Aussie Coin Pusher EP 01

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[Music] g'day i'm jason from aussie queen pusher and welcome to my channel so before i start i've just got to let you know i'm very very nervous um so i pay five dollars each for these tokens and i buy 500 bucks of tokens so there's 100 tokens in here that's how they give them to me um i'm sorry about the background noise um yeah they've got a machine pretty close to me at the moment and uh you know i've sort of mentioned mentioned to them if they can just shift that away just a little bit but it's actually taken me two months to get permission to film here so i really don't want to push my life too much anyway that said let's play some place to play a game here so i lost 600 bucks last night i was overly thrilled about that but oh yeah [Music] so [Music] that's a start 100 tokens don't go far just when i start doing that [Music] [Music] so i've only been playing this game for about four months um and i got phone calls this morning um saying that uh after two months of uh deliberations they finally gave me permission to film uh i've got a lot of rules and regulations i need to follow that's fine with me um they could have said film standing on your head and i still would have done it so i'm on probationary um so pretty much what that means is if i make any mistakes or do anything wrong but what they're telling me i can and can't do then um yeah they'll stop me from filming which i really don't want that [Music] [Music] so they've actually changed last week they changed the um the queen slot side of it the other one was great you know it's fairly warm and you can get your coins in there pretty quick but this is like a really thin tiny brand new one it's very hard to get your coins in you can't get them in fast [Music] [Music] oh nice all right second wave come on so before i start any game that i play i try and do my best and count the chips that are on me um you know as i said you know it's 500 of my own money that that i'm putting in here um so i want a good chance to win that back if possible so uh i don't play every time um i mean these these get really really busy i'm at a quiet time right now i actually took time off for work [Music] did i mention how nervous i was [Music] nice [Music] nice so hard to get these [Music] [Music] so [Music] and i wasted it all right let's see what we got see you in exactly one second all right that's about what i started with i'm happy about that let's keep going [Music] oh nice so this isn't the only machine i play but unfortunately it's the only machine i'm allowed to film one i probably wouldn't like to film at the other place it is so loud [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh going on [Music] so funny story just before i turn the camera on i was still getting all set up um an older gentleman came in and started playing the game beside me um and he must have had around the same amount of coins i imagine that's just what it looked like i didn't ask him uh as i said i'm only new here so i don't really know anybody yet and yeah he put all of his coins in and pretty much that was it um he managed to knock his tower down so i'm looking next door to me now and that's got you know that's got quite quite good amount of coins in it and quite a good amount of chips in it so i'm hoping if i can gain my chips on this game i might actually grab a sneak over there if nobody else comes and comes beside him and uh yeah see if i can play a bit of his i mean he's already put in i'm guessing it was about 100 100 chips as i said i didn't know but he was a little upset [Music] nice not many left [Music] [Music] so so [Music] oh [Music] normally let me out oh this little coin slot making my life hard [Music] oh nice push one left [Music] come on okay let's go and tally it up [Music] okay 129 coins from 29 coins up you little guilty [Music] all right let me tell you where i am so i'm at a sportsman's club um they've got probably about 10 different pokies floating around i personally don't like the other ones um i mean i love coin pushers always have um so they've sort of stuck me in this room it's like a um well the old smoker's room i guess i guess you'd call it with the double doors that used to close well they've taken the doors off and they've got this machine and there's actually another a small machine in here as well so um and i asked dave dave's the guy that runs it so i asked him why is this machine in this particular room and he said because of all the flashing lights this has a lot of flashing lights to it this machine apparently a couple of couple of years ago somebody actually had an epileptic fit because of all the flashing lights so they decided to put it in this room sort of hides it a little bit now he did say he doesn't want to get rid of it i don't want to get rid of it [Music] so uh yes [Music] what do we got there [Music] oh they're hundreds i didn't count them as hundreds gotta get some of them going [Music] big push [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on i want to start earning some money here as i said i lost 600 bucks yesterday [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] oh i want that stack of hundreds [Music] nice so i just want to let you guys know this is not a casino i'm not at a casino this is like a sportsman's club so you're allowed to go three times this is what happened to me so you're allowed to go three times after the third time you have to become a member if you're allowed so um yeah providing you get a recommendation you can become a member and then you just pay a yearly fee bugger me too