Attack of the Cardboard DINOSAURS! - Card Life Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome to render game called car to life so card life is a crafting survival game that is set with a cardboard styled like game play a shovel here made out of cardboard and the clouds are made out of cardboard and our hero himself with this heart are all made out of cardboard so I'm gonna do a single-player game let it load up look at this yeah we've got a giant oh it's like a laser beam on top of a mech with a flying dragon Oh made out of cardboard of course the bed dragon fires fire at at the stuff at the house all right here we go so the idea behind this game is that we can really create anything we want to we have square face also known as bread head and there we go we get it we can do that oh I don't let's let's believe that we can scribble anything if we wanted a kind of a super spike and then we could do ear here uh-huh and then a chin like that and a chin like so and then another ear over here uh-huh and then look cool I love it can we cut out the eyeballs too and I cut out the eyeball uh-huh oh that didn't work well I connected the dots is that good yeah we need the cut button uh-huh and eyeball has formed on his face there we go there we go another one and then let's make little pupil thing whatever that thing's gonna be and then went over here to ah look at that we made a little dude his mouth we got to get a mouth and then should we put some teeth in here yeah look like like a snaggletooth monster he's kind of cute look at that oh we could change his his chest yeah okay we'll leave that and his arms oh here I got an idea yeah that's the arm so if I do yes and like so and like that how beefy does his arm turn pretty good that's like me dudes ripped I'm not ripping not even close oh you do super small legs across I did oh hey connect those like so uh-huh like that there we go those skinny legs okay I don't like those we'll just do default legs he's got I got the goofy little face going on we've got a big old bulky arms I love it let's create our man yes welcome to card life we've on it we've done it we won the game we have passed spun boy guys smack a tree I just I think all crafting games start with smacking a tree oh oh watch the hole I punched a hole in the tree look at that coolness hey right ready ready am I getting am I getting wood here I haven't seen I don't know what to do okay let's try this way we'll try this way and Down Goes the tree oh it's gonna break oh I broke it it is the in development the games in development right now if I if I didn't mention that okay how about the ground Can I grab her grab dirt oh that's cool hey I got some dirt what's this thing can I get some berries here hey I got something spring berries time is five oh now I walk over ah ah plant matter and spring berries so if I it ivory inventory there we go so there's a crafting menu here good night armor okay I don't have anything unlock didn't seems oh I tipped over that tree yes okay that's how to get wood hey the other one must have been broken alright cuz I Oh another berry resin we got Oaks oh look at that okay fiber hey get more fiber regular fiber got some fiber in my diet okay so I've got a bunch of wood I'm gonna kill this tree too and by the power vested in me upon the editing machine we have another timber tree without the time of harvesting the tree hey there's the wood or cardboard why is it okay if we're getting cardboard okay so now can I do crafting can I put anything in here do I put I put dark wood it Oakland Oh what is that customized station Fowler statue okay crates and junk stools a simple bench and there's the shovel I saw a shovel where was the shovel it ooh Stone short-circuit okay there's a wooden sword uh-huh that we need this a wooden pickaxe craft oh I need a favor okay give me the fiber I don't have enough ah okay wait let's go find some fiber oh that looks pretty this is cool I like the rendering on it it looks really really neat I wish there was a little more undergrowth in the game though it's a little bit bare and this looks cool looks like there's some sort of cave system down here wait oh hello hey it's a different type of stuff I can't grab it okay what's that Birds bugs okay we need to get it with you oh hello prototype nope nope nope nope bad goblets back up think are you to bury you bury forgot it a turn aren't you Barry oh okay oh there's a dinosaur a put top of the hill - what why is there so many things around here okay let's eat oh here we go we needed this stuff we need the fiber all right time to craft up oak wood and fiber can I just type in here yet that'll work okay wooden pickaxe craft whoo that's a cool sound okay then we got a sickle we can do wooden the square square legs and then there's the stone sword so let's move these around I'm assuming if we can do that and then if I take you oh ha that sounds so cool hey give me give me the sticks I want to eat these yes I got it okay I'm hungry again oh wait my berries my berries there are an eight aha I've eaten Oh Marian okay let's try here oh nice I'm gonna get all the stones in the world just good innovative I think the word I'm looking for is innovated this is awesome all right so I've got stone now I don't know what I can oh yeah I stone the sword okay if I put that's not what that's trigger there jump okay dark wood I want an axe just don't had you craft what do I need for it oh I need I need more of this it looks like I need three more wood right I'm gonna hit it from the side and it's gonna knock it down oh one more oh why does it take so long okay maybe from there it goes black got it okay I got a bunch more what good good wood oak wood I'm hungry again why do I get so hungry okay I really just what was that noise I'm gonna eat a bunch of these to load up load up a little bit a little bit more get my get my chicken boat okay good and now we can craft again again again wood in stones in fiber in aha okay let's start with the true the tree harvester and then we're to get got it we need that in three can I get a new pick I can't what do I need it for that I need four and more stuff okay I'm gonna I'm gonna chop down a tree now super effectively oh yeah that's easier come on man here we