IS THIS THE MOST UNIQUE SURVIVAL GAME EVER MADE?! The NEW Minecraft? - Cardlife Pre-Alpha Gameplay

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If only there was a vote option for sub sunday. Oh right, there is.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Scruffiez 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

The most interesting part starts at 1:50.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/justaguyulove 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

I believe he already played this game. Just check VODs

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ciyako 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
all right yep we got an M right over here freaking looming around up on me huh yeah that's how we do it that's how we do it boys hello already grease the place we were checking out a game for the channel called card life so this is a new survival style game I have links in the description below if you want to check it out the developer got with me and sent me a code so I could check this out this has some of the most unique concepts in a survival game I've ever seen in my entire life so far so first off there's a couple things you're gonna note so the things that make this a traditional survival game you go out I'm in a multiplayer server right now there's PvP and stuff like that I think I'm pretty much alone you go out you get resources you get food you don't want to starve that is a fantastic sunrise you fight animals you get better equipment etc etc there's a day/night cycle there's different biomes and stuff like that so first off you're gonna notice the entire world is made completely out of cardboard including us the pickaxe or I should say that the hatchet I'm wielding here is out of cardboard all of it all the different resources all the trees even the animals even the clouds are made out of cardboard and they are all completely destructible I actually carved through a mountain to get on the top of this little hill over here so you can go as far down as you like go anywhere you want now the other thing about this and this is the part that goes beyond anything I've seen in a multiplayer survival game ever so you have a crafting system ok let me go over here and you know let's say we want to make something let's do a lot of make a sword I made this this crappy hatchet over here you start out with your items ok so we find out a swords over here a stone a stone short sword needs some wood we've got some of that and then it needs some plant fire we got some of that ok so now we can click on this and we could just craft it and you'll get a lovely looking sword like it's no big deal but this is this is neat if you want you can click on the customize button and now you get to make your own sword and what it looks like is how he is whatever you want you this is revolutionary being able to do this is incredible so you know obviously if you want you can you can draw yourself a horrible phallus sword or something like that let's um let's draw something else let's do um kind of sword do I want will be one of those swords where it has like like the giant cutting things on one side like this here there you go you could actually probably shape it like a slice of pizza if you really want it to like that there and that's our sword and legitimately now this is the sword that will be made I think I may have made it back but whatever this is the sword that we made now so if we go over here and we equip it you know I mean I made it with the with the serrated edge in the right direction that's how the sword looks this isn't my house but someone started to build this they wanted to make themselves some windows in the wall so they cut these windows out this means that your character oh and when you make your character you cut your character out and you make him so the face the facial features the body style is however you want to make it so if you want to make a fence you can make a fence you could cut out a wall to look like a fence if you want to make it look like a like a gate you could make it look like a gate if you want to make ramparts for a castle you could make ramparts for a castle so I'm just now started starting to kind of like learn a little bit more of the crafty I'm getting a little hungry here so we're gonna go ahead and eat one of the things is there's no leveling for your character right now in this game this is this is very early like I said I'm have links if you want to check it out but there's still a lot for us to craft there's a lot of um like a lot of armor and stuff like that I think we should probably get it so you can see over here we have arms like armored arms so let's go ahead and get full equipped of course we're gonna customize this so oh and when there's more pieces to customize like the chest plate I had to customize like four or five different pieces you can customize all those different pieces so if you want this to I don't know if you want to like I guess maybe like look like a skull or something this is probably like the worst goal I think anyone's ever made you do have to stay close enough to connect the dots kind of like this and then like make it like this and now if you want you could like do like cardboard cutouts so if we want it if it's gonna be a skull we could make like eyes over here that we could cut out like so and I guess if you want like a nose like a weird skull nose it's kinda like make it a jack-o'-lantern say there it is gray skull face worst skull face ever made but that's that's the item now so that's the item that we'll be wearing so let's go ahead and drop that into our arm areas right there looks like we have some legs too so let's go ahead and put those together real fast now again if you want you can just have this like however the game wants to make it for you so if we want this like a little