CRAZY Fast Pegasus Taming and Raiding ICE Fortresses! - PixArk Gameplay - Best Pixark Creature

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everybody humble its welcome back to another episode of picks orc it's been really enjoying this game oh did you see that so a lots happened since last time I kind of died a couple times I got eaten by some icicle walruses or something weird and they straight-up eat me also there's a kitty cat right there and I saw it around this side that there's a Pegasus floating around I thought today would be fun to kind of go into our house and create a like a magic zone so I thought maybe we try to tame the Pegasus up I have no idea if we can I didn't I didn't look oh is that it I thought I thought I might have seen it let's go see let's go look over there and it is a prominent day on the server too so hopefully things will continue to be relatively good the heat and the cold in this game is really kind of messy oh boy there's a lot of werewolves oh there's it there's a kitty cat I need I need one of those again let's see what level are you oh there's the Pegasus what oh that was like a 39 wasn't it hot-diggity-dog what is that yeah 39 so we could use him also there's that Pegasus right there at level 12 tamable Pegasus oh he's coming right at me he's coming right at me uh he was coming at me how do you kill a Pegasus without him killing you and especially with all of the werewolves down in there - oh no it's kind of back to daytime okay Wow so I totally want to get that Pegasus and I already go now where'd he go Ryze the dark clock out trying to sneak my way around them other he's walking okay where's the werewolves set I don't see any werewolves let's see if I can take him oh that was a little bit low I need to go first-person mode oh come on now that's not the right button first-person mode no no no don't walk away oh hey whoa grab that torch back Hey okay whatever we have a torture now I didn't hit him I only have 20 arrows why whoa what's going on here hey hey Church pin stop it pick up pick up the torch that we got it we got to get away from the disco here we go here we go come on Pegasus come on oh I hit the wrong thing new oh I got him I got him I hit him ok he's fleeing what you're not supposed to flee how do i oh man I'm scared of the werewolves something else over there what is that it's like a dragon of some sort of bet come on I can't let him drop in the water oh there's a cat hot dog you gotta stay oh it's coming at me it's coming at me hey one two come on kitty three no you can't tame him in water I feel like something else too coming at me oh yes there he is okay there's a slime coming at me one two what three come on take them out do I get it did I get it these are conscious yes oh great what is it I forgot the part Oh what does he eat oh you know what I'm gonna do here hold on okay put food an inverter maybe magic berries I hope oh that's so bright yeah I'm gonna hide back here in the tunnel and just so nobody can come and eat me I just want to see is this gonna work can we tame the Pegasus I think that would be as food do I have any meat on me I'm better I don't have any meat Pegasus may be regular berries no it's gotta be I do have meat let's give him that I doubt he eats meat it's gotta be it's gotta be magic berries it's only level 12 we'll be okay now okay it is teaming up haha I wonder for lead narcho berries man I don't know but I do like being in this little hole over here nobody can eat me especially that little cat those running around there's a coat oh oh no oh no oh no double double dolphins no let's get back inside I feel down super far oh he's bleeding out too I'm getting warm me it might have to dig out my fur boots okay so I think I'm just gonna hang out here until this guy tames up let's get up here again man what a mess oh it's teeming relatively fast ok the health is going down pretty fast - that's not good oh wow that's not good at all houston we got a problem yes den we got a problem shoot him in the butt run away oh no oh no oh he's still here what are you doing down here oh wait hey hey hey shadow Leopard hey woo hoo okay wow I wonder if that's gonna be enough meat for him we'll try oh well no we're gonna meet you where to meet go where the meat is magic sleep heroes oh cool oh there's meat I got for meat can I take a shadow leopard and their pig as this friend looks like his health win oh man I really should go get more meat I am so scared to leave though wait do you eat meat or do you eat shadow berries - I'm guessing meat because you're you are kind of a wolf wouldn't it be cool if we got a shadow leopard and Pegasus all at the same time Wow whoa what is that I think is eating do you know somebody sparks happening to see if he'll eat nope he did eat the meat okay so oh boy we need like 10 or 15 of them I gotta go get more meat fame is swimming with a pack of dolphins Hey the Dolphins love it oh I can make it back okay as long as it whoa don't drown me with kindness don't drown me with your hugs mr. dolphin I saw it should be right around this corner where our amazing creatures are oh they are all looks like they're bleeding out oh that's not good they got a lot of the sparkles I did get a lot more food I had it in my my fridge I guess I I don't know if I've