Minecraft Meets Cardboard! Cardlife Gameplay Ep. 1 | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what's going on everybody's here welcome back to card life so we've looked this actually quite a while ago and it was like early access super early access well now it's over on Steam so you can actually have a link down below you can go check it out get it for yourself and I think we're gonna do I think we're gonna do a single-player for now single players session and doesn't give you the option oh if I do that no we're gonna do single player session for now if it gets good reviews people enjoy it you know maybe we'll try to find a server we'll do things like that but hey if you guys liked this episode don't forget to leave a like if you haven't already don't forget to subscribe as well now last time we looked at it you know super neat super cool and I'm just kind of I don't know it seems fun it seems new I like the take with the the cardboard cutouts and things like that and you can like you can customize things by it's like making cutouts and things like that so uh yeah this is gonna be fun I'm looking forward to it now we're at 4% 5% loaded so we'll be back once it gets a little a little further hopefully it doesn't take too long or what otherwise I'll be sitting here waiting forever alright we're in we are in uh is there a way to hide that shat oh I don't want that chat to be there the whole time oh they'll be super annoying uh controls baby you know what whatever we'll figure it out okay so yeah we're playing card life now let's see everything looks to be running pretty good here not not to complain too much we gotta get her we gotta get our little wood here the first time oh my gosh this is this is gonna take a while Oh before I remember take it out like a lot more chunks at least they give you a it looks like they actually give you like somewhat somewhat of like a toriel not necessarily says to ever punched down a tree to collect wood easy enough I cannot wait to make an axe I'm gonna tell you that right now whoo look at the clouds oh they're super neat oh that's super cool that is super cool I really like that well it just fixed itself my tree that I was working so hard just prepared itself I guess if you leave it too long it uh it repairs itself I'll switch when my mouse over because my my wireless one was about to die so we couldn't have that during the during the gameplay that's not allowed not allowed the clouds actually looks super cool it's it it's it better if I do this timber all right so what we got yeah we got some wood we got some wood we got some food okay um grab all this okay oh we got some resin collect your rewards Jay collect oh there's like a reward system very neat harvest a flax Bush to collect fiber we just I think we just did that let's go check this one out over here all right now is this a is this a flax we didn't get our fiber from that maybe those our flax pushes what is that what is that oh man wait what are these just like berries well what aren't these your stuff to kid eat and no more star berry oh okay there sorry it's strawberry star berry that's kind of funny okay so those aren't them what about these are these plant matter harvest a flax Bush to collect fiber where's a flex Bush at are those warthogs do we have warthogs are you guys dangerous I don't think for the most part they're not they're usually okay they're usually nice that looks like a bear over there though that also looks like a bear well we have a cave okay all right there's a creek there's a kravid here oh that's funny oh we could turn this into a house but we need to we need to find some some flax Bush all there's wolves and stuff over there always coming after me the crab is coming after me he's trying to attack oh he's a quick little bugger shoot I can't get out of here come on come on come on come on do you leave me alone whoa hey you guys are supposed to be cool oh my gosh this is so dangerous already yeah get out of here oh man he's still after me could we lose him can we lose him in the hole oh okay I fell in the hole oh I'm gonna die okay come on oh my gosh she's still after me all this place is super dangerous Oh No oh there's a bear oh this is a horrible first episode ever where's like the Neisseria how come it doesn't start us in an area that doesn't want to kill you I'm hoping that's a deer those are deer right those aren't gonna attack me okay it looks like we lost him now I think the flax bushes were actually those like really tiny things or the like this those things I think that's a flax bush Oh what are those almost imps and stuff oh my gosh this place is dangerous is this the case is it we got fiber there we go okay so we got some fiber perfect oh we need to find an area that's not so deadly these plants look kind of creepy are these are these gonna attack us you never know oh my gosh yeah we got some honey Barry wait dad not get the okay we did get fiber craft a wooden hatchet press I for inventory of course it's I forum Tory why can't you just make a tab what's tab do see chap doesn't do anything options let's change that real quick okay perfect I for inventory it wants us to crash it crap crash craft a hatchet so craft one of those guys oh I like this already let's make it look like let's make it look like this like that and then we'll put like a make it I don't know oh my gosh I don't know worst acts ever oh I love it create so funny oh my goodness okay so we have a hatchet I don't I don't want this how do I get rid of my inventory item is there is there a key to put down your inventory item oh my goodness oh that gives you your hands back okay good all right so you are hungry shall we eat some star berry quest hunger management