Backcountry Winter Camping After a Snowstorm

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[Music] [Music] [Music] go [Laughter] get it Monti get it mud Jesus no deep bring it right you come on you can just follow your path back Monty what are you doing hello ladies and gentlemen oh come on T everybody come on you can do it come on come here buddy come on good poor guy so as you can see is a beautiful wintry day and we've had a snowstorm since last night and we've got about a what seems like a foot of fluffy snow and Monty's not too thrilled about it as you can see when he's not following my path like he did right there he's sinking up to his shoulders come on come here yeah he's not super thrilled so um what that means is I'm not going quite as far as I thought I was going to today we're not going in quite as deep as I wanted to because it's a lot of work the snow is doesn't have like a there's been no melt thaw freeze cycle so there's just fluffy snow and in some places it's really deep it's not this deep everywhere but anywhere where there's not a lot of tree coverage it's pretty darn open so I am very warm I'll just show you how warm I am yeah that's skin I'm not wearing here's my nipple I'm not wearing anything underneath this I am just warm I had to shed all my layers because I was just oh it's just sticky I'm still sticky I'm still you know wet and I figured why not just have a dry have dry clothes you know but I can change into later which is what I'm going with anyways we're gonna we're gonna spend the night out here under a tarp we're gonna hook up some delicious food over a fire as per usual right Monty and we're just gonna hike up a little bit here and I'm gonna take off my pack we're at a fine a nice spot to set up camp so let's get to it Monty come on alright take this off for a minute here well my teeth this nose deep my G's getting snowballs all over his undercarriage so what I'm gonna do is leave my pack off of my sled look this was like a nice looks like we really go down the hill here and looks like there's gonna be a nice protected area because it is pretty windy today even though doesn't seem like it it's because it's thick in here it's gonna be protecting a lot more from the wind and the snow down in here so the the snowstorm I think it's gonna be coming to an end here in a few hours it's not gonna be going all night long or anything like that the wind might pick up or stay up but I think this snows in the day now it's already dying down a little bit but anywho I'm gonna go down here the winds blowing this way today this way it seems like a little bit so I don't I would set up right here have my tarp there but the wind will be blowing right in our face which is not going to be good at all we want to do it the opposite way so I guess I could set up right here if I wanted to but I kinda want to be protected more down there so I'm gonna walk around look for a spot let's go Mikey come on or you can stay there that's cool and enough to go very far at all there's a nice bar right here to get you Oh so this looks like it'll be our spot I'll just go to that tree to that tree right here because the wind is coming from right behind us I set the camera up before right there I've only had to go like 20 feet so that's nice yeah we've got all this thick stuff behind us to protect us this would be a good little spot whoo I am warm very sweaty and warm so the first thing we've got to do is clear out some of the snow here and genius ol me didn't bring a shovel thinking hey you know the snow won't be that deep blah blah blah blah blah and of course it's very deep oh my gosh look at this dog right now look at his little snowballs oh man oh you poor guy he's got snowballs all over his underside it's a light fluffy snow that's what does that the sticky light fluffy snow so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna clear this out and I'm gonna have to give him a spot so that he doesn't get that snow off the pole of snowballs off [Applause] rocks oh that's good that's nice nice big rock right there so let's hope there's not rocks right here no there's always goodies you can find under the snow what I'll do is if there's too many rocks I'm just gonna leave snow on the ground not dig it down as deep that'll be okay seems like there is more rocks okay so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna set the tarp first and just use the snow to level I've dug down enough there's a lot of snow especially near this little slope here but yeah I'm gonna set up the tarp now because there's probably gonna be more rocks and I need to see where the tarp is gonna be level out the ground we'll go from there that's what we're gonna do yeah brought out two tarps just in case I wasn't sure how long the winds and snow was gonna last so just in case it was crazy I brought two towers but I think we're just gonna be fine with this to square tarp today right yeah wasting lucky Monte's like I don't want to be cover up for this thing what you doing get off return once you get get off return Monty Monty no Monty over here come on right here come on yeah you little stinker this is not for you I mean it is for you but it's for me too Monty get off my tart Bunty hey get out of here let's mr. big butt get off go go mutti mutti mutti little stinker okay - right here here Monty come here come here go ahead go