Aussie Coin Pusher EP 91

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[Music] well it's the big day the buy-in take a look at this snappy duck it everywhere um it looks really really hard i totally did not expect this uh yeah i got 100 coins there's a thousand bucks right there um yeah that one hurt i've got another thousand with me um my missus did say do your best not to use it and do your absolute best not to lose it so um wow um yeah down the bottom cash wise is about three thousand dollars um my nemesis is back that gold nugget now i asked dave about the um about the dice i was sort of hoping he was gonna say if you get all five dice off you get to keep everything no that's not that's not the case unfortunately apparently if you get all five dice off take a look to the left um there is a lot of scratches there i bet there's a butt load of them i don't know how many there are there i can all i can see on it is a they're three dollars per scratchy and it's thick um i have not let my wife know about that i mean my wife will just if she if i come home with that she loves scratchies i don't have the patience to scratch one but she will sit there and scratch me until her fingernails bleed anyway 100 coins now the rules are i'm allowed one by him that's what he said and i said good because i've only got the money for one by him um i can recycle coins so if coins go down i can reuse them in the game so it's not like i'm just putting 100 bucks and seeing where i'm at uh a hundred coins um so i'm allowed to recycle the coins so um yeah that's basically it right now so everything else is stock standard oh wish me luck i need it and yes i have noticed all the silver in there there is tons of tons of silver um i've tried counting the coins and i think i'm not 100 sure but i think there's like 10 coins on each side there's like 20 pieces of silver in there um and i'm trying not to get excited i do remember comments made um don't go starry-eyed over the silver i'm trying to ignore it i'm doing my best so what i'm hoping is going to happen here um what i'm hoping for is i'm going to get a domino effect that's what i'm i'm really hoping on knock one thing over and it's just gonna tumble everything over that's what i'm hoping for that's what i sort of need i'm just gonna go really easy now i'm just gonna put in just a bunch of coins not too many i want to see what the game's doing i think i'm going to go half i'm going to go half nice and early so i'm going to play the right hand side first this is going to be a little bit boring for you at the start hopefully i can get things to start tumbling over [Music] i mean i should be totally attacking that gold right now while there's hardly any coins up there but i can't [Music] trying to be very self-controlled here not easy i mean look at all the money on there have you ever seen so much money well there goes a dice that's a good thing oh i wish i'd get some of them off that'd give me a really good push i'm just going really super slow super easy come on i need you to be pushing not sliding [Music] i do apologize if this is a bit boring um but i am really nervous and i don't really know how to play this this is totally not what i was expecting i was expecting something like a um a chip tower or something like that something that i really really struggled with but no come on knock some stuff over it's not what i i mean those coins up there aren't going to stop these other coins from coming off [Music] well not much is happening i'm getting really worried here come on stop falling over delicate delicate i don't do delicate very nicely oh if i get one of those coins off that would give me a good push and nothing's happening oh nice push no i didn't push [Music] [Laughter] oh that is so i am so nervous oh so good in the car driving down i was a little bit nervous and i'm thinking don't be nervous you'll end up stuffing the whole thing up jace just be normal how's it going got something over yeah and as soon as i saw it i knew straight away oh no and then i got real nervous so debbie says patience is the key uh deborah sorry same thing i always call every debra debbie anyway um patience is the key and this is start to test mine already [Laughter] oh man i'm nervous why didn't i have a bourbon first or two or even three ah i can't stop looking all that money on there look at that silver the gold nuggets back so at least i've got a coin what am i doing drop them over there guys oh man not much is happening i don't have a lot of coins left maybe 40 coins that's it that's all i got oh have faith chase it'll be all right oh man i'm nervous i'm shaking so bad my legs are shaking my hands are shaking giggling away i'm gonna really at the end of the day i really don't know why i'm so nervous a thousand dollars a lot of money to me don't get me wrong but it's not the end of the world pretty much will be here but when i go home but right right here it's all right [Music] [Music] i'm just trying to be super super patient and just play the one side oh push i could get push quote out of it oh man we are still a long way from getting a decent amount of coins i was really hoping one of those would fall backwards towards me oh not many coins left i do not want to have a second lion that would be a disaster for me oh man what do i gotta do to get a push around here oh ah man i don't know if i should just slam in that's what i've got left and i know there's two coins two coins down there i don't really want to