shown you that yet I've been working a little bit back on the base oh how do you even get up why is this so dark get away from me you know I'm dolphins are way dumb dolphin okay there we go and up oh I can't see I can't see nothing all right wolf oh it's unconscious I need to feed you I need to feed you oh he ate all my meat okay we got that okay that should be enough oh he ate right away that's awesome I had five more how are you doing Oh biggest is almost done yes Pegasus I did get more berries I think nope scratch that I didn't get more berries I figured there'd be plenty around here yes the Pegasus and she's good on food or he I don't know Pegasus okay we're good so the cat is almost leveled up - oh this would be great I know back in my house I can't stealing the way hey make a new house so check out the stats a thousand health 400 stamina the weight is 468 it's not too great oh it requires a saddle I don't think I don't think the Pegasus required a saddle like is it that mythology like Pegasus never settled and they only allow people who ride like only the purest of heart can ride them or something and maybe I'm getting confused with something else she'll be ready really soon come on come on I don't know what I'm gonna name it maybe piggy pig-pig maybe Meg Megan Megan the piggy that doesn't make sense haha you've been tamed her okay this is gonna be piggy piggy the big is this I got it can I ride gonna read you oh yes yes hey my precious we got a big assist we're flying oh I wonder oh that's so cool in that is so cool I love it already hahaha okay now the question is you know what I should do okay oh this is gonna be bad we're gonna have to put you down somewhere great I should just have you flying to the wall and then we'll do a lookout took damage from falling off you hey Peggy what are you doing a beer alright I'm going to come on pix box tada yes I have a biggest is in my pocket alright let's check you all you're halfway there hey we've taped the shadow leopard you know I'm renamed it but I'm sparkles undergoes the sparkles died rest in peace yay okay so I was looking through there hey can I ride you too oh I think that said red oh I got to equip a saddle said okay Wow where's that it said oh no is that somewhere else shadow leper said a level 40 under metallurgy okay so you're gonna have to go pick C Mon mode hey where'd you go oh thank you it stops sparkling take off magic dirt meat and carrion okay so we got out we gotta go Pokemon but yeah piggy come here Pig come in got your ad you yes yes we're flying home pretty fast now what is the right-click looks like an attack oh look the lightning the lightning storm has attacked oh this is fast man super fast hey it's somebody else's that's a savages pterodactyl in there what else is in here I'm kind of Concerned I gotta watch the watch the strength so sometimes there's cool animals one of the guys on the server oh oh there shadow Wolf's down there hot dog that's good news can I fit through here yes I gotta fly I'm so much faster Oh lightning just struck that tree shoots okay that's awesome what happens I get I got a little bit left let's see if I can go kill a bunny see if I can kill the bunny somewhere here's a dodo bird what yeah what's the left-click dude regular attack get horned a little bunny good job oh nice I defeated the bunny what else is there about one of these guys how about a super attack what didn't work how about a super attack okay I'm out of here no I'm damaged yikes can I kill flying things maybe that's what it's better than you woah it is oh no mana stamina what happened No Peggy Peggy Peggy did you get untamed Oh No Hey what's going on here Peggy come back follow me this way piggy oh you got it you gotta follow me now I don't I get her back come on girl you know better than this Oh feel me if I hope you guys give me dead down there hey I'm gonna derp tower up I guess hey are you good let's try the jump mode radio you know what hey oh I got it I got it I don't know why she kicked me off huh whatever we're gonna ride back down into my little layer down here and check it out now can you fit through oh this is gonna be hard can you fit in there can you fit okay hey space bar land there you go now do you walk like a regular horse you do but you're too big to fit through that door looks like this is gonna be your style right here piggy oh well never mind I am stuck in you back it up back back this thing up back up the truck oh we're in trouble hey I think I can get off now haha I made it off piggy you should really sit down though sit down on the ground there you go there you go now no this works Oh what is going on it's kind of awkward that it's a flying mount but it doesn't walk you think it would walk okay now sit down right here right in the middle of the floor good now I can get off you yes I like that horn glows in the dark - so check it out I've made up a nice storage room down here I've got a lot of like leather down here got a bunch of fur and this one check the fur a lot of fur and like mist mysterious furs - like big eared rabbit fur I've also got like tighten right that's what it's called chitin and then bones and other things this one's all magic stuff so I've been I've been dealing with like magic Thunder stones whatever that's for I'm not really sure but I