bit smoother to look like legitimate legs probably just go like this like this and then we'll give it a little world of warcraft' Flair like that right there there we go Kyle like that like I said if you want to like cut something out in it there's no reason why you can't like if you want if you want to look like banded maybe could probably go let's see how could we do this we could probably go like this there we go and maybe like another one like over here there we go let a little air in you know I mean this way our poor guys not getting overheated or anything like that put those right there all right so now we have full armor and we have a weapon so we're ready to go man now the one thing I have it messed with yet is building a building so someone made this he's got some torches on it and stuff like that it looks like there's another building over here I do not know how big this map is at all now it's I'm still like I said I I kind of hope there's a wolf right over there or something I noticed that you get hungry very very quickly in this game too although I have it like for any any creatures yet and F by the way allows you to put your weapon away as a matter of fact you know what hold on let me let me finish one other thing here we're still using a wooden helmet so let me go ahead and make my best helmet that I can have all right we're gonna want Super Saiyan hair for the helmet you boys know and then the giant jaw line because gray always has a very very powerful jaw one let's see if I can get this there we go like that kind of bring it on down over here like this right over like that giant gray nose as we do there it is and bring it up to the top and now you want to place for your eyeballs to sit so I'm making that one like that I'm gonna make it like a regular a regular I like that right there there we go that's Leonidas that's what I'm talking about fantastic all right now we're all set up now we're looking pretty armored and whatnot so I guess the question is can I beat a wolf I don't know let's find out let's check this cardboard wolf out over here come on buddy you want peace well peace sucka yeah oh there it is we're doing it we're doing it I've never killed anything so I don't know what they drop ah woo got some meat and a pelt okay I let's find out what those do I imagine the meat you can cook see raw meat can be consumed you think that you'd be able to cook it on a fire or something and how about this Pelt ah you can make hide alright and then you can make a bunk bed and a large bed we'll check out some of the base stuff in a second right now let's go ahead and I guess make the hide real so now what do you do with hide when you have this oh it just makes leather or a furnace or a forge ooh okay so for these we can make a forge and then a furnace so orang ingots and then craft metal equipment alright so we're probably gonna want to do that for sure let's check what is that wolf doing over there that wolf is dancing the cardboard Laden jig he's gonna have to die for his transgressions as we all know cuz I need his delicious Pelt to make more stuff and I wonder do you how fast can you swing I wonder if there's a blocking function to it doesn't it doesn't appear that there is Oh taking a little beating here and there one more for you buddy there we go okay grab another pail over here alright let's check this guy is structure over here because it looks like he has something now I think that you can give people permissions which I probably don't have to get in and you can also eat to uh to give yourself some health back so luckily we have a whole slew of berries on us yeah there's like a forge or something in here I don't know if we could use this it doesn't look like we can oh when you start you don't start with any items or anything so you have to punch everything just like every other survival okay but luckily punching can get you anywhere so I kind of want to build a building is that a Tyrannosaurus Rex or something right down there there's a freaking cardboard to raid asaurus rex looming around yeah I think I'm gonna leave that alone I haven't messed with the water either there's clearly like a beach down there and everything let's go ahead and see if we can find ourselves a nice place to call home a lot of wolves and there's a lot of stone actually this is a pretty decent place to make a base I mean I don't want to build right next to this poor guy I kind of want to give him his I kind of want to give him his own space but there's a lot of stone there's a lot of wood and there's a lot of like food and stuff around here which is really good because these berries are like super useful because like I said it's very easy to get renewable source of food this is a little area that I kind of like dug out over here just messing around the side of the the side of the hill I wonder if I could find hell was that oh there's caves by the way and there's stuff in the caves I don't know what that was some sort of weird creature or something I don't know like what our power level is right now I know I have the goku hair so I'm trying to like determine my own Pi level but realistically I don't know like how tough I am compared to everything else in this game and it's permadeath oh it's a goblin okay too sad looking goblin can I can we beat a goblin oh god if I screw this up it's gonna be really bad let's give it a go find out all right goblin what do you got um he's pretty tough like he's pretty tough whoa holy crap we almost got freaky kill Oh rancid meat that's disgusting all right well let's heal ourselves back up over here and while we're doing that we can take out our our sickle look at this jacked-up sickle I mean I told you man you can make them however you want I wanted to make like a crescent moon sickle and it came out as like a really really derpy crescent moon sickle these things over here