5 on level 6 shift getting more skills so you can increase your perception to plus eight and nothing can go without you noticing it and any other stuff that you like maybe Athletics too short person and resist being shot plus six is nice because we got only 10 strange but still these Plastics to Athletics we can shove people and yeah we kinda completely ignoring intelligent skills just because when you're ignoring them you will get this proficiency I mean you will add your proficiency to these checks and Rogue level 7 will get this air Vision stud that will help him await many Magic and other stuff that require degrees C7 trolls and you are very proficient with settings roles and Rogue level 8 will get additional new feeds and for our last feat we will pick crossbow expert because you're going with double crossbow and you now can attack with your throttles even from Miller Range another good hit can be lucky to get this lucky dices or just ability Improvement into dexterity to just increase your damage and other proficiency with dexterity so for today I will pick crossbow expert and this will make our class a little bit more reliable in the late game when we want to do at least some attacks and it basically start your day with long Strider upcasted to everyone in your party speak with animals and detect thoughts that will require concentration but outside of the battle you won't require any Specialists to cast it then you just use a body conspiration on your allies and this will add one key six to the next articles ability to checks or seven throws so anyway in the fights your main idea is to stay behind and not getting into the trouble and this version with eight strokes and 4 bars is more like fighting version while if you go and make 6 points into the part you will get ability to have more spell slots more body conspirations and basically be more powerful caster and don't forget while you're playing Rogue always try to attack enemies that's nearby your allies this will trigger this sneak attack and this sneak attack with my build with this 8 Rogue for Bart aliens looked pretty nice damage so it will be plus 4 D6 damage to this dude just like that 20 damage easy and don't forget you got two double offhand attacks so you can make two more attacks just like that and just perform some music and have fun and last minute class will be a nice build for less cell because it starts with the fighter over wheel because it will get a lot of levels in warlock anyway problems with warlocks we don't have nice proficiencies on first levels and that's why it's not like is the best pick as your first level but still you can wear medium armors when you get this deep into fighter Monte class at least once so it's still nice Peak and this will be kinda hexblade warlock so we again started with customer region and just for over playing stuff we pick and draw you can pick whatever race you like so for our first class we want proficiency with medium armor and shields it's like most important stuff getting proficiency with heavy armor is nice too and nice picks could be a ranger or Paladin or even fighter but today let's start with the Paladin and we'll get all of devotion through our background we don't care too much is a big Soldier and ability distribution goes completely into Charisma a completely jumping down strange we're getting loads of constitution for our HP and then you just decide if you will go with medium armors and get 14 into dexterity some levels in intelligence and some levels in wisdom the final distribution can look something like this such in dexterity 16 Constitution 10 intelligence 10 wisdom 17 Charisma and then you will get additional points when you level up in dexterity and Charisma just like that our Hector is ready to go we totally dumped strange so on the level 1 our attacks is just pathetic and lovable still you will be able to survive until Level 2 anyway and that's when you start playing your warlock so you're picking your elders blast any kinship you like maybe minor illusion you picking subclass is 15th when you're killing someone you gain in temporary hit points and for your spells of choice get hex and armor I forgot so it's like nice spell it will inflict damage when someone hits you and you kinda don't have ability to hit a lot so that's nice big then we're getting Level 3 and now we got warlock spell one more spell and you can pick wherever you like maybe burning hands for some nice minute damage and eldish invocations a guys and blast and repairing blast so our character on Level 3 will look like this it will be medium armored or heavy armored guy with wooden shield and any weapon but you won't be able to attack with this weapon most of the time so you need kind of weapons that will scale with dexterity and your proficient with many weapons so you will definitely find something but here you will play as kinda melee warlock so basically you will use your hex as Bono section just hexia enemy and then use your allergy blast Eldridge blast will get nice damage boost first of all from Charisma modifiers second from hex so it's pretty nice reasonable damage on these levels and that's basically all you need to do on these levels just to run around use your spells user can chips something like that maybe show for enemies sometime but we don't care so a little cheap this wood passives over here on the bottom and if you heat it you will get this repairing blast passive so if you don't want to shove enemies away from you maybe you don't want it most of the time you will like this feature but sometimes you don't need it so just press on it and this passive will be turned off and your weapon of choice is something like skimmeter so at least doing some damage but now we leveling up and on level 4 we're getting this warlock to level 3 we're getting additional spells and what you need to do to pick hot person that's like nice and really good spell enter your beacon your part of Boon this pack will be packed off the blade this will give you part of the blade actions that you can summon different weapons and bounce back to weapons so you don't need always this weapon you can use your basic weapon and use it as your packed weap and level 5 that's where we begin kenship pick utility one or just whatever you like pick Misty step as bonus action so this nice like spell to run around in the battle and use ability Improvement to get Charisma to 18 and dexterity to 13. and that's our power level level actually so on level 5 we're getting this OCT of the blade most importantly and what it will do it will change our damage from the exility modifier to Charisma modifier so we will get the security to our armored class and as you can see we got now 18 AC it's really strong from these levels and we get an Outback blade so we can use and summon any weapons that we like from these weapons it could be better than what we got on in the hands but most of the time you will get a like better weapon in the hand anyway that you will find so use just