wanted to go over here and then into this area right here and I wanted to make this well I can't really see let's make a torch up there we go nice wall torch let's put in oh you know what I forgot forgot to put the other one out oh yeah that looks pretty good I like that maybe a double up there there are very very very cool engrams down here in the architecture master check that out Firefly wall lamp no idea how to really do that you have to get the blueprint and I'm assuming the blueprints are from those those spider things that come down from the sky but today what I want to do is I want to do the magic stuff magic magic workbench craft that thing up and Boop got it and we'll put that down right over here maybe let's turn you so it looks right yes oh that looks cool I like it the magic workbench that's cool now we can access the inventory there is something in here structure crafting that I suck alchemy stones description book so there's the thunderstorms quartz I've not seen yet leather we can make an alchemy stone there's a crucible defense mode Oh elemental magic shield put magic resources like magic stones in this to activate to the shield use the power of elements to protect all cubes ah that's interesting that was dark energy do you see that there's like dark magic stone and there we've got wands the mole pick but it requires a mole claws which have not seen I've not seen the mold go up Armour ice shield and then weapon is fires fire arms ah zombie heart I'm not going to zombie heart either and then we got ammo which is ice arrow so also in here there was where is it go oh there it is pix block container I thought that was under the the magic one well let's learn this okay what's it take I would oh copper ingots in glass so I need wood and glass glass I'm assuming his stone yeah I've got another thing in here too I like it we got a little bit of silver of what this is not gonna be good please tell me I have a little bit I got eleven copper in there that stores these picks blocks so we can just have them constantly in like a storage chests so we got about piggy or Pegasus instead of one I'm gonna have to go find some copper which is ridiculously difficult to find so I think what I'm gonna do is just cruise the mountains Oh werewolf wait what's there's a werewolf what was that oh that's what I was looking for that's what I was looking for right up here check this out there's an ice castle oh there's dire Wolf's down below it too I wanted to go just cruise the mountainsides and see if I could find there's what's that stuff I forget what that's called ice there's ice and oh that's my wing look at this or on top of old smokey up here whoa Ice Bears inside okay there's elemental up in here Wow okay what kind of runes do we get to find him oh boy I need it I need to be real careful no don't sit down now oh yeah sit down a rest made me really careful that we don't lose our energy especially our new Pegasus that was one problem I had in the original Ark was that I would lose oh is that a chest what is that thing I would always lose my fresh tames by doing something dumb what is that that looks like a copper of some sort okay if I jump out am I gonna die hmm okay I'm good I'm good oh no oh no come on piggy don't do this to me don't knock me off I think I can get in oh I do not want to get knocked off now hey axis inventory what is this oh whoa journeyman pump action shotgun ammo wait oh okay well I got two shotguns how do you make em oh haha ride the biggest is with a shotgun that's cool so I'm guessing the just the chest respawn every once in a while whoa okay there's an RG that's after me but I wanted to go in here quick did you see that down there oh there's a goblin king Hey look goblins right on me okay let's let's recharge I don't think I think they're passive look at that there's lava down there make a rock dragon whoa oh that's that's awesome hey we leveled up maybe Peggy leveled up there we go let's give piggy some more wait I put in the pix block as fun sparkles in there okay we're good to go man this is cool I was trying to find some more copper as figuring caves would be the best place to do it but man the resource in this game are broken like there's nothing they wait what is that speaking of resources that's like gold or something I think let's see I've never seen that one more it might be oh I'm so scared what is it sulfur okay so far probably is for gunpowder hey that'd be good because we just got a shotgun okay let's grab up I'll grab I guess I'll grab all of this sulfur why not right I really like flying through the caves with the Pegasus tooks oh that horn lights everything up we can find oh I really don't want to go down another layer so I don't want her to get stuck I mean if we'd go down there we lose we lose what's that I think that's a ruby which is a fancy block for magics and I'm concerned about finding any weird things down here too that are gonna destroy me or knock me off like whatever that is that's a werewolf what's a werewolf doing way down there okay and that mean look there are no resources at all except the river that we're going over some giant mushrooms is that Capri I'm gonna look nothing can kill me I don't think that's copper either we'll check it out quick I think this is some sort of yeah what is it