how you get fibers by the way those uh those blue looking iris plants or whatever they were now and like I said everything's destructible so if you want if I hit this here a piece comes out if I hit it up here a piece comes out and then if we chop it all the way through this is awesome get your cardboard tree over here and then timber realistic physics there you go tree comes down Wood gets popped out I think there's resin in here as well and the the resin allows you to like stick things together I think there's a torch that you can make with resin again we have a we have a pickaxe over here that I've blade really jacked up ingly made I could hammer away a stone to get stone over here if you want we'll go ahead and grab that but like I said for right now I think I'm just gonna find a little place to to set up for the moment I kind of want to climb to the top of that hill I gotta watch out though because there are cardboard bears around we definitely need to watch out for that and yeah as you run you get hungry really really fast as a matter of fact let's take our sickle out so that we can start getting a bunch more berries and then we'll get more fiber to fiber is used in just about everything so I imagine no matter what having a bunch of fiber on me is just gonna be super useful all right we got like another sandy biome over here looks like there is several caves going into the side of this mountain this mountain actually looks really cool I kind of there's like different trees up there too there's like um coniferous trees or whatever they're called I think we're gonna get to see the cardboard moon pretty some wall holy crap almost went right into that giant cave oh this mountains gonna be awesome because all these caves I haven't found iron yet I haven't really been looking for it but I'll bet these caves have iron in them what is this what is this stuff right here oh let me see I grabbed a pickaxe for this I don't know if that's just dirt think it's just dirt there it is there's the cardboard moon man I love to look at this game it's just very very unique up what the hell was that oh I think there's something on the other side of this mountain probably inside the cave it's probably a growing us inside the cave there's a big Valley over here let's kind of move through this valley and see if we can get to the top we'll see how high we can get I think there's a torch and a matter of fact we can probably make one I think it's wood and resin yeah there we go and like I said we don't have to we don't have to craft it the hard way if we don't want to we can just make it like this there we go now we can actually see at least gonna hop my way up here like it's no big deal oh oh it's like a snowy biome up here okay this is pretty cool look at this view I like this plateau over here it's nice and flat too I think we might try and build over here yeah I think what the hell is that whoa it's like a stone golem or something holy crap it's huge umm let's move away from that I don't I don't know if we're ready for that quite yet let's um let's go into our inventory here let me see what kind of stuff we can build we got a bunch of a bunch of wood and rock on us I think we can combine some of this maybe not all of it alright so a stone foundation is rock and then just fibers so let's see what happens when we make one of these we got double what is that okay how about just the regular one I imagine this is more it doesn't appear to be more so how crazily can you customize this now there's no dots here so what am I allowed to do oh this may be just like your standard stuff can you cut things out of it if you want it to like could you oh my god you could you could cut a hole out of this if you wanted to um let me just make like a normal a normal foundation first just to see like how it works so now we have our first little bit of foundation I'm gonna lift it up a little bit that is a big bear or something looming in the background over there so right about like this let's do like a um let's do like a 2 by 2 real fast so we'll make we'll make 4 pieces of this ah the foundation snapped together ok so if you want now you don't have to snap these together but they like you can sew but I noticed that they snap together which is freaking awesome cuz I'm terrible at like doing this my you know like just trying to guess how it is so let's go ahead and make let's go ahead and make one more of these and then get us nice and set up over here let's snap it in there we go okay so now we have the foundation to a little house over here that we can build and how about walls and stuff like that now if you want to you can click on this and you could type in like wall and then we'll get a bunch of walls and things like that so we got stone corner gable sloped man there's actually a lot of stuff here like a lot more stuff than I would have thought how about like window like is there nope because you make your own windows okay so let's do walls then let's do um let's do four walls but I'm gonna customize two of these because I want some windows in them so now how much can you customize this like can can I cut let me think can I cut it like this hold on this Oh probably just the middle here I got it okay alright so like that and like that and then hold on out right about like this again you know your free hand in it so you takes a little doing but it'll work yo looks like the sun's coming up which is friggin awesome there we did it so can you like save this I wonder it almost looks like they're trying to like they're trying to implement that but let's go ahead and create one of those so now that we have one of those oh yeah there it is baby let me see if I could stick it on there I want it I want I want the the windows overlooking this view so let's put one like that and let's go ahead and make another one real quick this is wild I've