Aussie Coin Pusher EP 77

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[Music] [Music] so this is the game i did not want to know about i was not going to play this game um so i can't see what's underneath on that uh on that bottom tray so uh there could be holes or anything in there who knows um 50 coins i'll absolutely walked away from this no problems at all 266 coins oh yeah so i'm looking forward to this one so i've had my bourbon [Music] and then i had another bourbon so yeah let's get cracking onto this and just see what it does i mean there's a lot of money on this so i had a look at the um i'm trying to i tried to have a look at the uh on the top moving tray uh the lip of that of this one and compared it to the one next to it this one's also altered so um yeah i don't know i don't know how this is going to play hopefully like the other side that'd be awesome if it does totally clean up if it does [Music] oh man i shouldn't have had that second baby uh mr professional at his finest uh shouldn't have had the second bourbon [Music] all right so as i thought the bottom tray didn't move at all then yeah it's not moving at all so there's definitely gaps there [Music] but i've got 266 coins i reckon uh i'll easily fill those gaps in no problems [Music] nice [Music] oh yeah things are moving now [Music] i reckon he's had complaints oh i just missed it nice push it's annoying i can't see what's happening down there i don't really keep an eye on it anyway so i'm just ignoring what happens down the bottom i'm just listening really but i can definitely see he's made a mistake what he's done is put chips on each of the notes i'm guessing to hold them down but i think that's going to work in my favor having no chips on there would have been a lot harder [Music] [Music] all right i've worked out why that coin sticks like that too um the actual top tray looks bent it's it doesn't look flat i've had a look at it from the side and it does not look flat so it looks like it's got a bit of an arch in it i don't know if that's a deliberate thing that they do or if it's a ploy or i've got no idea but i'm pretty certain i mean i've got a pretty good straight [Music] eye [Music] oh these guys are definitely moving i didn't think they would i wasn't sure how they were going to react to the truth [Music] oh that's right um i totally forgot to mention in the other game i'm not getting some of your comments um to like two or three weeks later they're popping up and i'm thinking you know i'm looking at that you know when they were sent and i'm thinking oh me that was a long time ago if i don't return one of your comments it's simply because i haven't seen it that's the only reason don't think that i'm annoyed with you or don't think that you know it's a bad comment or anything like that it's simply i haven't seen it trust me if you annoy me i'll let you know but um yeah so i've just noticed i know janice hasn't been i haven't been getting a lot of hers and i found that really really strange i've changed a bunch of things around uh i've probably completely stuffed up my youtube studio because i don't really understand it that's more courtney's department um so if i need something done courtney generally does it for me but yeah i've noticed that some of the comments are coming in very late uh i will return those comments but yeah please don't think that i'm ignoring you because i'm not i don't do that maybe he hasn't lowered this one down maybe i'm just seeing things ah that's what i thought was gonna happen can you guys see that on the camera i hope that i got the camera hanging down low enough so that 20 is totally stuck [Music] come on what's going to happen to that 20. oh i bounced it [Music] oh nice now i just need to make sure see if i can see it it's stuck in there um i've got to keep an eye on that that's a real bad thing that i do i don't watch so i don't know if it's stuck in there or not i don't take a lot of notice with what happens with the bottom tray i concentrate on the top tray so that's part of the game i need to work on i know i need to work on that [Music] yeah still in there so i've got to watch it [Music] oh look at the hundred look at the hundred i don't have a crack at that [Music] i'm just gonna wait for the pendulum to come back i'm just gonna wait again [Music] come on oh it's so close oh it's very important you don't if you're trying to get chips off the top you don't drop coins in because they'll vibrate that chip back on the top deck i've only just recently learnt that i just got to be patient oh is that going to push not really oh yeah and another 20 that's stuck um i can't see the first 20 but he may have gone down let's keep going for the hundreds [Music] oh man it'd be great if i can get like two or three more of them off [Music] i missed with every single coin [Laughter] totally got to stop drinking two bourbons before i have a game [Music] oh i missed again are you serious all right i'm just going to wait for the printer to come back again be interesting to see if that 20 dollars actually went all the way down oh so close oh yeah nice 200. i will totally take that i might just have a quick muck around just to see what's going to do with the rest of them look there goes a 20 i can't see it so you may