CARDLIFE - Building A House! - EP02 (Gameplay Video)

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hey guys welcome back to another episode of card life called life I feel like that's a British song that I've heard before but maybe not we're gonna build a base today that's right a base today and we're gonna build it I think right here would be a great spot I try to snap these in place so how do I the snapping part is a little out here we go like that and like this perfect Oh press delete to delete the placed item oh I didn't even see that okay so we have a nice little view here by the way this is where I am on the map I went I think we left off around here and I walk a little bit further it looks pretty similar on the edges here so I'm not sure of the biome variety just yet I think I see some like snow ish that might be clouds though and that's clouds but anyway there's deer here there's crabs there's berries there's a beach and I think that is a cave so we're gonna check that out in a second but first let's create some walls wooden corner wall a wooden corner oh that's us oh that's good that's good that is good I think we just want a regular wall though let's make three of those it's just gonna be a simple a simple place for now and then what we will make a window here and I think I want it like that oh okay that's fine that's that's totally fine oh so the day I'll create like that that's kind of cool if that's the case let's see no that's not this is what I want oh yeah look at that alright so we got that oh we needed more than three what was I doing so you want this to be a nice open-concept home right here you know what maybe I'll even do another foundation just chopping down this giant redwood here I'm assuming this is a redwood tree I have no idea the house is coming along nicely I killed a wolf who got too close to the home he deserved it okay here we go this should break it all down beautiful all the colors would yes nineteen redwood that is good I'll take that look check out the house I think I picked a really nice spot because it's like in between these two little Hills but it's sort of on a hill itself it's got a good view I'm trying not to chop down any of the trees near the house cuz I like the trees near the house it was a big selling feature when I bought the place and it's gonna be all I was gonna say glass is there any glass even glass I don't think there is any glass is there any windows I don't think so so I think we have to build I probably could have built some stone walls yeah I totally could have I have a ton of stone we're gonna stick with the cardboard at first because well oh this is trouble - enemies - enemies here attacking us all this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad my bed is set way back there come here ya idiot come here you idiot he's still gonna beat you I'm still gonna beat you try me suck it yes oh man that was close let's eat some of these berries here shall we whoo I'm stuffed alright so here is our house we have two more walls so let's do another wall well we could just change the the windows but let's just keep the glass let's keep it consistent we're in it we're gonna learn stuff as we go so that's all the process put one there one there there we go we have a nice little home now with a little porch right here is there railings not walls railings whoa whoa whoa what is that a portrait shape picture frame that's kind of cool there's gotta be some is there fence fence a foundation for fences fence a fence that provides a border requires a fence foundation well that's not good let's see let's build one of these fence foundation let's see how this works can I put it oh I see now the problem is can I jump up here I can hmm let's uh I don't know what to do in this case okay let's how do you get out of here zero there we go can I just delete this hey that was really good now wait a minute does it go back in my inventory no it does not hmm okay fence foundations let's try this I don't know how this is how well this is gonna work though I need a couple more of these so let's go fence two three and then can I put like a floor on okay how about we click to rotate oh look at that that is so good that's really good perfect now is there a floor hmm so we have a fence but I kind of wanted to have a little bit of a floor here oh let's see can I just make a foundation now and put it down I doubt it foundation oh I don't even have enough wood and I need some stairs after okay we got to go do some chopping we should probably put some of these torches up though let's have one here we'll have one by the door and then maybe we'll have one over here beautiful oh this place is coming together nicely I feel like I'm gonna have to delete these but we'll see a goblin come on guy I just want some wood what I get course hide-and basic machine parts what does they even look like what does a basic machine part look like wolf pelt light wolf pelt dull magic essence oh no that's plat matter I don't know I don't know that looks like there's some more rancid meat