High Limit Coin Pusher $7000 Buy In! MEGA WIN!!!

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what is up everybody i am back with another high risk coin pusher video for y'all today and as you can see here towers everywhere look 500 chips right there a hundred dollar chips a few ten dollar chips in there i see and uh 50s and 25s i see a few bitcoins in there well about four bitcoins roll of cash right there and uh many towers of quarters and twenty dollar bills and that card if i win that that's mystery value so i won't know how much it's worth until i cash out so anyway today's buying is a 5 000 buy-in i usually don't do that big of a buy-in but i guess y'all probably deserved a good video since i haven't uploaded in a while so hope you all enjoyed let's get right into it so this is how many quarters i've got for it so basically if i can't win that tower of chips on the left side there uh i'm probably not gonna make any money at all like we're gonna end up losing a lot of money so let's get right into it all right let's see what this one does come on all right not too bad at the start come on well that looks like that card already fell backwards for some reason it's making a weird noise y'all hear that it's like up here on the on the skill wheel where the quarters drop out at let me go ask them what that could be because i don't know if it's messed up i'll be right back all right so they came and checked out the machine and uh they said everything was all right so let's get right back to playing that's kind of annoying though all right come on get something off of there oh that roll of cash just fell forward that's good all right not bad come on there we go look at all that money right here that tower on the left side just moved a little bit wow that was a that was a really good one right there wow that hundred dollar chip just fell off there nice all right that's getting pretty close right there i think that roll of cash is stuck and that twenty dollar bill that fell is stuck all right yeah if that don't fall out i'm gonna have to go ask them to fix that all right that's getting ready to be a good one that right there it's so close look at that that tower on the left side that's that's about to fall over oh you gotta be kidding me that hundred dollar chip that fell it's stuck so the only thing i have is the ten dollar chip right here i don't know why that they use this machine for like out of all the machines why would they use this one that's the high limit coin pusher like like when everything falls off of the edge it gets stucks a lot oh i think i got a bitcoin out of there nice all right let's see what that one does yeah that card in that roll of cash is stuck right there i got a decent amount of quarters down there so that's good that's just one handful of them right there i'm hoping you all can hear me over that noise i don't know why it's making that noise for wow that tower just fell backwards come on my goodness everything's falling off there now there we go a bunch of stuff fell off of there that time oh my goodness that tower on the left side's getting ready to fall that's over that's over 5 000 right there maybe six seven eight thousand yeah i'm gonna have to go get them everything's getting stuck all right i'll be right back all right so good news this is everything i've got back so far so they got out that mystery value card and uh there was a hundred dollar chip 10 and a couple bitcoins 20 bills and that's about it just a bunch of chips i'm excited to see how much that card is worth and those 500 chips over here on the left side they're so close like look at that and we're still good on quarters we got plenty of quarters back so hope everybody's having a good day hope everybody's been doing good good wow all those 50s just fell off of there well they didn't actually fall off they fell backwards so wow did y'all see that one that was so many chips and and quarters wow that was a really really good one oh my goodness look at that tower on the left side it is like hanging out wow all right all right so it looks like we got 375 dollars right there nice that is really good still got a ways to go to make 5 000 back that should be easy enough if that uh tower on the left side over here falls off oh there's a 500 chip on the edge right there look at that so all right that was a really good one that roll of cash it's stuck i don't know why they didn't get that out whenever uh whenever they was here last i don't know why they didn't get that thing out of there all right that 500 chip is close look at that there we go foreign all right looks like we got another bitcoin off of there oh my goodness look at this tower right here that is so close it's going to fall off so i got plenty of quarters back oh that roll of cash just fell out of there i didn't even see it but nice we got a roll of 20 dollar bills it looks like i wonder how much is in there they probably made about a thousand dollars back so far i'd say all right let's try that come on get it off there wow looks like we got another 50 chip out of there all right yeah that tower is so close look at that so so all right come on all right that one was a really good one come on oh we got a hundred dollar chip out of there it got stuck though so look at all those quarters stuck in the back there y'all probably can't see them wait i'm pretty sure they fixed their sale just wait a second to see all right come on it is so close wow all right come on get that tower off there i don't know what do y'all think i mean those towers especially on the left side they're kind of tough to win all i need that tower to do is just slide backwards and then it would be an easy win oh my goodness he just moved he just moved that time so so all right let's see if that tower falls off there come on get it off of there it just moved a little bit more i don't know all i got left is a