back uh yellow amber cube hmm for dinosaur DNA hey we're gonna do it we're gonna go down another layer oh my word oh my what is that what is that thing oh I like it I have no idea what it is it has red eyes usually means it's gonna kill me whoa whoa how do you get out of here what is this stuff what was that oil hey I need oil it land for a second nothing can kill me how do you get oil hey I can walk now nice you get off there let's try to get this without that big fungus beast coming to eat me okay oil huh no clue it's got to be oil I'm guessing a bucket maybe oh I thought it fell down a dead okay get up get up I need to get back up pig is this before something kills me yeah I got there sounds like sounds like I'm in combat what was it that thing must have come after me okay this is another cave it seems like the higher levels have more copper in them there's a mole thing what is that is that an underground dungeon the Chomper plants Oh No fleet abort abort abort abort abort abort bad news go up Wow okay let's land for a second can you land a little piggy Oh Peggy's out of magic berries too gonna have to go get some thank piggy pooped okay where I just I just want like all I need is one copper piece there's bats and lava falls down here got to make sure my stamina is good there's a werewolf oh it's howling what is going on well there's that fungus beast again yeah I'm not seeing the regular rock either like you need there oh no oh boy I don't like being down here at all day there's the outside world shoots man like an entire cave and I don't see one patch of of copper anywhere how do you find copper I'm gonna try to do a quest here okay am i safe to get off I think so yeah what does it say except quest I don't know what the quest is well take it defeat a quitzel no I might be able to hunting difficulty oh oh a green one maybe there's maybe there's something in here control oh I don't want to do that over the mountains like that a giganto please be nice to me I think he is okay I'm gonna go down here there's a another cat got a Griffin up in space I'm gonna try to get this what level do we have to be maybe can I get on and jump off for the quick nothing's coming to attack me okay I'm gonna try it Jeff spider Jim spider where was it oh no cat I'm dead take off ooh blueprints right ride ride ride ride oh whoa bad Griffon bad Griffon bad Griffon fly home fly home whoa whoa I got something I got something I got blueprints where okay she's still after me here run away right oh there's another badly formed toe I don't even know where home is right now wow what's going on what okay it's no longer after me good can I land right up here maybe I'm gonna land right here let's look at those blueprints have found stop stop there you go western wood window blueprint and western bed use okay those aren't exciting found another chest come on oh-ho-ho shotgun ammo what is that electric prod okay hey I got shotgun bullets that's that's really cool I feel like that's the same spot that I found the last one oh there's a nice elemental outside this one whoa there there's another chest right there got it Ice Bear in the runes okay I don't like that drop location hey that's better just don't want to fall off and die excess inventory more shotgun Oh bone steel bones shirt I'm gonna put that on you bet I am character info okay get out of that nice put that oh we got good shoulder pads now and they were good ones too I think well there's a third one right over ona another thing down here I'm gonna grab this first so much loot this one looks kind of dumpy but is there anything here to kill me I don't think so what do we get out of you excess inventory supply crate oh that's what I wanted Firefly lamp yes aha okay let's get back up so I feel like we need to do a quest to get more copper cuz I can't find any and here's the third chest more shot could Oh steel bone sword yeah please put that down how does that look I can't even see myself it looks pretty good nice we got some good loot out of there okay I've got another green thing oh there's the quetzel right there I don't I don't want to kill it oh no we got an ice elemental down on us I wonder if I can let's go get this one first why not right there's so much looting knees it's on the other side and land that'll work right there jump off ha inventory ooh steal bone a helmet yes another shotgun just a junky shotgun that time let's put that helmet on even though it's probably not the best right now oh we look we look like a dwarf or like a gnome warrior in World of Warcraft there we go let's get out of here how do I do this I'm guessing the Golem is mad at me maybe not his eyes are friendly he's alright Ice Bear is ice elemental you Noatak how far away from home mi very I don't like this I think we're okay jump out excess inventory take all Oh shields metal shields cool I finally found copper way up there how in the world am I supposed to get that down it's just right up see it right there there's like one and it's right below wherever I am and there's a gem spider down below me hey how do you killed it I hit it a couple of times it's gonna run away now sometimes they run away okay wow what a mess now I got a derp tower up - that made it I got eight copper ore I think that's enough to make two ingots oh I'm just gonna