never I've never seen this level of customization before it's crazy let me go ahead and put this other one in there there we go now we've got these nice windows overlooking that area I think I'm gonna have my front door going right out to this valley so what kind of door do we have and let's see how we do this let's put stone and then our fire because we always need it and then door uh yeah so door there we go so it doesn't look like you can customize this so let's just go ahead and craft it real quick and let's put this down now does it know which way which way it goes down oh you kid with the right click you could put it on either side right if I put it like this nice oh yeah there we go okay so we have the beginning over here now we need obviously like more walls and stuff like that man I really like windows though I think I'm gonna have like one more window looking out this way so that when I open my door I know what I'm getting myself into I think what's crazy is that like we made a sword right but it could have been anything we could have made anything we could make a mace we could we could make a hatchet we could make an axe like we could have designed that in almost any way we wanted to that's what I think is awesome about this how the different items have functionalities and their stats and everything but if you want to make something that looks a certain way you absolutely can that's what I think is really cool so let's go over here I'm gonna make a couple more walls I'm gonna make two more walls well actually we need one two three four we need four more walls so let's go ahead and do this this way we can completely enclose our little base over here at least put one there oh is it copying what I already had hold on a second this is interesting how did it how did it know oh it probably used the last known thing that I made okay maybe or maybe it just copies whatever you select it to let me see I don't know that's so weird huh um I mean I don't mind having windows everywhere it's not really a big deal or anything like that I'm just kind of making it just to make it try it out so if we have stuff like that and get out here real quick and we can we can get rid of this I don't need that like it is I feel like we should have like some steps or something like that well you know what I may even want like a patio out here like a nice deck or something maybe I'll get like two of these going out for a little bit of a deck we're gonna need to get some food in a little bit as well there we go now I got like a little deck now let's see if we can make some stairs might be get some like I said some food I think I still have a couple of berries on me I do I've got a couple let's see here I guys still got more stolen we're gonna have to go out and get some more materials here in a little bit so stare I think I see em right here stone stair foundation let's try one of those and see what this looks like once we get it eventually I might have to get rid of all two all the wooden tools that I have so now can I Nik this to this turn it the other way or does it have to connect does it have to connect to the foundation going downward like that oh there we go if we keep right-clicking we can go through all the different motions for it but it won't let me it won't let me put it in here I wonder if it's because it's it's a certain size like it it can't go that low so all right well that's fine let's see what other kind of stuff we have around oh you know what what else we should make maybe the bed is like a save point or something like that I haven't even mess with that yet let's um go over to this and then coarse leather we're gonna have to make sure to make that some point about this can this do anything yeah where you wake up after being defeated okay so six planks eight planks let's just do this one so somewhere over here oh my god you can you got to be kidding me you can customize this oh you can make like a symbol in here hold on so if I want like some sweet arches like this again old gray ain't the best here at now it kind of looks like an overbearing phallus or something and we get like this and over here like that and then kind of sway it in as we did on the other side oh my god look at I jacked up it is but now we wanted to hold on we could put I want the g4 gray still plays on it this way everyone will know a lot yes oh it's magnificent we could have a little coat of arms over here if we want the coat of arms is gonna be hold on now the coat of arms is this very very unhappy face there it is right there I'm gonna make another one on this side it's gonna be a little bit lopsided and derpy but I don't even care anymore this game is this games hilarious there we go there it is there's the great still place bad people oh my god alright hold on let's uh let's go inside here real quick okay so now where am i oh I can put it anywhere I want huh all right let's um I want to wake up and then roll over and be able to see all of nature's beauty put it right about like that there it is look there's the G there's the unhappy faces there's the wolf pelt sitting on it okay freakin awesome all right so we found all that we're super hungry right now so let me uh let me grab a couple of pieces of food over here just to get a little bit we're probably gonna have to beat up a bear or something eventually the wolves gave us enough trouble as it is so what what I'm gonna do real fast oh you know what I haven't made myself a stone sickle so let's go ahead and make one of those real quick I think we need wood for this probably yeah there we go there we go so stone sickle plant fiber there we go and now we can customize and then if we want it to I don't know I don't know how I want this to look how like jacked-up can you make it call my hair okay you could whole yeah we put for some reason a big thing over there almost looks like a