ahead right there okay obviously to clear this out a little bit more because I've got to clear some snow back here and then we'll spread this out and even us out a little bit hi Monty so we're on a little bit of a hill so thing I'm definitely be sleeping this way oh yeah oh yeah okay we're good now the wind is coming from here it's barely blowing it although we do not feel it down here so what I'm gonna do now is we're gonna clear out and even up this this ground here and then I'm gonna give Monte his sleeping pad give a nice place to lay down so yeah I'm gonna even this out the snow is a little bit pushing on there so I'm gonna probably pull this a little bit tighter and back and then yeah we're gonna get set up here gosh a'mighty what job career big button over here okay you're full of snow I go over here come on let's go go stay there for a second just evening things out Hey as I was saying it's about 31 degrees xxx xxx ish 32 right around 30 right 30s lower 30s um that is warm that is very warm that is not ideal to me the reason I wanted to come out today is mostly because it was it was snowing and it just a fresh snow last night and it was just I knew there'd be a nice blanket of snow on the ground so that's why I came out but it is warm it makes everything worse I'm gonna all my well I'm actually not too bad I'm surprised that I'm not as or not more wet than I am Montee though he's got all those balls in there I gotta put down a ground she it's gonna get warm especially with the fire there's gonna be right here reflecting heat back it's just everything's gonna get wet and my camera especially the snow that was falling on it it's like as soon as it touches the camera turns to water so that's not ideal I'd rather it be a little bit colder but you got to take what you get you gotta take what you get oh my gosh I'm so sorry Monty but for all your hey stay there stay there it's ok it's ok ok look at this poor dog look at that hole muddy this is what the warm fluffy snow does I'm sorry buddy and they're all stuck in this hair so fur comes on with each one yeah he's hold on I'm so sorry it's ok it's ok I'm gonna get these out ok this is one of the crappy things about having long for a dog in what light fluffy sticky snow I'm gonna have to spend a good half hour here just tearing these out and he's gonna be licking my hands the whole time so I'm sure it doesn't feel that good but if I leave these on him he's just gonna be sopping wet on the undercarriage after this warms up and melts and the longer they stay on the more likely they are to turn into little ice cubes so I'm gonna pause setting up here for a minute and just take out all these snowballs and we're gonna try to keep Monte down here as much as possible you poor little thing yeah I'm sorry buddy I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry he did not like that at all I'm so sorry Monty I'm so sorry come here that was not fun can you see my face oh yeah there I am yeah that was not fun at all I've never seen it so bad Monty they were everywhere they're up in his armpits just complete chest I didn't get them all out 100% all the little ones I'm starting to snow again but yeah I had to mush him and pull him and he did not like that there was some sensitive ones near his uh there's a little wee-wee I'm sorry come here I'm sure he but that sucks that's from the light fluffy warm snow that is terrible so what I'm gonna do is since I had to mash a bunch of them and he's gonna be all wet I did bring out a towel fortunately I'm gonna just wrap him up let him get warm kind of just get wet on his sleeping pad and then we're just going to towel dry them off that's what I'm gonna have to do it I'm not gonna I can't let them go romping around in the snow the rest of the night we've got a couple hours till it gets dark and I got to keep them under here and just around where those paths because it's when it's when he goes to that deep snow and just goes romping around as when he gets those and I just don't want to take off any more of those that was not fun for either of us my hands are pretty cold look at all look at my hands look at all that beautiful Monti undercarriage fur from peeling those out [Applause] come on team oh boy well there's gonna be a little bit of a dip off the clear that out before I sleep by my feet where I'll be a hurt curl it up in a little ball Monte I'll sleep right there just fine maybe that'll be fine maybe I'm definitely under the tarp but okay let's see here it's starting to snow again it's not crazy heavy but definitely snowing again I'm gonna probably dig this fire pit back a little bit because a little bit close to our sleeping pads maybe it'll be all right if I'm sitting right there yeah that should be okay I just don't want to get embers burning my tarp I'm gonna move it back I'm gonna dig it out I don't want to deal with that yeah get all sorts of Monty hair in my mouth because when I had it all of my fingers I was touching the sleeping pad blow-up nozzle yeah it's just so much as in my mouth Monte do you want to go her do a treat tonight Srimati doing gopher to the dog park [Applause] which stink Monte okay so snow is falling right on the edge of this tarp which is for just right here so I cleared out the back of the thing will scoot back the sleeping pads just a little bit and that's all asleep so now I'm probably gonna