Aussie Coin Pusher EP 74

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[Music] we get eight okay some pies corn pusher here this one looks jam-packed um i don't know what his secret is but um the amount of money that's on the bottom tray there let's forget about the top tray for now uh stock standard uh 250 bucks here says 50 coins yeah i don't know guess we'll soon find out won't we so i lost you yesterday [Applause] i mean you'll probably know that by now so i'm pretty much aiming right now just to see if i can get one of them pushed off come on [Music] oh thank you [Music] well accuracy is totally way out [Music] oh yeah oh nice that's how you do it [Music] all right i'm just going to go for coins with the odd flutter in the middle [Music] [Music] come on do something good oh nice [Music] oh thank you i needed that i was getting a little worried after yesterday it takes a bit of comfort nice thank you that was my last coin [Music] all right now providing i can get all this off the bottom with those extra 200s up there that's that's going to make a nice day for me [Music] um there's probably about 60 queens there and once again i totally forgot to guess man i'm hopeless all right well if i'm holding 60 let's go 60. uh kelly i already know what you're going for mate 126. i hope you're all right [Applause] [Music] that's how i didn't say it this time i really did oh they're so good to get another 100 off [Music] i hope you're right [Music] nice i think i just got 10 bucks [Music] oh no ice come on [Music] come on [Music] i'm not even looking at the bottom tray right now i'm just concentrating only on the top and that was my last point all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] all right we're doing smashingly um so there's my bourbon coins here there's got to be at least 80 coins there at least i just want to mention something just real quick too that's not me putting those ads on either youtube are doing that 100 on their own um they have obviously asked me um what type of ads to go on um but because i'm being monetized unfortunately you know i don't know i have i've not watched one of my channels when it's been on youtube um so you know i don't sit there and just watch my own stuff i've already watched the video twice i don't need to um so i'm not sure how many ads are going on apparently there's quite a few now look i'm sorry uh but it's not me doing it so please don't bother sending me any hate for it send it to youtube if you're if you're that concerned about it but i do apologize i wouldn't do it i'd be just as happy not having ads on [Music] nice nice there's a lot of coins that just dropped i think sounded good come on baby [Music] so oh thank you i don't know what that was probably a fiver [Music] [Music] i'm probably a little bit more quieter today because i'm really trying to concentrate because i do not want to lose again so i if i'm a little bit quieter than what i normally am it's just because i'm concentrating [Music] yeah i don't want to go home and face my messes again like that with no flowers nice under fiver as you can see that's all packing up there really nicely right now oh nice this is where it starts getting exciting [Music] that's my last two coins all right let's tally it up see what i got [Music] all right 20 so that's my suck up flowers taken care of joe's in the game now so that's a good thing there's probably like 120 110 coins so that's not bad at all considering how much i struggled yesterday so what i've been trying to work out is what is different between today's game and yesterday's game it all looks the same is there just more coins on it i don't know um because this game seems to be going a lot easier than yesterday's game did yesterday's game was intensely hard nothing was happening was it me very possible i'm starting to think yes it was me i wasn't paying enough attention i do know you become complacent when you're winning you just think that you're going to win all the time and look that happens to me too so maybe that's what it was [Music] [Music] oh that would have been good [Music] holy whoa oh man i hope you guys saw what i saw that was a massive one i don't know how many coins dropped then uh but there's a lot of coins [Music] so oh bugger down here hope he doesn't get stuck there that's 10 bucks right there [Applause] so [Music] all right let's crank this machine up [Music] oh thank you there goes the town [Music] oh thank you [Music] that was my last two coins oh thank you all right let's tally it up so what we got all right 75 now i didn't see half of them fall so that was a really pleasant surprise for me 75 bucks you sit up there without falling off it's always a good thing when joe's shirt uh covers up how many coins i've got in here that's his shirt um so he's not wearing any pants that's why he's back-faced here so but yeah he's not looking too bad so got to be close to 150 coins [Music] yeah i really need to put some pants on him he doesn't like pants he keeps taking them off all the time i'm a bloody idiot [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey come on get your timing better so all right so pretty much what i'm doing right now is i'm concentrating on this that's all i care about right now that top deck does doesn't even exist to me right now this is a confidence thing whenever you take a hit like i did yesterday it takes a big chunk of confidence out when you're betting like i do you need confidence so all i care about right now is trying to get my money back once i've got my money back and then i'm going to open up on that top deck that's my plan that'll help me get my confidence back [Music] oh i totally missed that what happened uh can i get playback on this thing something seriously happened little bit chunk taken out [Music] oh 50. oh that's nice couple