completed whoa I guess we should start collecting our awards huh click that reward click that one click that one okay all right looking good oh my goodness we need a nice area Oh is there water over there okay oh oh those are bushes they're just bushes people but there's a whole bunch of fiber over here should we try to get some let's try to grab some of this hopefully we don't get attacked these aren't acne what are those those are kind of cool looking they almost look are they are those the imps they almost look like like if a sea horse was on land I feel like that's what it would kind of look like alright let's see if we can't get over there maybe hopefully I can plant stuff to you if we can plant stuff that'd be super nice oh there's wolves right there hopefully they're wolves or hopefully they're yeah they're wolves I was it's a it'd be kind of cool if you liked a wolf you probably can it's more crabs more desert I don't know if we want to be into the desert or not though I don't feel like we actually do I don't feel like we actually want to be in the desert oh okay hold on there's a nice little area over here let's go check this out yeah there's wolves there though oh all the good areas have wolves in them alright that's fine cardboard warfare craft a wooden sword let's do that wooden arrow wouldn't bolt wouldn't a sword craft and let's make it look I don't know I actually like the design of this a little bit better and oh right here and there ah create a big nasty sword alright perfect so can we put these away wait what just happened did I just drop that no I want that shift click shift click shift click doesn't work okay alright go figure I don't really want all these on the hotbar they don't need to be on the hopper no need for that actually so what we'll do is we'll have our sword here we'll have our axe here and we'll get some wear what's uh which one's better we'll get some spring berries put those there okay perfect alright so we have our sword so we can fight things maybe we should go take this area over I guess we could try and see what happens let's check out let's check out the sacks oh you are very hungry what where's my oh there's my hunger oh my goodness maize because I was running so much defend a defeat a deer and eat it's wrong why would I eat raw meat that doesn't sound like a good idea Jimmer boink yeah give you all that good stuff ok I'm actually really liking this this is actually pretty fun I can't wait to build a house we definitely need to build a house though that needs to happen alright so let's get our sword back out let's see how many wolves are actually here I know they're gonna try to attack me I know they will okay all right all right we're doing this leave me alone leave your love leave it alone let me alone I just want to be your friend come on poor dog poor thing oh I feel so bad feels so bad okay we got to defeat a deer though I really want to claim this area as my own and I think we're going to I think we're going to I think we're gonna try try building some stuff here alright a hunger looks okay let's see can we start building a house and stuffs wooden Squire likes oh we have armor that we can build as well okay is there like a crafting table one squire Foundation a square foundation used to start building okay we need those cherry wood what do we have to have sure you would can we use oak wood Gayle's craft mmm well craft craft up let's craft that wisely goes a square that's fine yeah what are we out of route of wood we need more what luckily we are surrounded by wood now there is a durability factor on the tools that's fine I mean I would kind of expect that this is definitely like minecraft e meets like paper craft I really like it I really like this this is a good time it looks like it won't actually be too difficult I was a little worried about hunger and stuff before but I don't think it's actually me that bad let's grab all of this this is where we're gonna call home for now we're gonna try calling home here and see how it goes see how it actually works out now I'm actually curious should I not be taking these bushes all the way down I'm kind of thinking I shouldn't let's let's do this let's do a test okay we'll do that do I get anything no I'm not getting anything out of these so I actually do have to take these all the way down but these actually give us berries which is good yeah these these have to be oh my gosh okay hopefully we can grow this stuff because we're gonna need all the fiber I'll just stupid crab we take him out let's take him out what's up dude get some get rekt get rekt yeah your little eyeball oh gosh he's he's doing a number on me I think we may be they ready to get armor be gone yeah crabby yeah crab you know our hunger it's actually like solid right now I wonder if we start off at like half hunger because hasn't gone down much at all welcome to card life you know this is actually really funny though actually I have a really good time with this this is gonna be a good time I really hope you guys enjoy I really do okay let's do this and we'll get that guy down oh there's another wolf crap oh oh my gosh okay we took you on once get some get rekt headshot headshot oh yeah get some be gone yeah I don't want to do that like I want to have you to be my friend but you guys just just don't want to do it alright it's starting to get night time so let's actually go and play some of these down okay we're we're on top of the hill so this will work will do one there there there okay so let's get some more see if we can't get another foundation we just need one more Foundation for now craft one of those create and then let's see where's woah wouldn't I just want a wall wooden fence wooden