be dropping two coins in i can't afford to waste any not a single coin come on but there's still a gap of blue i don't think that's gonna be pushing it [Music] so [Music] so oh that gave me a push okay we've got some coins wanting to fall off there i've got three coins left oh last coin come on please come on oh you bugger oh man all right i'm gonna go tally up my two coins oh uh i'm what you call in australia in the [Music] yeah i can definitely see what i'm gonna have to do i don't want to but i've got my choice oh i've got another coin back [Music] i'm just going to take my time with it one coin means a lot to me right now not quite the start i wanted but come on [Music] two more coins all right go get them bonus three coins phil i still think the uh the end result is gonna be the same i've got no doubt about that [Music] okay that's a real shame for me but anyway i'm gonna go get that other thousand out of my car i'll be back there it is hey that's my second thousand um now i'm more concerned that i'm gonna go home with nothing so been thinking about this um finesse is always a good thing if you can do it properly me not so good so what i'm good at is attacking that's what i'm good at so i think that's what i'm going to do for half of my coins i'm just going to see what's going to happen i just want to go one to each side three in the middle and one on that side that's what i'm ah are you saying i only need another 10 more coins wow yeah looks like i needed like 10 coins 10 more coins if i had those 10 coins i wouldn't need the second buy-in and that's annoying that's oh what gambling those two all right let's start getting some real nice big pushes hopefully this thing falls forward it looks like it's gone up don't fall straight to the hopper come on oh yeah here we go all right i'm not looking at the gold i'm not looking at the silver i'm not looking at the money [Music] i need coins i need lots of coins [Music] ah totally stuff that up i've gotta have a crack at that gold then [Music] oh i missed it i gotta stop that not yet let's get coins first i gotta be smart about it i know shiny things oh man shiny things all right unless i can hear coins dropping oh i don't want that thing to fall over oh they fall over i just got a roll of 50s off that's like 250 bucks okay that was my last two coins oh man oh i am sweating oh wow i'm not so nervous now i guess um but anyway let's tell you that's what i got all right that's a start hey that's 250 bucks right there quite feels so good to hold i reckon we got our coins back i reckon there's 100 coins there ish [Music] all right now i just got to get seymour singing like an opera singer [Music] uh we're in for some good pushes i could just feel it let's do it all right i can't get the cleansing water come on [Music] oh man there are come on push that coins for days look at all the coins yeah i think i'm sweet now i'll just listen to it [Music] go see more go see more [Music] look at me listen what a let down i thought that [Music] more [Music] that was my last bunch of coins oh man well let's tell he looks what i got okay another one nice all right fifteen hundred dollars in the red coins um 240 coins i'm going to say right there now with this many coins and with the amount of coins that are on here if i can't get everything off of this there's something wrong with me and i don't care if i'm here for three hours i will film the entire thing um it's up to you guys whether you want to watch it or not but i'm going to stay here until i get everything off of this jace do you want to have a buy-in hey bloody oath or whatever buy-in i am going to play this machine like i've never played it before [Music] oh that's what's a whole new meaning of making it rain doesn't it so [Music] that's a loud it's good thing there's stuff all people [Music] here [Music] i'll start double stacking behind that [Music] gold [Music] [Music] maybe i can walk the gold all the way to the right hand side that might work too i don't think i've ever tried that before let's give that a go as long as it doesn't fall over i'm right oh look what's right there [Music] ah stop falling stop falling i'll be back in a second oh five of them fell down hey and and a bunch of hundreds fell down i didn't even see them um wow five of them look at them oh man i love you guys hey i don't really want to stack them on top of each other but i got a choice right now okay i never cleaned that out so i did see the hundreds but that's as far as it went all i got was the silver's out all right i just want to keep dropping coins to the left of the gold i don't want to drop any coins to the right of it i'm just going to walk it to the right and i'll see if i can use the edge of the machine to help get it that is off oh man what was i so nervous this morning for hey all right don't fall over please don't fall over oh if i can turn it sideways all right let's just wait for a second i'm going to drop a few coins on this side just very gently obviously i can turn it sideways oh i might be onto something here i'm just going to be uh super patient with this well as much as i can be three times i've tried to win this bugger three times he's laughed at me he said you're not having me i'm not sure if it's going to move or not yep totally dropped there in the wrong spot didn't i hey hold on jace [Music] all right i'm just going to go back to my original plan [Music] you are not going to stay there like [Music] that that was my last three coins i watched