have went down oh getting some good push i'll give you that much i think i broke some more the wheel didn't spin the wheel normally spins oh sorry dave sorry say more still bites okay that was my last lot of coins oh i was hoping to get one of them off all right let's tell it up that's what i got [Music] i don't really know how to hold them um so there's 80 bucks there so that's not too bad someone's drawn all over that one um so yep 80 bucks this is 100 profit i paid for this game on that last game all right stick them up there shove you up there i reckon we gained coins yep i actually reckoned we gained coins so i'm calling probably 270 275 coins in there um it's very hard to tell but yeah it definitely looks like there's more coins [Music] and it also looks like the uh the two uh the two notes actually went all the way down so i've got to keep a very close eye on it all right let's chase these hundreds uh maybe they need cooking a little bit more [Music] i know i'll see if i can get the far left one i don't think i'll get the other two right now oh nice oh i might get the other two i've got to have a go at it while i have the opportunity you've got to have a go at it it may slow the game down but that's 200 sitting right there it takes me a bit of time to earn that money it was at work [Music] and i think it's just going to slip and slide around the place so i'll go back to normal i'll keep an eye on them they're pretty close oh yeah i'm definitely done definitely going for them i mean they're overhanging not by much but they're definitely overhanging and i got a push nice [Music] so basically what devon's been teaching me um with the um top is stop chasing because that's what i used to do i used to chase them i used to try to force them off and it used to cost me a lot of coins while i was doing it and debbie basically uh or deborah i hope you don't mind me calling a debbie uh basically um taught me that no that's not the way to play you know a better way to play is if a coin or a chip sorry or a note whatever looks like it wants to come off then chase it until then ignore it so and that's why i think i've incorporated that into my game and i'll tell you what she is 100 right because oh nice well i can see it stuck in there i can see the 50 i can't see the 20. yeah so um you know i really appreciate you know just stuff like that it saves me money it earns me money i win money makes me feel better when i do obviously i can give more to the tin now that's what puts a smile on my face uh where's that 50 yeah still stuck in there i can just see the corner of it [Music] [Music] i'm loving the new angle of this top tray i wonder how long it's going to stay like that for to it [Music] look at me there's a lot of coins falling i think it sounds like [Music] i know if i should just throw in a double stack behind that 50 just to see if i can shift it i totally missed [Music] so [Music] nice did that knock the 50 down no they were they're both stuck in there i can see the 20 i think that's the 20 anyway i'm not sure now looks like there's still there's there's two in there i'll find out when i empty it i suppose [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i think i'm gonna have to do something with those fifties just to get them moving i reckon oh yeah mr professional at his finest [Music] well i've got them shifted but then they just slid straight back to where they [Music] were oh no come on oh bugger [Music] oh i hate getting coins stuck in this machine such a pain in the butt [Music] that's totally my fault it's how i'm dropping them how fast i'm dropping them [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've definitely got to move them i think i can put oh they just slid straight back again [Music] i'm totally missing the 50s i'm just gonna ignore them [Music] uh yeah i can still see something stuck in there i don't know what it is i don't know if it's a 20 or 50. if i don't keep thinking about it i'll forget about it i don't want to forget about it [Music] [Music] so come on oh nice that was 200 bucks [Music] okay that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got holy snapping duck there's like 380 dollars here um so there's the same amount of chips as there is these guys here so that's absolutely brilliant so i'm literally getting 100 chip to 109 50 chip 59 220s two twenties so they're all coming down together that is absolutely brilliant hey what was i scared of i'll tell you i'll tell you what though i still wouldn't have tackled this even knowing what i know now i still wouldn't have tackled it with 50 coins i think i just would have got smashed um but right now i am absolutely gaining coins there's just short of 300 coins there so i've seen a set of flowers or a bunch of flowers so i just call it a set of flowers that's funny uh a bunch of flowers they're 120 it's an absolute massive bunch of flowers that i've been wanting to buy my missus for a while guess what i'm buying it for valentine's tomorrow [Music] oh yeah i'm gonna get hurt he's a monster bunch he's massive good thing i drive debbie with an eye that'll keep you happy okay so here i got deborah's debbie um two different types of debbies oh actually probably three so but that one that one was for you debbie the one uh the baby