The Sandbox Evolution - Meteor Vs T-Rex! - Let's Play The Sandbox Evolution

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome to a game called to the sandbox evolution so I played this game when it was first released on Steam about seven months ago had a lot of fun with it and the developers have asked me to do another video of it today and this is going to be a sponsored video to help their promotion of their steam summer sale so currently on Steam the game is $2.00 its normal price 10 it's currently for 2 bucks so this is probably one of the best $2.00 games you can get on Steam right now so definitely check it out link down below in the video description if you want to play it the whole idea behind this game is it's the sequel to the sandbox which was a mobile game back out I think a couple of years ago and you create and you play different worlds and you share them across the world with other people to play and create your own world what we can do we can look in the this mode and there's all sorts of stuff in here there's the top ones and pac-man universe so there's all different game modes - we have the best up here and we have regular game which is what people made on their own there's pac-man levels you can make there's also human jobs which is I think that's like lemmings if you remember back like years and years ago there was a game called lemmings where the objective you just kind of go using these clones to jump down and do all sorts of fun stuff trying to get to the exit try to keep as many alive then there's a runner which is a runner mode and there's lasers you can play with lasers to make some map you can do pixel art check out some of this pixel art maybe this is a big t-rex their doomsday let's look at this oh wow so well we can we can check that or we can get out of there someone has painted that I mean that's kind of cool right I was like the pixel art I'm really bad at art but Pixlr is kind of cool so there's a regular play mode with a bunch of different things I did have a different save file on my last computer but I didn't transfer it over so some of this stuff have just been going through and having fun this rutter one we could show you the runner one disasters let's try the disaster zone we'll try some of the disasters oh yeah I got a atomic bomb and you get you get credits back in these things like in did you unlock them which you get the credits in the game so if you do the levels finished level three of genesis or drop some ice and crater mode you get money and you also get money for completing levels so we get a thousand for that let's not pay to win by any means you can just get everything in the game let's cast an earthquake representation of ancient Greece at some school let's do that cast an earthquake okay Rome I mean earthquake they're gonna die oh yes there's another world can I cast multiple earthquakes we have just there we go we destroyed it we go to the next level help cows Oh or we get to we get to put a tornado on the cow hey stop that go tornado we look no two men there's too many tornadoes in my world we they go cows did I win did the cow see there's a car driver up there it goes so it just destroys the entire map me it's almost like was that the new disaster mode on the city's skyline good job and then flight of the Valkyries music in the background did I win there we go flying cows I think we have to destroy that which is the fence I don't think it's working why is there a tent oh dear there they go off the map yay maybe a bit too much what happened oh we won we got the thousand monies we could use that to unlock other things what do we have this house needs more electricity those try using the lightning to help them out absolutely but zap zap who's that oh I don't think I did it right hey I think I blew up the tower I did it right no okay so I did do it right massive thunderstorm approaching create something to protect the city I think I might have done this mode in my last video the thunderstorm probably not let's do soil will try soil nope oil is low we'll use don't know if that drops to about metal metal there we go grab something to protect Sydney who's that kidding Anna who's Sydney as I met her in college and will go up like that I'll try to try to get this going I don't know if it's gonna break through but we're gonna try let's just do a whole bunch of squiggly lines these lines go squiggly lines I might be able to do it I might be able to win you might be able to get this if the lightning I wonder if the lightning bolt is that all I got and we can fill that let's fill that with ice there we go so it's gonna melt I'd have to melt the ice there that's the stuff champions are made of go go go go go pick it up we got 17 seconds 17 seconds and should we do glass that sounds fun we'll put a glass ceiling on this there it is nice blast ceiling and we can put some acid well by all unlock the acid because that'll probably help we probably need some acid in our life oh yeah that might not have been a good idea that might melt all the metal okay so there's lightning and we've acidified our metal let's let's keep rolling with some stones maybe it's with some stones on top because it seems just something to make our our stuff oh boy hey we did it that wasn't as tough as I thought what's this one a huge storm coming leave the subway before it gets flooded how do i what oh I'm down here okay we got to get out and we're starting to get wet all right we can do that Oh water oh I can't go that way maybe I can that water is falling here come on out Hey open up nope just getting here in the day so I got a problem now I can't actually get out of there can I dig through it there we go there we go come on dig dig dude we're not gonna make it I can't actually do this one I've lost though just hang out here and wait until the water goes up which shouldn't be too long the subways gonna start filling up and what is this safe never know thank everybody Eleni ax must be the latin for something go what am i how do I get up there I know you got to block that off so it makes a pun haha now we can swim up really cool I love the it of the systems here