go yeah this is so much faster I love it Kember hey silly trees okay I got resin to or that nobody's gonna come eat me good okay that was good I'm gonna go for the pickaxe next what's this do harvesting bushes the sickle okay we'll make that up I want to make a sword - oh I need more stone okay well at least I got the pick can I just throw these things and oh I need you we got that in there okay good ha I knew pick anyway this is go oh yeah a lot quicker got quicker be more rocks for me oh this is different stone this is compacted stone I don't think I want that I want a regular stone this is this looks like regular stone AHA regular stone okay I'm gonna build up all my tools oh so check this out you can customize things too gonna connect the dots on the sword so I want to do I can't I can't really go so far okay weirdo this is gonna be weird we'll cut it in we'll go up and we'll go over and up and in and then we'll do a point okay oh my sweet freehand most skills here killing it I like that it's dumb it's ugly I never make it I want to see how it looks no oh wow oh it's dark o'clock oh but check it out it actually worked hey I'm hungry I have a couple of berries hey got got a few and I also built one of these so I can just easily get berry bushes yes works I built a torch to adventure with I see something right up there do you see that little glistening just barely up there I want to go check it out stand your guard oh it's a dinosaur dinosaur there's something else over here I think that's a nameplate that says what it is oh there's a couple things up here oh we got wolves and stuff aha okay alright should i attack him what's that what's this they're just regular dirt I'm extremely hungry uh eat berries ate the berries if somebody have a portable well do the same time count your buck I did it okay now let's look again yeah these are all wolves cardboard wolves Oh something's after me maybe oh I'm scared of him I don't know what to do I don't want to grow too many of them oh okay he's coming he's coming hello wolf aha oh he hit me harder gosh you uh-huh aha I just keep backing up I'll be fine wait are you stuck you're good dumb in your face ha yeah dad oh sorry I didn't mean to hey I got meat how do I build fire ARCA build fire light wolf pelt man I need hide for my next tier wait wait wait wait wait maybe maybe let's put that oh I got one wolf pelt uh-huh and then that makes this course hide oh and then I can use Oh of course hide to make furnaces course leather or a forge how many do I need I need four okay let's I'm gonna make oh I can't even make that cuz I need two hot so I need to kill a little bit more here hello wolf oh you hit me hard ah stop it oh you're not like your buddy nope you're not like oh no I think I got another one on me nope oh don't just die die thank you oh yeah oh right away right away right fleep fleep fleep fleep Lee he's after me he's after me still alright die oh I got a dinosaur after me do I hurt you hear it I gotta run I gotta run although my health is going up go go go go go go and jump oh ho ho ho hey wait there's no wolf where'd the wolf go I think I made it I'm alive it's in here though check this out it's so dark I know I'm sorry oh that was just a glitch in the matrix so to fight the wolves I'm gonna make a chest plate because that's all I have on me we have one let's put that over here whatever that makes me slower hey oh my got it on now can I see myself oh no I don't know how ok well I've got a chest plate oh don't seem to be any slower is that a goat no okay I'm I'm still hung we're good we're gonna understate a couple of berries let's kill these wolves hello wolf hello wolf haha oh I didn't take as much to our stop biting me hi you can't touch me if I back up ready uh-huh nice hit ah I'm dead food I got it I got you yes yes more dead wolf I can't I need like one more oh I'm close to half health thank God oh you're stuck in oh stop wait me stop bite me get it yes I got him okay that's all I need right there okay i got i got my wolf pelts light wolf pelts let's make up these crafts up all of them Oh three oK we've got those now I can use this to build a forge I don't know what a forges for but I should build one I'm gonna build one one leather just to see what I can build with it seems to be the way to go in this game as you put it an item and then ah course leather straps okay and it tells you what you can make next requires Forge okay so we have to have a forge in order to do that so let's get a couple more hides here oh that one's Darpan out I must ends your and your life followed beasts out now oh oh hi I can't touch me back oh let's time it right Wow yes you're stuck hi you are you are ah yes I got it okay one more light wolf pelt I got one more wolf to kill Oh Bears stay away from bears bears are bigger than the wolf I did a despawn there was one more here I wonder if it's only a night creature okay so I can I can actually customize the helmets too this is awesome this is so cool I wonder if I can see I don't have a very straight a hand but I don't think that matters too much we'll just do what they did and I'll do a different eye piece in here there we go okay and then we'll cut that I out I want something dumb looking that's what I want for an eye oh whatever I'm doing it cuz I can't see my guy anyway I got a new helmet there we go and now I can make legs I'm gonna make square legs got him uh-huh legs and then I need arm arm things our armed guards armed guards I did it I am full I wish I could see myself there's got to be a button that allows me that's a shovel I see another dinosaur and I think another wolf oh yeah there's plenty of animals here oh there's multiple dinosaurs and a couple of wolves come at me come at me wolf man I'm extremely hungry oh oh wow okay oh he's not even damaging me really okay keep keep on chopping them up yes now stop it I got you you're dead you're dead Jim okay eat bunch of berries I got like a bunch of them going in my mouth and I'm out of berries okay we need to make this Forge now so course hide we have good that's good we need to make this and craft of these okay so that plus 40 oh I don't have 40 stones all right that's compact no I need any more stones nothing in this game is flat either