TAMING Flying Creatures and Flying High! - PixArk Gameplay - Pixark Multiplayer

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hey everybody hamlets welcome back to another episode of picks Ark yes whoops you don't want to do that don't want to do that in your house human feces on the floor I made up a little wooden a house here check it out I've got windows I can open up beautiful day in the neighborhood look at that Oh another house and another window open I wonder if the windows open from it oh there's my door yes outside my door I go and blitz lives here I've got a new server setup and a plane with quite a few of my buddies I believe this house over here is Casa de Dre guest he lives in here in here he's knocked out with foo-foo oh you might have you might be offline I think he probably is yeah he's all stunned in his house all by himself but yes we got a brand new server going here I should I should drop some poop on those floor let's just do that here Dre this is free this word where is it here this you can have that drop drop that drop it drop it right on the floor poop down the floor yeah give that damn on his doors dip but yes we've got a brand new server going it's been a lot of fun there's I mean people are pooping all over the place and it's pretty much brand new nobody's really explored the map we're in the center smack dab kind of close to the center and we're in kind of a novice grassland with ocean around and there's like oops wrong button there's like mountains on the sides got some sauropods up there I like that guy he's kind of the mascot of the surfer right now and that Archie up there and that thing has come down and killed my my dudes like five times my I keep I keep taming up little guys or they called Peggy's and they keep killing my keys so I don't know what's going on with that I'll try to tame another one here and we'll go on a little adventure wait that's our pod poop morose here Peggy's a level 21 I'd like to have something a little higher but I'm not gonna complain right now and here he goes have a me Joe Barry in your face my friend you are to be named pop-tarts after the stream we had yesterday yes pop-tarts is live hey buddy how are ya you're kind of ugly straight on we're gonna equip a saddle I've already made up a settle today I'd like to do a couple different things for you hey bud come follow me now let me let me do this I'm gonna put you in my house that rg2 you I know he will he loves eating he loves eating my friends hey open door every go okay we're in haha no he's coming after me haha he bit me sit I don't want a map did I die what happened what's going on did I die No close that that was weird bad RG bad RG oh he's bleeding nobody you can't bleed you know okay no well ordered him to disable following you're just gonna sit in our house I'm gonna take that RG out my pokey spear I see you yeah no we're gonna leave him in there I didn't want to do some other things too we've got the crafting up and there was something you guys wanted to see that I knew of it was like a farm nope dodo it's a dodo nest check this out so we're going to learn that Engram and I'm gonna try to craft this up if I can press the right buttons so a dodo nest allows us to farm the Dodos here we go so we need wood fence and fetch foundation times for a good thing we can do one two three four Wow a lot of those and what was the wooden fence we need wooden fence as well that little turd nugget get out of here you're trying to attack my house how are you doing pop-tarts you okay he's all right trying to build fences and Archie keeps coming and attacking maybe because I haven't learned that in Grimm yet it's kind of weird usually this game allows you to learn the Engram in trees so let's build that up all right then odo nest we can create it takes a little bit of time to construct I like this idea I tear it on I gotta save I gotta say pop-tarts you'll be okay and I wanted to put that right over here let's uh give me that thatch let's see how big this thing is dodo box dota boxes right here oh cool okay dodo we'll put that in dodo nest excess inventory blitz is the owner okay so we put fuel in it use catch in the menu to get dodo in the nest put berry in your feed to captured odors to produce eggs more Dodos the more Dodos okay I'm guessing the more Dodos we have the better egg production we get let's go see if we can find some tame them up seems like dodo is the choice of food on this there is a couple over here who is that it yes it's a kangaroo a giant kangaroos over there yay wonder if I can tame him up is there anything in the water oh geez nice this is snowing over here interesting hello how do I can I level 40 okay we're there's a dono hey me Joe Barry I'm gonna tame you up is there another one over here maybe yay dodo one dodo dada one dodo one will be his name and I think you just pick him up hey yes I picked up my daughter bird let's go put him back in her cage oh there's an egg here hold on drop you there go grab this got a egg I got a free egg I never mind you can't use