put my head right near the edge of the tarp same with Monty's just so if the snows falling if anything gets on us it's our feet a little bit it's not a big deal but if the winds stay true any wind will blow the snow this way right now it's coming straight down in this spot it's just we've got a hill right here we've got thick forest behind us it's probably gonna keep coming straight down all night when it snows but it's it was definitely snowing hard on the way out here the roads were nasty and all last night starting at like 1:00 a.m. and then it died off when I got to camp here there now it's picking back up again but uh hmm it's pretty relaxing out right now Monte's just chillax and he's scooting he's licking his paws licking his snowballs I just want to stay here and melt that snow that's left over and his undercarriage that's rough though I don't like that I hope that it's gonna happen on the way out - actually no it won't happen is bad because he'll just follow tomorrow he'll be more tired tomorrow when he's going through that deep snow man he's just like struggling he definitely was a follower today but I'm starting to get a little chilly hmm yeah well Jani is I'm just relaxed and because I'm just sitting around now having doing that hike on the hike in when I'm not wearing layers I'm sweating now I'm starting to cool off pretty good I'm you know not moving around so I'm gonna put on a layer here and then we're gonna get some firewood and there's I don't know if there's there's tons of I'm not seeing tons of dead standing but I think we're going to start a fire a little bit earlier than normal we've got about an hour till it's dark so I'm gonna go collect firewood now and then we're gonna start a fire in about a half hour and get a nice coal bed so we can start cooking at dark cuz I'm hungry I'm hungry than normal so we're gonna have an earlier dinner today and then we're gonna relax the pitter-patter of the snow so this some firewood I'm gonna put on a layer too but I need I need to get some firewood I would like to just we're just gonna be chilling let's all have a fire you know you know yeah yeah oh yeah Monty but you gotta stay can you be a good boy can you be a good boy stay okay Oh probably just push this one over hey that was easy nothing but little branches on top I'm sure a couple of them will come down and whack me in the face for the head not the face my face will be blocked looking down but this big boy I'm gonna cut it up into sections she a decent off firewood off it there's not a lot of well actually there's no dead standing hardwoods that I've seen it's all just pine and balsam and just light fluffy stuff so I was have to work with what I got okay she doesn't come down there's just a tree right here I just want to push it [Applause] okay so I'm going to cut it up in a few sections bring it back to camp you're processing her Monty this morisoli I thought was gonna be I'm gonna process up a little bit of this I think I got too much wood to cut up no I started cutting it up it's a little bit more solid I thought it was like really light and punky but it's actually pretty good I mean it's still light stuff but it's not like as rotten as I thought so it's taking a little bit more to cut then anticipate it so I got two big logs there this thick stuff I'm gonna get the fire going get the coals going as I cross this stuff up get a nice coal bed ripping and yeah then I can just keep processing throughout the night because it's gonna start to get dark pretty quick here so see if we can split this bad boy on the first go maybe not let's try this [Music] stuffs a little tougher to split that I anticipated a coup that was fun we got it persistence prevailed that's what I was hoping it would do Monte I'm not gonna lie I don't know what the heck you're doing like what are you doing Monty hey Monty you want treat why are you why are you sitting outside of the shelter in a snow mound facing upwards it just it doesn't even make sense you weird dog it's starting to get Welch not jelly I was gonna say dark dark is the word I'm looking for dark yard getting dark okay got this birch bark it's a little bit moist from I picked it up earlier on the way in and it's been in my pocket it was covered in snow should be okay now we're gonna do it a little bit differently today you know a few people have said to warm up the fire still for my one strike thing here so we'll just do just to see if I can do that one just to make sure scrape off the was it called you guys know I don't remember right now right this second but let's see oops well that was a bad one those were all kind of bad but it worked out in the end oh no it didn't it died the birch bark sweat so that makes it a little tougher well this isn't work why are you doing this to me no ding nabbit oh this log it keeps catching my hand oh I don't like this log here alright this is this is getting embarrassing now oh it hasn't taken me that long to start some birch bark in a long time that was fun let's see if I can get this bundle of sticks alight everything's a little wet cuz all the snow I know what'll help [Applause] there we go that's what I'm talking about the ticket to any good Ripon fire is more birchbark [Music] so good news for mr. Monty here yeah he's nice and toasty and his undercarriage and all the snow has melted and he's feeling warm down there