all of that unbelievable all right let's go tally up see what i got all right look at that 500 bucks sitting right there hey better than that look at the two silvers oh yeah nice wow i'm actually really really impressed with myself considering on how bad i am when it comes to silver i'm like a silver addict i really am and that's why my missus takes over the finances a hundred percent i've got no idea what it what's even in our bank account i haven't known for years because if i was in control i would be down the perth mint or abc bullion or wherever i could buy whoever if i could buy silver from and i would literally bankrupt us oh coins tons of coins wow 280 290 coins in there i really wish i didn't have to have that second buying my profit margin would have been a lot bigger but that's what it is i can see another silver just about to fall underneath that hundred there too so i've gotta be very careful of that and it fell down oh the hundreds fell down uh anything else about to drop no i'll be back in a sec all right you're watching me drop all my coins [Laughter] sit there hey nice just slide it away there oh man i hope the camera can see what i'm looking at wow you got me with your buddies anymore of you to come all right so once again i didn't look at anything else that was in there obviously i saw the hundreds that's 500 bucks every one of those little green rolls is 500 bucks [Music] oh look look at the gold look at the gold oh god i've got to crack it oh i missed like a big head like this come on nice ah come on it's weird the faster you've got to put the coins in the slower you are at it holy that is all hundreds got stuck everything's happening all at once i can't see everything come on get off of there oh look at this in your face seymour in your face [Music] holy oh i am totally speechless totally speechless i'm thinking about i'm thinking about turning the camera off and just going out of bourbon oh unbelievable holy i mean i haven't got it yet but [Music] totally speechless i am [Music] i think i just saw a dice go over i just got to calm down a bit [Music] oh david's gonna himself when he sees what i'm gonna show him [Laughter] oh damn i am totally sweating here they got the air conditioners on oh man i'll tell ya i've never played with one of these before ever in my life i've watched them on tv yeah i don't know how i honestly don't know how josh does it to stay as calm as he does i can't believe it i wish it was turned up the other way but i really don't care i know it's in there oh that one even made me a bit teary-eyed [Music] so there's three silver slot at the top now i honestly don't care how long this game for it really doesn't bother me the slider i've got batteries i've got cards i am not leaving until i get those three silvers and everything off the bottom [Music] i can't believe i've got that gold off the top my nemesis oh all right so i think what i need to do to get that silver off the top is get the queens out from underneath it [Music] so i'm just going to get the coins down from under the silver and i'm going to play on the other side [Music] see what the game looks a little bit different to when i started [Music] so [Music] oh no [Music] i can start relaxing a bit [Music] so so i'm just trying to get the coins off of the top right now just so i can make it easier for me to get those silvers off [Music] [Music] oh that sounded loud i didn't see what it was [Music] oh i've got stuck in there oh i hope the camera can fit yeah you can see it okay i'm not concerned about it because that gold nugget is gonna push push the hundred down oh hopefully it doesn't matter that that class is in the hopper in my eyes that is in the hopper oh i saw i just saw a big one go down i'll be back in a minute there they are three more [Laughter] yeah i hey you get your head out of the light chase nice that's how many coins i've got left i haven't cleaned it out yet but i'll tell you what it's looking real good down there holy let's just dump these coins in there oh that was close that was close okay that was my last coin all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] look at those hey did not see them in there at all um yeah i hope i didn't hurt them too much four silvers and a water cash 1 500 bucks right there in my hand let me just get rid of these silvers all right i can do this properly then okay here we go uh fifteen hundred dollars right there three dice you a little beauty uh i'll tell you what if i can get those dice those two dice in there oh yeah i mean i'll wait i'm simply just not going to stop playing this game until i've got everything out of it plain and simple well we'll see um fifteen hundred dollars three dice you little bloody ripper so i don't wanna count it but i'm gonna no i'm not and i'm not gonna count it no ignore it plus i've got that in there i'm classing that as mine already it's in the hopper it's just stuck so if i well when i get the gold nugget down if that does not knock that down i'm gonna go get dave and as far as i'm concerned that's in the hopper it's over the edge and that's as far as i get that one's mine so coins i've actually had to throw some in my pocket i hope they don't mind i know they've got cameras in here what do you reckon about that hey that's what wouldn't fit into sammy that's sammy with my left hand with my right hand he's bulging hey wow oh that's so heavy i'm about to drop it oh jesus imagine you better be sliding that down the glass okay let's keep