it you can't do that in the water I guess you'll have to swim hopefully doesn't drown by the time he gets over here so how do I do this excess inventory and I have to maybe drop him in okay he's in we got a dodo we got a dodo in did I have to put berries in here no in inventory which is down here aha so I have lots of berries for them to eat produce egg Wow okay that digs a long time that's two hours to make an egg chutes okay well we better go find more Dodos if we want to do that correctly um I don't know what else to do with him hello back your friend so let's try to get there's crafting there's two other things I wanted to get and that is the first one being this thing to preserving bin we need the Firestone powder which you'll have to unlock that is under the mortar and pestle grouping why this might take a while to get to Beau and ash and then we have to get to the Firestone interesting so let's build a mortar and pestle can I put that on a table let's see if I can do that so put a table over here let's see if I can do a mortar and pestle man so many things to do in this game more - okay what do we need rocks you can't place it on the table that's too bad we'll put it down here anyway and access inventory so there's also things we can build in here I want that fire stone which just just Flint so I can craft like thirty of them yeah I love that okay we got we got a bunch of that now cool take that across and I did want to make up the refrigerator unit which is this thing preserving bins we can craft that net up or just preserve our food over time kind of like refrigerator oh my it's big let's turn it around there we go man get all my way dinosaur my stupid dodo birds followed me to get out of here I'm stuck help sit lay down no okay I just leveled up okay do that no let me oh good yodel bird dodo bird pick you up you got to go sit in your house this is your house now they don't play dead go in there yes okay now I gotta tell you to disable following no no pick up throw it in there haha no pick up throw it in okay I got it he's in so I guess it's a little bit bigger than I expected it to be well but we'll have a little porch outta here with ourselves having a door in it so we can put our different food inside we can make jerky ah nice so if I put this in that I can make jerky oh that's awesome and I guess it does it over time if it has the fuel in it craft item that's so cool yeah it's gonna take forever to do it but that's okay we'll have ourselves a little of refinery system I don't like that placement I might have to move that inside eventually but it'll work out so I want to take pop-tarts and explore a little bit I noticed there's another biome over here freezing get cold soon hopefully there's nothing gonna eat us under the water but there's another biome looks like a couple more dodo birds we can collect and I do want to hit level 20 oh that's a very cool cliff face there what's down there I don't know it's a really cool cliff face I like that I want to build an underground fortress that's my goal I want to build like an underground base like I don't even know how you would explain Oh what is that hold up hold up what is that thing a fairy dragon what I don't want it I don't want to mess with a fairy dragon here don't feed you a berry oh nice there's a there's a fee or they're alright dodo number two has been tamed look sip to you now what I'm gonna do for these guys I'm just gonna convert them to pix box and we'll throw those in our inventory ah we're Pokemon in them up yes hello little buddy and now dodo dodo daaad three hey what what is this all about get a pop-tarts attack attack are you mad at me good job pop-tarts proud of you maybe my dodo did the dodo get the kill that'd be awesome hey pick up dodo three Oh got a cool-down oh there's a piranha down here we got a couple piranhas ha whoa I got him dad's we don't like this idea hey get out of here piranha kill the piranha kill the piranha you're after my dino aren't you I got this ha ha avast where they run off to there's scurrying away good oh man there's a lot of piranhas around here get out of here they're coming after me I'm gonna get you he's bleeding it's what the little pixie sparks are aha got him I'll get you - oh good I got all the piranhas dead except for that one who's coming back at me now alright Jodl 4 has also been born we have a lot of them I think pretty soon oh I can pick them up ok that's well I knew I could pick them up I think oh wait I think I can turn you all 3 2 1 now convert to box ok I'll have double the Dodos yes you drop this poop oh that's funny there's also I killed a lot of piranhas I think this other one's gonna follow me come on little dude come on swim across the sea we know there shouldn't be too much here if he dies that's ok I still have a couple extras oh there's another RG over there well I made it too sure doesn't look like he's dying so I'm just gonna I'm gonna sprint back to my house oh there's our G over there if he killed he didn't kill my don't app there's a tree there's a dream