it's like nothing flat I had to eat a bunch of berries cuz I've been moving around a bunch I think I'm gonna work it right here so we need the stones we need this stuff and we need to hide and then that should make us the forge what is that just a furnace smelts or into ingots using wooden a few oh it's both takes it melts metals metal equipment and structures or into ingots I have to build this one first don't I oh no well we'll try it okay and now now I need more furs oh man I gotta go kill more bears and wolves and stuff here's something what is it what was that noise is there a cave over here can I go into that nope some spitting at me I have no idea what that was it was like right in here whoa whoa no oh no oh no don't eat me don't leave me I'm extremely hungry I don't like this thing chasing me okay left me alone hold that mech okay I got it I gotta go eat get the berry bush or I'm gonna die hey I found some ores this is what we needed I think that's or anyway come on iron or iron or copper or maybe dirty copper or okay cool I know it's the middle of the night but I found a pack of wild bears oh there's also wolves on the other side okay oh okay I'm gonna kill it I gotta kill it come here get the grass killer oh he's almost half dead oh yes yes haha I got you I got you oh boy that was close that was really close oh don't other bear don't eat me yeah run away run away run away right away mother bear don't eat me don't even other bear oh I did it I did it okay how much does a bear pelt give me one bear please give me two crapped up really a one that's that fun I wanted these I need I got four oh man I gotta kill four more things oh that's another bear shoot I think there are wolves up there on the edge though and I did see a raptor on the way okay here's the wolf okay there's three wolves here I need one I just need to pull one okay I got him nope mister ow no bad well got you got you step in back oh he's almost dead that was good one more we're gonna hit one we're gonna hit yes oh okay he did die wow man I need to eat more berries good thing I harvested up 50 berries whoo okay I need three more pelts no I can't die now why does it come at me Oh nope okay missed him got him I'm just gonna take him take him go down oh okay okay Wow okay now let's turn those into those pelts oh okay I'm gonna craft him quick I got oh I got three now I need one more oh man okay eat some more berries I thought that was Pope on the ground I think there's one more right up yes there he is we got a couple more up here I'm gonna go for this one first aha a vest oh okay I got a good hit I got two good hits oh yes Oh hit me the first time okay I'm just gonna go I'm gonna take yes he's dead did he not give me a pelt no he had to give me a pelt yes I got the pelt okay so perfect let's put that in and I'm gonna crap that up now this will let me build because I have the furnace now I can corrupt the other thing right I don't have enough for this yet oh shoot so my great quest I have found a cave this cave is kind of nice it doesn't go very deep oh is this iron I can't tell the colors the colors man okay so I like this cave I'm actually gonna build my stuff down here I'm just gonna do that I need another torch let's grab the I got the furnace let's do the hide in here there we go and they need that so I need 12 this okay I got 82 good so I can make this up I think it takes wood how much more do I have I got 14 wood all right so I have no idea how to do these let's put this down do I do put it down okay Oh Chris Edie use I'm guessing any copper or I need Forge no or goes in the other one right wait come back here okay I need I need the furnace now you know what I need is it torch Rigo torch is ax George aha my cave is kind of lit now there we go yes okay now let's put down our furnace right next to this oh I'm extremely hungry oh and I wasn't even about halfway there I am nourished I am well nourished I am stuff to can eat no more oke to use so we have the or we have fuel so is the resin fuel no is the leather straps you know is the wood fuel yes is the copper ore okay and now smelt it I did it I did it I need all of them I need eight more now right that's o six how many can I do to this let's do three each Wow okay so I still have more I have the ingots now and gets e to use what can I put with the ingots in Oh copper stuff copper pickaxe and we have the leather on any more wood okay wow that's a whole lot of copper what was this stuff over here can I can I take what is it stone and it's just don't look so much different than stone I guess might be a different color of stone oh I found a glitch oh these are cool so my little house is barely anywhere in the world and look at that there's all kinds of crazy animals down there wow I wasn't expecting the game to be deep like that but I guess it is okay chop down a couple trees uh-oh my pickaxe broke but I didn't find more iron or copper I think I'm gonna go back home I did get 28 wood so if I can build up a copper pickaxe that's gonna help me out try to get some more loot oh yeah that does look like regular stuff now oh well easy use so I've got these strips right the strips I got copper pickaxe that's what I want three strips I got enough of that and I got enough wood hey we're getting copper yeah copper I did it got copper now I only have two ingots wow this game is gonna take a little bit of grinding time I hope you guys have enjoyed our first episode today I think working really cut through the the cardboard now with our stuff it's been it's a fun little game it's definitely interesting and innovative if you did enjoy it please do let me know I would like to continue playing more so if you have any ideas of what we should do next go ahead and drop me a comment and keep your stick on the ice we will catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,248,070
Rating: 4.8495841 out of 5
Keywords: cardlife, cardlife game, cardlife gameplay, card life, family friendly, cardboard world, box fort, cardlife mech, cardlife dragon, kid friendly, cardboard house, cardlife ep 1, crafting game, game, gameplay, card life gameplay, apr2018, 2018
Id: O2_XzR-8b-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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