okay let's go chop down some wood hopefully not amongst enemies oh not again is he gonna leave me alone I think he's gonna leave me alone I think he's gonna leave me alone the wooden hatchet is just not doing its job let's try to make something cool here alright who maybe won't think like ah oh that's kind of a that looks ridiculous but let's do it yeah this wouldn't hatch a kid out of my inventory okay we're gonna use this thing this thing the wooden hatchet it just takes forever oh that's a lot faster I was hoping it would have like a bigger area of breakage but this is a lot quicker than that wouldn't hatch it and just underneath that tree will some copper ore huh I don't know how much of it there is doesn't look like there's a lot but one of the missions is to smelt copper ore and so now I can accomplish that even that's good this is my wooden hatchet by the way alright let's go back and finish this house I did it oh dang it this guy followed me home um I did it I placed the foundation on the fence foundations I think I don't see the fence things anymore maybe the fence stuff got deleted when I put that down come on you know I realized too actually I can make the walls the the Oh a kind another machine part by the way I found those they were in there in the hotbar so there it is basic machine parts so a fence wooden fence let's try to craft one of these and let's make it let's see so we want let's let's try to make it something like this oh my gosh oh my gosh oh yeah this is great this is gonna be the best fence you ever laid your eyes on Boop oh yeah that's the stuff that is the stuff let's see I can oh look how tall it is though this is like a whole wall no this is not what I wanted at all okay we're gonna delete that delete now we're gonna make another one I'm gonna make it shorter fence crap not craft laughs okay here we go so let's just do something like this now how small is this now let's see hey that's not bad I mean I could probably make it look like a little bit more of an actual fence but uh but that's not bad do we have stairs stairs here we go here we go hmm internal stairs stairs used as a foundation to start let's try that this is the one oh wait a minute wait a minute okay this is tough to see there we go oh that's really good I like that okay good our house is coming together that means we need a fence a 1 1 more fence hopefully we have enough wood craft laughs mm-hmm everything's coming I really like this game guys I hope you liked this game cuz I really like this game I think we might need another another set of stairs going down this way because I don't think I can climb up that way but but there's our little house I guess we need a roof right it's looking pretty good let's try a roof I think the the color or the shade of the cardboard has a lot to do with what type of wood you use so this one I used of these palm tree woods this one I used like the Redwood and look at how red it is and then this is just a regular foundation I guess that's kind of a cool little touch alright roof roof o ceiling aha wooden pitched see let's try a stone pitched ceiling craft Oh an we could put designs on this - let's put a skylight on this one so we'll chart like right there this one's gonna have a skylight ho ho baby now the other ones I think I'm just gonna do regular now which way should we face it this way or this way I feel like this way is probably best nice we've got a little skylight here in the entrance that's exactly where you want your skylights now let's go with another roof or sorry ceiling and we'll do three four one two three I think we just need three more we're just gonna create these regular okay so now we do this uh-huh yup beautiful so what about walls now are there triangle walls aha the gable wall we want two of these and I just want regular ones this is exciting so now I do this click it it's really easy to build surprisingly I thought this was gonna be a little more complicated with all the all the shapes that you have to look at that is a nice little house okay we need two more though I like the skylight too I guess that's kind of a danger there's like stuff that that's coming from above create and I guess craft another one create I could've put some little windows there couldn't I missed opportunity perfect our little house is complete now I wanted to create a furnace Oh what I can I didn't think I had enough stuff okay so furnace let's put that we're gonna put the bed I guess we'll put the bed back here so the furnace will put here okay boom there's our furnace aha so now where's that copper that I got right here fuel one of one a sturdy piece of wood is it already oh I think it takes it automatically hey look at that we got a copper ingot let's put another piece of wood in here yeah oh yeah okay that's that's all it takes to to make one okay got it I'm very hungry all right well let's eat some berries I guess can I make like an oven or something uh furnace an oven um let me see here crafting materials ammunition crafting tables clothing rack a furnace a forge enchanting