like a weapon rather than a sickle oh yeah I want jagged chunks over here like this a little bit like the Mona Lisa and then kind of a weird little cut going this way like this sweep it around like that and an air is your sickle BAM right oh it's hideous but whatever lovely like I said there's a ton of food and plant fiber and all kinds of stuff right next to our base the biggest thing that I want to find though is metal so maybe what we'll do is we'll go over to one of those one of the many many caves that were near us and we'll go inside of it and we'll see if we can find any iron or anything because I we're really gonna want iron I think I want to try that Forge out if we can go ahead and use the forge I want to get iron weapons and then maybe we'll see if we can beat up a bear or something now we'd all have a roof either so we are gonna have to get a roof at some point oh maybe I'll make it like two levels well we can always expand because I think you can just press Delete on anything that you make and that'll that'll get rid of that item that's kind of like how you clean up the other stuff that you don't want yeah there's a lot of bears around the base like I said that could be good later on right now though I don't know if we can defeat them or not all right we got ourselves a little key I heard I heard like an empress something inside of it I don't know how tough you might be Oh where'd you go wow this is a this is an interesting cave structure let's go inside see what it's like Oh what is this that looks like iron I mean I would I would guess it's iron let's say oh it's copper what is copper do I mean obviously it'll allow us to make something I just don't know what but I mean I'll take it all right let's do a copper does so copper all requires a furnace okay so no matter what we're gonna have to get a furnace and what does it take for a furnace I think it takes these hides and this is into ingots so yeah we need more hides although we need the hides I mean I'm gonna grab I'm gonna grab all this or that I can get because I mean I imagine we're eventually gonna want to use it so for right now just kind of core my way through all this now there's some dirt here if you want you can use your shovel on the dirt but it looks like the pickaxe I'll crap I just busted my pickaxe up yeah there we got some more copper ore over there I should probably make myself a brand-new pickaxe so let's go ahead and do that oh the gray still plays pickaxe of destiny hold on let me I was gonna put my initial on it now it just looks like a pacman whatever that's fine I don't mind pac-man being up in here with me oh yeah there's a lot of are in this all kinds of copper or you know what we need to find some wolves or something so let's go wander around I don't want to lose my base because there's no map in the game you have to kind of find out where you are based upon the positioning of the the Sun and the moon and stuff like that but what is that sound it's it sounds like something squeaking almost like a wheel or somesuch well anyway let's see if we can find some wolves all right yep we got an imp right over here friggin imp blooming around up on me huh yeah that's how we do it that's how we do it boys get your ass on the ground there we go fantastic we got ourselves some rancid meat and we got ourselves another hide that's good because it looks like any haidle do as long as it's called a course hide it doesn't need to be from wolf or anything like that here we go wolf right over here come on buddy mom Rena hey yo dad's how you do it good good yeah give me your meat oh here we go okay now we're dead where does Hyde go OOP there it is I was gonna say I want that hide I want that meat too because that meat gives you like half a gauge when you eat it I mean uh let's see you put it over here there you go now if we eat it well alright maybe it's like a third of a gauge so now we've got three of these and we need what do we need one more yeah we need one more okay so one more wolf and that'll give us our furnace alright got it got the last one I gotta watch out because somewhere over here is that giant like rock golem or whatever it is kind of looming next to our base so I'm giving him a bit of a wide berth over here I guess if we want to that's not what I want to do I was gonna say I guess if we want to we can throw down our torch okay oh you know what we should make ourselves some wall torches right by the right by the doorway over here no reason not to let's see them we're here and then I think all we need is some wood and some that and then you can have a table or a wall what a wall and then we can customize it to look however we want there we go put a couple of curly Q's on it because why not there it is and there's our torch okay let's go ahead and create one of those actually let's create two of those there you go I think I think it's if they stack together they end up being the same kind of torch now how do you how does this connect to something I wonder ah okay so it doesn't connect to the door necessarily it looks like it technically connects to the wall there we go there we go now we're friggin set now we can actually see things okay let's go and make our furnace ah let's see all right Rock fiber that craft alright takes a little bit of time here we go okay let's go ahead and here and like I said for right now we'll keep everything kind of compact I guess I'll put it next to the wow this thing is like a lot bigger than I thought it would be like a lot bigger than I thought it would be I've decided I don't want to block up that area so I'm gonna start making like an area over here for all my crafting I think so we'll put this over here for right now now which way which ways forward with this thing I really don't know I don't know how big it is either it looks like it's just like a square let's kind of put it how