but you didn't kill my stuff okay that's good so I'll just let this go down and I'll hop off you I got to eat some food before I die can I can I eat the sandwich I'm just gonna grab these back okay no I got it I ate it up okay let's grab our two pixel blocks here oh go away giant sauropod you're messing things up dude both of you are Hey there we go dodo one in dodo - let's see where is the rest of them right here's another one okay six and I kind of flung away the wrong way grab this grab a pick em up take em up and Truman and throw em in no that's too far seems like it's easier to throw them in on this menu yeah it is and he's coming he's coming who Donal Ford level 53 this one's a real good one pick you up now I don't want these guys to follow me so I'm gonna have to disable following on all four of them stop it now I got a run through your feet don't step on me don't step on I got stop it hey you know put that in cancer production let's see oops producing would you just what are you that's my house dude that's my that's my house you're walking over why are you what are you doing to my house hey hey an idea watch this trick dude that one of the top of the hills busted would you go away - yeah just fly away you big ugly bird alright the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna learn a bow the stone arrow and a sleepy arrow these are really nice oh there's also the potions - hey I can make leather feeding trough is this a food to allow animals to feed themselves when hungry oh we can make a raft - let's do the leather so I think I have a lot of leather we'll learn up all of these that's not leathers this way drop pants coat boots gloves a thorny boar wonder what a thorny boar is and there's the feed plot basic fool very eggs to make kibble we're gonna do that too so we can start growing things up there's dye and water bag we don't really need that too much I don't think and then there's the stone ceiling so we're almost level 20 and at level 20 we can go into the metallurgy tree and make the Terra Don saddle I've never actually seen iron ingots or or anything like that so I'm not sure how to get the copper and the iron but we'll find that eventually but I do want that tear down saddle level 20 and I'm what level 18 now let's see and groom I think I'm level 18 if I go all the way across yeah I'm level 17 so I need to level up a little bit more good news is I can craft up a bow and I can craft up 22 arrows because I have Flint I should go get some more Flint and then we just put the arrows into the thingy and we can go hunting if we go hunting and we can get more XP I'm gonna do that all night see bringing a level up to 20 all right I've done it I've just hit level 20 I hope I hope I didn't I hope I did my math right was it saying that yes level 20 okay Engram time and groom time now I need to go to the metallurgy now we can make a tare it on a saddle that's exactly what I wanted to do how does it take to craft a teardown saddle I need leather do you want to be a leather donated Oh tear Don's do I can't I can't really hunt anything these things cuz it'll kill me dead there's a bunny bunnies don't drop leather though they dropped fur I wonder if I can get underneath of a tear it on stab it a couple times and shoot it if that'll if that'll work let's try it okay Oh Rob I just ate rotten stuff oh great there's someone else coming in yeah oh I'm be dodged who's this this Dre hello hello s Drake hello Drake buddy how are you is that your bunny no oh it's your buddy he's got an arrow in his head how'd that happen I didn't know it was really yours he'll be all right this is my third one they keep going man that's too bad I'm trying to get leather somebody had borrowed leather and didn't return it no I did I dropped it in your house does the despawn oh you despond yep okay I'm ready I'm gonna get leather room this guy over here all right let's get this van oh one shot oh he's run away oh oh nice nice to snape do okay that should be just enough and then we can make the saddle out of it ha ha ha ha got it okay is that enough can I make the can I make the saddle please make crap saddle saddle and stuff where is it right here do I need six more how about the kangaroo kangaroos have leather on them probably oh oh oh okay he's dead too that should be enough huh I don't know if I want to kill the kangaroo okay yeah that was six and then we'll get this one I did get this one - come on Oh only meat good thing I did kill them both let's see now I can craft up yes the Terra Don's a toll okay good excellent uh I need to tear down no will you be my donor we need to tame someone there's trees over here - that's a level four council level - that one what level are you not 49 let's see if we can go get that one are gonna do this you have to have the these arrows - let's do like 10 the Sleepy arrows got him okay then I have to change out the arrows I want into here okay he's going down the 49 come on in the head oh I missed it okay needs to hit it in the head there goes Dre right no speedy does not like me