dollar 75 in coins wow almost out of quarters i may have to do i may have to do another buy-in if i don't win anything right here all right now i'm down to 75 cents let's put them in on the left side yeah and of course that quarter fell right there where it's going to get gapped all right yeah i think those uh hundreds and 500s are gonna be falling off of there so all right we still we still got some quarters 75 cents right here a few more of them fell out of there so if i don't win anything here i'm going to go do a 500 buy-in yeah i can't quit now that tower just moved a little bit more one quarter left let's try it right there oh well i'm gonna do another 500 buy and i'll be right back all right so i did another 500 buy-in i got about 10 quarters for it so let's see what we can win i'm gonna try to stick to the left side here because i really really want to get that tower off there that's over like six seven thousand dollars there we go come on push all right so i'm losing a little bit of oh look at that i did not even notice but we got another thousand dollars off of that one wow all right so we're getting close to that five thousand dollar mark i just need to get that tower of chips off of the left side there wow a bunch of 50 chips just fell off of there all right looks like we got four fifty dollar chips right there those 50s are getting ready to fall off of there yeah that was uh that was a lot of money that just fell off right there wow so five more fifty dollar chips right there all right looks like i got two more 50 chips out of there wow that was a good so oh there's that uh 100 chip from earlier i forgot to ask them to get that out oh my goodness did you all see that it's about to fall off there look at that that huge towers get ready to fall off there look at that yeah it's about to fall off there look at that wow oh my goodness it is so close look at that that's a lot of money right there so so yeah that tower is so close look at that all right so i used skill stop this time see if that makes a difference come on it's so close yeah that's that's definitely going to fall off of there so all right that that's got it right there come on oh my goodness it moved it again all right maybe that has it i don't know it moved it again it is more than halfway hanging off that edge wow so all right come on get it off of there wow all right come on it is so close i can't explain how close that is so so wow yeah i don't know how much closer that tower is going to get before it finally falls off of there that one was a pretty good one the thing about those uh the thing about those towers of cubes it's just like they don't want to fall off it takes so long to get them off of there but it'll be worth it once all those 500s fall off there well looks like we got two more ten dollar chips out there so yeah that tower it's wobbling now so i don't see how it hasn't fallen backwards yet because look it's elevated but it's not falling so do so so so yeah i don't know how much closer that tower is going to get before it finally falls off of there oh there is a 25 chip all right those are getting ready to slide backwards on the right side there well i think i got a 25 chip nice let's just keep on trying to go for the power of chips on the left side here oh there they go so all right come on get it off alert so yeah it's just not moving i don't know why so all right that has to get it so close so all right another 25 fell out of there all right so this is how many quarters i've got back all right so that is all the quarters i've had at one time let's see if anything falls off there i swear that tower of chips on the left side that's that's not gonna fall i'm about to give up on it and just play on the right side another 10. there we go we got a little bit on the right side there 25 yeah it's just not moving come on please get it off of there all right well all the quarters that are falling are getting stuck on those chips that got stuck so i might ask them to get that out i'll be right back all right so let's win this tower right here they got everything out that was stuck so i may have to do another buy-in actually if this don't do anything another 25 out of there maybe another or maybe another 500 buy-in that would make 6 000 invested in total all right let's see come on i mean look how wobbly that tower is like i just can't believe it's still hanging on there all right come on wow only one quarter fell all right well i'm gonna go ahead and do another 500 buy and i'll be right back all right so another 500 buy-in i got this many quarters for it so let's see if i can get that tower off of there so do surprisingly the right side is doing better than the left side right now that 500 is getting ready to fall off on the right side over there so three more 25s got a lot back so far but i don't think i'm gonna make my invest and let's try that again i don't think i'm going to make my investment back if i don't knock that tower down on the left side do all right that towel removed a little bit so yeah it moved even more that time so another 25 came off so all right come on yeah everything's falling off except for that so we got a good amount of quarters back that's good all right it's getting pretty close wow a bunch of chips on the right side just fell off oh that 500 just fell nice that's excellent all right i'm gonna play just on the left side now see if i can get that power off there there we go so yeah that tower i don't know why it doesn't want to fall for it's so close so another 25 fell out of there so so so yeah that tower it's wobbling let's see what this does plenty of quarters back but not that tower is just being stubborn so all right come on so so yeah i don't know if we're gonna be able to win it or not so so do i don't know how much closer it's going to get before it falls off the airlock see you just moved again my goodness wow so so