Aussie Coin Pusher EP 32

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[Music] hello jason what's the coin pusher here so this one's a bit of an interesting one and i've been taking a look at i've been trying to count all the chips in that and i don't know about you but it looks like to me as if someone's already played this there's a lot of queens sitting right up on the edge um there's a lot of single coins this is what sort of given me the idea there's a lot of single queens up there and there's not really you know any money right up towards the moving tray so yeah i don't know maybe someone's throwing a couple of couple of coins in it anyway i'm gonna 350 units see what [Music] happens yeah i don't know who's setting these machines up but um it just looks like as if they're sort of just throwing stuff in there and then that's it [Music] i'm not complaining happy to win their money [Music] well that's what i like to hear right from the start [Music] that one got stuck [Music] oh nice so come on oh wow that was my last coin all right let's tell you that up see what we got take a look what i just pulled out of the bottom tray that was in the bottom tray so i just reached my hand in there and i scooped out a bunch of i felt something in there i thought what is that and happened to be a 10 off at night so i've got no idea where it came from clearly none of these are open notes like this so i've got no idea little bloody ripper phone is 10 bucks for me that is going straight into my pocket oh uh coins uh yeah we're doing well uh really well on coins um i can't get over that ten dollars um so i think there's like 50 60 maybe yeah 60 coins i'm gonna go with 60. i'm not gonna guess on how many coins i have left because whenever i do that i seem to have a bit of bad luck sorry but just for fun i might as well um just mucking around here i reckon let's go let's go 65 coins i started with 50 let's go 65. oh there goes antenna [Music] i wonder where that other pen came from come on i just feel like if i'm going to have a good game you know it's just one of those things i just feel like i wake up i thought what was that yeah i just woke up this morning you know i just felt lucky hopefully i was right [Music] oh sweet antenna's about to go [Music] all right three coins left i'm gonna target that 50. [Music] close but no cigar all right let's tell you that see what we got [Music] all right 20 bucks oh are you beauty so plus that bonus 10 that i got that's 30 bucks all tall so hey we're doing all right all right strange pocket for that one uh coins yeah we're doing really good on coins uh my marks are nearly rubbed off so uh it's probably 89 coins there [Music] [Music] so that one went next door oh yeah i'm doing well on coins i haven't heard a lot drop though but there's a lot hanging over my eyes [Music] [Music] last one that's not sorry not bad god it did double stack it though [Music] joe was hiding some more coins on me [Music] [Music] so all right two coins left just gonna wait and it still went where i didn't want it to go all right we're gonna tally it up [Music] okay probably about 70 coins there so not not done too bad with coins [Music] there's a lot of stuff a lot of stuff just hanging that 50 is about to go that 50 is slipping and sliding all over the place plus all the other stuff that's hanging around there's 100 right in the middle [Music] making a meal of holding these coins and doing stupid stuff like that [Music] [Music] so that one got stuck up there keep them coming oh no something just fell no relation i'm guessing was that the game next to me was that this game i don't know okay check their little money train a second as soon as i get rid of what's in my hand something fell from somewhere i don't know if it's this side or the other side well no one's playing the other side so well they've got 20. come on let's get this funny and let's get that oh yeah i've got one of them all right that's my last coin while i'm here i'm just gonna check the other side [Music] four coins four coins just fell from the other side of the machine so hey bonus for me this game is just bonus plus bonus hey i've got a free ten dollars first up these coins now [Music] and i've double stacked it i'm just going to wait till i get to about there somewhere and it went right across all right that's fine um happy with that all right let's tell you that right 120 bucks i'm cleaning up your little ripper all right here you go you can go down the pocket coins yeah doing pretty good on coins it's got to be 70 70 coins in there i reckon so i don't think we're losing and i don't think we're gaining and i'm happy for that and the 70 coins is a good number 100 coins is better but you can't be i get too dirty now can we and there is so much there wanting to fall i can't tell whether that is a dollar note or a five dollar night i really can't tell from that from where it's sitting [Music] whatever it was it went [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] good push that hundred over there's on the move [Music] all right i've got one coin left big bush nice and i double stacked it well done jason all right let's tally it up see what we got all right bugger it was a fiver that's all right another 10 bucks for that collection sweet uh coins not good on coins uh we've lost a few coins so we're probably back to about i don't know 55 coins that's all right [Music] so oh come on nice [Music] you know i've been playing this machine for about five months i reckon um give or take and i'll never ever get sick of hearing that noise [Music] so [Music] [Music] so eyes bam oh i don't double stack them that's it's what i do i do it twice in a row come on again oh there goes a hundred come on hurry up let's go wifey needs a new car i'd love to buy her a new car really would but she actually really loves her old two old car doesn't want to get rid of it so that's fair enough i'm a bit like that too i don't like to get rid of my car so i bought one brand new um had plenty of times to you know trade it in especially for tax purposes that was my last coin but yep just don't want to so i love it anyway i'll tell you it up all right you little beauty 150 bucks that helps that puts a big chunk in the deficit okay um coins yep not too bad on coins probably 60 coins 60 65 coins just take a look see what's left i mean you've got 100 hiding under that 10 you've got a 250 so i didn't even see that one you've got 250s there you got a 50 here get 100 hiding in the back 100 hiding on the top if i can get all that off [Music] that's my goal [Music] oh silly silly oh i did it again that reminds me of that song i can't tell you who sang it but oops i did it again yeah i'm sure that song was made about me i do not learn that's what i mean [Music] [Music] i'll take them one at a time or ten at a time makes no difference to me so come on 50 is about to drop and that's a silly one ah i did it again three in a row see that three in a row oh i'm getting tired okay last point oh nice something went over i didn't see what it was i'm hoping it was big come on baby all right let's tally it up see what we got okay 55 bucks yes that really helps you guilty keep them coming throw him up there uh what's not good is that um yeah that's not good at all so um there's probably uh 25 points at best i mean i could sit down and count them but yeah now that takes too long and i can only count to 15 no just kidding all right i've got to stop double stacking them i think that's hurting me [Music] come on this thing just does not like playing to the left [Music] i haven't heard a lot of coins for yet come on there's so much sitting on the edge last coin and it's a bad one bugger all right let's tell you it up see what we got okay sorry i've got about 25 coins i'm not totally upset with that could be worse i could have five [Music] i mean if all this goes i'm going to get paid out really nice and here it comes oh no that was so close yeah this one [Music] all right there goes 20. [Music] so [Music] ah come on last coin [Music] come on all right let's turn it up here we go see it might swing all right 20 bucks 20 coins all right that's all right [Music] i didn't take one coin to get all that off i might get 100 bucks right there so i've made a new rule uh this is something i'm going to do every single game i'm not going to count or tally up the the cash and the chips as i go see sometimes well you know i was doing that at the start you know i was counting see how i was going see if i was in the profit or else if i was in the negative um that makes you know that makes a decision you know it makes it makes it easy to make a decision to walk away so but what i'm going to do now is basically i'm not going to count it so i don't know whether i'm in the profit or i'm not i'm just going to [Laughter] keep bugging me sideways just like the whole side just came off oh wow oh that was awesome i mean there's probably a few coins in that so yeah so i'm not actually going to have a look to see [Music] another 50 another 50 coins i reckon no not really but oh damn so as i was saying um yeah i'm not gonna count my coins uh sorry i'm not gonna count my chips all my cash so right now i've got no idea what's whatsoever if i'm in profit or if i'm still in the red i'm just going to play for what coins i've got in my hand [Music] last coin going in oh i can't wait to tell you this up all right let's go have a look i thought there might have been a second move all right let's count it up all right another 50 bucks you little beauty um probably 50 coins so yeah we did all right that time i throw him up there [Music] so oh nice i was waiting for that and this one whoa [Music] we got an escapee [Music] so come on push oh yes all right i'm gonna have to start playing the left you can see if i get that 20 and that clump off last two coins come on oh that was close you see a booth all