he's mad at me okay there's a level twenty tear down up here oh don't fly off don't fly off know what's levels okay we're gonna land again let's see if I can do a good shot here where's in the land Oh missed him oh I got him he's down man down okay here we go unconscious put the food in inventory these are military ins so they eat meat and I'm gonna have to give them some narco berries then we'll have to use that as soon as this torpidity goes down now we need to hang out and wait until we get ourselves a new tear done That's not me oh no the RG just destroyed our entire stuff oh no he just made everything sharp he ate all my dinosaurs kill him I will maybe I don't think I can yet well that's too bad I got my saddle back anyway oh no wait I didn't even grab it man take off there we go shoot and I got a bunch of eggs that's that's I got going for me I got a bunch of dodo eggs now I guess that our G he needs to be dealt with and this stupid pair of sword too man stupid orgies haha our animal museum has been updated you have tamed atarid on all right his name is gonna be Skippy cuz that's what I wanted named him Skippy the Terra Don oh did I make a saddle for you yet I hope so did I did I did you a bit of teardown settle let's equip that we are gonna write it into the air the greatest of ease oh yes here we go are you ready hahaha yes oh so cool look at us go we there's that stupid RG again killing all my things now I don't want I how do I get this guy to work I don't know uh seems to have decent stamina it's got pretty good stamina I want to fly around and explore a little bit to see what we have close by and I don't know what these portals are I've seen these portals I'm wondering if there's just a teleport to somewhere else what is in there should we test it can I do can I try whoa okay I'm loading somewhere else oh there's a turtle hey this is cool I have no idea where I am and I totally just went somewhere else all right meat this is like a deep ocean isn't it there's a turtle up there turtle oh what's that thing that looks like a Megalodon maybe can I get close to it oh it's a huge shark Megalodon haha I want to stay away from him I gotta keep make sure my stamina stays up all this is cool I didn't know there's like teleporters here and back into it there's a hippo down there to HIPAA cat HIPAA pot hip Academies whatever it's called awesome cool man well I've got all there's the there's the big guy in the background again I've made a little base up it looks like we lost all of our Dodos which is kind of annoying oh yeah big world Massaro pot egg I do want to fly around a little bit more to see if there's anything else cool I want to stay away from that RG that's over there there he is the one that always kills me well there's another portal up there on his skeleton whoo I don't like him I'm gonna let him be okay you're cold how's my stamina it's about a half let's fly in here oh this looks nice on this side okay what do we have over here whoa each I got depends this is taking digging out a wolf all right oh there's a werewolf over here wait a minute there's like a green pasture land it looks nice I'm gonna go check this out I'm gonna try to land on it to just Oh what is this it's just a pleasant little Pleasant little area it looks like wait was that another person oh is that a dill oh I think it is it's a dill Oh oh boy oh it's toodles whoopsies you know always a little copy goes on me too what's this what's this over here a little wolf of some sort coyote there's a coyote he's gonna bite the tarragon that's awesome what else do we have there's all sorts of little dinos oh no wait it's a parasaur I need to tame him I need to tame him but I think that might be for the next video I think so oh there's something glowing and blue up there oh that's it questing there's our purse or down in the hole nice we got to remember all those turtles no that's it forget what you were called what are you a little dude what are you I think you're friendly oh yeah dodo curious nice Hey so many awesome things here dodo birds and stuff the best thing about this is I can pack up any of them and take them on back home to us so guys I think that's gonna wrap it up for today's video I hope you've enjoyed our expects eggs Zig what's the word excursion excursion into the world of pic snark if you did please do let me know I'm gonna go back home try to take care of our little birdie bird here so he doesn't die and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 541,548
Rating: 4.8604999 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, Pixark, Pixark game, pixark gameplay, pix ark, pix ark game, pix ark gameplay, pixark ep 1, pixark episode 1, pixark part 1, ark, minecraft, pixark taming, pixark release date, pixark trailer, minecraft mod, ark survival evolved, ark mod, dinosaur taming, dinosaur game, mar2018, 2018, PixArk, pixark release, PixarkS01, pixark creatures, pixark vs minecraft
Id: 91SUMbMwd50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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