table whoo okay what else we got here permissions decorations storage light structures tools weapons tools okay kind of weapons that we have available oh here we go a stone boat crafting it oh man I get to design it okay that's kind of a cool design right there I kind of like that design they have maybe we'll have a little a little teeth spikes a little more little teeth spikes here in the bottom that is one thick bow can I see it can't really see the whole thing I bet it looks awesome can we make arrows stone arrow wooden arrow let's make five of these is the maximum amount of wood I had oh wow it gives you ten each time okay Oh Oh No take that collect all so now if we go eight we're gonna test this out guys on an unsuspecting victim the Turtles no I like the Turtles maybe we should just go into the into the mines I really want to test this out first here we go here we go oh hey crab oh you mad bro yeah I could just back away and hit you now and you take all the damage oh I could do that too how do i there we go oh I think I'm ready guys let's go into this cave what do we see here oh wow this goes way down there I heard something don't oh oh teeth ah I don't know if you guys see them but I see little red eyes the IMP I don't think they can climb up here come on okay he's dead there's another one down here I am so glad I made this bow before I went into this cave okay all right do we see any sort of pores why is this different color that is compact dirt and then this would be stone compact stone okay all right now I got to get out of here this is not gonna be okay now that's fine whew I just fell inside this hole here yep this is gonna be tough okay I'm gonna have to like dig out ah dang it I just realized something what if I get stuck here uh-hmm okay let's be careful with our pit I got out of the cave and just in time too because my pick actually broke I'm now trying to kill us kill us kill us dear so I can get it to hide so I can make a clothing rack I think one course hide yeah I think that's it I think I only need the one more and I need a bunch more wood I've realized already that this game requires a ton of wood what the heck is that why is it glowing like that cuz I dropped it can I delete it delete No can I believe a non empty chest alright well I don't want your stupid oh can I interesting you can like store other stuff in there anyway let me chop down another one of these trees these giant redwoods there's another wolf over there maybe we'll keep our distance I don't want to mess with too many wolves but yeah let me chop down some more of this yeah lots and lots of wood needed for were the things we are trying to make I guess it's not it's technically cardboard but it's wooden it's wood looking it's imitation wood our glorious little house looking so homey and stuff let's make this clothing rack now clothing rack crash looks like we can't design the clothing rack that's okay seven oh okay that's cool I'll put it outside now thread all righty that requires oh I see I see I like how it just takes the stuff from your inventory you don't have to actually put it in there that's kind of cool um I need to make a / find course hide so I need another course hide what the heck are you oh Jesus there's like a werewolf down there - I'm gonna try to attack it well maybe I should make a bed first oh there's course hide here let's refine the course hide course leather you refine course hide using okay I don't I don't have to put it in there ragged leather course leather all you need two of them and I have one of them and I think I just dropped it okay collect all what is that guy he looks dangerous this could be a terrible mistake Oh a lizard man Berserker oh boy oh Jesus huh can I kill from here I don't think I can can I cheat I don't think so this is not working this isn't working you can't actually shoot through the window okay can you hit me holy crap holy crap whoa whoa jeez okay okay okay okay okay it's not good Oh respawn where do I respawn in that bed really really far away um oh yeah I was waiting for the load screen wow that was actually really fast oh man I got a ways to walk okay maybe maybe we'll leave the Lizardman berserker's for when we have a little bit better armor and weaponry home sweet home oh that stupid lizard man he might still be there ah no don't do this to me collect oh I'm out of here I'm going inside my house and I'm waiting oh oh oh oh you got to be kidding me this guy oh geez oh geez where's my stupid sword hey no no no this cobble is gonna kill me again no oh okay hold on if I delete this oh I don't know where I'll spawn though I might spawn like way back I guess I'll have to leave it oh that sucks okay all right all right that's fine I'm gonna make my way back there again once again we are here let's hope our situation isn't as bad as it was before I'm hoping these guys D spawn in the daytime oh oh man okay can i yep okay good stuff can I put this in like one uh here I'll just do that slowly oh my goodness I stopped 25 arrows that's okay who I need a pickaxe I need a