with an eye keeps telling me to buy my missus from flowers i will a big bunch [Music] oh man all right so what have we got we've got oh there's another 100 underneath that so it's 203 for i think there may be another 100 near that chip and under the 50 maybe i'm not 100 sure it looks like it to me five that's 500 that's 600 dollars yep i know i am totally cleaning up on this oh look at this look at this come on push it off [Music] and i got a push from it oh damn [Music] i better buy myself a bunch of flowers i'm kidding [Music] i know what i do i buy my mrs a set of flowers with 120 bucks i'll go buy myself a hammer that's worth [Music] 60. [Music] [Music] so so i pretty much just want to play the left at the moment middle to left [Music] so so i reckon dave probably thought this game was going to go like the other game where i lost me the money was at the top totally different i bet he's not thinking this is going to happen i'm just going to wait for the pendulum to hit the left hand or the middle at least the middle [Music] [Music] come on [Music] oh four four four oh that is so close i reckon i'll drag the hundred with it [Music] i'm not worried about double stacking right now one i've got coins for days two i can get them off the top anyway it's just giving me bigger pushes that's all right now oh how's that not falling come on oh the other hundred nearly knocked it off it's about to fall i've only got two coins in my hand and i see when i drop into those where'd that other coin come from [Music] totally stuck ah come on let's clean this machine now all right i think yeah it did too is it 50 down or is it stuck in there i can't see it i'm gonna throw a few over this side left side [Applause] all right so this kind of an instance what comes to my mind straight away is kelly's comment kelly left me a comment saying if you start getting stuff blocked up i need to be playing the entire with my finger i need to be playing the entire field all the way across not just concentrating on the right trying to push the right or the middle play the entire field i hope that's what you meant kelly because that's what i'm about to do i mean it made sense [Music] [Music] nice come on [Music] it's really weird how it works i can't even remember what i had for brekkie this morning that's actually legit but yet i can remember comments from a month ago [Music] so [Music] oh bye-bye oh no come on totally ripped off [Music] yeah buddy oh i'm totally gonna drop all these coins [Music] so [Music] so [Music] yep i know i guess you didn't want to play [Music] those 50s are all stabbing up there i do not want to go anywhere [Music] [Music] oh i nearly got it [Music] come on one coin is holding that up one coin [Music] i'll give you one coin [Music] everything's falling past that including 100 chip it i think there's one coin under there oops [Music] all right top starting to get a little bit full i might just see if i can't get some of them off [Music] come on what are you doing i've got all your mates [Music] i don't know what that stuck on okay that was my last two coins well let's tell it up to what i got 350 do you know how long i've got to work to earn 350 bucks oh this game is insane right now um just sort of 300 coins so i can probably 10 short so 290 coins oh i can't get one can't get it together got carried away [Music] [Music] [Music] i wonder if i can bounce a coin off of those guys oh it's gonna be hard to do i'm gonna give that a go i don't think it'll do anything coins are too light [Music] [Music] cool i'm buggered i'll give you that [Music] [Music] all right what is holding that up take a look at how many coins are sitting on it can you guys even see that uh i can't even see the back of the camera i really need to bring glasses [Music] well just in case if you can't see i'm not sure if you can or not 100 is stuck there i don't know what it stuck on and there's got to be what one two three four five six seven coins are sitting directly on top of it it's overhanging [Music] all right let's bombard them [Music] i got no idea what that is stuck on are you stuck on something [Music] we're all gone with a monster handful [Music] oh about time thank you and i can't see it that's a good thing all right so we've got 200 bucks on the bottom [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh give me a push i could have pushed him off so [Music] so i think even if i got a 50 off at the top i probably wouldn't play it [Music] but i am really really super tired right [Music] now [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that was a nice bush we've just got to get that mound out from in front of them and then they'll come forward how did the coin get all the way over here i'll probably slid across that hundred [Music] [Music] [Music] oh now we might gotta shift it all right just gonna wipe smash that area oh yeah that move tapes [Music] come on hurry up [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh there we go [Music] one of those hundreds went for a nice little slide oh 100's about to go [Music] nice [Music] [Music] so the trick to getting the ones off the top don't care i am totally not aiming for them [Music] so [Music] all right i have my last three coins look how far back that hundred's gotten oh it's actually probably