far can you put it over oh you can put it pretty far over let's put it right about like that right now there we go okay so now go in here looks like it takes fuel which I imagine is wood I would assume all right wood or smelt okay and it just burns up a bit of wood as it does it okay sweet so now we have copper ingots all right so what do these copper ingots do require okay so we need a forge for this so what does it take for a forge let's see here we're gonna need four hides this time 40 and then 12 for a forge that's not the bed um I think we'll be able to do this you have a signpost a landscape picture a statue that's pretty cool like a founder statue and then the Spade everything else okay let's um let's see if we can get enough of the hides real quick to make a forge we got a regular Wolf Pack over here we need to watch out I only want to take one at a time so yeah there we go Wow hitting kind of hard oh can I eat and heal at the same time oh you can you can actually eat which will heal you a little bit while you're fighting the only problem is we don't have a ton of food left on me so I'm probably gonna have to go and get a bunch more in a little bit all right we've got all the hides we need now all I have to do is get a bunch of stone so let's go ahead and start getting all this stone over here looks like there's another cave right next to my base as well we could probably take a look inside there if we want to I just want to get this Forge done real fast all right there we go there's our forge all right fantastic now that we have that I'm probably gonna want one more piece of flooring I think to make more space so let's grab a couple more fibers I think there's some laying around over here like I said lovely there is like just great resources all around near where we've got our little our little Hut made right now so can go ahead and grab these very quickly and easily there we go and now we can put down one more foundation you'll head over here Foundation yep like that a little bit of this and then craft alright sweet alright let's put our forge right next to our furnace right about like that there we go that's I'm talking about okay now these ingots what can I do with them oh yeah there we go Oh what kind of sword can I get with this 99 to 130 for damage compared to 77 and 104 Wow okay yeah I want to do that we need 12 copper ingots for that oh and we need these straps strips of course leather used to bind things together okay so that's different than what we've had before I'm just looking through some of the other stuff look at this there's a stool there's a table if we want like a little table to eat at we have a permission console that allows cooperative building that's crazy what else do we have over here we got the ceiling oh we need to make ceilings that's for sure we have all of our different stairs and stuff like that which is nice bunch more ceiling sloped foundations sloped walls there's the statues there's all the torches and stuff we have our bed so we do at least have a bed at the very least so here's the table how big can you make the table oh you could make so you could make the table bigger if you wanted to I mean I think let's give it a shot hold on kind of make it this is a piece of Modern Art over here people okay give me a break right about like that so now it's like a slightly bigger table oh that's the bottom portion okay I got it I got it I got it I put my pac-man symbol on it all right we got ourselves a little bitty table head back over by the base over here and see how it looked now one thing I didn't see they didn't see any kind of like chests or anything like like chests that we could hold our stuff in so I'm kind of wondering where those are at alright now how big is this table oh it's lovely it's like a little I'm gonna use this right over here it's like a little table for uh like a nightstand right there sweet can you see my little pac-man guy you sure Kenny's right right there alright we need one last item table torch right here gotta be on the table I do whatever I want do whatever I want there's my jacked-up torch I don't even know what that looks like I mean it it's supposed to be a torch I'm I won't see what it will see what it looks like once we put it on the table over here and that will set up our base for the most part until I put a ceiling on it so that it will finally begin looking relatively legit I want this facing like this right over here one right there oh oh it's beautiful our sad little town our little home right over here like I said all we need is some ceilings but I think I'm gonna leave it open because I may put like a second level or I may even I think I'm gonna extend the whole thing anyway what do you guys think of card life this is such a crazy game the idea behind it is fantastic I'm a big fan Cooper do let me know what you think about the comment section below it's multiplayer or single-player I just happen to be on the multiplayer pvp server but there's not too many people on the server right now well none on any of the servers right now it seems but yeah I feel free to let me know in the comment section well until the next time stay foxy much-loved [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,443,705
Rating: 4.8181744 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, family friendly, challenge, kid videos, cardlife, cardlife mech, cardlife game, cardlife dragon, cardlife gameplay, cardlife game review, cardlife download, cardlife free, cardlife freejam, most unique survival game, survivla game ever made, survival simulator, box fort, cardboard, cardboard house, cardboard diy, cardboard games, cardboard box, cardlife tutorial, cardlife ep 1, new minecraft, minecraft 2018, minecraft, minecraft mods
Id: om6kveM0bnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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