more that would be nice [Music] oh thank you i'm just going to start loading it up let's try to get some bigger pushes down the bottom because i don't want everything to get stuck [Music] now i'm just gonna wait for the pendulum to come back towards the middle [Music] oh nelly that's a total accident push it off i did say i wasn't going to go for the stuff on the top but when an opportunity arises like that you've got to have a go at it [Music] so [Music] [Music] that was my last few nice keep raining hey i don't mind getting wet all right let's tell it up so what i got all right there's 100 bucks right there that takes a big chunk out of the deficit oh hello i'll get them up there [Music] joe's a little bit dirty with me so yeah he sort of got sidelined um so yeah so there's probably i'm guessing 140 150 coins in there so what my goal is today if i can get back to 250 that i've put into it um and then i'm gonna say because it was like ninety dollars i lost yesterday but if i can get a hundred of that back then uh 350 that's really what my target is right now anything above that [Music] [Music] bonus i've definitely got the coins for it [Music] oh crap i did not just block that up i did just block that up all right i cannot drop another coin on top of that i'm hoping it'll just vibrate itself loose it's not a bad one right now oh nice oh there you go see cleared itself out that's what it's supposed to do but dopey me likes to stick coins on top of it and then it won't clear itself out all right [Music] [Music] i think it's time to step this game up a bit i love it when i say that [Applause] so [Music] yeah i'm trying to be oh that was a good push nothing came over but that was a good push so that's my last three coins all right let's tell it up so what i got okay we definitely lost some coins um so there's probably like 120 coins there maybe 130 um i still think we lost like 20 25 coins but what i'm going to do is i'm going to continue a fast round on this one here if i lose any more coins then i'll rethink that strategy but right now what i don't want and what i can see what's happening is this is getting all chopped up and it's just not going to keep pushing it so before it gets all chopped up i've got to start getting this off [Music] oh hi 50. all right that 50 wants to come off he's asking politely [Music] oh that's blocking up thank you nice i think that's definitely the key that is absolutely definitely the key with this game stop trying to smash the top uh and force something off every now and then you'll get lucky and drop a coin on top of the note and it'll flick off that is very very very difficult to do i've trained myself to try to land these coins flat to try to untrain that it is hard to do so i think what i'm going to be doing is i'm literally concentrating on this if i see an opportunity at the top i'm going to go for it but only if i see that opportunity if not then they stay up there oh nice okay this is what i'm talking about start clearing out that middle i don't care right now that i'm double stacking the top that's going to happen when you go fast i don't think my timing is 100 right now but i'm getting pushes it's good enough [Music] [Music] nice all right cleaning up on coins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay that's my last four coins oh yep oh yeah i'm starting to agree with you there seymour all right let's tell it up so what i got all right we totally smashed it 35 right there i've set that up the top there with all these mates coins i reckon we're back to 150 coins no problems so i'm just going to continue doing what i'm doing i mean it's the way i want to play that's the way i love flying i think that might have been a 20 night that just filled [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that old bottom looks like it's going to come off soon [Music] come on all those coins are getting stuck like that for it only happens in the one spot [Music] oh yeah that's how you clean up clean it out [Music] come on get some of those green ones off then i can relax [Music] oh come on i didn't even say it [Music] so a bit of light in there i suppose [Music] oh i watched that one as i'm trying to grab another handful of coins oh wow okay [Music] all right so right now what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to watch to see what's moving forward and see what's slipping back all that's slipping back right now i'm guessing that'll start slipping backwards so i just got to get the coins out from under them that'll be my goal [Music] [Music] nice that'll help that stuff in the [Music] middle [Music] [Music] i don't think i'm in a profit yet man [Music] that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up so what i got okay um so so joe was totally chucking the that he got kicked out of the game so i had to bring him in so uh 50 bucks not bad hey joe you want to keep holding him there you go you keep holding 50 bucks don't you lose that now coins we're gaining coins where they coming from there's not a lot of coins in there um but you know what i don't care so probably 150 160 coins so what my goal is what i'm trying to incorporate into my game as a stock standard thing is not to overload the top i have a tendency of doing that um getting way too many coins at the top and that really hinders me that's that's the same as having a bunch of chips up the top coins just don't move too much so what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to i'm trying to teach myself uh get the coins in fast like three to four coins if i can get four coins in i haven't learned to do four yet not properly i can do three pretty good if i can get them in and land them flat and not double stack so much then um that's going to limit the amount of coins that are at the top which means that more coins down the