try to get out of here and get back home now I found the skylight woohoo Oh about time wowzers that was the new Hey look we found Christmas presents that was the nastiest little cave system I've been in well I always liked finding Christmas presents on the outside of these things okay let's see what we get I like my shoulder beds what did I get today magic sleep Bureau's wooden living track and some sniper bullets alright I'll take them now the question is where am I oh I'm not that far away from home I'm not at all I just need to go that way right over here I'll make it no right back home we are woohoo can you walk in yes I've learned how to use her a little bit better good job piggy proud of you proud of you for your adventures today alright let's close that off oh we need to go over here oh I don't have any I don't think I have any uh stuff to cook in here with oh we got a lot of good loot hey this okay craft oh I can craft up eight oh good that's perfect I was hoping it was one bar to each he'd also do fifty eight of these Wow oh I have 58 iron ingots in there also I do have like another 82 iron ingots in there so yeah you can oh wait no I made three what what's going on I want those okay take that take that back and then put it back in that's weird that's really weird and then we'll craft up 82 of the irony gets us well all goes at the same time that's easy 15 minutes remaining on those okay so I've got four here and I had like another eight or something yeah lit up okay and now I need glass so I have to go get some sand hey there we go everything's ready to go let's take those we take it a hundred and forty iron ingots how cool is that access the inventory of this thing now I could type in pics and we can build it the pics block container oh yes I'm looking forward to this thing I can't grab it take it and now put that in our magic zone although we didn't really do what magic I would wanted to do today um let's see I could build it into this well how big is this thing gonna be let's check how big is the pix block container put it over there whoa she's big she's a big one all right let's haul those some of this out okay let's try it Wow does it go back another one yet hi how do you you can't even see this thing I can't even oh it needs to go on those floors okay let's open these up and tada hey there we go okay now which side is which you can't even tell that looks right that looks right super big okay and now how do you how do you use it disable auto release hold for more options excess inventory oh okay wait wait wait interesting this side you can't do anything with I hope I didn't mess up the outside of my fortress I know it looks a little funny see if I can go patch it up oh wow right this is not good not good oh I can't put one there though okay can I put one here in here okay I got it I got affixed in ain't nobody gonna know the difference ooh yeah I did it I did it it's beautiful she's beautiful well we'll make that into a castle at a different date now let's grab the stuff on a piggy let's grab our one guy or whatever his name was um yeah and then we'll take the pics block we got it nice oh I can't move I move too heavy Oh too heavy as biggest it's too big ninety pounds yeah I'm a little bit over where's my kitty cat here he is let's throw the kitty oh wait let's drop these guns that should free me up maybe not there's a lot there though and then this thing that's six pounds I guess I can throw down the glass doesn't matter that thing doesn't matter sulfur it's kind of heavy is that let me move yeah I can move now ha I can move we can do it we can put into things into our picks blocks oh is this gonna be hollow I don't I don't want to do that okay excess inventory and then we'll put in one haha they're stored Pegasus wait what happened what just piggy what are you doing disabled disabled oh okay we wanted to see and now I want to put it back in where are you put you in okay piggy are you doing up there what are you doing I need you back I need nope that's the container oh boy I might have messed this up big time okay oh I got you I got you six blocks yes finally okay let's put her in here now please work please work [Music] yes they're stored and after all that work we have our Pegasus and our shadow Kitty up inside of there man what a mess I might have to move this it's not that hard to make oh great nevermind it does take a lot of copper we'd only get a half back that is a lot so in the future I'd like to have a haul of those things made up where we got like a hundred of them or something anyway guys that'll wrap it up for me today in this beautiful episode Oh pics Ark I hope you enjoyed it if you did let me know give me some tips or what I should do next and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 291,700
Rating: 4.8942904 out of 5
Keywords: Pixark, Pixark game, pixark gameplay, pix ark, pix ark game, pix ark gameplay, pixark ep 1, pixark episode 1, pixark part 1, ark, minecraft, pixark taming, pixark release date, pixark trailer, minecraft mod, ark survival evolved, ark mod, dinosaur taming, dinosaur game, mar2018, 2018, PixArk, pixark release, PixarkS01, pixark creatures, pixark vs minecraft
Id: 920MomjP0Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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