and her as he actually feeling dry down his undercarriage so I think it just warmed it out so he's chilling he's relaxing hey Monty mmm he's just a good boy yeah yeah there's all you have the best breath Monty you have to stinkiest breath a breath I read read read that's a good boy it's dark now yeah I've just been processing all that firewood I've got a fire rippin got a little too much firewood but that's okay I'm just gonna enjoy myself and burn it here maybe you can't see me very well does that help to help see my face but anyways yeah I'm just gonna since I've got so much firewood and it's there's way too much pile on right now to start cooking on I'm just gonna let this burn down and relax here for a bit you know there's no sense in I am very hungry I am very very very very very hungry but I can I can I'll be fine you know waiting and pushing out doing a longer later dinner that's totally fine with me Monty is just relaxing he's toasty wrapped up in his little oh it is wool blanket but yeah I'm just gonna enjoy this for a bit and I'll check back in with you guys when this burns down after a good 45 minutes or so that fire is roasting that thing is warm we need a stick prepared for dinner tonight it's gonna be a good one we're bringing it back to pasta mmm love me a pasta dish over the campfire won't reveal it quite yet you know keep the suspense up there but the wind is slowly picking up we got a nice little spot though this this nook is good I like this deep snow right here it's like two and a half feet yeah two and a half feet it's pretty it's like two feet two and a half over there too so even if a comes from our size a little bit we've got walls built up so it's nice it's nice put on all my layers it's been it's been quite a while oh yeah it's been over an hour since I said I was just gonna start burning wood and relaxing so been doing that for quite a while it was funny a little bit ago I got up and I went to take a pee and Monty got up too and he had to go to the bathroom and I could tell because he was walking on the trail he doesn't like to pee or poo on the trail he's not a trail pooper for the most part I think he was at one point but he's not anymore so he is he's trying to go off of my path and just went right up to his elbows every time but I was just like Monty it's okay go ahead and pee on the trail and he just wouldn't do it so he eventually just put his paws off my path and sunk up to his chest and just peed just like that just buried in the snow just peed lucky for him it melts it and it didn't get all over him but it was hilarious I don't have my camera handy otherwise thought it recorded it but I wouldn't have made it in time I would not have made it in time so I'm glad we finally got some snow you know snow you know about time I haven't been here in a while so I didn't I didn't think there was gonna be this much snow here but I guess this this area is snowier than back home so that's good to know I think I will be returning here soon as long as it stays cold and nothing melts and we might do a Quincy video that'd be fun spent a couple nights out here in a Quincy with mr. Monty then I could do some the second day I could do some hiking around that's what I want to do I want to snowshoe without my big pack but the problem is with this guy burying and burying in the snow getting those snowballs maybe we should just shave him for winter I think if I think we brush them out decently that might not happen as much but that's rough I feel bad for him because you know that adds a lot of weight there was so much snow on there but he's all melted now right muddy right you got a bookies he just lets me rub his eyes just doesn't even care you just say oh there's going to be a reason you wouldn't do that for no reason well we're gonna start cooking very soon this this fire these I put I put just too much but big wood on there and it's uh it's too hot to get close but they're all still like hot burning logs there's not really the coals are all in the center of all that which I'm probably gonna end up just simmering everything up next to it I think it'll cook just fine because it's so hot oh hey Monty oh hey how's it going buddy how's it going okay so what we were having for dinner today can you see my face now you cannot see my face Monty I need to change this if you don't want to see my face too bad cuz here it is anyways where was I what we're having for today is a doozy now what a doozy is is a whoa it is why we're having roasted red bell pepper and mushroom cream sauce linguini with chicken yeah it's gonna get serious it's gonna get real serious we're getting serious tonight I felt like something delicious and funk helped me out with this one this is something she kind of made up and it's not one of those meals you know there's like a death-defying meal with a recipe it's not really one of those it's kind of something just you see something and you're like ah you know cream sauce rose red bell peppers and you just add some stuff and I just added all the add and stuff but I think would taste good you know we just kind of you know you wing it and it tastes great okay I don't really need to prepare too much I've got some roasted red bell peppers there and I've got some mushrooms and I need to cut up or do like the mushrooms [Music] I just scared the crap out of my tea he was just a wall hmm