to see do this now I gotta get through the door I don't do that oh it's gonna fill up anyway those guys drown oh you know what I gotta do this there now I open the door who I open the other door I guess I didn't realize I could jump that high so now we're gonna have to swim down the water hurry up buddy you got five little air bubbles left - go go go there's a wizard Oh up there okay do they first I'll go save yourself okay I got this we got this and there's like the cathedral in Russia there that thing's called food is the portal you can lean with the portal there we go there's a victory so we can go through all of that we can you do a bunch more of these but let's let's escape out of that and we're gonna go create I really like to create actually let's do a pac-man quick no let's not do that one let's do a pac-man world that someone else has played or created what is the best what is this can you survive what I want to see if you can survive created by a guest okay let's see if we can do this left click to control ready to swipe to move okay no I can't survive what is this Oh what happened what'd I do am i erasing things I don't think that's meant to happen let's leave oh okay so it doesn't matter really are you kidding me this is just a box they made a box for us to survive in with the ghost guy I have to do this for 10 minutes are you kidding me no you're kidding he changed directions oh oh nope I'm not doing that again go back okay so we get it we could go into other play that there's a shrek mode which is kind of a you jump around as Shrek but there's the lasers I'm not good at the lasers machines I'm not good at the machines either what's the ninja should we try the ninja out quick play that quick Wow yeah let's do it then tutorial sure why not okay what does it tell us to do a spacebar or right click to jump or I guess W oh wow so there's the spikes down there this kind of reminds me of n + or n plus plus press K to attack oh yeah what's these can i attack these I don't know if those are double jump what's that say he needs your - to destroy some elements like trees it's not a tree it's a stone tree space part a job oh what's that Oh underwater attacks okay and we'll go across and can I jump yes perfect so that this is very much like the shrek one except that's actually shrek fina touch the checkpoint go down don't attack that thing come across there we go get all the coins get the loot to get the loot and now that's the end of level cool so there's some really neat levels you could probably get there I'll try one more of this cool and there's a little story mode that goes behind them - where am I or art thou oh I'm down here in the corner previous kill by a collecting blade jars Jade Jade jars not Glade now we can get a health pack in there if we want let's go up here and we're gonna bust through this yeah now that was bad okay and let's go this way oh yeah I got it I made it ninja Age got it got the little slimy guy go jump down and across perfect I'm gonna go faster what's it that way is that a key can I get through here but nope let's kill this guy oh there's the key and now we go back oh maybe now I got to go down okay I got a checkpoint probably a good idea a good idea to get stop that but you dumb with your jumping go go go yeah and then up there wait and then this way then let's go get that Jade jar and down oh okay so you cut from the top down nice bad spider best buddy ouch ow revenge will be mine spider-man really I miss them again oh I did get them and it all there's all sorts of loot and here check that out money monies and we'll come this way can I cut the flowers up there's parrot and but yeah give me that really bad parent ha mission complete wow so people you can get additional like daily ranks on there cool alright so let's get into the fun steps of stuff I really like to do I really like play in the sandbox mode but there are just other things you guys check out so sandbox mode allows us just to go and create I want to change the background well that's the world this is the background here and we can change the visual let's change that backgrounds all sorts of things here maybe Beach let's do the mountains yeah that looks cool and we can put down some what should we do should we put down oh there's a void there's some gas or steam permafrost I want to put down ooh there's oil does that burn catch fire yeah that sounds fun unlock that quick we get the soil let's put down some mud we'll just put a nice little layer of mud along the bottom in the ground that looks pretty good we could also put in some stone I think stone falls yeah stone does so we'll make a little mountain over here actually that's kind of dumb to put let's just erase all that huh we get rid of that junk in the bottom all the mud and we'll make more of a mountain oh you know it'd be fun let's put that oil in here just we'll put a nice little boy - oil in and then we could put like a metal top on it we'll just put a little top across there so I can't go anywhere and then we're gonna fill the rest in with like stone up here we'll just have like a little oh yes that looks good no wonder if there's like snow there's the permafrost on it let's put some of that on top how about just a little sort yeah we could do soil let's do mud going up the slope of it like this and then we could grow grass on there well it is kind of growing grass where is there's the dark stone yeah I just you can kind of fill it in a little bit it doesn't look too bad does it looks alright what did I want to put on here I kind of forgot already ice I want snow too but it doesn't look like we can do that it looks like snow that's snowy enough for my snowy skills there we go we got ourselves a little snow button with a little thingy in it and now let's put in a dragon woohoo I want a dragon did I put the dragon in oh wow it's a flying dragon oh he's burning up stuff okay can we can we fight the dragon if we put in a guy let's put the king in oh yeah let's put a king in oh yeah left you like your control no I know that let me I'm in controlling me there we go alright buddy you're gonna go attack the dragon probably a dumb idea