bottom which means it's going to be earning me money oh hello that's what i'm trying to teach myself right now um i just want that as a stock standard part of the game oh you're gonna have to play if you really don't want to so it's probably why you haven't seen me just go on absolute bonkers like i used to don't get me wrong that's like the best way to play for me anyway i love playing like that but this is the smartest way this is the smarter way to play i think anyway you're always going to double stack when you're dropping three to four coins in you really can't stop that until i get better at it then uh yeah i still will be but i'll get some i get some ripper bushes i'll give you [Music] that so oops oh no don't get stuck no no don't get stuck in there all right i'll stay away from you [Music] [Applause] come on hopefully yourself [Music] problem is if i drop another coin on that it won't clear itself now better go get dave [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i'm not going to play the left at all it'll easily drop in there playing far left i'm just going to play right only that should clear itself i mean the other side clear itself [Music] this means i'm going to be double stacking a little bit [Music] totally meant that [Laughter] no i didn't [Music] oh i nearly did it again i'd like to be attacking that hundred but i don't know if i should because if i yeah if i miss time that oh hi like i nearly did then [Applause] [Music] that one bounced on the edge of it oh oh no totally meant that too all right so i'm going to say you got a 50 50 chance of clearing it by dropping another coin on it i'll keep that in mind [Music] okay so these buggers are sliding backwards so i need to work on getting those coins out from in front of it to get them lower down i'm guessing these ones are going to do the same and so are these ones here [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on i need some big shops don't know if you just saw what i saw that was my last two coins [Music] all right let's tally it up see what i got okay a couple more coins just phil i missed those so they're still in there um yeah probably 150 coins so once again we lost some coins but i'm not surprised whether they start to build up and start to get fat i didn't want that to happen but all these little challenges that i put in front of me i'm learning on how to fix them oh thank you at least i've got something to play with if it all turns to [Music] come on i need a few more of those big pushes that would be nice start breaking down this mound [Music] okay so the right hand side is starting to chalk up a little bit after clearing that out [Music] nice as soon as i start getting things moving again down the bottom i'm going to try a couple of um out of time shots to get those 200s because they're sitting absolutely perfect for that at the moment i'm not going to do it yet [Music] [Music] so [Music] hopefully that's gonna start making a [Music] move [Music] so oh that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got we've definitely gained um probably like 150 160 coins there that down the bottom there that's starting to look a lot flatter so we're definitely getting coins out from underneath all of that stuff okay hundred will probably roll off soon oh nice i've got the coin landed on my shoe [Music] come here they're not escaping that easy all right now we're getting things to move a little bit [Music] so so cool [Music] oh i bounced it but i don't know what that means [Music] nice so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm just going to start thinning out the top deck [Music] [Music] that's going to come off soon [Music] [Music] i've got one coin left all right let's till it up so what i got okay 50 bucks that's handy [Music] coins yeah we're doing really really good on coins um i don't think we lost any i don't think we gained any but we're still doing really good on coins [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh no all right i'm not gonna drop another coin on that [Applause] [Music] come on i haven't played yourself oh there you go [Music] i've got to get things moving again things seem to be slipping and sliding all over the place here [Music] now hundreds about to go over [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on oh i just the whole thing's moving again [Music] there's my last four coins all right let's tally it up see what i got oh 100 bucks you little bloody gripper now i feel better coins yeah we did lose some coins then so probably back to about 140 maybe [Music] i know the top deck is really starting to load up but i'm going to continue doing it because i'm getting really really good pushes right now and i don't want to stop that [Music] oh i think the 50's just dropped oh man i hope so so [Music] okay i think on the right hand side i'm just going to clear it out a bit and i'm just going to smash it on the left hand side oh my gosh [Music] so [Music] so the left is not moving [Music] [Music] [Music] come on very nice to uncle guys [Music] so [Music] [Music] wants to fall on this side [Music] so a coin has just totally got stuck in the actual coin sloth itself um finger push the queen [Music] i don't really need to play too much of the right hand side just now that's my last five or six coins nice all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] all right got another 50 bucks so things are moving slowly very slowly i don't think we lost too many coins i think we did lose some but not many i still think we're bordering around 150. [Music] yep that's what i needed [Music] i don't even know why i'm dropping them on the right hand side [Music] i'm just gonna wait i'm just pretty much playing the left right now the middle to the left [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh that shot everything