bind packed weapon and look now we're getting from three to eight damage from 1 to 6 plus 2 from dexility but when we're using this stuff we're getting 1 to 6 plus 4 from Charisma just like that we get an additional damage for free and now we can't throw our weapon it will be always with us so that's like awesome future let's continue our multi-class adventure and we want to get warlock to level 5. that's where I will get an additional eldish unboxing they don't matter too much but most of the time you will pick Devil's sights to see through normal darkness and magical Darkness just like great future foul spell of choice and pick whatever spell you like hunger of headers strong stuff but we don't have a lot of spell slots anyway so it's like don't matter too much idea of this build is not to cast spells and to stop at level 5 warlock then we continue into our Paladin we're getting our fighting style on level 2 and we get in defense fighting style while you can go for more like damage output Style with dueling to deal additional to damage with this weapon that's nice pick too I prefer to pick defense to have like crazy armor class but that's totally viable and let's just pick this for today so we can have prepared spells and as well then it's nice to have like syring Smite maybe you need less sometime maybe in your wounds sometimes but everything is don't matter too much another good spell it's a shield of face to just increase Armor class again so we're getting fall into level 3 and that's where we get another awesome power Spike that's why this build works very nice because we got nice power Spike on level 5 when we shouldn't fall off actually from the game and now we're on level 8 and on level 8 it's nice to have strong character too and we're getting this sucker's weapon and sucks that weapon will give us higher chance to hit enemies because we will we will add our Charisma modifier to our attack rolls so that's just crazy stuff we got additional prepared spells we don't care about them we get into Paladin level 4 for additional fit and for our feet we increase in our Charisma to maximum right now and additional stuff that you can possibly think of will be something like great weapon master so that's a nice fit too because you will get -5 to attack rolls but you're getting this plus 5 from Charisma so basically you're not losing anything from this fit besides you losing this five Charisma that you otherwise will add to this other girls once again in Boston damage so that's nice fit to consider anyway you will get more spells we don't care about them we continue to level 5 and at level 5 Spalding we're getting Level 2 spells but most importantly extra attack so now we can have one more attack in the turn so nice sir spells to half like every level to spell most importantly magic weapon is nice stuff to give plus one to attack and damage trolls against to increase our damage and that's when we stopping leveling our Paladin while over of protection is a nice spell to have we want to switch into the fighter and from the fighter we begin fighting style and right now we definitely picking defense and again it depending on what style you prefer if you like to weapon fighting I mean two-handed weapon fighting just be great weapon fighting of course if you like shield in one hand and weapon in another go for defense and dueling and if you wearing your weapons into hands then go for two weapon fighting of course so for my build I'm going defense and dueling but it's really like flexible stuff and we're going for second level into fighter because we want this action search so let me show you this in action and yeah one additional microfuture to have this build work like crazy you want to have a wizard at least level 5 so right now I'm hearing my laser s level 5 Wizard and giving her half the spell so you want to start your day a by making your weapon a packed weapon of course so as this plus five Charisma to damage have much more chance to hit or get more armor you can cast Shield of face on you so we just do it like that and right now we're getting 21 AC but if laser it will cost halfway on us we will get 23 or AC just like that but we will do stuff other way so we will cast magic weapon on ourselves to have better chances of heating then okay we can use our holes charge as Paladin of Devotion to cut sacred weapon for 10 turns but just before we will cast Hearthstone ourselves again it will be for 10 turns then we go for sacred weapon for 10 turns and now we're going into the fight so let's see and now let's attack basically with two normal attacks so we got a nice chance to hit and the Spalding don't forget to turn on your reactions with Divine smite so we want to turn this stuff on and we want to always have ask checked just like that let's go we attacking once with Divine smart 3 second attack third attack Force attack five six oh my God but it's not over let's go action search seven eight nine and basically that's it so you can make nine attacks in one turn this is a build I don't know that's really funny and cool stuff and on the next turn when we don't have this action search we can go and do one two three four and of course five just like that and we just killed this bro so we can do one more attack in this turn again another way you can go with this classic and go with Ranger with any stuff you like with stats that look something like that then strange 14 decks 16 con 16 charisma so cool part about this build you will get a lot more move speed from long Strider on yourself but again you can have other characters that will cast it on yo but another cool feature is red ambusher so when you make your first attack you will have Z1 additional attack set part there is no ability to use our divine smart and I guess like nine attacks with Divine Smite a lot more better than just 10 attacks why not so we come nearby with our hex and let's attack so let's count one two three four five six yes seven nine seven attacks action search eight nine and ten just like that so what's the difference the difference that when you play in Paladin as your main class instead of your Gloom stalker yeah you get a little less more speed you get this little less one attack but again a lot more proficiency from devotion Paladin and a lot more chances to hit as you can see we just barely hit any attacks on this dude but with previous build we've made all attacks still if you want to play 10 attacks in the turn that's the way you do it I hope you enjoyed this multi-class builds and they will help you enjoy and have more fun in baldus Gate 3 and if you want to learn more about multi-classing and how to use it and make your own multi-classes that is wearable go watch video on the screen right now it will explain everything you need to know
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 220,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _KwF8aZu3TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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