need help need help back where I need help back how do I get help that quick White House we put the White House in until we get health let's do where is it there we go medical tent ahh so let's look back on you there we go get held up in the medical actually he did heal it as I clicked off of me alright now stop that medical tent come on medical dinner heal me up give me the thing my life needs some tip points alright dragon it's time to get rekt haha oh I'm stepping on oh you're done you're done so yes we killed it and it spit out some coins for us that was nice I was really good uh can I just get rid of that uh how do i how do I close out of you there we go we're gonna get rid of you biking don't need you anymore let's fix up with the dragon destroyed so it's kind of cool that all the ice is just slowly seeping down like a glacier uh let's try it with the electro I don't know what that does uh electron now we don't want that there's all sorts of really cool things in here let's put in should we put in like a UH a t-rex let's put in it let's make up let's make a water pen for we do water right in here that'd be fun okay so we're gonna put an ocean at the bottom of this how do I best put water in just like this Oh does that turn that to sand that might not be too good call it a water go actually here's a question what happens if I put lava in the water oh it makes steam does the lava stop being lava probably not you just have a lot of steam now let's get that water what do I Pacific we put ice in it permafrost what happens if I put lava on permafrost it's not permanent if I'm melted hey where do my water go water come back here so water and stone and definitely makes sand we probably don't want to deal with that they get frozen making it we're gonna make a metal we're gonna make a metal ocean met metallic ocean for me I don't like that because I'm just gonna go straight soil instead of lava or anything I'll do a soil back tub there we go a little bit of soil let's fill that with water see if that'll do it it probably turns it into mud doesn't it yeah that's definitely mud oh wow cuz that's cold because of the permafrost is creating ice isn't it sad ice gonna spread I mean I need to make a date time different daytime dusk noon noon o'clock oh yeah that's better not my ice is spreading stop spreading ice stop spreading you need to be melted is that gonna do it that might do it I'm gonna make a wall we're gonna build a wall and we're gonna make this mountain great again go go out so it does that wall you cannot spread my ice into the base stop spreading seeds dump I don't want you to make everything ice and stuff that's literally covering up my entire entire pond there fixed it perfect perfect give me that water back now don't freeze on me this time it's working oh we got it that might be too much water did I just make a tsunami is this you know oh no we're covering up the rest of my map oh well oh no oh no no no bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bet a bad bad bad bad bad bad metal metal mm-hmm oh stop stop stop stop being cold stuff oh I did it again there this is gonna do it I see no more ice please please no more ice yes I fixed it splashing splash no no no okay so uh here's an idea make it very hot there no more ice whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's too hot too hot too hot just hot just too hot oh and even it even our oils on fire that's kind of cool here wait hold on stop being dumb here look I think I've done it oh wow that nope nope I don't what stop okay we got it we got to cool you're done cool you're done a very cold very cold time very cold there and snowing yet now it all froze and now we need to make it warm again make it warm make it make it normal make it hot make it hot make it hot melt melt ice and as you're gonna burn it up again let's put that Megalodon in quick where is it Megalodon where you is where'd you go your inherent you t-rex Megalodon oh it's flopping kid what happens if a Megalodon starts on fire nice Oh oh wow the fire flares coming in poor megalodons no you know what happens now Oh a saber-toothed tiger yes go little buddy oh no I'm a good opening up and all my oil burns up that's not good can I attack I'd like the dragons let's put in at the t-rex - rawr Oh t-rex charges any races everything hey all we got a big fight between the dragon and the t-rex it looks like my saber tooth day ok this is gonna be it right here oh the t-rex is he's gotten down oh that's cool so I wanted to try one more thing we're gonna go to the visual and I wanted to go to a different background there's a desert which kind of looks cool look at that what I like about this game as it has like multi-tiered backgrounds too so it's a little bit deeper I do like I think my favorite one here is like the ruins where is that the ruins check that out it's and it has different shades with the Sun you can see the Sun moves what we're gonna do here is we're gonna kind of make like an oasis like a desert oasis theme and I'm gonna put one of those t-rex's in it oh you know what actually there's a there's the bull soros do check this guy out yeah so he's got a timer it's a boss and if we put it in if we put in like the king you're popping the king and we can control the king and he like yells at me and wants to kill me blows up so it is a boss yeah yeah yeah the King attack or no no no no jumped over him and I'm gonna bout to die so that's where I put in additional things oh let me away oh shoot okay we're far enough away he's almost half dead we're gonna try to make a roof a real creation out of this so we're gonna get rid of you and we're gonna get rid of you boss man and we're gonna try to make like a desert II feel to it cuz I think that'd be kind of cool so I'm going to start with sand let's start with sand away on the other side and I'm gonna build it up a little bit because I don't like having it short alright let's throw some water into our little depression over here yeah nice little depression I think we could probably some fish in here let's try this what do we have for fish besides the Megalodon there's one of these oh yeah he kinda looks