going that way faster than it's coming this way slippery little sucker all right let's tell it up so what i got all right another three hundred dollars i can just see me taking my misses out to dinner queens yeah i think we lost a couple but nothing special [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on stop giving me some monster pushes please [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm oh lucky that got stuck up here [Music] [Music] so [Music] well i reckon i'll probably get those 250s off on the right hand side faster i'll get that hundred off [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign oh no i didn't see them in there not my outcome [Music] all right thank you [Music] well a hundred still in the same spot a lot of pain in the back [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on big drop i'll take it [Music] so i'm just smashing the left hand side because that mound right there is just not shifting and it's holding 100 there [Music] [Applause] hahaha that was probably the worst drops in series i have ever done [Music] [Applause] seymour you need to come out with new material mark [Music] so i think i'm going to pound the middle if i can [Music] hey my timing's just going to all the time [Music] is that because i'm so tired [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] sounds good but i really want it to fall from right the front here [Music] oh one of the 50s is gone you little [Music] [Applause] [Music] ripper you're kidding me right oh man oh thank you [Music] come on no now i'm slipping and sliding around [Music] [Music] well why is this game being so difficult all of a sudden [Music] [Music] okay that's the last two points i bought all right let's tell you that's what i got all right got another 50 bucks [Music] coins yeah we're definitely losing some coins um 270 probably 270 coins there not a lot of coins i mean there's still a lot hanging over i'm gonna go one more and i'm just gonna keep an eye on what's going on down [Music] there oh didn't they drop that [Music] so [Music] [Music] definitely sniffing and sliding [Music] a lot of coins are about 4 over [Music] [Music] oh [Music] nice [Music] i don't know if you noticed i asked dave about a week ago if he can clean his windows [Music] uh i've got a thing about having dirty glass in my car the windows need to be spotless same as the house tv computer screen all that sort of stuff just i hate things being on them and i noticed these these windows were getting dirtier and dirty and dirtier so um i asked dave about a week ago to clean them so i think he cleaned them probably last night i'm guessing i noticed they're quite clean now [Music] oh i got some stock that's not good well i totally didn't need to do that did i yeah good luck in getting them out [Music] well that's really annoyed me that's my fault i might be cutting this game a bit earlier [Music] so oh man that's annoying [Music] i'm not too concerned about it um 150 bucks on the bottom deck it's not moving i'm so buggered now i'm willing to walk away right now and just say yeah that's it i'm done i'm going to keep trying for a little tiny bit longer i mean there's a lot of coins overhanging right here so i want you know if i can get those i'll be happy if i get this lot here then the 100 might want to start moving [Music] but what i don't want to do is put 80 bucks worth of coins stuck up the top there to try to win that 50. [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on why have you stopped pushing for [Music] [Music] so oops totally forgot a message on my phone oh can i get that to slide off and give it give the whole thing a good nudge that'd be nice [Music] all right now we're in business another message really all right you watch this hundred now now we've got that pile out from in front of it if i can get the hundred i'll be absolutely wrapped everything else well it would be nice to get it but i'm not concerned [Music] [Music] oh i just see that oh man that was awesome bounce from one side to the other [Music] come on start moving 100 oh you're getting a little bit of movement out of it [Music] all right from there control fell from the next door [Music] remind me to check the hopper next door because i think some coins just fell into it wouldn't surprise me these games i mean they've just got mines of their arms oh wow [Music] well i'll get a little bit of movement out of that 100 i've got to keep trying i've got another 50 off but i really don't care too much about that right now [Music] [Music] i totally forgot again oh all right 100 i don't know maybe it's going to slide backwards there's my last two coins [Music] 50 50. all right let's tell it up that's what i got all right so i checked out the hopper next door and yeah three coins fell that was nice um yeah i don't reckon we lost anyone it's probably still 280 in there i'm gonna keep going that hundred is definitely shifted i'm not sure what that 50 is doing i mean it makes it very difficult when it's all chopped up like this i was going to get dave to clear it out but i sort of figured there's no point [Music] oh come on hundred don't slide backwards [Music] [Music] oh come on drop a couple coins from underneath it and it'll angle towards the hopper right now it's angling