hopefully we can use that one Monty you want you know a little mushroom Monty doesn't like mushroom yeah yeah that'll be in some nice cream sauce mushroom right baby right that's a mash mushroom oh I know Monty that was a mushroom that was a mash room get it I love mushrooms that's enough mushrooms that's enough mushrooms in there what else do we need huh what is it Monty what is it mine - what is it boy continue fall in the well is there a fire in the barn there's a fire in the barn there's a fire in the barn here comes a really white Monty [Music] you like that do you like what I grab you like that no you don't he doesn't appreciate that Oh so you know it's cool is the weather said that the wind was going to come from Southwest which is dicta that way and the wind's coming from north great great I'm gonna do some garlic clove it's gonna crush them up just on the side like this just put my blade and just smush it because that makes it a million times easier to peel this is a tip I learned thanks to you guys my viewers and subscribers and I'm just gonna actually chop it up a little bit [Music] see it's nice sometimes you know sometimes you guys teach me something sometimes I teach you something just a healthy relationship we got going on you know [Music] great Monty I'm not gonna I'm not gonna cut this up too much Monty Oh what what what did you do on a treat do you want 300 put that in the pan all right I'm going to add a chunk of butter to the pan and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna roast up this stuff for just a minute with the bottom of the garlic and the mushrooms and then we'll add our red bell peppers and the cream and all the other goodies and we'll simmer it well we've got to prepare Monty's too now Monty I'm gonna do him a solid today he is he is getting sweet potato and chicken but we're just what are we gonna do Monty we're just not gonna Tate it with the taste of dog food that's what we're gonna do no dog food just sweet potato and chicken which I think I'll be healthy enough for him that'll be good for him he'll enjoy it he'll be happy about it and he'll be super happy because there won't be that stinky dog food in it that he just doesn't he'll eat it up but he doesn't seem to care for it too much dry kibble right Monty I just hope it's not too much and I hope we don't I hope we don't do that thing where you wake up and you can't wait to get out of your sleeping bag because you got poop there are sweet potatoes gosh darn sweet potatoes oh we've got we got one more thing to prepare one more thing where is it would you do it okay gotta get that hand sanitizer to the ready because I'm about to touch some despicable something nasty that is chicken I get the big pieces on here no it's chicken chicken and I have a weird relationship I love chicken I love it and I'll eat it I'll never I'll never not eat chicken but there's something about it there's just something about chicken that makes me feel out of all the meats that I will get the most sick from chicken raw chicken juices and just the slime and just it's not that I'm like grossed out by chicken I love chicken what had just said it's just that it just something about it just makes me think as if I could get food poisoning from some kind of raw meat chicken will be the culprit I like to trust them a beef I like the trust of my venison I'll trust in pork of definitely trust in fish oh you raw fish someone should make some raw raw chicken sushi see how it does I bet you'll die maybe there's a place that has chickens that are safe to eat raw well I'm definitely isn't Walmart good definitely not oh the rest of the chicken I put it in little bits here for Monty Monty is all set to go this nasty chicken I'm gonna just put this up to the side for now cuz I don't touch raw chicken and my spices I'm just gonna cook the chicken plain and I'm not gonna season it after I seasoned it with Montreal I'll cook it plain without seasoning is what I mean more macho yeah okay okay just a little bit more just just a little sprinkle sprinkle more there for that just a little bit more okay let's get cooking actually you know what I had to deal with this nasty hand this gross raw chicken head I'm gonna douse it in hand sanitizer so I'm gonna do after I rub it snow okay okay let's just take care of well sure is getting windy out there yeah justice just probably burn some wood so far you sure did bring some coals over here cook are great great bust out put that over that boss why is it it's like a smoke funnel oh my eyes [Music] it's not very even needs to be level my face is on fire oh that's pretty stable okay all right okay all right okay all right it's the butter mushrooms and garlic going get prepared get my stick my chicken stick get that roasting another ton of chicken just enough and we need then we need to get Monte's on here for dinner today monty is having a gourmet pot of snow yummy snow a little too much butter but it's okay hey get hurt you know it's hard to beat a pasta meal over the fire it sure is it's hard to beat any meal over fire to be honest but pasta meals we sure am good okay add some roasted red peppers to this mix gonna be tasty and now we need to add some heavy whipping cream those that along here we go and then we're gonna have some spices to this mix and I've got salt black pepper and white pepper to add in now we're going