wall double foundation okay we want what one two three four five six seven eight we need eight of these ah looks like we're stuck at four for now should we make some windows okay so let's do let's do some windows I think this is how this will work oh my gosh don't laugh of my windows so bad yeah oh it's so hard with the actually let's do this well they got a smiley face yes yes oh my gosh that's so funny we made smiley face dwell walls oh I love it okay so seven will pull one make there there and there - funny I don't place that there okay perfect I love it so much oh this is what's good this this is what's gonna make this game fun it's just like the create creative abilities that you can have unfortunately my mouse is not like super accurate so perfect perfect shapes it would be kind of cool if they gave you a tool that would like a square tool you know that make like a perfect square or circle or something maybe the future will see that be a thing but kind of neat kind of neat I'm liking it alright so I'm gonna go around I'm gonna collect up some wood so hopefully we can get our house finished I would like to at least get a house done and yeah it's just gonna be a super basic actually my third one more foundation just to kind of keep it off the the square status you know all right so we got one more foundation there we'll get our nice little fancy door put it right there and then I think I'm ready to make another wall so I did I did very my design a little bit okay it needs to be a little bit low if I want to actually I'll see out of it alright so let's go ahead and make one more woah craft and we'll just do one like this we kind of see perfect create make that bad boy perfect seven and put on there look at that oh this is nice we need a roof though we definitely need a roof what's ceiling we'll probably stick with those how many can I make I can only make one that's fine we'll craft one create I'm not gonna make that anything special perfect and we'll throw it right there okay look at this place Wow press E to open the door oh I like it I like it okay now is there like I'm guessing there's beds of what nicer beds a building permissions console enchanting table clothing rack course hide Nomad Scout legs Nomad Scout arms what is this stone a coarse leather and thread yeah that's above us for sure absolutely not gonna work a bed though here we go simple large bed oh we just need some wood cuz we already have some wolf pelts so that'll actually work out pretty good alright I guess I'm gonna go on the hunt for more some more more wood just get in what here actually you know what I just realized can we make we can make a stone axe that'll probably where we need for this we need wood okay we're gonna make a wooden pickaxe and then we're gonna get some stone and we're gonna try making a stone axe maybe that'll cut things down faster I don't know I don't know if it plays anything like Minecraft that would it would make things cut down faster so I guess we'll see there's that and then this one timber okay grab some things I think these actually respawn fairly quickly so I'm actually not too worried about leaving them it is daytime though oh I'm glad that nights are not super long all that'd be awful okay oh we actually have enough for that I guess we'll craft that it was created it's fun I'm not worried about it well we'll start designing stuff later and then oh we actually have stone right here actually there was a where is it there's there is a hole right here we could make this our mineshaft let's do that let's see okay so we need to be able to get in and out of here so if we start doing this I need to get I need to punch through to the stone we need some stone here I imagine it's just you go down deeper you get stumped right I would think so I would think so okay I could be wrong that could be completely wrong that doesn't seem to be giving us anything let's just grab this stuff right here it's right here we might as well just take it and maybe there'll be a big huge stone thing right here well looks like there's be a decent size here okay looking good all right so there's that let's see can we make a stone axe no oh it takes a lot of stone it takes it takes a lot more stone than I realized I thought I only took a couple nope it takes way more so once we get these basic tools out then we'll actually have to go out and start looking in the caves for some things as well okay how much does how much do I have now I have 22 okay so that's enough fur well now I want to get enough don't first don't pig as I imagine that'll be faster too right absolutely we're digging we're definitely digging ourselves into a hole you know maybe a shovel would be better for dirt similar to similar to the Minecraft hmm might be a thing all right so we have enough Joe how much does a pig take Oh will be good for both we just need more we need more wood you get a load we need a lot of wood need tons of wood I have to get all the woods all right now okay so there's our X craft X create we're leaving a basic and let's also get a pic create that guy now let's swap these out with that and this one out with there actually well we get these in here perfect okay now let's see how well a stone axe does against the tree is it faster oh yes definitely faster oh this is nice oh I can't imagine like iron some like that like oh that's give me so much better that is so much better oh my goodness way better okay totally worth it that was that was absolutely worth our mining adventure right here yeah we need tons and tons of wood oh my gosh means so much wood I'm trying to see if anything's like respawned it doesn't look like oh we got some warthogs over here darn it those little sneaky Devils they're