busy and now my phone's ringing it is actually a uh work time i did take some time off for work to get here [Music] that's right that's what message banks for oh my message noise will make you laugh it still makes me laugh oh nice bush [Music] all right start concentrating on what i'm doing here last lot of coins still probably about 40 40 coins here [Music] oh come on double oh nice [Music] [Music] oh come on keep pushing on the edge so i first got the idea of actually filming this um i was watching youtube and it came up as a recommendation and uh i didn't think anything like this was out there i didn't think anybody would be interested in it but apparently they are so i thought hey i do that why not [Music] my drag is alone oh [Music] what he's holding them on [Music] last point oh that's where it is yes all right i'm gonna tally that up and we'll be back to you in exactly one second [Music] okay 450 bucks i'm only 50 bucks short new little beauty i've got about the same amount of coins might be a few more let's keep going this other tower's gotta fall soon [Music] so i do apologize for the mistakes i make uh and all that i am only filming um i'm as nervous as a chihuahua tell you that much so um for that i do apologize i mean i will get better so um i just wanted to say that yeah i can't budge those hundreds up there [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] oh you booty at least that's over all right now i can start pushing it that's the noise i like to hear go i just need another 50 bucks holly [Music] [Music] oh nice sorry about that noise behind me that other machine is noisy i do apologize for that [Music] i may have to work out my settings when i edit this um to either remove it change it take it off to do whatever mean that's noisy for me right where i am so i'm guessing it's noisy for you guys [Music] i cannot budge those two hundreds at the top whoa what happened there where did you go little fella oh that's what i call rapidfire nice come on can't seem to shift this other side either not many left i got 40 again [Music] good thing about playing this game i can have a beer while i'm doing it oh not sure if any chips fell down there i didn't see that [Music] all right nice oh that was that last 20 that just felt good i might be in a profit here [Music] a bit better than yesterday [Music] i'm gonna wait for that to come over this side [Music] okay that was the last one [Music] okay let's tally it up this is exciting all right look at this i got me 50 and i'm 80 bucks 80 bucks up you little beauty [Music] uh coins are a little bit less so i'm actually running out of coins yeah i gotta be a little bit more careful let's go again [Music] come on that's stubborn that one [Music] big push oh that's so close oh now i see a little ripper i'm in the prophet baby now i just need to win 600 bucks to take a break even from yesterday [Music] oh another chip beautiful oh fall down come on [Music] yep that was poor timing [Music] oh that's a good push you need to push on the other side please [Music] oh one hundreds fell you row yeah [Music] [Music] nice [Music] so i'm still learning techniques [Music] [Music] so i've actually been watching on youtube what the hell's um i'm learning a lot from those guys they're awesome i love watching them [Music] so if you guys do end up watching this g'day from australia and thank you last lot of coins no it's not sorry that's the last lot of coins come on come over this side there we go that's going come on big push nice all right let's tally it up see what we got all right so i've got some good news and bad news good news another 250 bucks you're a little guilty bad news i've lost nine coins so i've got 91 coins i'm going to give it another go [Music] as i said i do sell these tokens back to uh back to the club for three bucks each so what i don't want to do is just go nuts with them lose them all trying to chase a hundred [Music] oh there's bucks 50. [Music] i'm not 100 sure but i actually think another 100 bucks just fell down then if that's the case i can only need another 100 bucks to break even from the 600 that i lost yesterday that'll make my wife happy [Music] yeah she was not impressed with me last night [Music] [Music] you can come oh nice [Music] i can get that that last 50 and all those you probably can't even see where i'm pointing but just down here uh all those tokens sitting on the edge that's what i'm trying to get once i get all that i'm happy to stop that's what i'm talking about right there all right so i'm actually gonna stop now um i can't see the point of trying to uh you know spend 300 worth of these guys here just to try to win 80 bucks um so that doesn't make a lot of sense to me so i'm going to stop i'm actually going to cash these guys in and i'll see you when i do [Music] all right so i've tallied all this up that's a thousand and thirty dollars right there you're a little bit guilty and all the coins these guys here um i'm gonna sell these guys back at three dollars each so that actually comes up to two hundred and forty three dollars right there you're a little beauty so the grand total 1200 and get my math right get my master at 73 you'll be guilty and i paid 500 to play the game [Music] 773 i think that's if my math is correct 773 profit your little beauty all right i'm going to go catch all this in and yeah see what's happening here tomorrow hope you enjoyed you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,993
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 1FLRYxsISi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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