away from it so i think it might slide [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm this game has just stopped [Music] [Applause] so looks like they both want to come off let's see if i can target that 50 and see if i get a push out of it [Music] that's what i call rapid fire [Music] oh give me a push yeah i don't think it [Music] did hmm i can smell cigarette smoke [Music] [Applause] i wish they'd stand a bit further away from the building when they smoked i mean i used to smoke myself even knowing back when i was smoking he was allowed to smoke inside i never did always smoke the outside [Music] i want to see if i can start getting some coins off the top there now oh 50 looks like it wants to come off [Music] now [Music] oh nice 50 nearly came off all right so we get this hundred off which we probably won't be able to [Music] so oh wow i reckon i'm losing more coins than what that thing's worth to be honest i'm going to keep going for a little bit longer see what's happening with my coins when i tally them up [Music] so yep like i've got the energy for that [Music] taste all right so my camera totally turned off again i'm concentrating so hard on the game that i don't take any notice of the camera every now and then i'll have a glance at it when the screen's black i'll wonder why yeah and the screen was black and how long for i don't know but anyway i got the hundred off you might have seen that you may not have seen it i'm not too sure the 50 came off i'm not worried about 150 and i'm not worried about this i'm going to leave that for somebody else i'm so buggered right now um yeah i'm done don't forget i played a long time on the other side as well so um i'm going to tally everything up that i've got and i'll be back in a second all right there's the 150 hey you're guilty that was a struggle to get those two off uh coins yep so there's probably i'm guessing about 280 coins there still so we were sort of hovering around that same thing now a lot of people you know a lot of people are probably thinking well why aren't i chasing all of this i'm the type of person when i've got enough i feel happy and right now i'm happy i've got enough i'm content with what i've won and i've won butt loads trust me i want to leave this for somebody else someone that's only got 10 coins or 15 coins or two coins or whatever hopefully they can win something out of this that that you know what i'd like to do one day i'd actually like to leave 10 coins in the bottom of the hopper and just uh just leave them in there um i'm not going to do it because that's 30 bucks but i mean it would just be so funny and just have a camera and just wouldn't it that would be so funny anyway i'm gonna go get those out i think only like one or two fell but i'll get those out and i'm gonna tally everything up and i'll be back all right so i'm just gonna give you a slow-mo i'm gonna take a look at it that's got some weight to it um i'm trying not to touch the glass so um that is huge and it's heavy so i think i've beaten all my records i'm not 100 sure i know i've smashed my daily record so the telly goes i've got 980 in chips that's nearly a thousand dollars just in chips uh 330 in notes 271 coins i started this game for 266 coins so i actually increased in coins that's not bad at all uh that's worth 813 dollars uh add all that together is 2 113 i've been thinking about the previous game i didn't take the 250 out so that was actually in incorporating the coins and well i used the coins on this so i've got a deducted 250 for playing so that's 1863 so that's the 250 dollars that i've just taken that i've just taken out that was actually for the first game first game i played i didn't take that that money out because that was actually incorporating the coins so um i've had to take it out on this game either way i've only had i've only had to pay it once for two games so 1 863 that's my profit holy snapping duck i got 700 profit on the other game um yeah so that's it i'm quitting my job i'm just kidding um yeah intense day um thank you dave uh what you've done to this machine mate it's absolutely brilliant i love it i can guarantee it's not staying like this though um yeah anyway i'm going to go cash everything in and i'll be back okay 150 there no i'm just kidding hey feel it it's everywhere um tell me how thick it is that is that's that's what i call a wad um i'll tell you what my missus i'm not gonna tell her um i might ring up and i'll just say you know i'm coming home with 500 and then i'll pass her this but we play jokes on each other all the time that's just what we do so um yeah 113 bucks to the tim um happy to do it so the tim did well today not as well as me yeah easy games surprisingly really really uh i mean yeah the changes dave's made wow absolutely love them yeah i can guarantee next time i come here they're probably back to where they were but anyway um thank you dave thank you guys for watching um thank thanks to all the new guys subscribing i really appreciate that uh if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,415
Rating: 4.9470201 out of 5
Id: 6is49AtNmcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 33sec (4713 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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