gonna try to kill me they are gonna try to kill me oh I think we did a cave it definitely looks like we hit a cave also the stone pig way better absolutely way better yeah we just got make sure we can get up and out of here can we get up and out of here okay it looks like we can still all right so let's uh oh oh you know what there's torches is oh yes there is oak wood and resin let's craft this is that for one that's for one Sorge oh what a flaming torch that provides light wait is this a torch that you can place on like the grounded stuff okay let's see here nine can I place it no you can't play so if I switch oh oh this isn't gonna work uh is there a way to like a place a torch Flybe torch that provides light is there a torch holder maybe mmm okay well what can I drop it what if I drop it that didn't work oh dear oh oh what is that oh I can't see anything though oh here's here did okay eat it open I'll scrap this guy back let's grab that one back actually put that on my hand darn it I just messed up I dropped it again eat open grab this put it in there okay looks good um hist know who hold it oh oh uh okay this hasn't loaded in properly I just fell out of the world this is not good oh dear oh oh my goodness oh what's oh we're so lucky we are so lucky okay um it didn't load it's it's not loading in okay can I get this what is all this okay something is not loading in here it doesn't look like floating in there's no way okay well what if I do this so you gonna load something in it doesn't it doesn't load anything in this is weird this is weird there's no way that supposed to be like that well what is this okay hold on we're sports the way out it's right here right oh dear you were hungry where's the way out how did I get in here how did oh dear I can't mean this way oh geez okay I came in over here did it close up behind me what I think it closed up behind me once they came in from over here it closed behind wait no is this it oh that was it wait how does okay alright I don't know what's going on here how did I get out of here okay so there's there's my hole we found we found my old guys I'm guessing this is iron ore sometime hopefully more fragments yes cool we just gotta be able to get in and out of here oh that was super scary I was like I thought I was forever stuck in the ground I wouldn't be I would I had to dig my way out but still a little scary nonetheless and the whole like down there's not loaded in either so our hours just collect all that stuff but I mean I guess we'll shoot I keep falling okay we need this I can't see anything let's go this way this way this way okay oh my gosh we made it out oh geez okay so what do we get we got what are these an orange gemstone that can be used in crafting in enchanting oh there's an enchanting thing in copper ore cool awesome alright okay now what we wanted oh gosh it is a little buggy it's a little buggy it almost feels like I have a server lag which is kind of weird cuz I don't I don't think I'm playing on a server I mean I don't know I don't all right let's see can I build I don't think I have enough stuff for the enough ceilings II I can make three craft those perfect okay so there's three let's go and throw this down here with that and we'll put one there trying to think because we could always put stairs and have our why won't that work wait what I put it why is this not working that's really weird why would why would the ceiling not go it's the exact same as I'm lost alright so I exited the game loaded back in and it seems to have fixed it seemed to fix it so it is buggy it is buggy but it's fine it's fine I like you I'm enjoying it so far okay now can we do our bed can we build can we build a bed I feel like that's gonna be a thing my gosh the scroll takes forever okay so we are running we are out of wood all right so we're gonna build our bed and yeah we're gonna do that okay let's see this way more trees all the trees all the trees getting all the trees now is there like optimal I was wondering if it'd be like a way to cut this down faster if I was making like better better placement of my my hacks I guess you just say of hacking away at the tree okay so let's do this yeah we don't have a ceiling right here that's fine let's go ahead let's build our bed oh my gosh it's all the way down here we'll craft this okay so this is the footboard oh that's super cool create that we'll just leave it just go leave it there's no way I could build oh geez uh did I really need a large bed oh don't think so oh I don't think I need a large bed guys this is this is absolutely massive okay so let's do that perfect oh look at the beautiful bed and I sleep maybe you can only sleep at night I don't know we have a bed anyways that's gonna wrap it for this episode guys I hope you enjoyed if you did don't forget to leave a like if you haven't already don't forget to subscribe as well leave a comment down below do you guys wanna see more of this is this something you're interested in and yeah I've liked also I've liked down there for the steam page as well but there's our first little house oh it's so nice so third person I don't know we'll figure it out but um all righty guys hope you enjoyed I'll see you next ugh [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 184,640
Rating: 4.880682 out of 5
Keywords: z13s3r, z1 gaming, cardlife gameplay, cardboard games, card life, card life gameplay, cardboard house, cardlife crafting, survival game, cardlife crafting game, cardlife download, cardlife gameplay part 1, cardlife house, crafting game, cardboard world, cardlife first look, cardlife building
Id: gSqk5y5beJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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