going [Music] [Music] look at me sammy you need to go on a diet woman [Music] [Music] come on let's get those get that dice off here on the right hand side [Music] oh there goes the dice every coin that falls from in front of that nugget means that nuggets one step closer to going over [Music] [Music] [Music] so okay i'm gonna do something here i'm just gonna go this side and i'm going to go skill stop to see what i can do about getting that silver off of here with my left hand [Music] all right deborah i'm putting your uh theory to the test here mate all right we're about to see what's going to happen i'm trying to get greedy and hold too many coins oh i can't hold them there we go i can't get him in there very quick that's the problem [Music] oh nice it's over you're a bloody legend mate [Music] surprisingly how much easier it is to use the skill shot with when you're on the right side of it come on get one off well that's close it wants to come off i want you to come off [Music] oh look at that gold [Music] [Music] my fingers don't work very fast left-handed could be under the camera somewhere all right let's try this one i think i've got that a little bit too far across [Music] i can imagine i'm gonna be dropping a few of these coins okay [Music] back on the right side now so two queen aren't two silvers out of that that's not bad right now i want that gold [Music] [Music] that's how you get 10 coins in very quickly so [Music] don't be sliding on me mate you know how long i've waited to win you [Music] [Music] oh no it's just sliding [Music] nice nice there's a nice oh my wife is gonna be so heavy oh man i've totally taken her out to the steakhouse tonight if i can get macy pugs at [Music] i'm going to ring my daughter courtney which you'll probably know i'm going to give her a call so she can punch it for us my wife's exactly like me she loves steak but the real thick stuff you know and good quality stuff the stuff that really makes you [Music] [Music] all right you might have seen that i've changed my tactic just a little bit i'm trying to land as many coins as flat as i can rather than just double stacking the top [Music] [Music] but i am still going for that silver [Music] though [Music] hahaha i get sidetracked so easily [Music] all right he's being a real stubborn little bugger any [Music] that's my last lot of coins and i'm really sliding them down the glass [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we've got a bit of movement then nice all right let's tell you that's what i got 500 bucks and the scratchies my business got a when she sees that mate i can't wait to shower i'm not going to tell her i'm not going to tell her about any of this either i should say hey if you want to know you got to watch two silvers you'll be nice look at them very nice let me show you all the silvers because i cannot stop looking at [Music] look them wow there's some weight in there um i know uh i've already done my research on this silver if i was inclined to melt it down which trust me i would never do because that's an insult to the coin um and well look in my eyes insult to australia too or australians um [Music] there's 10 grams of silver in each one so three of these coins three coins that's an ounce of silver right there so yeah that's pretty impressive really in it ounce of silver just to make three coins these were circulated 50 cent piece coins wow 1964. unbelievable okay that's enough of a science lesson for you guys or an australian listen anyway sammy's got 300 coins in here no problems whatsoever okay and she's got the biggest smile on her face joe yeah joel's over there sulking away because he's not in the game i did say to him look you know put some pants on and uh you know you can be in the game with me but he doesn't like his pants that's for sure typical teenager all right i can see a silver there a silver over here so it's behind that i can only see the two seal was down the bottom obviously i've got a silver up the top and i'll be i'll be aiming for that as well i've got to be realistic about it i don't want to lose too many coins trying to get a 20 silver piece but when it comes to these coins it's got nothing to do with how much they're worth [Music] it's the quality and what they are that's for me anyway personally that's my personal i just love them [Music] all right let's get this moving again [Music] [Music] [Music] i tell you what i'm impressed with dave i am absolutely impressed with the guy once i finish playing this i'm going to go out to him i am going to shake his hand not only has he not touched the machine which i thought he was going to 100 i thought the top would be raised i thought this bottom lip will be raised i can't see anything that he's actually touched the machine so i'm very impressed with that and grateful too not only that he did a setup which i didn't think he'd do i've played those setups before obviously on a lot smaller scale nice there goes the silver i'll be back oh yeah another one to the collection there you go buddy join your mates [Music] yeah that's up to the guy absolutely i've always said david's you know dave's a nice guy and look he is a nice guy so i didn't think he'd try to shaft me uh i mean it did go through my mind i'm not gonna lie but i didn't i wasn't that worried about it because i really didn't get it i really didn't think that he would oh man he's gonna be shitty when i see him when he sees he's golden i get walking out the door i'm so stoked it's just