bed I need a bed is what I need immediately bed we got oh good oh good connect the dots um let's see let's do something like I'm always with the squigglies this is very similar to the bone bed that I had before oh oh and never mind I only design like the front of it never mind it's okay it's not a big deal this is a big bed though this is a really big bed we can't place this bed inside we have to place this bed outside what the heck man no I've had enough of violence and bloodshed today get out of here Wolfe gosh hey least I can refine this no I can't I still can't Oh cuz that's a dark wolf that's a wolf pelt that's not a coarse hide all right okay all right hold on we can do this we can do this foundation can we expand our foundations we can only make one just create a regular foundation we're fine so let's put another one over here gonna make this bed slightly bigger or out the bed sorry the house slightly bigger can I put the bed here now I can't really the bed is huge oh you've gotta be kidding me wolf this is unbelievable I'm getting chased by stuff again oh gosh I'm dying I'm dying I'm dying and stay out Wow I'm pretty good shot with this huh so many wolves chasing me and there was like a dryad chasing me whatever the heck that is uh-huh Oh easy easy ZZ I'm hoping I don't run out of arrows in the middle of this whoa all right okay I'm expanding my house I'm expanding it and I'm expanding it good so the only problem is I put the I put the furnace possibly in the worst spot because I'm gonna have to create another furnace but you can't pick up things as far as I know let me see actually let me see so my idea was now I was going to put a doorway and have this be my bedroom press e to use can I take it though if I push delete cannot delete in a non empty okay so it's oh no oh okay good so now I can can I move it e to use or delete I guess it just deletes it huh I don't actually get a faculty member do that's okay we could delete this wall too and now we need one more foundation I think and that should be enough right here perfect so this is gonna be my bedroom not bad right not bad at all now since all of this is like very very open I guess we'll continue the theme walls and we'll do crafts last yep this is what I want perfect everything's will be wide open and I think now I can fit my bed in here I can I can it's still very tight here let's see can I just do it like maybe we should build the walls first actually it's probably the better idea and I need more wood oh man there's so much wood that you need in this game let me go over here and chop down a bunch of those trees alrighty by the way I think I found I think I found a little bit of a glitch it says price right-click to rotate like constantly so I'm not sure what that's about but anyway hey look I could finally craft this and now I get to collect some stuff tailor-made to more coarse leather beautiful blacksmith four copper ingots craft a copper pickaxe using a forge yeah my Forge is gone now congratulations all right here we go Oh No hold on yes yes yes I need more of these things ah man I thought I was done with walls so crap blast and that's it that's all I have oh no I think I could do one more after this at least but I can't I think this might be in the way this is not good oh I think once you you have to be in the menu for it to finish you can't like oh look at this this is not good this is not good is it because this is in the way oh boy well we're gonna have to figure that out some other time right now we've desperately need one of these right here we're gonna put that in the middle ish beautiful oh this is gorgeous what a beautiful bed oh look at the standard bed is a really cool shape I got to make more roofs now don't I and I I never realized how hard this might be with all these shapes that's okay it's fine our house is coming along I think I'm gonna call oh the the rotate item button is gone now can I make a chest a box maybe box no storage store okay let's look for the storage stuff storage storage it is called a crate alright we're crafting a crate ooh can I make it like a circular like a circular crate Oh has holes in it I want to see what it looks like when it's down on the ground that's actually pretty good I wonder if you'll be able to see stuff in it oh I could put it right beside the bed bedside storage crate Oh a little bit over hello hello moto let's put all kinds of this stuff in here the stone and such yeah you can't see it that'd be kind of cool if you could see like a pile of it in there all right all right things are coming along it's nighttime again hope you guys enjoyed this episode thumbs up if you want if you want to see more I would really appreciate it I think this games a lot of fun and hopefully you do too see you next time bye bye
Channel: VintageBeef
Views: 514,810
Rating: 4.8717265 out of 5
Keywords: Cardlife, gameplay, video, tutorial, walkthrough, playthrough, let's play, vintagebeef
Id: XUJigwrCFig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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