up that was nice [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's still quite a lot of money on there i'm not walking away from this [Music] oh another 50. oh another 50 on this side's about four [Music] oh thank you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right that was nice that should that should start pushing them off i reckon these guys here are going to come off very soon the ones on the left i don't need to play the right i don't see me getting that 25 bucks [Music] it totally didn't mean that okay that's my last two coins nice these two hero over here on the left they just slip back a bit but that's fine i can't keep sliding all night can they um so all right we're gonna um go down have a look okay got 100 bucks that's nice i'd definitely say we're in the profit now queens yeah we're doing really really good on coins uh we just totally got back all the queens that i've just lost excuse me could have been worse it could have been a far [Music] i'm totally not trying to play the right hand side [Music] so oops did not mean to drop that oh nice over 50. [Music] i don't really want to play the right hand side but there's a lot of queens over hanging so it's sort of a nice choice [Music] [Music] oh my gosh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i think i broke two more [Music] oh that was nice just trying to clear those coins in front of that hundred i'm not too concerned about the other stuff i really want that hundred [Music] [Music] oh welcome to the game so i just wanted to watch the 100 just to see what it was doing that definitely resisted it i do think it's gettable [Music] i do think it's going to slide back though my last two coins all right let's tell you that's what i got i've got another 50 bucks [Music] i hope you guys don't mind a long game simply i'm not really losing any uh any tokens here so if i'm not losing tokens i'm just going to keep going as i said you know you guys can skip it fast forward turn it off do it do whatever you want really i'm chasing that hundred i'm hoping it doesn't take me another hour to get it off but at the end of the day if it does then i'm going home with an extra 100 bucks as long as i'm not losing coins if i start losing coins i'll re-evaluate it straight away [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] nice [Music] looks like i might get that 20. [Music] i did not think i was going to get that so i don't need to play the right hand side at all [Music] pretty much just center [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] i got no idea why i just did that hold [Music] that [Music] i think what i need to do is give that 100 a really good shot and then it shouldn't come backwards [Music] oh [Music] so what i don't want to do is vibrate that 100 because then it will just go back in the playing field [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh very nice very nice it fell i'm just going to target this little thing here and i'm done [Music] nice [Music] that was my last two coins all right so what have we got here there's probably maybe 10 coins if that falls and some of the top of that falls i might get 10 or 15 coins is it worth having a cricket yeah i think so all right i'll tell you it up 140 bucks hey can't sneeze at that can you [Music] coins yeah we're not losing any i might as well keep going why not as soon as that falls though um i mean i don't want to put in too many coins to try to get that out [Music] but you never know what happens i could put in three coins and the whole thing could fall [Music] yeah that'll i'm stopping uh i could keep going and try to get and get that what's it gonna cost me to get it uh i'm not a greedy person i'm more than happy to leave that for somebody that's only got like 10 coins uh hopefully they can get 20 coins off so that's what i was about to put through but i'm not going to it goes back in a semi i'm going to tell you everything up and i'll be back [Music] all right take a look oh no i just dropped them [Music] [Applause] you're not escaping do you know how i work to get you little buggers um that's impressive so considering yesterday uh i lost so yeah going into this game i was very nervous um i don't know why i really shouldn't doubt myself but after losing you know you sort of lose a bit of confidence so anyway so the telly goes i've got 600 bucks in notes i've got 180 in chips [Music] uh 146 coins kelly you're 20 coins out mate i already know what you're gonna guess um so he always guesses 126 that's his numbers um but your 20 coins out mate so you're nice and close uh that totals to uh 300 438 dollars for the coins add all that together is one thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars minus the 250 bucks i paid uh 968 profit that's it that's what i'm going home with well minus what i give to the tim so 968 dollars profit what a ripper game uh so good to be on the winning list um yeah that's going to give me a little bit more confidence so uh anyway i'm gonna go catch all this in i'll be back in a minute all right take your gander at this hey um so basically what i've done here um i've given uh 98 dollars to the tin um so yeah you know i mean there's there's a lot of money here so um i'm absolutely more than happy to do that um considering yesterday i uh i lost money i did give 10 bucks to the tin uh is that even focusing focus a little fella so um so yeah so there's 870 dollars right here um yep i am absolutely over the moon with that i know my missus is going to be over the moon with it too so um but anyway uh if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,644
Rating: 4.9471946 out of 5
Id: Ne6AeIqaviU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 27sec (4587 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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