menacing can we put other things in like there's just regular fish cool and is there there's the spider there's a goldfish so unlock the goldfish probably pretty tiny lips go away yeah let me have some fish in our little pond this is awesome let's get some mud happening up here put it in like three months or four months so we can plant some trees that looks good and let's do a palm tree right there hey palm tree palm tree and we can do big palm here trees too big palm tree unlock very good and yeah let's place one of those oh yeah I like this yeah so cool we got some got some good trees in there we could put in some houses - there's like the Giza pyramid I'm just a burning through things let's just pop that in we're gonna put that in right here put that in right here there we go and we'll have to flatten this out a little bit there we go the pyramid has been placed I do want baby what else can we put in here for like animals there's a parrot can I put the parrot in a tree parrot in a tree yeah so the parrots gotta fly around I don't know why parents would be in a tree in there I'm gonna do is ever do a tiger so now now what now what should we do is there any other buildings in here we could unlock quick there's a fence Statue of Liberty that would work ooh there's a skull and stuff that seems good let's put that down right over here oh what's up big skull Wow put place that down quick this loops want to bury that in the ground a little bit maybe it doesn't want me to I guess it doesn't fall down that well can I just cover it up with sand there we go Oh No well it kind of worked I was like the idea of having like a buried I'm bursting in there and that pair just got attacked by a fishy huh so the next thing I want to do is it seems like a pretty good area we could do a little Greek there's the POTUS and put President Trump in the desert there we go brother jump around do your thing and we can put in I wanted to put in the t-rex in the desert I don't know why but I thought it would be cool if we did that so let's place him let's get rid of Trump quick oh let's put him right over here how's that sound yeah look at him oh no dude don't attack it I forgot that he attacked it oh well are you gonna kill my fish - you ding-dong I'm we don't want you in there we don't want you in there what could what else could we put in there she put a dragon up here would you just not tech oh he's gonna attack hey did ya burn up my stuff I do I want it I want to get a screenshot of this yeah that looks awesome hey wait okay that's actually kind of cool isn't it we got a little little desert area what else can we put in here to make it look fun we could do like a crypt that'd be kind of cool huh let's try that how's that what's that fit not really too well oh well church there's barricades and battering horns oh yeah we could put like a castle we could make a castle with crossbowmen on top of it I really do like the way that looks I'm not sure what else to put in here we could put in more plants is there like a desert there's cactuses nice let's put in some cactuses oh it's just seeds cactus scenes let's get rid of this guy first put in some cactuses and allow that to grow yeah cactus is cool man what else do we have we have the fish in the pond some cactuses we got a big temple yup big pyramid over here there's a tornado let's do a tornado quick we good bye is he gonna pick up oh it just erased it go go go tornado go go go wait okay undo you we don't want the tornado in a meteorite Hey okay ready oh ho let's put the t-rex can I put the t-rex next to the pond maybe and then we'll drop a meteorite on it that could be cool where is the t-rex right here t-rex in the pod nope supposed to be paused there you go go down stop and then we should change the time of the day so it looks a little better they're nice and green and then we're to put in a meteorite - where is that at that was in here there it is the meteorite let's call that in ooh look at that that's kind of cool-looking I like that maybe not this tree or that cactus oh I want the I want the Rex but not the cactus we'll put you in here Rex there you go just play for a second oh no come on oh wait and we'll put that meteorite back again if I can find out where it was cata once you unlock something it goes to the front side look at that that looks pretty cool I like that and then you can play it we're gonna put in King over here actually if we put in like a regular player is this the player tab yeah I think so just a male we're not be the male and we can put you in back here somewhere put the mail in right there we can put in like weapons so you're put in a rocket well unlock the rocket put the rocket in put like a couple of them in and now we can play now now the dude is gonna get attacked by the meteorite and we're gonna attack him there we go it stopped Paul can't go up and now we're gonna play can i play him boop stop hey go away play oopsies I guess we can't take control of him we'll have to put the king in and we'll see if we can play with the King it'd go left quick to control give me the gun oh it doesn't work how about can I switch bullets Oh No okay attack attack the D Rex it's not really doing anything oh hey he's charging the other way no hi come back here oh I'm in serious damage shape huh okay wait he's gotta charge this way come on charge once you charge I'm gonna stab your gums oh and now you're done so high jump oh I couldn't quite do it it loads it gets it re done I better tell you what guys that is gonna do it for today is a video Oh the stem box evolution if you liked it go ahead and check out the link down below in the steam description or video description to get the steam link to get the game for two bucks have some fun with it so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,795,343
Rating: 4.7525878 out of 5
Keywords: The Sandbox, The sandbox evolution, sandbox, sandbox evolution, the sandbox game, sandbox game, the sandbox evolution game, the sandbox evolution gameplay, sandbox gameplay, sandbox mana
Id: grDqyrUBM50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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