right let's tell you about [Music] either i totally forgot about that or i just didn't see it so hey nice bonus new beauty you got your mates ah coins uh yeah probably hanging around the 45 mark [Music] [Music] people [Music] so [Music] oh there goes the 20. [Music] isn't coming all right two coins left i'll take them all right let's tally it up see what we got all right another 20 bucks yo little ripper uh coins aren't doing too good though so probably about 30 coins there that's all right we're going to keep going there's way too much all that is about to fall i mean that's going to load me back up take them ah stop going over that side [Music] so [Music] oh that helps i got two coins left not exactly where i want them but that'll loop all right let's tell you that [Music] okay that's not looking too healthy that's all right as i said you know there's so much hanging over i mean takes one coin to knock all that over so i'm going to keep going i mean i might as well i don't really have the coins now to walk away i might as well get him in the machine [Music] so [Music] yep i've got one coin left [Music] oh that whole thing moved just on one coin all right let's tally it up that's a nervous laugh um there's like six or seven coins there oh no i think i'm in the all right let's go one at a time real careful see if i can get that to fall that helps come on big push big push [Music] oh man there's coins hanging over the whole edge i got one coin come on all right let's tell you it up i didn't see much fall okay so we're doing all right i've got seven coins now all right same deal one coin at a time i seem to do better when i do that oh at least one fell [Music] oh that's what i was waiting for oh you little bloody ripper that one saved me all right let's tell it up all right back to 20 coins [Music] let's get going [Music] come on i'm so happy if i can get all that off oh yes come on come on come on last coin oh man what a fight back all right let's get telly that up [Music] 35 40 coins oh man [Music] let's keep going let's get this thank you [Music] so [Music] i got one coin left [Music] come on oh that whole lot is about to go there's a hundred sitting right there there's another 100 sitting right there i mean if i can get that i reckon i can get that ha let's go check it out [Music] okay so i'm back to about 25 coins come on only takes one coin [Music] oh yes 100 just fell oh yeah go go go go i seem like i'm at the dogs oh yes yes you little ripper last one all right let's tally it up all right take a look at this hey considering i had five coins at one stage five or six coins yeah another 100 bucks straight big pocket um yeah i reckon i'm back to 50 coins there ah i can't believe it [Music] it's never over until it's over [Music] so [Music] so oh yeah oh that 100's about to drop too oh if i could get that what a fight back what a fight back [Music] come on don't be silly okay i got one coin left one got stuck up there well that was lucky oh yes there goes the 100 with a bucket load of chips come on all right let's tell you that up [Music] 100 bucks all right um yeah looking really good on these um oh 60. we're back up to 60. all right here we go i'm not even looking up there i don't want i don't even want to know what's up [Music] there so i've noticed something i've noticed something often i call um i call these guys chips i don't mean to i mean tokens but uh i get a bit excited and uh yeah sorry about that so if you do hear me calling them chips just means i'm excited not really thinking a lot of what i'm saying some of that stock standard for me at the best of times [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] come on big push i'll take it [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh take a look at that i was actually thinking about stopping because i don't think i'm gonna get that um i'm thinking i was gonna if i'm in the profit i'll donate all my coins to the tin i don't want to keep just throwing coins in there but i can't walk away from that as i said it takes one coin i mean if i do end up donating all my all my coins providing i'll win of course um to the tim there's a lot of coins just there that'll go into it so i'm gonna tally up see what we got all right you're doing really well on coins um so yep i'm definitely gonna have a crack at that i'm not sure if i'll donate all of them but just see how i go depends on as i said i don't know what i've got i don't i'm pretty certain i'm in profit yeah of course it's definitely being dropped come oh big on oh yes now that middle is moving a little bit oh yeah [Music] so what i'm doing right now is i'm watching that hundred very very carefully um and if that is actually shifting shifting towards me um i'm going to keep playing i'm going to have a crack at it because i mean coins are still falling over so um so right now that's what i'm doing that's my last coin there all right let's tell you that's what we've got all right