so so it's so close all right come on get it off there so so hmm i don't know yeah i mean it's close but like i'm almost out of quarters what do y'all think i should do another buy-in or should i walk away that's way too close to walk away though that's so much money please fall off of there it's not over yet that was a good one yeah it's like all the quarters around it are falling off but the tower just won't fall like all i need that tower to do is just slide backwards and then i could probably win but like all right i'm still in the game all right come on y'all think those last two quarters is going to get it off there i don't know that's way too close to leave like all right one more hundred dollar by or i mean five hundred dollar buy-in and uh that would make six thousand five hundred i believe yeah six thousand five hundred so i will be right back all right i'm back another 500 buy-in y'all think i'll win this time i don't know so so so so so so so so so all right that tower has to fall off there this time so my goodness it moved again look at that so so oh my goodness there it goes finally oh my god you all don't know how finally it fell wow let's win this money what do you all think all right a couple 500s and a hundred dollar chips nice all right i'm so happy that that it fell off of there that is amazing now we just got to get all these 500s out of here wow there went a couple 500s in the corner over there nice that is really good so 200 more dollars i'm trying to focus on these 500 chips right here they're so close so another hundred dollars all right there we go wow a bunch of the hundreds felt out of there there's another 400 knots well there goes another 500 whoa that was a bunch of 500 chips that just fell out right there that's really good except they all got stuck though oh there they go all right that that's all gonna fall off right there so all right come on get it off there all right i don't have that many coins left so i'm gonna have to make it count all right come on that was a good one did you all see that that row of them just fall off right there nice that is awesome how much did we even get out of that one sounded like a lot two thousand five hundred two thousand eight hundred plus whatever else failed but it got stuck wow i'd say we're definitely above uh 6 16 or not 16 6 500 all right let's try to get these other ones out of here then uh i'm gonna go ahead and cash out while i'm ahead oh where'd the hundred dollar chip come from i got another one of those so so so all right i don't know if those other ones are going to be falling off or not but there's they're sure they sure are close y'all can probably tell i'm getting tired i've been standing here for like an hour but actually longer than that you all know i'm tired whenever i can't talk all right only two quarters oh no hmm well i would hate to leave all that right there i tell you what i'm gonna go ahead and do another 500 buy-in so it'd be 7 000 even i'll definitely win 500 back there's 1500 and actually 1500 1600 dollars here so i will be right back all right so this is the this is everything from that other 500 buy-in let's see if i can win those 500 chips come on yeah they're getting close yeah i'm definitely going to win one of them so so all right everything is so close all the quarters are and all these chips over here so let's see i don't know maybe it tricked me i don't know all right come on get them off there nice there goes one er yeah one thousand one hundred dollars so i'm gonna see if i can get that 500 over here on the left side then after that i'm gonna call it done i'm gonna cash out after that i'll let you all know how much money i have won in total i'm still kind of surprised that tower time they fell backwards do so all right come on get that 500. it's so good all right come on get it off there there's actually another 500 chip on the right side over here i'd be surprised if that one fell off there so all right let's see what that one does come on so yeah i think we're going to win both of these 500s right here so i don't know maybe i spoke too soon all right come on get it off of there all right come on get them off of there both of them are very very close all right come on that should get them off there i'm surprised that didn't get them off there so all right come on that should have them all right i got that one over there now i've got to get the one on the left side that should have it right there come on it is so close all right that one should get it off there right there come on all right this one right here i was wrong maybe this one i don't know there we go well i have to say i have made a huge i have made a huge profit i know that for a fact all right so i'm going to count up everything i got to hurry because my phone batteries it's about dead so give me a second i'll count up everything and i'll let you all know how much money i've got back and how much money i have made in profit or if i've lost all right so you all will not believe how much profit i have made this is absolutely insane i have one well just guess you don't have to comment just guess like in your mind how much that i won 14 500 i'm so happy i did not give up on those on that tower on the left side and also that that card it was worth 250 so that made the total 14 500 so that the buy-in was seven thousand you know seven thousand so that is seven thousand five hundred dollars profit that is amazing so if y'all enjoyed today's video leave a lot subscribe turn on the notifications that way you get notified every time i post a video i'll see you all in the next one hope everybody is doing good having a good day and i will talk to you all soon you
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 30,175
Rating: 4.7755394 out of 5
Id: X1W2vgAc_48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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