to bring this up to a simmer and then we're going to reduce this to get this to thicken as our chicken cooks and if it gets a little too hot and it's simmering too much I'm going to pull it off the heat [Music] oh hey Marty Hey oh we gotta stir it up a little bit here ooh that's some pretty good hey buddy hey hi yeah this wind it's just slowly getting gusty this way it's not concentrate thing it's just Gustin got my selves self a bells - higher ale my beer of choice [Music] not tea you know what he wants I don't he was I know exactly what you want Monty I know everything about you yeah this is what he wants this is what he wants he's just like dad's making me a meal again cut cut cut clicking applause thanks for cooking dad thanks for sitting up the torpid click click that applause to you for split oh my sleeping pad I don't think this is what Monty had in mind when he got up oh no no it's too bad it's too bad he still smells like Pantene pro-v new smell good Monty right here at least I'm not gonna sniff every part of his body but right here you still got a hit to that Pantene pro-v your good boy [Music] do you want to go over to the dog park you want a treat do you watch you want to find out who put the pop in the boppity-bop people I could sit like this all day I don't know if he appreciates it though I don't think so I do it deke stuff I don't think so help me help me guys Toby's cradling me again Oh like it oh my veil my back okay I'll let you down or a big stinker I'm gonna go wander off and maybe dive into the snow and take a pee tell you one thing he's not gonna do is drink the water at four for him I do it every time he's up like a third to half my analogy and pouring it out for him in a bowl he looks at it he looks the other way and he goes and eats no he just he will not drink water and then I pour for him unless it's the middle of the night that's the only time my she drinks water that I pour for him is what sometimes actually pretty much every time if it's dead a night and wake him up or he wakes me up in the sleeping bag and he needs a needs to adjust the pour some water for him he'll he'll drink it up usually but it's only then then and only then otherwise he doesn't want it right now he's on the hunt Tianna hunt let's take a peek at our Simran pass them yeah whoo oh it's Simran it's almost summer and too good right now so far the the sauce isn't getting red from the roasted red bell peppers maybe I should have diced them up fine and that would have happened that's okay I'm not worried about the color of this meal I am only worried about flavor of this meal this is something I've never created or tried before let's take a mmm [Music] that's pretty darn good we had a thing of snow here for when I need to boil noodles this this will get more and more flavorful as it reduces you know I just realized something the snow right now is like the perfect temperature out it's a little bit sticky it's a perfect temperature for something what is it Monty what's that the perfect temperature for right now yeah Oh No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no drums do you look weird that that's not the best nose he'll do [Music] there you go nice car hardhat [Music] he's beautiful hey you know this isn't Frosty the Snowman this is Frank the Snowman hey Frank Frank you look shady it's real shady with that hat on anyways back to cooking back to cooking okay where were we cooking up delicious food oh yeah okay okay what do we got here we got some chicken in sweet potato this is coming along mm-hmm could use a little bit more moisture we'll just add a perfect there we go what do we got here we have a pot of water not enough to boil noodles in so I'm gonna go get some more snow and add that to there that's we don't need that much moisture not that much moisture oh and this I put off to the side while we made the snowman just so off the side just a little bit just a little bit we the just forming a little fill on top and that's a little bit reddish it's definitely starting to change color slowly I think as it cooks down a little bit more it's gonna get a little bit more tinted red oh and the flavors gonna come out I'm all that stopped oops I spill off oh yeah this is gonna be so good oh yeah mmm every time I like this thing it tastes better than the time before let's bring this in here that's gonna step things up a bit [Music] you a Monty no no no Monty spilt my beer spilt off the rest of my beer dang that Monty ding nabbit Monty that is so good oh let's check our water here okay that's boiling and boiling Monty we need to add something to that where is it buddy what you do with it now a little first I'm gonna take it up and put it over here just to be safe so we don't screw this part up add the linguine so the boiling water I'll hook that over here for a minute give us a quick stir here I don't want my noodles clumping together it's the one thing you've got to be careful of clumpy noodles but I think I got them hey we're gonna add a lid back on here we're gonna move this back over here and get this boiling Monte is this close to done I know it is it's gotta be has just been simmering forever okay now we've got to add some magic to this bad boy here now you may have thought if the roasted red bell pepper and mushroom cream sauce dish was done but of course it is not we've got to add two things some fresh