ridiculous i got a bigger smile on my face oh come on come off i'm not actually going to do anything until i get back over the far left off yes and it gave me a push i got a twofer super one [Music] all right now i'm going to try to work on getting some monster pushes [Music] to get this nugget in there all while trying to push up that silver that i just got off the top [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i'm trying to think back to a lot of the games where i was able to play like i am now i can't think of any games that i've played where i've played so aggressive i mean i've just i mean i've just really it's just been attack attack attack dumping them bucket loads of coins oh man oh he nearly had me though oh he nearly had me well not really i mean if i if i didn't have the money for a second vine which i probably wouldn't have played if i [Music] didn't and um yeah older than totally stuff but [Music] [Music] so i got no idea how that's not blocking this machine up i mean the first one was about 12 coins the second one's about 15 coins [Music] so [Music] oh oh my hand's about to fall off what i'm trying to do at the moment i'm trying to load that top tray up so full right now where well i'm just going to get like 20 coins to come down just to rip this entire thing right off um finesse right now yeah well i'm not good at finesse at the best of times so i'm just going to play the game right now to my strengths so when i start getting all these coins off the top i'm going to start you're going to start that seeing that bottom tray shift that's my plan i've got no idea i've got no idea if it's going to work but i think it is already so i might just have to start slowing it down [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] oh my fingers are dying on me i can't get them in so fast so totally lost sight of that other other silver over here on the left i don't know where that's gone hopefully it hasn't gone down yet i don't think it would have not yet okay there's my last lot of coins all right let's tell you it up and see what i got sammy is currently holding about 300 coins so we are not losing any coins the amount of coins i just shoved in there like that and we didn't even lose any i fully expected to lose some 50 60 coins i mean that's what i was expecting was a nice surprise there was no little round 50 cent pieces or half dollars down there so he's buried in there somewhere [Music] [Music] come on these are the pushes i need all right see that whole thing just [Music] shoot [Music] [Music] sorry seymour i know i'm giving you a bashing right now mate i can see it i can see the silver it's right there now it's down there i'll be back yeah buddy hey nick i can only see one more silver nail which is basically underneath the gold [Music] nice i watched that come on nugget i tell you what that nugget must be quite heavy i mean it's not shifting too good well that's what i'm hoping for of course i'm hoping for that oh poor seymour is totally copping thumping i'm so sorry buddy look at it it's moving [Music] i don't want to slide back [Music] oh boy my fingers are dead i don't care i'm just gonna keep going i did say i'm not stopping until everything out of here belly is done and it's in my hands that's exactly what i'm doing i don't care how slow i get and trust me my back is killing me i don't care [Music] and you'll probably think that oh nearly you'll probably think i'm playing like a madman well i am [Music] oh oh turn the camera off all right how about this for timing no my camera just turned off two to three seconds after that gold maggot fell down hey two of these oh man can you believe we had it turned off just before it take a look at that little beauty hey oh man it's so gorgeous wow not as nice as that look at that thing wow take a look at it that's got some weight to it that is i don't know how to test it but see if you can hear it [Music] [Laughter] oh my nemesis in my hand in your face seymour um i'm totally going to put that on a shirt wow that's heavy um you'll know i do beach metal detecting i've got that channel for that and often when i find a ring i can roughly tell how heavy it is just by filling it that is way more than 10 way more than 10 grams um i'm going to go i'm going to say that's like maybe 13 grams um i mean it's got some thickness to it too so it might even be thicker than that um heavier than that but yeah i reckon about 13 grams of gold look at it look how shiny it is i do know australian gold is and this is a known fact australian and welsh gold are probably the two most sought-after after gold because al gold over here is very shiny like this it's like a real heavy gold color welsh same sort of thing i do know uh in canada in the u.s the gold is a lot um it's like darker not as goldy color still beautiful to look at love the stuff um not as much as silver though but look at this whoa oh man i absolutely can't believe it so i've just taken it out of its case just so i could show you guys now to put poppa back in there and there you go okay the nemesis three times i tried to get this i saw it in there again today i thought yeah okay i probably won't get that um i'm mind blown i really don't know what i'm doing right now i've got silver for days i've got the gold my missus has got these things over here um and they're scratchies awesome uh money wow i'm going to tally everything up this is going to take me some time i'm going to tell you everything up and i'll get back to you [Music] okay um i am totally mind blown totally mind blown um first of all all right joey he's back in here hey little turd he's still got no pants on hey um he's full sammy [Music] oh don't you just love that holy um yeah that is absolutely brilliant oh man i'm in shock don't forget these little guys i'll see if i can just stack them really nicely take a look at all the silver i haven't even counted them i've got no idea what the dollar value of these are uh for me there's no such thing as a dollar value so i'm not actually going to include them into my profit but that's what obviously my silver content is hey [Music] that is so good my god that is just so good i cannot wait to add these in with my other ones and then silver hey oop upside down um he looks a little bit like a pistol doesn't he wow this thing here i've been trying for three times trying to get it all three times i've been really disappointed couldn't get it um yep this time i'm lucky enough um try to take the glare off of the glass there sorry about that um yeah unbelievable i'm speechless i really am speechless so i don't know what to say apart from holly you snapping dark look what i got oh man okay so the telly's go i've got 3 500 in cash 326 coins um i never asked him other queen's cashable uh other coins you know am i allowed to sell the coin back i never asked him um to be honest with you it completely slipped my mind don't know i'm hoping so i'll soon find out but anyway i've got 326 coins so sammy can hold a little bit more than 300 coins good to know that's 978 dollars i really really hope i can sell them back um if i can't well i've had an absolute ripper date anyway so but i mean yeah i'd love to um add both of those two together it's four thousand four hundred and seventy eight dollars minus the two thousand that it cost me to play um let's hope i don't have to say that too often um is um two thousand four hundred and seventy eight dollars um that's my profit if i can sell the coins back and i hope i can plus my missus has got that [Laughter] oh man i'm gonna be in the good books for weeks i just know it anyway i'm gonna go cash everything in obviously not my gold and obviously not my silver and obviously not these things here um i'm not sure if he's got to get them from this machine or he's got something stored away in the back i don't know um i'll soon find out and i'll be back back yeah i'll be back i'm speechless [Music] yeah i think that is um yeah i don't know they're all over the place um no messy money hate messy money um yeah unbelievable two thousand two hundred dollars right there i was able to get the coins uh get the money for the coins so um i mean dave never said anything i never asked him i just put everything on the bar rose did what she normally does oh oh i am so blown away right now 278 dollars to the tin i did that because the last two games i played on here that the amounts that i was able to give to the tin were very light so i can get enough money to play this game um 2200 bucks 278 dollars to the tenure that is i think that's fair um in my in my eyes look some people probably think i'm nuts some people probably think i'm a cheapskate i don't know um but that's fair in my eyes i know i've done the right thing so um regardless of what people say it doesn't bother me in the slightest when it comes to this sort of thing i just don't listen to any of it um you know i'm talking about the negative stuff now i can't stop playing with it but that that is just some of it some of it let's go through the whole thing i don't want to scratch any accidentally but just take a look at them um apparently there's a hundred of them here they're three dollars each so that is worth 300 bucks to go to a store and buy that 300 bucks so there's another 300 bucks to the total you know it's crazy all my silver let's have a look at all my silver again wow i just want to be very gentle with it take a look oh that boosts my silver count up quite nicely i tell you now um and not that i actually include the ounces of this into my tally but my around 50 cent piece telly yeah that boosts it very nicely oh man i'm not going to say that that's my best thing i'm going to say the whole game the whole game um and then of course once again i had it upside down um that guy there so um in your face see more hey i tell you what uh i'm gonna say it again i am slicker than our when it comes to uh playing my butt off like i did i am sweating i mean i am so i'm sweating my shirt is such they got the air conditioner in here and my shirt is saturated so i must really stink so i really want to get out of here and go home have another shower so if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe hopefully no buy-ins not not for at least not for a little while oh that was that was torture um yeah the weeks you know the week leading up to it my mind was just everywhere just trying to work out what it'd do in the end there's nothing what i was expecting i was hoping the gold was going to be and i was hoping the silver was going to be in there there's no guarantees money oh yeah what a game what a game anyway i'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 6,783
Rating: 4.9474673 out of 5
Keywords: gold, silver, coin pusher, money, fun, coins, gambling, profit, high roller, channel, jason
Id: bwG8ifeoKfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 50sec (4730 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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