look at that i mean there's got to be 80 coins there uh yeah i'm going to keep going so i'm doing really really well on coins [Music] [Music] all right it's definitely moving just slowly very slowly i'm guessing it's just like heavy in the [Music] middle oh yeah that's definitely hey damn not only would i love that noise where all the money's falling into the hopper um as my ringtone i'd love to actually um have that set as my alarm so you wait wait so when you're waking up that's the noise that comes out oh come on [Music] okay two coins left [Music] all right let's tell you all right definitely not losing any coins here so uh yeah more than happy to keep going back's getting a bit sore though [Music] oh i see that had to have went quarter inch then [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on oh that nearly went over that's gonna go over soon not the money for coins [Music] okay last coin [Music] that's what i'm talking about oh yeah all right let's tally it up okay still about the same maybe a little bit less probably about 70. but that's all right but there's a massive clump sitting right over the edge there okay if that goes that hundred even possibly the 10 next will probably go maybe not the tent because i just saw it slide back so [Music] so [Music] oh come on hundred come on 100 well the 10 besides [Music] come on yes all right let's tell you that [Music] okay so i've had to ask joe to give me a hand um so yeah 70 probably 70 coins in there all right let's keep going i reckon we'll get that hundred [Music] so actually [Music] oh that sounded good oh the hundred's gone i didn't see it fall but it's gone i'll get that towel for that what a fight back come on come on oh man [Music] where did that go i [Music] all right that ten looks like it fell once again i didn't see it last one oh look at that that whole thing's about to fall down i was going to stop but yeah i'm not walking away from that let's go tally it up boy i just took the camera i was about to show you got a second wave oh i hope the camera turned on fast enough for you to see that um so i was just about to show you this it says 110 bucks i don't know what just fell um a lot um yeah so i got about 40 coins so throw yeah up there i can't believe that all right uh yeah we'll keep going i'm not losing that many coins so i reckon a lot just went down that hopper then [Music] oh man i thought i dropped four only picked up three quick look oh there he is the tripod leg was hiding him oh my god i can't believe this [Music] oh oh that one got stuck all right one more come on get that off if i can get that off i'm happy to walk away all right let's take it up see what we've got [Music] all right definitely back up to about 70 coins i reckon so once again i'm not losing any i gained a few then i'm not surprised see all that fell might as well keep going [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] bam [Music] oh another one next door landed on the top tray no coins came off [Music] okay last two okay let's tell you it up and i'll make a decision on what to do [Music] oh yeah no i'm definitely happy to stop so um my back is actually really sore right now so um yeah i'm happy to stop there's no second wave there's not a lot left on there it would probably take me another half an hour to get that off um and yeah my back hasn't got half an hour left in it trust me um so yep i'm more than happy more than happy um yeah with what i've got so i'm going to count everything up and make my final decision then but uh yeah [Music] all righty then look at that um wow oh wow all right so the tail it goes i got 400 dollars in chip and chips 400 bucks and chips um i got 61 coins so that's 183 dollars for the buyback um i got 370 dollars in notes 370 bucks in notes um that all added together is 953 250 dollars for me to pay um play the game so um my total profit is 703 dollars your little bloody ripper um so yeah i'm gonna go cash in uh all of this and i'll see you in a second all righty look at this oh you'll be guilty um so basically right here that's 650 um i did give fifty three dollars to the tin uh that's my thing more than happy to do it and i did forget to mention don't forget about the ten bucks i found so uh because he was all flat um you know he's not rolled up or folded up or whatever i get to keep it just the way it is so yeah and the 10 bucks so um what's that make it 660 bucks yup 660 bucks right here um so very good game jason so if you like what you see give us a thumbs up um if you want to see more subscribe and if you are watching and you do enjoy them and you're not subscribed please click that little um subscribe button and the notification bell and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,878
Rating: 4.9693484 out of 5
Id: g-N8J3bdg2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 5sec (3245 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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