parsley and last but not least of course some shredded Parmesan cheese Oh what the heck I'll add it at all you know what the heck what the heck why mess around right oh yeah that is going to be so amazing I don't want this to simmer now I'm gonna kind of I'm gonna scrape back these coals look at that cheesy gooey goodness okay we've got a push back the pushes back check out her new rules here before going part okay these are coming along you can go back over to the intense heat we're just gonna play with this a little bit oh man that right there some glory woohoo let me taste it taste it oh my gosh oh that's so good oh that's so good look at that deliciousness oh it's so perfect see I'm I've been taking it on and off the heat waiting for the noodles because this is the perfect consistency and it's it's got that red hue to it oh man oh I just don't want it to simmer anymore so I'm just keeping it warm and hot so it's like just look at that mush for me red bell pepper cheesy goodness everything's going to come together everything is gonna come together Monte's I'm up putting right near the heat I stay away from the heat to start whoo these noodles I lost a lot of moisture a lot of water but they're gonna be let's see let's you're at hmm we are very close within minutes ladies and gentlemen within minutes what take a couple here okay the noodles are done it is time to eat oh there's a chicken done oh yeah the chicken is definitely done his Monte's done let's check his let's check his with a little stick oh yeah oh yeah okay see I put it in the hot fire oh that cooked it - sure cooked it we have to add a little snow to Monte's to get his ready in time to be able to feasts with me that's okay he's gonna take a little snow it's okay he needs it okay let's prepare dinner take I'm gonna drain here we go glorious part let's add that creamy delicious sauce all over that pasta oh yeah hmm on top of that we're going to oh yeah it's still juicy in the center to just double-check oh yeah it's still juicy oh it's hot [Music] [Music] okay mm-hm it is time to feast Oh mine look at that oh oh you okay I just have to I have to give a little pasta stir look at that okay okay oh let's eat let's eat I'm so excited oh this just looks so creamy and delicious and you know what as you can notice I made a pretty good portion size I didn't overdo it or get crazy and make a triple batch like last time I really tried hard to have a single serving here and I didn't bring out bread just to let in case I made a little extra which it's it's still a full pot I can eat it all you ready Monte go ahead go ahead he's enough to drink some water first oh let's see here I'm just going to go for noodles and sauce first [Music] that is so good Oh into noodle back [Music] Oh good job [ __ ] this one's good it's got off it's not like it's too spicy or too intense of a flavor it's got just a nice mild creamy flavor it's so good [Music] I brought my heavy whipping cream in this protein shaker bottle so that in case I had any leftovers like I did with the chicken riggies of the chili I could bring it home on that because it won't crack open but I can honestly say there will be no leftovers no sir oh we've made history ladies and gentlemen history on this channel I made a gourmet pasta dish lots of ingredients lots of time cooking and I am perfectly satisfied I'm not a little hungry I'm not overly stopped I am actually absolutely perfectly satisfied that was the perfect amount and it was a delicious meal I don't think I've ever done that before yeah maybe I have or Monty Frank has no opinion well I'm gonna put some snow in here get this simmer and try to get out some of this cheese and cream and nastiness and after I wash up we'll get ready for bed I'll check back with you guys no getting ready for bed what you think Monty it seems as though mr. Monty is ready for bed oh we're ready to go to bed buddy I think he's ready for bed he's too precious you're too precious oh no I'm not precious no no don't know okay prepare your chariot your royal highness the Royal Highness come here your royal but Miss robot this way they see their way to stay there watching [Music] but this little booties in here okay coming that's pretty much absolutely perfect you did so good you did so good Monty I'm just gonna do a slight a slight adjustment let's get started good boy oh yes I go boy he did so good Monty it's so good it's so good Monty you did so good you did so good now it is pretty warm guys this is very warm this evening it is right about freezing maybe just below right around there and that's pretty warm for us winter camping we used to a lot colder temperatures at night so this might be too much for Monty tonight my prediction is that he will be very restless because it's so warm so help me get me up a lot tonight but yeah that was a delicious meal I am very satisfied very satisfied I even can even see me Monty I am very satisfied Monty's got to be satisfied I put the rest of the wood on the fire is just gonna burn down the winds picking up but it doesn't matter I don't care if we get blasted with wind because I honestly like to get cooled down because this sleep maximu warm I'm gonna have to shut layers I might even use my sleeping bag lines or anything like that so anyways guys I'm gonna pass out now so I will catch you in the morning good night if you're ready [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] good morning morning Monty covered come with me for a minute he doesn't wanna snuggle he says you ain't you want to be free go outside and grease the day all right oh I had you mad you stinker yeah I slept okay last night and the reason it was a little uncomfortable because uh Frank died last night yes his head fell off it's right there this is Frank's head yeah well what's up in the middle of the night and you just up and died I don't know what happened scared Monty too [Music] mmm-hmm booster it's not very cold ah because I mean it isn't it isn't my tarp looks wet and it was frozen last night because I got below freezing but now it seems to be wet again and that must mean that it is above freezing maybe Oh No maybe there are little ice chunks either way it feels nippy the wind is howling it is just blowing around right now it's windier than it was yesterday you look crazy what are you doing Monty what are you searching for what you do okay anyways everybody get up and get some layers on let's talk yeah there's the Ronan's a Frankie just I don't know what happened he died it's terrible but there's this little arm his little arms just sticking out trying to probably reach for help but we just kind of stare at it I'm kept sleeping right Monty I know you stared at him and you didn't do anything to help why didn't you help Frank Monty why did you not help Frank [Music] it's uh it was so warm yesterday that I kept you know stepping here and now as an ice slide [Music] I'm idea Monte's got his blue T's on his little blue T's so I think these things are a success and I really like them and these are gonna be my booties of choice from now on for bringing Monte out because on the way in we lost one booty but I think it's because I didn't have it tighten it up so these are the go-to booties for us and I will post a link to these booties in the description of my video probably at the bottom but yeah Monte doesn't seem to mind them they were a little bothersome when he was going through the deep snow and you know a little bit of snow catches where it's in his paw but I just reacted pretty tight and they're pretty good you know I think they're the best thing about them is that they're cheap and they're just a thin material they're not they're not trying to get insulating they're not trying to create some fancy snow blocking they're super simple they're just roomy and they work so yeah I'll link him down there [Music] see if we can [Music] [Music] geez hey looks the exact same as you did yesterday frankly reasonable what do you think Monty yeah is breezy out sure is windy well I guess it's time to pack up eight we've got a trek out of here you're new so yeah let's get packing in my teeth a mighty good multi maybe Monty hey motif [Music] oh we got a grip on it oh no I'm gonna bite it you want to eat it no he doesn't want to eat it [Music] I like to do this thing where I don't put anything back in its stuff sack or anything so it's all you know it's just a little bulkier but that's okay it's not a big deal then you got a sled get up the package you just stuff it in tighten it down it's good to go [Music] I've just got to shed a few morning layers here [Music] probably to get sweaty on the way out let's see the thing is about leaving especially like it's snowed yesterday but it didn't get crazy after I made my path so now I've got a nice packed path all the way back so it's gonna be a lot quicker going out than it is coming in when you've got to uh you've got a break trail you know pack down the snow it's always worse it's always more work so maybe we'll still get sweaty but maybe we won't get as sweaty yesterday we're gonna keep that hat on you can't see my hat hair now hold on I don't quite remember where my knife is [Music] oh it is in there it's right where I thought it was supposed to be I just didn't see it or no I supposed to put in the time that's the worst when you think you don't see anything on the ground but you can't remember where like an important piece of gear is I always just get this this bugging me like well if I don't just check now and it's not there when I get home I'm gonna be really upset so I always just check that's always just there but hey rather be safe than sorry right Monty Monty okay [Music] yeah gloves are on already guys I think that's gonna do it for this one we added a new recipe to the cookbook last night and had a nice relaxing even evening not even evening so as always guys you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys in the next video let's go Monty [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 259,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, camping, winter, backcountry, backcountry camping, asmr, bushcraft, survival, survival skills, dog training, campfire cooking, campfire, cooking, gourmet cooking, adventure, outdoorsman, survivalist, snowshoeing, backpacking, backpack camping, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, wild camping, extreme weather, snowstorm, blizzard, severe weather, snow, dog, nature, canada, overnight camping, overnight, camping in a storm, camping in a snowstorm, bushcraft shelter
Id: m3x9X0vLSrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 28sec (5908 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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